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Breakeven: Chapter 5

T - Words: 4,206 - Last Updated: Nov 23, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Jul 10, 2012 - Updated: Nov 23, 2012
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            Sectionals came up quickly. With the New Directions in the same slot, Kurt had been forbidden from talking to his friends at McKinley, mostly by Rachel Berry who was reminding him that communication was forbidden with nearly constant texts. Kurt barely had time to focus on anything with Warbler practices and homework piling up. The week was marked by moments of panic and stress punctuated by time spent in the direct presence of Blaine. The day of the competition Kurt found himself stationed in the lobby with Morgan.

Morgan had been alright for most of the week, nowhere near his previous level of enthusiasm, but he was brushing his teeth without being reminded. Blaine had casually mentioned that he seemed to perk up with Kurt was around, so Kurt made an effort to spend more time with him. Holding hands had become a thing they did, and it made Kurt's fingers tingle to try the same with Blaine.

Kurt had started to notice that if Morgan held his hand, Blaine would walk on the other side of Morgan, but sometimes Morgan would purposefully walk on the other side of Blaine so that he could be in the middle and Kurt could talk to him more easily. Walking to class together had become a regular thing for the three, even when Morgan went back to practice and stopped eating lunch with them by the middle of the week.

            In the lobby he met up with Rachel who was storming toward the snack counter. Kurt called her name and she paused, then her face lit up.

            "Who's that?" Morgan asked, quietly.

            "Rachel Berry, drama queen of McKinley High."

"Friend?" Morgan asked.

"In a sense," Kurt answered just as she approached.

            "Kurt!" she wrapped her arms around his neck. "How've you been? I've missed you. Did you miss me?"

            "Almost all of you," he replied, hugging her back.

            She pulled away and looked over at Morgan, "Hi Blaine! I know we've only met once and it's been a while..."

            Morgan's whole countenance seemed to change, and then when he spoke the tone of his voice seemed altered slightly. The upper lit had dropped to the calm timber Kurt immediately recognized. "Hi Rachel. It's been a while," Morgan said, holding out a hand, which she shook.

            "I really shouldn't be schmoozing now that you guys are our rivals, but that's okay because we're not going to win anyway."

            Kurt lifted an eyebrow, trying to ignore Morgan's obvious lack of introduction. "Oh?"

            "They elected to not give me any solos because our Glee club chooses to accept failure." She looked at Morgan quickly, "Not saying that Kurt was a failure. Just that the rest of the club don't recognize my obvious talents."

            "I'm sure you have plenty of those," Morgan winked.

            Rachel smiled at him warily. "Well, it's true." She preened a bit, then turned back to Kurt. "Everything's been falling to pieces since you left. Everyone's been fighting and taking my solos and Lauren Zizes is your replacement. I don't mean she's replacing you, no one could, but she's here now to fill out our numbers and won't go on unless she gets her candy." She leaned in, "Also, between you and me, Kurt, I just found out that Finn and Santana were romantically involved and he lied to me about it."

            Kurt blinked. "Wait, you didn't know about that?" Morgan looked at him and frowned just as a bell rang over the intercom.

            Rachel was about to go on when Blaine caught up to their group. She froze with alarm and then looked between them. "Kurt? We're going places. Hi Rachel! See you guys later!" He gave Morgan a shoulder squeeze, then inclined his head for Kurt to follow him.

            Rachel blinked between the two. Morgan's face broke into a grin and he offered her his arm. "Mind if I join you?"

            Kurt was in earshot long enough to hear her said, "Oh my god! You're the twin! I'm so sorry. I thought Kurt made you up..." then they rounded a corner and he was headed backstage.

            Through their performance he could just barely make out Morgan in the audience. He seemed to have already made friends with the entirety of the New Directions as he was sitting in the middle of them holding hands with Brittany on one side, who seemed confused that he wasn't up on stage, and Puck on the other. During the performances, however, his face seemed blank. He clapped enthusiastically at the end of each song, but Kurt couldn't help but focus on the way his eyes looked hazy and his gaze fell. He tried to ignore it and focus on Blaine, who had absolutely come alive during the performances. He wondered if the energy they had was stored between them and only one could access it at a time.

