Big City Dreams
Chapter 1 Story
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Big City Dreams: Chapter 1

E - Words: 2,395 - Last Updated: Aug 17, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Created: Aug 17, 2011 - Updated: Aug 17, 2011
1,305 0 5 0 0

Author's Notes: Prince Blaine Everett Anderson was on cloud nine at the moment. He was on his way to the most fucked up and exciting place in the whole world, New York City. That's right, his dad and the whole Lima Council has decided that they was going to come to the big NYC and correct the whole whacked out system there human president was causing. John McCain was going to regret this whole fucked up idea of his and he was going to enjoy helping torturing him.
“Prince Demetrius! Are the rumors about President McCain true? Is he making new human rights laws and our vampire government is unable to stop him? Are the Council members no longer in control of human laws of New York City?” Jacob Ben Israel asked the royal vampire eagerly, his news van behind him with cameras and the whole nine.

“Why the fuck would we tell you shit you human scum?” One of this Princes body guards growled, coming near Jacob and his camera crew, thankfully he just ripped there camera out and destroyed it before walking away with the royal family and council. All of them entered limos and were off to the big city, leaving behind a frustrated red headed reporter.

Jacob sighed and demanded his crew to go back to the news band, then walked over to a bus stand to marvel overseeing the royal family before the left Ohio. He was both terrified of being near the royal vampire family and council members as well as excited since journalism was his life, and as a human who worked for the vampires in Lima Ohio, he was anxious to know if he would be able to have certain rights back and maybe even if the human population would rule again.

He smirked at that thought, being able to imagine a life where he didn’t have to work for those vampire fucks just to survive and not be killed would be amazing. Plus he wouldn’t mind being able to have one of those fertile sluts being one of his ‘toys’ like those fucked up Dom’s did to the humans.

Sighing, he ran a hand through his red fro, glad that he was able to sneak a pocket camera on him to record bits of the royal family before they left Lima. Sure, he did not get the answers he wanted but he was lucky that he wasn’t killed or worse, tortured.

It was nearly impossible to get any footage of the royal family on human television since every reporter that was near them had there camera equipment destroyed. He was smart enough to get footage so it was a job well done, a very good job indeed.

Flipping out his cell phone, he called his boss. Glancing over his shoulder to make sure no Dom’s was around to overhear his conversation. Jacob aloud an evil smirk to curl on his thin lips when he heard the rough voice of his boss answer the phone “What?” He snarled, causing the red head to shiver in fear for a moment. He shook it off, knowing his boss would want to see this important footage. “John, its Jacob. I got the royal footage.”

Prince Blaine Everett Anderson was on cloud nine at the moment. He was on his way to the most fucked up and exciting place in the whole world, New York City. That’s right, his dad and the whole Lima Council has decided that they was going to come to the big NYC and correct the whole whacked out system there human president was causing. John McCain was going to regret this whole fucked up idea of his and he was going to enjoy helping torturing him.

“Blaine, could you believe that ugly fuck human had the nerve to talk to your dad?” Jeff, one of his best friends asked him, looking highly amused as he sipped his A positive blood martini. Blaine shrugged, not caring about the prick at all, honestly he just wanted to get to the city already and the plane ride was a few hours long.

Blaine sighed in boredom; he was not in the mood to talk crap about humans with Jeff at the moment. His hazel eyes flickered over to Nick and David, both was in a heated argument with Wes, the newest Dom in there Klan.

He was a son of an emperor in Japan and was often trying to dictate them and argue over any and everything. He was welcomed with open arms to their exclusive group instantly! That was a rare thing too, since the only people that hanged out with the group had to be talented and special.

They were all excellent Dom’s in torture, but they also sing, no matter how strange that sounded, it was there thing. Not to mention it had lots of fertiles wanting to date them for their voices as well as viciousness. In all honesty, the Warblers (There group) Were indeed the best, and as there Leader Blaine Anderson guaranteed them to be at the top of this list at any gathering and party.

