June 4, 2012, 6:52 p.m.
June 4, 2012, 6:52 p.m.
"That fucking creep!" Kurt slammed his bag down on the chair beside his usual in the choir room after getting to school from the Lima Bean. His name was Sebastian Smythe, the creeper Kurt was referring to. He was a tall, semi-good looking boy from Dalton Academy who had eyes for Blaine.
"Calm down, baby. You have nothing to worry about, I promise."
"You didn't hear what he said to me! He said by the end of the year he'd have you! And he told me I had a gay face! Really! A gay face!"
"Well, you sorta do, man," Puck pointed out. Kurt gave him a itch glare and he held his hands up in surrender.
Blaine shook his head. "Kurt, you know I'd never leave you. Don't worry, ok?"
Kurt let out an exasperated breath and nodded, nuzzling against Blaine's hand on his cheek. They sat through class holding hands, Kurt tightening his hand in Blaine's every now and then when he thought about what Sebastian had said that morning. After school, they went back to the Lima Bean for afternoon coffee. When they walked in, Sebastian was there. He beckoned them over to his table.
"Blaine, if I go over there, I may slap him."
"Just ignore him, ok?" Blaine tried to surpress a laugh. Kurt tightened his grip on Blaine's hand as they sat with their drinks.
"Good afternoon, sirs," Sebastian smirked. "Fancy seeing you two here again."
"It's a pleasure, I assure you," Kurt said coldly. Blaine pinched his thigh under the table, a move that clearly said 'behave'.
"Right. So, I'm heading over to Scandals again tonight. Would you two care to accompany me?"
"We'd love to, Sebastian, but we kind of planned to hang out at Kurt's and watch movies," Blaine told him.
"Actually," Kurt cut in, a thoughtful look on his face. "We'd love to. Same time?"
Sebastian looked a little surprised. "Um...yeah, sure," he smiled.
"Can't wait. Well, we really must be going," Kurt stood up. Blaine bid goodbye to Sebastian and hurried after Kurt.
"What was that? I thought you'd rather wear plaid than go out with him again."
Kurt smirked and stood at his car. "Let's just say I have an idea," he smirked. Blaine's eyes grew wide. Kurt looked Blaine up and down seductivly. "Wear something sexy."
Kurt climbed into his car and drove away. Blaine stood staring after him, his jeans becoming uncomfortable. Kurt's ideas...they drove him insane.
Blaine showed up around eight at Kurt's house wearing a tight white long sleeve shirt, a black vest and skinny jeans. He left the gel out of his hair and put on the guitar necklace that Kurt had gotten him for Christmas. When Burt answered the door, he ruffled Blaine's hair and made some goofy remark about being able to touch Blaine's head without getting that crap all over his hands. Blaine laughed and Kurt came down the stairs. He suddenly forgot why the hell he wore skinny jeans because Kurt looked nothing short of fuckable. His hair was tousled carefully and he wore a tight green thermal shirt and skinny jeans with loafers. Blaine swallowed hard to fight the urge to moan aloud in front of Burt.
"Where you kids off to?" Burt asked.
"Movies. Be home by one," Kurt smiled, giving his dad a kiss on the cheek and taking Blaine's hand, pulling him along to the car.
"Be careful, boys," Burt called before shutting the door.
"Jesus, Kurt...you look-"
"Don't speak unless I tell you to, got it?" Kurt pressed Blaine against the car. Blaine's submission took over and he knew immediatly what Kurt's idea was for the evening. Blaine nodded quickly, his eyes diulating quickly with the command. Kurt looked him up and down. "I'm gonna have fun with this."
Blaine moaned as Kurt backed away and opened the door for him, who scrambled in and pressed the heel of his hand against his crotch. Tonight was going to be interesting.
Kurt and Blaine entered the bar and walked toward the counter, seeing Sebastian talking flirtily with a younger looking boy, who couldn't have made it past anyone with a fake ID. The boy was enamoured by Sebastian, but when Sebastian saw Kurt and Blaine, he let the boy go, leaving him staring longingly after him.
"Thought you two would never get here," Sebastian handed Blaine a glass of something clear and fizzy. "Designated D again, Kurt?"