            After their last number they bowed and exited the stage. Wes gave a short congratulations, mostly aimed at Blaine, whose solos were beyond exceptional, then they took their place in the audience to watch the New Directions perform.

            New Directions were backstage, but Morgan was still sitting in the same seat he'd been in. He didn't get up until several of the guys hurried over to him and called his name, then a smile lit up on his face and he turned around to congratulate them all. Blaine sat beside him on one side, and Wes positioned himself on the other so Kurt took the opportunity to sit beside Blaine, smiling slightly to himself.

            "You guys were fantastic," Morgan said, grinning. When the house lights went down, his face dropped blank again. He reached across Blaine and took Kurt's hand, then rested them both on Blaine's lap in such a way that Kurt had to exert a slight effort to keep his wrist from brushing Blaine's crotch. It distracted him through the entire performance, and became worse when Blaine rested both hands on top of theirs and made an awkward brushing even more difficult to avoid. Kurt's heart was pounding and he wished he were brave enough to just let himself relax and try to enjoy it, and he was also thankful for the air conditioning which made it cold enough that his palms didn't sweat.

Morgan and Blaine's heads were leaned together and between the first and second song Kurt glanced over to see Blaine press a kiss against Morgan's hairline. He felt a bit off kilter. It was like being caught up on the sidelines of an unexpected romance. He shifted slightly and it only made the chance of brushing more dire.

            There was a short celebration afterwards. Both the Warblers and the New Directions were psyched enough at their mutual victory to join forces over All-You-Can-Eat at Breadstix. Kurt introduced the twins to a still very surprised New Directions.

            "I thought this Blaine was an astral projection," Brittany said. "I'm really disappointed."

            "Dude, you do not know how lucky you are," Puck punched Kurt on the shoulder.

            "Agreed," Artie said, breathless.

            "If you two ever feel up for an incredibly sexy three-way, call me," Santana smiled.

            "Me too. Except, since there's four of us it'll have to be a four-way, but it'd still be really hot," Brittany said, to which Artie protested weakly. Kurt hadn't even realized they'd been dating.

            The food was already being ordered and most of the Warblers were gathered around to listen to the conversation. Blaine raised his hand slightly, "Actually, I'm gay. Also, we're brothers, it'd be kinda..."

            "I'm in!" Morgan said, brightly.

            "Oh! Mike and I call second!" Tina raised Mike's hand in the air, to his sudden confusion. "Or a double date. Whatever works."

            "Morgan and I aren't actually dating..."

            Trent leaned in on Blaine's shoulder and sighed. "But I can understand wishing they were. Maybe this is just the Universe's way of making things a little more fair for the rest of us."

            "I like this. This is kind of like the build up to a wacky porno," Santana said.

            Morgan turned to Blaine with a sudden flourish. "Blaine, get us a table for three. You, me, and my cock."

            Blaine rolled his eyes, but Kurt's face flushed so fast it made him dizzy. The whole group went into an excited uproar, accepting Morgan into all kinds of honorary and less-than-honorary positions. Artie said, "I would watch that," to which he immediately double checked himself mentally, and Puck cut in, saying that he'd even agree to film it. They got worked up and Kurt let himself sink to the back of the group, down to a table where David and Wes were quietly discussing their plans for Regionals already. They looked up when Kurt approached.

            "Bet you didn't see that one coming at all, right?" Wes asked as Kurt slid into the seat across from them.

            "I'm still learning to change my expectations when it comes to Morgan."

            "Don't worry about it so much," David said with a smile. "Whenever things actually start to get out of hand Blaine puts a stop to them. And Morgan's really good about limits."

            "People keep telling me that." Kurt sighed. It was hard keeping up with Morgan. His face kept falling blankly like he was deeply in pain, and then it would snap back dramatically to that coy smile that now had him surrounded by the girls and guys of McKinley alike, apparently seducing everyone like it was no trouble at all. It was like all that dynamism was coming back to him just by being the center of attention.

            "Hey Kurt," Mercedes slid in beside him, introduced herself to David and Wes, and hugged Kurt around the shoulders. "I'm so proud of you! You were amazing."

            "Coming from you that means a lot," he grinned and hugged her back.

            "So spill about the boys! Hmm? Now that I've seen them both I gotta know, is there anything there?"