“Well boys, you fuckers are annoying me so I’m going in the back.” Blaine announced to his friends before sliding open a hidden door to the back of the limo. His friends muttered a bye to him before resuming their conversations, causing Blaine to roll his eyes at them and go in to the door and into his private room.

He smirked in satisfaction, loving the way it was designed specifically for him. Black and pink decorated the space with a comfterable singles bed on the side so he could lie down and relax when he wanted to and at the moment that was exactly what he needed to do for this hour and a half drive towards his family’s private airport.

He tugged on his tie as he walked over to the bed and lie down; losing it so he wouldn’t feel so stuffy. He hated wearing suits, but his dad made him do it since it was proper attire for a prince and it made him look dashing.

Whatever! All he wanted to do was dress in some jeans and a graphic T. All the suits, vests, and blazers he normally wore be damned! He wore enough of them while attending Dalton Academy, the private Dom school he attended before his dad and the council got the news in NYC. Now it was the middle of October and he and his friends were starting at the public school that housed humans and vamps.

Now that was interesting, not to mention the killing and torture possibilities let alone all the beautiful fertiles that would be around. He did go to an all Dom’s school after all and was rarely around fertiles as much as he would like to be.

Blaine smirked at the idea of impressing the beauties, he loved fertiles and the comfort and submissiveness they had. Just the thought of being around so many and maybe finally finding his mate had his heart pounding and the blood in his body rushing down south.

Sighing, he bit his lip hard as he focused on bringing his boner down, cursing the fact that he was dumb enough not to get laid for a week. Hell, he could have gotten some ass right now if he wanted, Wes’s toy was tied up and gagged underneath his feet and Blaine only had to ask to use him.

Blaine grimaced at the thought; venom began seeking through his fangs from his horniness and rage at the insult of having to fuck a human. He was way too good to stoop that low. Sure, other Dom’s did it all the time and it was natural since human toys were seen as lower objects than a blow up doll.

Blaine was different though, he knew his cock was too good for a human to get pleasure and most definitely pain from it. Just the thought alone had him ready to vomit. Groaning at the discomfort the now rapidly leaking venom caused, Blaine was more than ready to get laid again, a sexy willing fertile was what he needed badly.

Blaine was cocky, but he had every right to be. He was attractive, rich, talented, and most of all a prince as well as a trinity child, allowing him to torture humans and explode them without even touching him , he wasn’t the most tallest Dom out there, but he certainly was vicious, not giving any humans mercy when he was angered.

He was what every fertile wanted and he knew it, but that did not mean he would take advantage of one! Most certainly not, he was a gentleman after all and was respectful and dashing towards the delicate vampires.

Sure he kissed several of them and did little more wicked things, but he was a teenager after all, Dom or not. He just knew that when he didn’t get any deeper feelings towards the fertiles he dated, that they weren’t his mate and he politely broke it off.

He believed in tradition and refused to sleep with an innocent fertile, now if they weren’t innocent….. Now that was another story completely. He hated fucking toys and other stupid humans, it made him feel sick knowing that they touched his body, hence the reason for not wanting Wes’s toy.

He was a fucking prince after all, so he did in fact have the privilege to have sex with unattached fertiles who were no longer innocent and willing to have a sexual relationship with him, but nothing more. He just couldn’t handle the fact of being with someone that was not his mate and fucking them. It was not in him to be that dishonorable.

Groaning, he rolled over his side to take a nap. His horniness wasn’t going away and it was giving him a head ache. He figured that one of his father’s guards would escort him on a plane while he slept. Being a prince had its quirks after all so there was no need for his sleep to be interrupted.

*Eight Hours Later*

When Blaine stepped out Plane with the rest of the Warblers, he was simply amazed. “New York City baby!” Dave howled, making the others join him in joy. Blaine grinned and followed his friends as they ran towards the beautiful night life, there private plane brought them very close to Manhattan and the city was lit up with lights and entertainment.

