I Could Put A Little Stardust In Your Eyes.
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I Could Put A Little Stardust In Your Eyes.: Chapter 3

M - Words: 1,534 - Last Updated: Apr 03, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Dec 22, 2012 - Updated: Apr 03, 2013
562 0 1 0 0

Luckily for Kurt, his hotel was only 3 blocks away from the theatre, so he was back on time. After checking in with Mr. Schue, who looked more than a little flustered, he ran up to the room he shared with the girls, got undressed and flopped onto the bed, forgoing his nightly routine. He picked up his phone from where he dropped it, and checked his messages.

From – 514-986-8876

Hey, it's Blaine. I had a good time talking to you tonight, hope you get back safely. X

Everyone was asleep around him – Rachel should really get something for her snoring – so he only mentally squealed. Blaine had actually text him. And he'd put an 'x' on the end. 'Probably just a typo', Kurt thought.

He saved Blaine's number into his phone (just as Blaine, he didn't think he would appreciate people finding out his number) and contemplated his response.

To – Blaine

Hey Blaine, so did I thanks, Back in the hotel, along with the three bears! Night! X

From – Blaine

The three bears? Snorers? Good luck! Night Kurt! X

To – Blaine

Snorer. X

From – Blaine

Huh? X

To – Blaine

Snorer. Only one, but it sounds like 3. X

From – Blaine

:/ Goodnight Kurt! X

"Kurt, is that you?" Mercedes whispered from the other side of the room "You're typing woke me. Type a bit quieter white boy!"

"Yeah, it's me. Sorry 'Cedes." Kurt replied, quickly replying with a "goodnight x" and shoving his phone under his pillow.

"Who was it? Your dad? Finn?" Kurt shook his head silently. "Who else could it be then? We're all in... oh my god. Was it Blaine?" Kurt's eyes widened and a blush rose up his cheeks. "Oh my god you got Blaine's number!"

"Mercedes, quiet, you're gonna wake up..." Kurt tried to hush his friend.

"What was that?! Lady Lips got Anderson's number?"

Mercedes had woken the rest of the girls up with her excitement, and a round of "Oh my god"'s and "Really!"'s followed.

"Thanks Satan." Kurt hissed, before addressing the rest of the girls. "Ladies, ladies, chill! Yes, I got Blaine's number. We chatted a bit, we're sort-of friends I think, he gave me his cell number, it's what friends do, it's nothing."

"Nothing?!" Rachel squealed, "Nothing?! You've been crushing on this guy for years, and now you've got his number and it's nothing?!"

"For once, I agree with Schwimmer there, Porcelain, it's not nothing. I bet you Anderson has the hots for you!" Santana interjected.

"All of you, quit it! Blaine and I and friends, hardly even that! Leave it alone!" Kurt snapped, frustrated, before flopping onto his bed and pulling the comforter over his head.

"Jeez, someone's on his period." Santana muttered, moving back to her bed from the end of Kurt's.

Kurt ignored Santana's comment and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Kurt woke up shockingly early the next morning, and went straight into the bathroom for his -slight extended- morning ritual. He left the bathroom an hour later, showered, dressed, hair done to perfection, and into a half-asleep Rachel Berry.

"Finally, you're out of there! Excuse me!" she said snarkily, pushing her way into the bathroom.

"Hey! Berry! You've been awake 5 minutes, I'm in there before you!" Santana yelled, storming over.

Predicting another Santana/Rachel row, he grabbed his phone and wallet and headed down to the dining room for breakfast.

To Kurt's surprise, Finn, Puck and Sam were already sat at a table with Mr Schue and Miss Pillsbury, who waved him over.

"Hey lil' bro'." Finn greeted round a mouthful of pancakes.

"Finn, for the last time, I'm 3 months older than you! And don't talk with your mouth full, it's disgusting."

Sam and Puck sniggered, and Finn glared at his. Before going back to the mountain of food on his plate.

"Good morning Kurt, have a good time last night?" Mr Schue asked, smiling.

"It was great thanks, really interesting as well, 'cause I met some of the backstage guys as well."

"I'm sure it was, seeing as though you got Anderson's number!" Santana smirked, sitting across from him.

"What?" Finn questioned obliviously.

"Kurt got Blaine Anderson's number last night. He's been texting him constantly." She exaggerated but it didn't matter, to her, the look on Kurt's face was priceless.

"I'm... just going to get my breakfast." Kurt rushed, quickly standing up and half-running to the breakfast bar, but not without give Santana his famous bitch glare.

