Just Like the White Winged Dove
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Just Like the White Winged Dove: Chapter 13

T - Words: 4,652 - Last Updated: Jul 06, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 23/23 - Created: Feb 02, 2012 - Updated: Jul 06, 2012
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            Being official with Blaine was wonderful, except for the part where it was difficult to see each other every day.

            The party had dragged on late enough that it wasn't a good idea for Blaine to drive Kurt home and introduce himself to Burt and Carole as their son's new boyfriend. After that, things had been slightly crazy. Although they'd seen each other on Wednesday like always (this time, complete with the knowledge that they really were 100% together), Thursday they hadn't been able to get together at all. Between Warbler practice, which consisted mainly of taking down Tuesday's decorations, McKinley Glee club-which conveniently forgot to offer to help with said clean up-and school work, there simply wasn't time to be ‘dating.'

            So Kurt decided to invite Blaine over for Friday night dinner.

            He broke the news to his father on Thursday evening after convincing Blaine to attend. They were standing together in the kitchen and Burt was trying to learn how to make a chocolate cherry torte. Kurt tasted the second attempt at the mousse and smiled. Burt acknowledged the approval with a cheer, then turned back to the recipe book to figure out what to do next.

            Kurt leaned back against the counter and watched his dad. After a few moments of listening to Burt try to pronounce ingredient names he said, "I invited Blaine to join us for dinner tomorrow."

            "Good," Burt replied immediately, "Maybe we'll have this thing done and he can be our guinea pig and tell me how I did, huh?"

            "I'm sure it'll be great, Dad," Kurt smiled.

            Burt looked up at him suspiciously, "How's that kid doing anyway? I haven't seen him for a while. You two are still... you're still friends, right? I know you keep getting coffee... Or are you-?"

            Kurt's face lit up. He sucked in his lips and bounced just slightly. "Actually... we're dating!" he announced.

            Burt's eyebrows shot up, "You are? You mean, just now?"

            "We made it official on Valentine's Day..." he swayed a little bit.

            "And by ‘official' you mean..." Burt's eyes narrowed.

            Kurt blushed at his dad and rolled his eyes. "I mean I asked him, officially, and he said yes. Or, actually, he pretty much asked. I just got confirmation." Burt waited. Kurt spread his arms and smiled, "We're boyfriends!"

            It took a minute for Burt to process everything. He was standing in the kitchen making some fancy dessert that he'd never had any desire to learn how to make, with his one and only son, who was gay and he was totally and completely fine with that, but now he was being told that this same son had a boyfriend. A boyfriend. Someone who could make him happy and do things with him... and do things with him. Burt had only met the boy once, how did he know if this guy would be kind and considerate and loving enough to take care of his son? Kurt was high maintenance! There was no denying that. What if this guy didn't know what he was getting into and broke his son's heart?

            But Kurt looked happy. He was standing there, waiting for approval, and honestly, seeing him smile was Burt's greatest wish. He stepped forward and pulled his son into a hug. "I'm happy for you," he said. Kurt wrapped his arms tightly around his dad and hugged back. "He's gonna treat you right, isn't he?"

            "Yes, Dad."


            Kurt stepped back, still holding on to his dad and looking him in the eyes, "Just promise not to be intimidating or anything when he comes over tomorrow, okay?"

            "Hey! You know me. As long as he's decent, I'll be decent."

            Kurt smiled, "I really like him."

            "And I'm happy for you. From what I remember, he seems like a good guy, um... and all that stuff."

            "He is! He's amazing. Did I tell you? For Valentine's day..." and he launched into a full description of the party two nights ago when Blaine had been his Fred Astaire and they'd danced all night. He left out the part about kissing, but Burt narrowly suspected something like that might have gone down. He was more than content to stand there and lick the mousse off the spoon and smile while his son went on about how perfect his new boyfriend was and forgot all about the torte. Kurt had been edgy and tight lipped for quite a while now, and it was just good to have his kid back, bubbling and enthusiastic, regardless of what had happened that Kurt wasn't telling him. It was just good to feel like he was part of his son's life again.