Kurt took the drink from Blaine's hand and downed it quickly. Blaine stared at him in surprise.
"Nope, that's Blaine's job tonight. I'm gonna need it."
Sebastian glanced between the boys, seeing the look of arousal in Blaine's eyes. It made him angry, but he shook his head.
"Fine...set him up," Sebastian said to the bartender, who gave Kurt a seductive look before making him another drink.
They danced for a while and sat at the bar. Kurt and Sebastian had several drinks and Blaine began to get anxious. Whatever Kurt was planning was becoming vague to him because nothing had really happened except for a couple of quips between Kurt and Sebastian. They all walked out of the bar around eleven, Kurt and Sebastian stumbling slightly.
"You've been quiet tonight, Blainey boy," Sebastian wrapped an arm around Blaine's shoulders, his fingers dancing over the top of the opposite one. Blaine glanced at Kurt, who simply watched the display. Blaine was waiting for Kurt to punch Sebastian in the face, but it never happened.
"Not gonna talk to me? Aw, Blaine, I'm hurt," he leaned in a little, whispering the last line in his ear. Blaine couldn't help the goosebumps that shot up his spine at the feeling of his warm breath on his ear.
"Blaine?" Kurt called him. Blaine looked up quickly and saw Kurt looking at him, his eyes unreadable.
"Yes?" Blaine answered. Sebastian looked between him and Kurt, wondering what the hell was going on.
"How about we all go to your house. Your parents are in Cincinatti, right?"
Blaine swallowed hard. "Yeah."
Kurt smirked. "Good."
Sebastian didn't know what the hell was going on, but he started to get a whiff of sexual tension and wasn't about to be out of the loop.
"It sounds like I'm coming, too, then?" Sebastian asked Kurt. Kurt glanced at him, a fire in his eyes.
"That's the plan."
Blaine shivered beneath Sebastian's arm. Sebastian couldn't fight the erection growing in his jeans.
"But we're doing this on my terms...got it?" Kurt stood in front of Sebastian, challenging him. Sebastian's face heated up. He had never been talked to in such a way or felt such a dominant presence from the pale boy.
They entered Blaine's house and walked to Blaine's room in the dark, Blaine and Kurt leading Sebastian down the hall. When the door shut, Kurt slammed Blaine up against the door and claimed his lips. Blaine let out a whimper and tensed his hands where Kurt gripped his wrists, pinning them above his head. Sebastian watched with hunger, seeing Blaine falling apart. It was what he had wanted to see since he first met the boy, though he wanted to be the one to do it. Kurt moved down Blaine's jaw and licked and sucked at his neck.
"Fuck, Kurt," Blaine whined. Kurt pulled back and fixed him with a glare.
"What did I tell you, Blaine? You don't speak until I say you can. And what are you supposed to call me?"
Sebastian fought back a groan. That voice...that wasn't the voice of the boy that he knew...that voice was sex and domination...it was the hottest thing Sebastian had ever heard.
"I'm sorry, sir," Blaine apologized. Kurt pulled Blaine from the door and turned him around, facing Sebastian and pressing his body against Blaine's back.
"Here's how it's going to be, Mr. Smythe," Kurt said calmly as he slowly ran his hand down Blaine's broad chest and stomach, making Blaine lean his head back against Kurt's shoulder and close his eyes. "You want him? You have to work for him. I'm in control of this situation. You do everything I say, no questions asked, or you'll be punished. You wanted this, this is what you're getting."
Sebastian didn't know what made him nod, but he did. He had never been dominated before but Kurt had a power that he had never seen before. He suddenly wanted to do anything that boy told him to do.
"Get on your knees, Blaine," Kurt said in Blaine's ear. Blaine immediately responded by dropping to his knees and looking up at Kurt, waiting for his next command.
"I want you to suck his dick, Blaine," Kurt stroked the side of Blaine's face. Blaine looked a little confused, but no less aroused.
"Go," Kurt whispered. Blaine crawled over to where Sebastian was standing and began working the buttons open on his jeans. Sebastian's head was swimming with how fast this was all going and how it was being gone about. Blaine pulled Sebastian's jeans down his thighs and pulled down his underwear and groaned when his cock was freed. Kurt moved in behind Sebastian and Blaine took Sebastian into his mouth.