            "What? No. No, nothing's changed." He side-eyed the two Warblers who suddenly seemed acutely interested.

            Mercedes sighed and patted him on the cheek, and David and Wes both leaned forward.

            "Wait, Kurt, do you have a crush on an Anderson? Which one?" Wes asked.

            "Blaine," Mercedes answered immediately, drawing out the name. Kurt poked her in the ribs.

            "Oh good, that's what I thought," David relaxed back into his seat. "But when there's so much Morgan around sometimes it's hard to tell where the pheromones are flying, you know?" He accepted food as it was presented to him by one of the Warblers who was carrying plates of spaghetti to everyone.

            "Hold on, you knew?" Wes asked.

            "Everyone knows," he replied.

            "What? No they don't!" Kurt protested. "I mean... there's nothing to know."

            "Kurt, we're really happy for you! We think you and Blaine would be great together. He really needs to be with someone nice and steady. You'll be perfect."

            Kurt didn't know what to say. His mouth hung open. He heard his named called and looked up to see Blaine walking toward him. He knew it was his imagination, but Blaine seemed to be surrounded in an aura of light like Frankie Avalon in Grease. He knew his mouth was hanging open and closed it tightly before Blaine reached their table.

            Wes was saying, "How does everyone know about it? Who's everyone?"

            "Are you coming back to Westerville after this?" Blaine asked Kurt, both hands on the table and greeting Mercedes with a smile while he waited for Kurt's answer. David and Wes remained unusually silent, staring at each other with growing tension while everyone waited for Kurt to speak.

            "I was planning on going home for the weekend," he said after a moment, blood pounding in his ears. Across the room he could hear Morgan laughing.

            "Okay, cool. You're coming back Sunday night, right?"


            "Would you like to hang out then?"

            Kurt just nodded. The cumulative intake of breath around the table was only covered by Morgan strolling up with most of the rest of the party in tow. He asked Blaine a question while Kurt recovered from the stupid smile that had carved itself across his face. He was breathing deeply, trying to stay in control.

            "Kurt! You've been avoiding me all evening!" Morgan suddenly said, leaning his hip on the table so he could lean over and take Kurt's hand in his. "You were incredible. Also you look really hot in that blazer." He winked and immediately turned to Mercedes. "Hi, Beautiful."

            She smiled and narrowed her eyes at him. "Well aren't you the charmer?" she gently waved off his hurt expression. "I do have a question, now that they're both right here."

            "Yes?" Morgan replied.

            "Kurt," she turned to her friend. "How do you tell them apart? They look exactly alike!"

            "Some days you can't," Thad said, crowding in beside Wes and David on the seat.

            "Oh yeah! There was that time when Morgan showed up in the music room," Nick cut in, leaning from the seat behind Kurt over his shoulder. "It was a good twenty minutes before we realized that the reason he hadn't started off the song was because it wasn't Blaine."

            "Actually, Kurt's really good. He's never mixed us up," Blaine said.

            "So how do you tell them apart?" Mercedes asked again.

            Kurt willed himself to not blush. He willed himself to not squirm or feel uncomfortable at the faces leaning in. The truth was that he found Blaine attractive on almost a spiritual level. He could tell when Blaine entered a room just by how it made him feel and Morgan didn't affect him that way. He didn't know how he could explain that without coming across as a tween romance novel.

            "Yeah, is there like, a sign for which one's which? Like facial scars?" Finn leaned in to examine both of them, Morgan moved toward him like he was about to kiss him which made Finn back off in a hurry.

            "They're... slightly different... Morgan's a little taller. Blaine's got... darker hair..."

            "Okay, but you can't tell any of that when you've only got one of them. Believe me, we tried making a comparison chart once. It has failed to help," Nick said.

            "I don't know, they're just different," Kurt said weakly. He glanced up at Blaine's face and his eyes couldn't linger there. Blaine's face was too earnest. He was so handsome. Morgan was too, of course, but it was just that feeling that was there about Blaine. He had no idea how to describe that.

            "It's true. You've never once confused us. I've even tried being Blaine before-"

            "Oh, he's good at that," the Warblers mostly agreed. It was briefly explained how bad Blaine was at acting like Morgan, though it occurred to Kurt that he'd never seen him try.