            Blaine spent the night freaking out. He'd met Burt before and thought he was an awesome guy. The way he accepted and supported Kurt was something Blaine envied. He knew he shouldn't worry too much since everything had been perfectly fine the last time he came over for dinner, but he and Kurt had been tentative back then. They'd only been just barely getting to know each other and didn't know where they stood. Blaine had never before had to stand in front of someone's dad and tell him that he was dating his son.

            And he was so nervous. He lay on his bed on his back, hugging a pillow to his chest and listening to one of the four P!NK songs the Warblers were considering for Regionals, on repeat, but he'd made no progress in memorizing it. He was going over scenarios in his head that involved shotguns and barking dogs and leering and poisoned beverages being slipped to him. He squeezed his eyes shut. His imagination was turning Burt Hummel into a Bond villain.

            He was doing this for Kurt. He was doing it to make his beautiful boyfriend feel comfortable and to see him smile and to get to know his family. Besides, Blaine had met Finn, and he was a nice guy, and Carole would be there... although if he had to be honest, Carole scared him even more than Burt. From what he'd seen of Burt, Burt was like Kurt and preferred to be passive aggressive unless something was directly harming his son. Carole was much sharper than Finn, but she was likely where he got his tendency to just blurt out whatever was on his mind. She didn't hide her feelings and Blaine worried that if she didn't approve she'd just out and say it. The first time he'd met her she'd gone straight for a hug and then turned to Kurt and said, "Oh! He's cute, isn't he? Some eyebrows!" which had made Blaine self-conscious for the rest of the evening. He didn't want to be self conscious or nervous this time.

            "So What" had just started playing again and he groaned and pulled the pillow over his face trying to drown out the "Na na na nana na na na." He'd just have to get through school on Friday and then get to the Hummel residence and... be himself. He would have to be himself. He wished he weren't suddenly so terrified of himself. He was a generally confident guy, and he knew Kurt liked him, and that should be enough, but parents! Parents.

            He and Kurt had kissed twice now. Well, twice on Valentine's Day and once just before Kurt got into his car after coffee on Wednesday. They'd all been short, innocent kisses, but they had felt amazing and right. Kissing meant they were together and they could do things like that now, but that carried with it the obligation of being the boyfriend. Regardless of how amazing Kurt was, or his smile, or the softness of his lips, or the wonderful pulse of heat he felt when their bodies just slightly collided, every attraction he felt just added to the list of reasons to be nervous around Kurt's family.

            Blaine wanted to be the best boyfriend ever. He wanted to be suave and dapper and impressive for Kurt's parents. He just hoped he wouldn't do something stupid and screw it up.


            Friday evening came too fast. Blaine received texts from Kurt all day, telling him to dress both casually and formally and giving advice about his hair and topics of conversation. He hoped Kurt was just as nervous as he was and that his family wouldn't judge Blaine based solely on how much hair gel he used.

            He showed up at the Hummel residence just before 5 in a blue dress shirt and black tie-skipping the jacket so as to not look too stiff and formal-under his winter coat. He'd debated between slacks and jeans for ages before choosing the black slacks, and he'd spent an entire hour trying to get his hair perfect. He brought a large bouquet with him, but once he was standing outside the door he realized the flowers didn't necessarily make sense. He intended to give them to Carole, but then there was nothing to give Burt, and Burt was really the one to impress. It just added to the panicky and nervous feelings.

            Thankfully that melted away when he knocked twice and Kurt immediately threw the door open.

Blaine gasped and smiled. Kurt was wearing a long, dark, fashionable sweater over tight white leggings and stylish ankle-high boots. His face was lit up with excitement, and Blaine could hardly contain himself over the way Kurt bounced slightly, hugged him, and then continued to bounce as he ushered him in. He took the time to revel in Kurt's enthusiasm and the delicious way that sweater fell over his hips. He looked directly into the soft green of Kurt's eyes and he was glad they were doing this. Not to jump ahead of himself, but he decided that if someday he decided to propose, this would make that a whole lot easier.