"Mmm, fuck," Sebastian moaned.
"Good, isn't he?" Kurt smirked, pressing close to Sebastian. "So warm and wet...and that tongue."
"God, yes," Sebastian reached down to grip Blaine's hair, but Kurt gripped his arm first.
"Touch him and he stops," Kurt threatened. Sebastian twitched with need and Blaine sucked even harder, sinking down all the way to his dark thatch of hair on his pelvis.
"Kurt...please let me-"
"Not in a position to be making demands, Sebastian," Kurt gripped Sebastian's hip and dug his erection into his ass. Sebastian cried out, needing to let go. It was close.
"You wanna cum, don't you?" Kurt said into his ear. "Wanna cum right down his pretty little throat? Well...I'm not gonna let you just yet."
"The fuck-"
"Suck him harder, Blaine," Kurt commanded. Blaine did so, adding a hum in the back of his throat and sending shocks of pleasure and now a bit of pain down Sebastian's body. "Talk back to me again and I won't let you come at all."
Sebastian whimpered and nodded.
"Good boy. Let him go, Blaine," Kurt patted Blaine's cheek. Blaine let Sebastian slip out of his mouth, his breath heavy and cock hard against his jeans.
"You ok, Blaine?" Kurt asked, his hand wrapping around Sebastian's cock and squeezing.
"Yes, sir," Blaine said gruffly.
"Go get undressed and get on the bed," Kurt slowly moved his hand over Sebastian, who let out a cry. "I have to tell our friend here how this is gonna go."
Blaine scrambled up and walked to the bed, unbuttoning his vest as he went.
"Here's how it's gonna be, Sebastian," Kurt whispered into his ear. "That ass is mine, so he's topping you. I want you to go over there and stretch yourself. You're still not allowed to cum. Got it?"
"Y-yeah," Sebastian got out. Kurt still his hand and squeezed.
"What was that?"
"Y-yes sir," Sebastian whined. He had never been more turned on in his life. Kurt had him right where he wanted him.
"Good. Go."
Sebastian felt Kurt let him go and guide him to the bed. Blaine was now naked and sitting back against the headboard, watching. Sebastian took Blaine's naked form in, his cock twitching at the sight of Blaine's angry erection resting on his abs.
"You didn't touch yourself," Kurt smiled at Blaine. "Good boy."
"Yes, sir," Blaine looked back up at him with lust in his eyes. Kurt took off his shirt and jeans and slid in behind Blaine. Sebastian got in front of them and Kurt took Sebastian's fingers, slipping two into his mouth and sucking. The other two boys moaned at the sight and Kurt slipped the two fingers out and pulled Blaine back against his chest. Sebastian spread his legs, giving them a perfect view, and slipped a finger inside himself. Blaine moaned aloud.
"You like that?" Kurt took Blaine into his hand and stroked. Blaine gripped Kurt's thigh, fighting the urge to curse with pleasure. "You're gonna fuck him."
Blaine cried out and leaned his head back, kissing and sucking at Kurt's neck as Kurt's hand sped up. Sebastian added another finger and twisted, brushing his prostate and whimpering, aching for touch and for Blaine's cock.
"I-I'm ready, please," Sebastian said desperatly. Kurt kissed Blaine quickly on the lips and moved from behind him. He walked around the bed to the end and lay Sebastian back, taking his wrists and holding them above his head.
"Remember...no touching," Kurt growled. He nodded to Blaine and Blaine crawled between Sebastian's legs, placing one on each shoulder before slipping on a condom and squirting lube on himself. Blaine gripped Sebastian's hips and pushed in slowly.
"Oh god, fuck," Sebastian cried out. Blaine was huge. He had only bottomed once and the guy was no where this big.
"Go slow, Blaine. He wants it too much," Kurt smirked. Blaine pulled back and slowly rocked back in. He wanted to slam Sebastian into oblivion, but Kurt was in charge. He knew exactly what he was doing.
"You want him to fuck you hard, Sebastian? You have to beg me," Kurt hissed into Sebastian's ear.
"God, sir, please. Please let him fuck me hard."