The 'continental' spread was full of pastries and cereals, overly fattening in Kurt's opinion, so just got a bowl of fruit salad and a glass of orange juice. He turned round, and began to walk back to the table, but saw the table surrounded by New Directions. The smirk on Santana's face told him she was telling them how he had Blaine's number, most likely exaggerating the story and adding in details of their meeting, so he sat at a table on the opposite side of the room and pulled out his cell.

To – Blaine

One of my so-called friends is telling the rest of the Glee club about our 'encounter' last night. No doubt totally exaggerating and make some sort of sexual innuendo out of it all. Sorry! X

Blaine's reply came back almost instantly.

From – Blaine

Morning to you too! Are you sure what she's saying isn't just wishful thinking of your part, maybe she's a mind reader? ;) x

Was Blaine flirting with him? He fought the blush he felt rising in his cheeks.

To – Blaine

What?! No! Some of what she's saying we've done, I didn't even know people could do those things! X

From – Blaine

Chill, Kurt, I was joking. But all joking aside, did you actually tell her what we were talking about? You know why I wouldn't want some of it getting out into the press. X

To – Blaine

Of course not, I didn't tell them anything! I wouldn't, you're my friend? 'Cedes (my best friend) guessed I was texting you when I got back last night, and the girls went all Spanish inquisition on me. I didn't say anything, I swear, she's just making shit up, trying to help he 'baby gay'. X

From – Blaine

Kurt, it's fine, I believe you. Yeah, we're friends :) try and makes sure nothing she says gets out, ok? Anyway, are you free to meet up for coffee of something later? Or is Ohio calling? X

Kurt read the text from Blaine and grinned. Now all he had to do was get Mr. Schue to let him go, without ND finding out, he didn't need to add fuel to the already blazing fire. First things first, he thought, damage control.

He finished his fruit salad and then wandered towards the table, greeted with a barrage of questions and disapproving looks from both Mr. Schue and Miss Pillsbury.

"Guys, shut up! I don't know what Santana said but it's not true." Brittany, Tina, Puck and Quinn all sighed, disappointed. "Blaine and I just talked, nothing more than that. He decided he wanted to talk to me more, we've texted a couple times, that's all. Sorry to disappoint for not 'getting my mack on' as Santana would put it, but nothing interesting there."

"I liked Santana's story better, she said that Blaine was a dolphin to and you were going to make dolphin babies." Brittany said.

"He IS a dolphin Brit. We're just not going to be making any babies." Kurt replied.

"Kurt? Can I speak to you a moment? Please?" Mr Schue said, standing up.

"Sure Mr Schue!" Perfect chance to ask him about meeting Blaine, he thought.

"Are you sure you just talked Kurt, he didn't pressure you into anything did he?" Mr Schue asked, uncomfortably, as soon as they were far enough away from the table.

"What?!" Kurt said with a face of pure disgust. "No, of course not! We talked, like I said, that's all. He's not like that. He may be slightly older that me, but he's my friend that's all, we talked."

"Okay, sorry Kurt, I just wanted to make sure, after, you know."

"It's fine Mr. Schue. Hey, would it be okay if I went an met Blaine for coffee? It's our last day here and we didn't get that much time to talk yesterday, and I left in a rush, curfew and all." Kurt pleaded.

"Erm... that's fine Kurt." Mr. Schue said uncertainly. "Just be back for 3 okay? We're going to see another show tonight, and I guarantee you won't want to miss it."

"Thanks Mr. Schue, I will! But can you not tell the others where I'm going, fuel to the fire and all?"

"okay, I understand. Bye Kurt, have fun!" Mr Schue smiled, but wasn't completely happy with his student disappearing off. He couldn't force him to take someone with him though, he was 18, legally an adult.

Kurt pulled out his cell from his pocket as soon as he left the room.

To – Blaine

Sure, I can meet you for coffee. When & where? X

From – Blaine

Great! There's a little coffee store just off Times Square called Roasters. It's small enough that I won't be recognised. See you there at 11:30? X

To – Blaine

See you there. X

Kurt started freaking out. Was this a date? No, just two friends meeting for coffee, like he told Mr. Schue. He does it with the girls all the time. After running up to his room to fix his hair, Kurt head out the door to his non-date with Blaine.

End Notes: AN - Thanks for reading guys! Hope you had a great holiday! And I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Any requests or anything, just put it in a review! Sorry for this chapter being a little later, but Chapter 4 is written and 5 has been started. Next update will be soon, but I've start college again, which sucks, 'cause I won't have that much time to write. Boo.


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Cute :)