            It became apparent very quickly that Kurt had planned and positioned everyone, because the whole family was seated awkwardly, side-by-side on the couch, staring at the muted TV where an infomercial about a juicer was playing. They stood all at once when Kurt began the introduction after taking Blaine's coat and hanging it up.

            "Everyone? This is Blaine. Blaine?" and he went along and introduced everyone one by one, saving his dad for last. Blaine smiled broadly and shook everyone's hand in what he hoped was a perplexingly polite manner. He greeted Finn, then shook Carole's hand and gave her the flowers. She accepted and then held them awkwardly. Last, Blaine shook Burt's hand, receiving a very tight squeeze and a firm look.

It was weird. They'd all already met, and it had been so much less formal the first time. Before, Burt and Carole had answered the door when Kurt and Blaine walked up together and they'd shook hands and moved inside. This time, everyone had big fake smiles plastered on and Kurt looked anticipatory, but pleased with himself.

After the introductions were through, Kurt took Blaine's hand and it felt like a safety net or a life preserver. "And now, for the announcement you've all been waiting for... Blaine and I are dating!" Kurt announced excitedly.

            No one actually seemed surprised by this announcement, but they were congratulatory anyway. "We're so happy for you both," Carole said, sweetly, then nipped off to put the flowers in water.

            Burt patted Blaine on the shoulder, "Yeah, we're glad to hear you're making my boy happy."

            Blaine looked over at Kurt. Kurt was positively beaming, and it made it impossible not to smile back. Blaine tried to maintain the gentlemanly demeanor, "Thank you. Sorry I didn't come introduce myself to you properly...earlier."

            Burt shrugged, "Hey. Don't sweat it. It's not like you two are getting engaged or anything. I hope. You don't need my permission to date my son." He paused for a second and then added, "You just need his permission."

            "He has it," Kurt immediately assured them both and squeezed Blaine's hand. Blaine leaned his shoulder against Kurt's feeling blissful but still panicked at the same time.

Unfortunately, Kurt didn't linger long. As soon as Carole came back into the room, Kurt steered everyone to the couch and left Blaine sitting on the edge of it with Carole and Burt surrounding him, and Finn on the far edge of the couch. Then he announced he had a few things he needed to see to concerning dinner and headed to the kitchen, leaving Blaine alone after another squeeze of the hand.

            Very sneaky.

            Blaine felt awkward sitting there, barely letting himself touch the couch let alone sit comfortably on it. Carole was facing him and entirely too close and Burt was in the chair on the other side of him, watching his every move. But he was Kurt's boyfriend. He could do this... he just didn't know what to say.

            "So!" Burt started off after a few moments, but then fell silent.

            Carole picked it up, "So you and Kurt met after Sectionals?"

            Blaine blushed. That seemed like a long time ago now. He'd been so smitten from the very first time he heard Kurt sing. He managed a soft, "Yes, we met at Sectionals."

            "That's nice," Carole tried. "And you go to Dalton?" Everyone seemed uncomfortable. Finn was sitting with his hands between his knees, staring at the floor like he had no idea what he was even doing there. Technically they'd already talked about all these basic things the first time Blaine had been over.

            Maybe Burt sensed his discomfort or maybe he was uncomfortable himself, because he leaned forward and cut in, "Come on! We already know he goes to that private school. Now, I know I promised Kurt not to do any scary dad stuff-"

            "Burt," Carole warned.

            Burt continued, "-But you are my son's first boyfriend, so you treat him right, okay?"

            Blaine nodded, shaken, "Of course! Absolutely. He's...ah... safe with me." He knew it sounded lame before he said it.

            Burt nodded and leaned back into his chair. "Good."

            "Kurt's... Kurt's my first...boyfriend... first real boyfriend too," Blaine mentioned. Burt gave him a side-long glance.