"You sound so fucking wrecked right now...not so confident and smug with a cock in your ass, are you?" Kurt smirked. "Beg me for it. Beg me, Sebastian."
"Kurt, please, let your boyfriend fuck my ass as hard as he can. I want him to pound me!" Sebastian was almost in tears of pleasure. He thought he was going to die.
"Stop, Blaine," Kurt commanded. Blaine stopped thrusting, his lip between his teeth and his hands gripping Sebastian's thighs hard. He was not much better off than Sebastian at this point. "Now I do believe we agreed you would do whatever I said and I think you know what you're supposed to call me."
"I'm sorry, sir, please, let him fuck me harder!" Sebastian babbled. Kurt considered him for a moment then looked up at Blaine.
"Well, you heard him...fuck his brains out."
Blaine gave Kurt the sexiest smile he could muster and slammed into Sebastian without abandon. Sebastian wailed, gripping Kurt's wrists where he still held his hands.
"Now...beg him for it. Wail like a slut," Kurt said filthily into his ear.
"God, Blaine, harder! Fuck me!" Sebastian was a mess, sweat pouring down his face and chest from the effort of keeping his orgasm at bay. Blaine took Sebastian's hips and began pulling him back against his cock as he slammed in, sending himself deeper and harder into him.
"You wanna cum, Sebastian?" Kurt asked innocently.
"Please, sir!"
"Then do it," Kurt released one hand and Sebastian quickly reached down and jerked himself twice before he screamed and came all over his hand and stomach, body arching up off the bed and trembling.
Kurt walked over to Blaine and pressed his body against Blaine's back. "You too, baby. Cum."
Blaine thrusted hard a couple of times and screamed obscenities into the air as he filled the condom. Kurt wrapped an arm around Blaine, steadiying him and whispering endearments into his ear. He kissed along Blaine's sweaty neck and cheek. Blaine pulled out of Sebastian and turned, capturing Kurt's lips heatedly and laying him back on the bed. Blaine ripped Kurt's boxer briefs down and swallowed him whole, sucking Kurt hard and fast.
"Fuck, Blaine!" Kurt buried his fingers in Blaine's curls, thrusting into Blaine's throat. It only took a moment and Kurt was cumming down Blaine's throat, Blaine swallowing every drop hungrily. He pulled off Kurt and kissed quickly up his body to his lips, lazily lapping at Kurt's lips and allowing their tongues to moved together. Sebastian had been watching and knew that if he hadn't just been fucked into oblivion, he would be hard again. Kurt finally sat up slowly and beckoned Sebastian up to the head of the bed. Sebastian moved lazily up to them and collapsed on the pillow.
"Jesus...you two..."
"Animals?" Blaine smirked. "Heard that before."
"I had no idea..." Sebastian wiped his forehead. "You two seem so...vanilla."
"Can't go by what you see on the outside, Sebastian," Kurt shrugged. Sebastian nodded and sat up on his elbows.
"This was fun," he said sincerily. "Wouldn't mind doing it again sometime."
"Sorry," Blaine said, snuggling up close to Kurt. "This is just once. You got it out of your system...now I'd really just appreciate it of you'd just let me and Kurt be. No more trying to convince him I'm too good for him or trying to steal me away. I love Kurt and he's all I want and need."
Sebastian looked surprised, but finally he nodded. "Fine."
They all got up and got dressed. Kurt had to get home and he kissed Blaine long and hard before he left, giving him a sweet, loving smile before he and Sebastian walked out of the house.
"Kurt?" Sebastian called to him before Kurt got into his car. Kurt looked up, his hand on his hip.
"Thank you...I guess...for inviting me along."
Kurt shrugged. "Just let me and Blaine be together. We've both been through hell in our lives and we really don't want to fight because I'm jealous. He doesn't want you...not as a boyfriend."
Sebastian nodded. "I can see that...well...goodbye, Kurt," he got into his car and drove away. Kurt climbed into his truck and shut the door, glancing over at Blaine's window to see his boyfriend looking out of the curtain, smiling and waving to him. Kurt waved back and blew him a kiss, which Blaine caught and held his hand to his chest. Kurt drove out of the drive way with a smile on his face and no fears of Blaine leaving him for any Sebastian Smythe.