June 4, 2012, 6:52 p.m.
June 4, 2012, 6:52 p.m.
"Dude, seriously, Modern Warfare 3 was no where near as good as Black Ops," Puck argued with Finn as they sat on the couch at Finn's playing Call of Duty. "I mean...the online is cool and all, but the campaign sucks balls."
"No way, man- BOOM! Headshot part two!" Finn declared loudly. Puck groaned and slammed his body back against the couch. "Got you again, Puck."
"Yeah, yeah," Puck sat back up, picking back up at his respawn point. They had been playing for a while and hadn't noticed two boys sneak into the house and tiptoe upstairs. That's why it startled them when they heard a loud groan from right above them.
"What the hell was that?" Finn looked up.
"Not sure...did Kurt come home?"
"Fuck, Kurt, again," they heard the unmistakable voice of Blaine Anderson, sounding positively wrecked. Puck and Finn exchanged lust-filled looks and immediately dropped their controllers, bounding toward the stairs quickly. They appeared outside Kurt's room and pressed their ears to the door, hearing sighs and the creaking of Kurt's bed.
"They're fucking, man," Puck said breathlessly.
"No shit," Finn replied almost as breathless. They heard Blaine moan and curse.
"Sound's like Blaine's taking it," Puck absently began to cup himself through his jeans. Finn looked down.
"Dude," he slapped Puck's arm with the back of his hand.
"Finn, you have no idea...I've fucked Blaine...he's tight as hell."
"Well, I've fucked Kurt- Jesus, why am I talking about this?"
The noises inside the room stopped in the middle of their back and forth and they stared at the door. It creaked open slowly, revealing a thoroughly blissed Blaine.
"Are you two going to debate on which of us is the better fuck all day or are you going to come in and make yourselves at home?"
There was a mischevious grin on his face and Kurt appeared behind him, sweaty and smug.
"I don't know, baby," Kurt twisted his fingers in the back of Blaine's hair. "I'm pretty interested to know myself."
Finn and Puck stared at the two naked boys, mouths slightly open and eyes traveling.
"When are Carol and Dad supposed to be back?" Kurt asked Finn.
"Um...around midnight, I think."
Kurt smirked. "Well then...go finish your little game...or come in. It was just getting good."
Kurt pulled Blaine back into the bedroom and onto the bed, laying him back and kissing him hard on the lips, making Blaine whimper and buck his hips up against Kurt's. Finn and Puck looked at each other for a second before walking inside and closing the door. Kurt and Blaine didn't pay them much attention as they both leaned back against the door, watching the couple. They were almost magical together, their bodies fitting perfectly, each placement of hands perfect and eliciting sighs and moans from the other. Kurt peppered kisses down Blaine's jaw, chest and stomach before diving down and taking his cock into his mouth.
Blaine moaned loudly and gripped Kurt's sweat-damp hair, pulling just the way Kurt liked and making Kurt growl against him. Finn and Puck had both unzipped their jeans, hands stroking themselves gently.
"You two gonna- ungh, fuck- just stand there?"
Puck smirked and stripped off his shirt, tossing it to the floor before he made his way over to the bed and lay down next to Blaine, capturing his lips and taking himself back into his hand. It amazed Puck how easily this came to him- making out with a guy- but it didn't bother him. Finn joined them a moment later, lying on Blaine's other side. Kurt let go of Blaine and kissed and bit at this hip and side.
"I hear there's a sort of bet going on between you two," Kurt smirked, glancing between Finn and Puck. "Now, I know that Blaine here is fucking fantastic and so does Puck..."
He glanced at Finn, whose eyes were blown and dark. Blaine bit his lip as Puck kissed and licked behind his ear.
"He's all prepared for you...if you want him. It's definitely something I'd like to see," Kurt crawled up and straddled Finn, who groaned as Kurt's lusty eyes bore into his. "Me and Puck can watch and wherever that goes..."
"Jesus, Puck," Blaine groaned deeply. Puck had taken Blaine into his hand and was pumping him slowly and nibbling at his chest.
"Well?" Kurt tilted his head, inches away from Finn's lips. "What do you say?"
Finn leaned up and kissed Kurt passionately, lapping at Kurt's bottom lip to gain entry. Kurt chuckled and opened his mouth, sliding his tongue against Finn's in a practiced manner.
"Mm, please," Finn finally confirmed. Kurt nodded and crawled back, pulling Puck away from his boyfriend to the end of the bed. Blaine turned and straddled Finn, who was still in his jeans, causing a friction against his cock that made him hum with pleasure. Blaine attacked Finn's neck while he unbuttoned his jeans and ground down onto him.