            "Well...good. You two can just... take it slow then." There was entirely too much emphasis on the last part and Blaine could feel his face growing warmer.

            "Do the two of you have any plans for this weekend?" Carole asked after silence had fallen for several minutes. Something was making noise in the kitchen or the dining room, but Blaine didn't want to look desperate for salvation by straining his neck to see. They didn't have plans, none that he could remember making, and now it felt like the most important thing. He should know what they were doing. He should have made a list of all the questions that he could possibly be asked and he should have come up with multiple valid responses for each. What if he just made up a date, like going to a movie, and Kurt didn't want to go? Or what if it was a trick question and they already knew that Kurt was unavailable? "Just be yourself," he reminded himself.

            "We haven't really made any plans for this weekend yet," he admitted. Carole raised her eyebrows and nodded.

            "Let's see if the game is on," Burt tried, starting for the remote, but Kurt walked back into the room at that exact moment. Blaine wanted to leap to his feet and bound into his arms and curl up and be safe, but he kept his butt planted on the couch.

            "Actually, there is a movie out today that we might possibly consider seeing, but not right now," he snatched the remote away from his father and turned the muted TV off. "Right now I'd like you all to join me in the dining room, as dinner is served."

            "Good!" Burt hoisted himself up. "What're we having?"

            Kurt began to explain the meal and the details as to how it was healthy but still delicious, but Blaine didn't find himself caring. He was focused on how Kurt took his arm and guided him to the dining room, setting him down so they were side by side and smiling at him the whole while. Everything was laid out on the table and immediately the family began to dig in.

            As soon as their plates were heaped with food, the conversation became easier, and even exciting when football was brought up and Blaine felt especially confident with joining in. Burt gave him a look like they were going to get along just fine after he voiced his enthusiastic opinions about that year's college football season. Kurt rolled his eyes, but he was smiling fondly.


            After dinner was over, they headed to Kurt's room after a warning of "No hanky-panky!" from Burt. Kurt laced his fingers through Blaine's. He wasn't exactly sure what he intended to do once Blaine was in his room. They hadn't even dared to venture there the last time Blaine had been over, but it seemed like the proper etiquette to show your boyfriend where you slept at night. Or maybe that wasn't proper etiquette at all?

            Blaine felt just as unsure. Every hormone in his body was screaming at him to shut the door behind him and pounce as he followed Kurt into the tidiest, trendiest room he could have imagined-almost straight out of a magazine. He desperately wanted to lock them in and grab Kurt by the waist and kiss him until his knees gave out and then lift him up, carry him to the bed, lay him down and go straight at it again. He'd trail kisses down Kurt's neck, he'd run his fingers along Kurt's impeccable waistline and carefully pull that sweater off up over Kurt's hips, then his chest and head and then... ... ... but they definitely hadn't gotten that far yet. He felt himself flush and his loins tighten. He kicked himself for even thinking about it.

Honestly, beyond holding hands and letting Blaine plant a very tiny kiss on his lips after coffee, Kurt was a bit shy and reluctant when it came to physical interactions. Even considering the incident with Karofsky, which they'd discussed at length, it surprised Blaine how embarrassed Kurt seemed to be about intimacy. He didn't want to make Kurt feel uncomfortable with him, so he forced his body to acknowledge the memo not to close the door as he entered the room and he made himself let go of Kurt's hand. He needed to reign in his raging, hormonal sex drive until Kurt was ready to explore that far. He was definitely worth that.

            Kurt gestured to the room, "So this is my room..."

            Blaine snapped himself into the current situation. "It's incredible! All your own design, I'm sure?"

            "Naturally!" Kurt sat down daintily on the bed, and Blaine sat down beside him, leaving enough space between them to not make Kurt feel crowded. They looked each other in the eye. "Thank you for coming tonight," Kurt whispered.

            "Thank you for having me," he whispered back, then he added, "Boyfriend."