            "-but you always know right away." Morgan continued. "It's like a sixth sense. A twinth sence?"

            Kurt clapped his hands together and sat up straight suddenly. "Hey! It must be time for seconds, right? Who's hungry?"

            No one mentioned Kurt's "twinth sense" again that evening. The conversations drifted from the performances to upcoming Regionals and back again.

That weekend Kurt had a sleepover with Mercedes and Rachel and helped his dad out in the garage. He tried not to let himself get too excited about Blaine's proposal that they hang out Sunday night and not to spend too much time picking out an outfit, since there had been no long lingering goodbye after Breadstix and no text messages all weekend, let alone a hug or kiss that might have indicated the beginnings of a romantic relationship. He had received a hug from Morgan, but had been too nervous to attain one from Blaine, even though the moment would have been perfect.

By the time the Warblers left for Westerville, Morgan had the phone numbers of the entirety of New Directions, including Mr. Schue, and when he'd hugged Kurt there was a genuine warmth and not a desperation in it. He'd held Blaine's hand as they'd walked to the cars and Kurt couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to date twins.

            Sunday Kurt headed back so that he'd arrive in the early afternoon rather than the evening. His dad asked him why he was returning so early and he'd said "I have plans with some friends," because it wasn't at all a lie. Burt gave him a nod and told him to have fun and to "invite them over for dinner sometime," then congratulated him on getting through Sectionals again before waving him off.

            He texted Blaine immediately upon returning to Dalton and received, Great! Would you like to give me fifteen minutes, then come on over as soon as you can? I just need to hop in the shower.

            Mental images of Blaine showering made him recalculate the time it would take for him to get over there when he received another message.

            I didn't actually have anything specific planned, I just wanted to hang out. So you don't have to dress for any occasion.

            He smirked, trying not to be disappointed that no elegant date was planned and replied, Every day is an occasion for dressing your best. You will find me fashion-ready regardless of your lack of planning.

            After a few moments of what Blaine's body might look like covered in soap and nothing else-he was really just trying to superimpose what he already knew Morgan looked like with his shirt off onto Blaine's physique-he received another text. I'm looking forward to it, complete with a smiley face at the end. Kurt hugged his phone and redoubled his efforts to look flawlessly fantastic.

            He gave himself two and a half hours to prepare, then texted, I'm coming over now.

            Another Dalton student was coming out of Blaine and Morgan's building when Kurt got there and let him in. When he reached the correct door he poised to knock, but could hear Morgan's voice and paused.

            It was muffled through the door, but his voice wasn't hushed. "...just in general, what do you think of him?"

            "I don't know..."

            "Do you like him?"

            "Morgan..." Blaine's voice sounded a bit nervous.

            "I'm serious! Because if you do-"

            "No, of course not. ...I don't know. I just..."

            "So, you like him?"

            "I... I mean, how can you even tell?"


            "I don't know..."

            At that moment Kurt chose to knock on the door. His heart was racing slightly. It didn't matter who the conversation had been about; it didn't sound promising for him. He closed his eyes and counted to three, smiling brightly when the door was rushed to and pulled open by both boys simultaneously.

            Morgan was dressed in sweats and a rather form-fitting white t-shirt. Blaine, on the other hand was wearing white pants and a green sweatervest over a white button up shirt and tied with a bowtie. Kurt pressed his lips together and looked him up and down. His feet were still bare beneath it all.

            Kurt opened his mouth to speak at the same moment Morgan turned with jazz hands to present Blaine and Blaine turned away muttering, "It's ridiculous. I look silly, right?"

            "I helped pick it out," Morgan winked, then took Kurt's hand, squeezed it, and pulled him into a hug that didn't disguise how thin the clothing he was wearing was. "I'm out for a jog now, bye!" And he was gone.

            Kurt took the moment to catch his breath, and Blaine was already tugging loose the knot of the bowtie. "I was just going to ask what shoes you planned to wear with that," Kurt spoke up.

            "Is it terrible? Tell me honestly. I wanted to make an effort after you said you'd be dressed nice, and," he gestured to Kurt, "Of course you look fantastic. I just wasn't sure. I've been wearing a uniform for a while now and Morgan suggested the bowtie. Now I'm wearing white after labor day..."