Finn cried out and pressed his hands at the small of Blaine's back, feeling the sweat of effort pooling slightly in the indention just above his ass. Blaine pulled Finn's jeans down and tossed them to the side, leaving him naked and leaking. Blaine took Finn's cock into his mouth, swirling his tongue along the head and taking it all the way into the back of his throat.
"Holy shit," Finn exclaimed. Blaine had never given him a blowjob before and he had only had one from Santana and one from Rachel. It was very obvious that the boy knew what he was doing. Blaine glanced up at him seductivly before swallowing around him.
"Blaine," he whined, gripping Blaine's shoulder and squeezing- the silent hint for 'if you don't stop this I'm gonna explode'. Blaine dropped him and reached over to grab a condom from the bedside table to give to Finn. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Kurt sitting with his back against Puck's chest, the two of them watching with black eyes and wandering hands. Blaine gave Kurt a wink before turning toward them, resting on all fours as Finn lined up with him.
"You sure you're...you know..."
"Trust me, Finn," Blaine said in a rough voice. "You're brother is very good at what he does."
Finn smirked before gripping Blaine's hips and pushing into him. Blaine moaned and gripped the bedsheet. Finn was a big thicker than Kurt, so he felt the burn more than he usually did. Finn rolled his hips a couple of times, getting the feel for what he was doing before sliding out quickly then thrusting back in, slamming into Blaine's prostate. Blaine's arms gave out and he fell to his elbows, still gripping the sheet and letting out groans that were almost sinful. Kurt and Puck had begun making out, Kurt's head tilted back with Puck's large hand cupping his neck. He murmured against Kurt's lips and Kurt leaned over to grab another condom out of the drawer. Puck opened it and rolled it on before sitting back on his heels and guiding Kurt into his lap.
"Put on a show for him, babe," Puck smiled against Kurt's ear before pushing into him. Kurt arched against Puck's chest, circling his arm around Puck's neck to grip the hair of his mohawk. Blaine was a mess- between having Finn fucking him harder and faster as he commanded it and Kurt being fucked right in front of him by Puck.
Puck placed his hand on Kurt's back and pushed him forward to where he was only inches from Blaine's face. Blaine captured Kurt's lips with his, the kiss full of whimpers, curses and tongue. Puck reached beneath Kurt and began to pump him quickly.
"Mmm, fuck!" Kurt cried out against Blaine's lips and came over Puck's hand. He felt Puck spasm and release as well.
"Ungh, so hot," Finn thrusted harder and faster into Blaine, who was almost hoarse by this point. Kurt pushed Blaine up into Finn's lap, pressing him even further down onto Finn, and started stroking him.
"Cum, baby," Kurt said against the hot skin of Blaine's lips. Blaine arched and cried out as Finn slammed his prostate and exploded in a haze of white and pleasure. Finn thrusted a couple of more times before he dropped his head against Blaine's shoulder, grinding his hips upward in jerky motions. His body relaxed, breathing labored and warm against Blaine's back. Kurt pulled Blaine up and off of Finn and kissed him deeply, their breaths intermingling as they slowly began to return to normal. The four boys lay down long ways on the bed, sweaty and spent.
"Well...who wins?" Blaine turned his head toward Finn.
Finn shook his head. "Tie, man."
"What? You can't just call a tie." Kurt propped up on his elbow.
"I have to agree. You two just have this unattainable level of hotness and somehow, you just can't beat each other," Puck smirked.
Blaine and Kurt both laughed and Blaine pulled Kurt's head to his chest, stroking his hair out of his eyes.
"God, now I'm hungry," Finn wiped his brow.
"Sex would make you hungry, Frankenteen," Puck jabbed. "But yeah...pizza?" he looked between the three boys.
"Fine, but get one vegetarian. I don't attain this level of hotness by eating that greasy shit you three like."
Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt's nose. "I'd still love you if you ate greasy pizza."
Kurt rolled his eyes and smacked Blaine's chest.
"Ok, now it's just getting adorable," Puck stood up and pulled his jeans back on. "I'm gonna go call the pizza guy. Come on down when you stop being mushy."
The other three laughed and Puck walked out.
"So...a tie?" Kurt looked at Finn.
"Well, Blaine does this thing where he like...clenches, but you tend to push back against me so...yeah, tie."
Kurt sighed. "Fine then, guess we'll just have to keep trying to outshine each other," he said to Blaine.
"Yeah, oh well...more sex for me."