            Kurt crinkled his nose and smiled. "Boyfriend," he echoed. He leaned in and tilted his head slightly.

Blaine took the hint and leaned in also, pressing his lips to Kurt's. After a breath through the nose, Blaine moved his lips to better catch Kurt's and he reached up and placed his hand on Kurt's shoulder to turn his body toward him when Kurt flinched. Blaine pulled away and dropped his hand. Kurt was averting his eyes.

"Sorry," Blaine breathed.

Kurt shook his head, "No. No, it's okay... it was nice, I just...no... I... I don't really... I mean, I never..."

Blaine looked down at Kurt's hand. It was curled into a fist on his knee. He lay his hand gently over the top of it. "Kurt," Kurt looked up at him. "It's okay. I understand. We're taking it slow, right?"

Kurt sucked in his lips and then turned over his hand to link his fingers between Blaine's. "Sorry," Kurt said again, then elaborated. "I'm just not... very good with the whole... you know..." he dropped his voice below a whisper, "physical...stuff."

Blaine couldn't help but smile. Kurt was red to his ears. He murmured Kurt's name, trying not to sound amused. He'd deduced as much.

Kurt continued, "I tried understanding the whole... the whole...um... sex thing. You know with... those... ah...you know...and online. But I just get really uncomfortable... and depressed. I mean, they all have mothers-"

"Kurt," Blaine cut in, "Kurt, you don't have to feel pressured into anything. At all. I'd never..."

"I know!" Kurt assured him, but then he got quiet and looked away again, "I don't want to be weird, I just thought I should say it... now... before anything..."


"I... I watch musicals. I like romance..."

Blaine squeezed his hand, "Then I'll have to try to be romantic." He nudged Kurt with his shoulder, "Don't expect too much though. I think I put the ‘hopeless' in ‘hopeless romantic.'" He laughed softly.

Kurt smiled, not making eye contact. "You are romantic..." he murmured.

Blaine's eye had already caught something and he was on his feet, releasing Kurt's hand and crossing the room. He stood in front of Kurt's sound system and he looked back with excitement before Kurt rolled his eyes and nodded. Blaine picked up Kurt's iPod and started scrolling through it.

Just as "Buenos Aires" came rumbling through the speakers, Finn popped his head into the room. He glared narrowly over at Blaine, whose back was still turned, and spoke to Kurt. "What're you two up to?"

Blaine turned around, surprised. "Music!" he announced.

Kurt smiled tartly at Finn. "Nothing. Were you sent to spy?"


Kurt raised both hands. "No hanky-panky," he pointed out. Blaine caught on and raised both hands too from across the room.

"Right," Finn acknowledged, but he walked in and sat down on the very edge of Kurt's bed anyway. "So... dinner was pretty awesome."

"You're a really bad spy, Finn," Kurt pointed out. Then he glanced over at Blaine. His expression had become suddenly devious. "Unless you're here because you'd like a little extra insight into the situation you don't want to talk about concerning Rachel."

Blaine came over and sat back down next to Kurt on the opposite side from Finn. "Oh yeah, I heard about that..."

Finn stood up as Blaine sat down. "Well it's none of either of your guy's business, okay?" he stormed out.

Kurt raised his eyebrows. "That was both effective and disappointing."

Blaine was surprised at Finn's sudden burst of anger. All he knew so far was that Rachel had been dumped. "So you still don't know what happened?"

"Not at all, but until he decides to open up, it's a very good way to gain privacy... for us."

"For us?" Blaine repeated, and Kurt just smiled. Blaine bit his lower lip then said, "So... I could kiss you now, or I could start this song over and lead while we dance the night away."

Kurt blushed and pressed his fist to his lips to stifle a giggle before asking, "May I have both options in that order?"

Blaine leaned in, touched Kurt's cheek with the tips of his fingers, and kissed him softly. "You may," he answered, kissing him again before standing up to restart the song.

Kurt's stomach flopped as he swooned before getting up and following Blaine to the most open space on the floor, singing along the moment the lyrics started.