            "Blaine. Stop. You look amazing," he added ‘as usual' under his breath. Blaine inclined his head after the last bit, but Kurt carried on. "Those clothes are perfect for you. Now let me..."

            Somehow adding the finishing touches to Blaine's outfit turned into a complete raid and examination of the sparse contents of Blaine's wardrobe. He insisted he had more clothes at home, but it was fairly slim pickings from what Kurt could see.

            "Morgan only wears sweats on weekends and I've never really had a reason to make an effort, so we didn't bring much else to wear."

            "So I can see." Kurt replied, holding up an assortment of matching hoodies. He had to wonder if that meant there was one each or if Morgan's clothes just came in doubles. "But don't worry. Fashion is my field of expertise; we can work out a good two week's worth of outfits from this if we just get creative."

            It turned out to be an incredibly fun several hours of making Blaine play the human Barbie while he tried and retried different ideas and then coordinated outfits. Kurt had known from early on that Blaine shared his interest in fashion, and once they'd gotten going he had been full of ideas. It was more like spending the day comparing clothes with Tina than it was like a date, but it was fun. He liked the way Blaine's sort of awkward shift toward the bathroom every time he told him to try on something new gradually changed back to the confident demeanor of Blaine's that filled up the room. He also liked that he could make Blaine try things on that were unfairly flattering on him and that he could go further than just touching his shoulder gently while he adjusted clothing.

Finally he had Blaine change into one last top, while the two were chatting animatedly about which movies from the 50s they liked best, and Blaine pulled the shirt he had on straight off over his head and reached for the next one. It took a moment for Kurt to realize his heart had missed a beat out of shock and possibly out of approval as well, because Blaine's torso really was better than Morgan's in his opinion. He was less muscled, especially through the chest and shoulders, more lithe. He was fit in a way that, even though there was no prominence in his pecs of abs, you could see where the muscles lay. It struck Kurt as exactly the kind of body that needed to be touched. He clenched his teeth to keep from biting his lip.

At that exact moment, the door banged open violently and a rather distraught twin appeared in the doorway. He was nearly covered with sweat and looking really upset. He started when he saw them both there and the mess of clothes strewn all around. Blaine very quickly pulled the second shirt on over his head. Morgan looked over at Kurt, who was standing quite still, hand still raised where it had been holding out the shirt for Blaine, even though it had been taken.

Morgan's features immediately altered dramatically. The look that had paired with the kicked-open door melted away to a sort of softness when he looked at Kurt. After a second in which Blaine moved to remove some of the clothes from Morgan's bed and move them to his own, Morgan pointed across the room. "I was just gonna... take a shower." Blaine nodded quickly at him and he slunk past, murmuring "Sorry," to both of them.

As he passed, Blaine reached out and hugged him, pulling him in so that Morgan's shoulder rested against Blaine's chest. Morgan turned and hugged him back briefly, kissed his cheek, then headed for the bathroom. His head was down and his shoulders hunched. He didn't make eye contact with Kurt.

Kurt tried not to mention anything. He reached down to pick up and fold the shirt Blaine had been wearing till a moment ago.

"He probably ran into someone," Blaine supplied. "He's still not really over Angela yet."

"I've never seen him be so aggressive," Kurt said quietly after they heard the shower start.

"He's really not. Kicking doors and punching pillows is about the most violently Morgan ever vents his frustration. He would never hurt anyone, even if they threw the first punch."

Kurt nodded, considering that. "What about you?" he asked.

Blaine looked startled. "What?"

"Would you fight back? I mean, I've got this ‘Bully Defender' image of you in my mind, but... would you?"

Blaine ground his teeth for a moment. "Yeah. Absolutely. I would fight back."

Kurt nodded and started cleaning up the clothes they'd strewn out, careful to keep the outfits together as he hung them up.

After Morgan had been in the shower for a half an hour, Blaine went to check on him, then the three ordered a pizza and sat out in the lounge and watched movies together. Morgan curled up on Blaine's chest and quickly fell asleep, hood of an all-black hoodie pulled down over his eyes, which had been red ever since he'd come out of the shower. Kurt sat at the other end of the couch and tried to focus on the movie and breathing. 



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I forgot how much I like this story