Several huge screens showed videos of famous vampire stars, making Blaine face light up in awe. He stopped following his rowdy friends when he felt an anxious feeling erupt in his chest, causing him to turn around.

Blaine’s heart stood still in his chest, all the air in his lungs gone as his eyes landed on the most beautiful fertile he has ever seen. A tall brunette who stood about 5’11 and weighed no more than 135 pounds, his body was slim with curves in all the right places.

The fertile also had the most flawless and palest skin he has ever seen stood just across the street from him with a small crowd of fertile vampires and a few Dom’s. The beauty was a bit distant from the others, even though he seemed to be engaged in their conversation.

He couldn’t believe how beautiful the boy was, his skin was white as porcelain and looked as if he was constantly aroused just from the pale beautiful glow on his flesh, and causing Blaine’s heart to madly start pumping in lust and all his blood go down south.

He was trying to remember to think clearly and not just go over there and simply ravish the fertile, but then the fertiles friends ended up leaving and saying good bye, making the beast stir in Blaine and ache for what was his.

Rage of lust rolled off of him when the fertile turned around to leave and Blaine got a perfect view of his face, which looked so smooth and beautiful, full wide lips that were a luscious pink and he had a perfect cute button nose and submissive eyes. It drove Blaine insane just to stand there and not to just walk over there and molest the beautiful creature.

Blaine growled low in his throat, ready to do just that when the fertile looked up and caught his eyes. His Glaze (green,blue, and silver,) eyes looked back into Blaine’s hazel ones, one perfect brow was arched up in amusement as if the fertile was able to read Blaine’s mind.

Blaine smirked and rand his tongue over his fangs, watching in delight as the fertiles eyes quickly darted to his mouth and his skin turning even more paler than before, an very obvious sign of arousal.

Blaine decided right then and there, innocent fertile or not, he was gonna fuck him. Just when he was about to approach the object of his desires, a huge hulk of a Dom seemed to get there first and wrapped an arm around his fucking fertile!

“Kurt, baby, sorry I was gone. I had to make sure this was the correct sweater you wanted.” The bear of a teen smiled, causing Blaine to pull out an arm of a human that walked pass him, making blood and screams fill the street.

The big Dom and the fertile of his desires he now knew as Kurt turned to look over at the scene he caused, making them laugh at the human in pain before continuing their conversation and walking away.

Blaine couldn’t believe his bad luck, he was just about to walk away and count his loses of that gorgeous fertile seeing that he was already taken, but then luck seemed to be on his side cause at the same moment he looked back up at the fertile, they held eye contact for a few seconds and something amazing and quite frightening happened! The fertile was a mind reader and caused a telepath conversation to accrue their minds.

“Hey honey, I would love to chat but I’m with my boyfriend right now. Want to talk later, find me at William McKinley high tomorrow, If you want…” The saucy fertile winked at him and blew him a kiss before quickly turning back around and cuddling into the big bear of the Dom’s side, the psychic connection quickly ending.

Leaving Blaine on the street with his mouth open in shock, then his lips instantly twitched in to a smirk. This wasn’t over between him and the beauty after all. He still had his chance, plus he knew where to find the beauty later. McKinley was the new school he was attending tomorrow after all.

Feeling way better than he had in days, Blaine began walking towards the restaurant he knew his father and council will be in. He needed to talk to his father about a few things. The first being his own car and lots of new clothes and a stylist. He had a fertile he had to impress on the morrow.

End Notes: Hey readers! I want to start off saying this is my first Klaine fic ever so please be kind and let me know if you love it or hate it. :) This is a vampire Klaine story and a Dom vampire are natural killers towards humans, while Fertile Vampires are weak against them and do not have fangs. A male or female can be either a fertile or dom. Homosexuality does not exist with vampires on here. Hope you enjoy this and review!


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this is going to be quite the fantasy story. i look forward to more.

you so have to keep writing this i was enjoying it

Oh, interesting. I love the start, and the nibble you gave us with the summary. Hope to see more. I believe you meant 'glasz' not 'glaze'.

i wanna read more!