They danced to several songs, from sensual latin music straight into a romantic waltz and a two step, then sat for two hours on the edge of Kurt's bed discussing men's fashion. Around 10:00pm Blaine decided it would be prudent to go home. They didn't want to start making Burt nervous and suspicious this early in their relationship, and Kurt didn't want his father staying up late, which he knew he would if Blaine stayed longer. They agreed to meet and hang out the following day.

Once goodbyes and invitations to "visit any time" had been said and Blaine left, Kurt said goodnight to his family. He wanted to be extra thorough with his nightly routine so he would look his best for Blaine the following day.

Finn followed him upstairs. After pretending for a moment not to notice, Kurt felt obligated to stop in his own doorway and wait for his step-brother to speak.

Finn took a long time to formulate his words. Finally he said, "You know... Regionals are coming up."

Kurt narrowed his eyes, "I was aware."

"They're coming right up pretty soon..."

"Unless you're offering me a solo, I'm going to start getting ready for bed now."

"Wait," Finn stepped forward, then looked behind him down the stairs where they could hear that the TV was still on. "I just... want to be sure Blaine's not using you to give the Warbler's an unfair advantage."

Kurt rolled his eyes and slipped through the doorway, "Okay. I'm not listening to this."

Finn caught the door and stepped inside also before Kurt could stop him. "I'm serious. I'm looking out for you!"

"No," Kurt replied, "You're trying to ruin my relationship. Blaine is not a spy."

"You remember what happened with Jesse St James..."

"Finn. We've been over this. Blaine is not Jesse St James. What is wrong with you?"

Finn all but stomped his foot before crossing to Kurt's computer chair, straddling it, and tapping his fingers nervously against the back. "I just don't want anything to happen that could compromise the group, you know?"

Kurt shut the door. All the happy, bubbly feelings he'd been having earlier in the evening felt like they were being trampled. "Oh? You mean ‘compromise' like breaking Rachel's heart for no foreseeable reason and then moping around for a week pretending to be sick?"

Finn shot him a dirty look, "I have not been-"

"Yes you have. You're moody and she's upset. What you did to her was really cruel and now you refuse to even talk about it! We're supposed to be brothers. You're supposed to be able to tell me why, and frankly you owe Rachel an explanation. She still doesn't know why you broke up with her."

"I don't want to talk about that, okay?!" Finn shouted, startling Kurt.

"Yeah, well, that's what's compromising the New Directions, Finn. Not me. Not Blaine."

"Don't talk to me like you know what's going on!" Finn was standing now. Kurt stepped back.

"I don't know what's going on, Finn. That's the problem!" Kurt snapped back.

"I don't want you to see him anymore!"

Kurt raised both eyebrows. "Well I'm seeing him tomorrow and sorry, but you're not going to stop me." They stood staring at each other for several minutes, then Kurt moved away from the door. "I think you should go now," he said.

Finn sat back down. "Kurt..."

"No. You're angry, and that's fine, but until you get your own problems sorted out you're not allowed to tell me my business. I like Blaine and he likes me and you don't get a say."

After a few seconds, Finn finally stood up. He walked slowly to the door and placed his hand on the knob, then stopped. "Okay. You're right. Maybe... maybe I should talk to Rachel. But I really don't think... Kurt... I don't think you should be spending so much time with a member of the rival team. At least until after Regionals."

"Blaine isn't a threat, Finn," Kurt reminded him.

Finn opened the door and stepped out, leaving Kurt with a, "Yeah, sure."

Kurt stood still for a long time before he finally steadied himself and went to his moisturizing routine. Before he did, however, he turned on his iPod and scrolled to Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream."

"Blaine isn't like Jesse," Kurt said to himself, trying to rid it of the suspicion that Finn had purposefully implanted.

            His cellphone buzzed. The message was from Blaine and read, Hey there, beautiful. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. Good night!

            Kurt texted back Can't wait! Goodnight! before repeating the assurance over in his head. 



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