Nov. 23, 2012, 7:27 p.m.
Nov. 23, 2012, 7:27 p.m.
The week went smoothly and after the last class let out on Friday, Blaine was waiting by Kurt's classroom for him.
"So, the game's tonight-you're still coming?" he asked.
Kurt took a deep breath. He'd blown off dinner with his family just for this. It didn't matter if it was for sports, even one he'd never watched before and therefore knew less than nothing about, he was going somewhere with Blaine. Blaine who, despite everything strange and confusing about him and his brother still managed to cause butterflies in Kurt's stomach when he walked into a room. Yes, they were going as friends, but it could still count as a date, couldn't it? "Of course," he replied.
"Great!" Blaine said, falling into step and leading the way down the hall. "I was prepared to lure you in with bribes."
"I still want the bribes."
Blaine laughed. "Well, we're allowed to wear whatever we want to sporting events. It's better if you wear blue and red for the team, but I know how much you like putting an outfit together."
"That's it?" Kurt frowned at him. "Honestly, Blaine. I would think you could do better than that."
Blaine leaned over and bumped shoulders with him. "Yeah, but now I don't have to."
Kurt could have sworn his heart stopped for several seconds, he could feel his ears heat up and he bit the side of his cheek to keep from grinning.
Blaine talked stats all the way to the dorms, and Kurt barely paid attention while he racked his brain over his mental catalogue of his clothing items, trying to put together ones in the proper color scheme. They stopped outside Kurt's dorm and Blaine patted him on the shoulder.
"I'll come back in about two hours and pick you up, then we can walk to the field, okay? And be sure to dress warmly."
"I have just the scarf," Kurt replied, waving. Blaine sort of laughed, then waved back and took off. Kurt stood watching him till he was out of sight, then went inside to get ready.
He immediately regretted the two hour time limit, but once he'd chosen the right scarf, mittens, and jacket, the rest was much easier. Everything would be black and slim under his jacket. He considered a hat for a long time, staring at his hair in the mirror and futzing with it, but eventually he decided it was fine how it was. He brushed his teeth and made it downstairs and out the door just before Blaine came around the corner.
As soon as he saw Kurt he sped up. "I'm sorry! I hope I'm not late."
"I just got here," his voice came out wispier than he'd intended. Blaine was wearing a trim black pea coat that happened to show off the slimness of his waist better than the blazer did. Kurt had a momentary fantasy of walking together holding hands inside the pocket of that pea coat. Blaine had also wrapped a scarf around his neck in anticipation of the cooler evening weather, but it was loose and only acted to show off his Adam's apple.
"You look good," Blaine said, straightening the lapel of Kurt's jacket, which was a dark blue to match the scarf which was stripped in Dalton's colors.
Kurt fought back a breathy, "You too," and instead gestured in the direction of the school. "Shall we?"
Blaine cocked his head the other direction with a wink, "We shall." He led the way across campus to the field.
The stadium was only about half full when they got there, and most of the crowd were on the opposing team's side of the field. Kurt gave Blaine a look and he shrugged.
"Prep schools like Dalton aren't exactly huge on sports. This is kind of a big turn-out for us."
Kurt rolled his eyes. There were maybe fifty people on the Dalton side of the stands. Five boys in the front were yelling and holding up a bright red banner, but Kurt couldn't see what it said. They were waving it and pointing at the opposing side of the field. Blaine led Kurt to seats in the stands just to the side of the group clustered around the center line of the field.
"Morgan is the right forward for our team, so he's going to be about there to start off." Blaine pointed to a place on the field and Kurt wondered how he could even know that. "He's number eleven."
Kurt nodded. The field was still empty, but as the clock turned over to the hour about five minutes later, an announcer somewhere below them announced the teams and they ran out onto the field. It took half a second to spot Morgan. Kurt's eyes almost passed him before he recognized his face. There was a big bush of curls sitting on his head and hanging down around his ears. He glanced at Blaine. He knew he slicked his hair down, but he'd had no idea.
"Curls?" he asked, slyly.
Blaine gaped for a moment, then turned bright red. "Yeah. Uh... Morgan usually goes au natural, but I..." he ran his fingers along the side of his head.
Kurt looked back out and considered Morgan, who had just spotted them and was waving enthusiastically. "Both ways is good," Kurt decided as they waved back.
When the teams took their sides before the start of the game, Morgan ran over and hopped up onto the side of the railing in front of them. "Is she here?"
Blaine double-checked the stands, then shook his head. "She'll be here."
Morgan sighed, groaned, and rested his forehead against the rail. Then he perked back up, thanked them for coming, grabbed both their hands and squeezed them before he jumped backward off the rail and running back to his team.
Once the game began and Dalton's team had the ball, soccer turned out to be a lot more exciting than Kurt anticipated. There was constant running and whistles and people bouncing the ball off body parts that Kurt was sure were not meant to be used that way. As the game went on more people sat down in the stands until they had a good little crowd and could call back against the other side's cheers. At the end of the second quarter, a girl with her hair in one long brunette braid showed up and Blaine waved at her.
She glanced at Kurt, then sat down primly beside Blaine. "Who's winning?"
"The other team. We'll catch up," Blaine replied, then he leaned back a bit so Kurt and the girl could see each other. "Angela, this is Kurt. Kurt, Angela." Kurt smiled and complimented her hair, trying not to say anything about the short skirt she was wearing under her heavy coat. It looked nice, but it was becoming colder the later it got-Fashion does need to fit situation, after all. She smiled back, but didn't get a chance to say anything before Morgan bounced up onto the railing again.
"Annie!" he smiled and she leaned forward. Kurt averted his eyes while they kissed. It was a long, drawn out kiss but not unlike the one he'd shared with Blaine earlier in the week. "I'm so happy you made it," he whispered to her, cupping her head with his hand. He kissed her again.
"Sorry I'm late."
"Don't worry about it." He was gazing at her face like she was the most beautiful thing in the world and Kurt felt a slight flop of longing for someone to look at him like that someday. He stole a nervous glance at Blaine who waved good naturedly to his brother as he hopped backward to join his team for the third quarter. Before they ran onto the field, Morgan bounced a few times and wrapped his arms around the shoulders of one of the guys on his team, then they ran out to get ready. Angela sighed and leaned forward, propping her elbow on her knee and her head in her hand.
"I wish he wouldn't do that."
Blaine looked over at her. "What?"
She sat up straight. "Be so passionate with everyone."
Blaine glanced back at Kurt and he had the sudden impression that this happened a lot. "That's just how he is," Blaine told her gently.
"I know. But sue me for wanting to be special."
"Morgan's crazy about you."
She shrugged and hummed slightly. "No, he's like that with everyone. I never asked him to be exclusive..."
"He is," Blaine cut in. She ignored him.
"But sometimes I don't feel like he even cares."
Blaine shifted in his seat. "He does care. Morgan gives a hundred and ten to everything."
She leaned back and looked over at Kurt, then at Blaine, then back out onto the field where Morgan had just stolen the ball. "Well, don't tell him, but I'm not sure I want to be part of everything."
A teammate had taken the ball and then passed it back to Morgan, who bounced it off his head and into the goal. They all stood up to roar with applause. When they sat down, they were joined by two Warblers who took the seats directly behind them.
"Nick! Jeff! I'm glad you guys came!" Blaine greeted, and Kurt filed away their names for future reference.
"We completely forgot the game was tonight to be honest," the blond one said.
Blaine turned around entirely to talk to them and Angela leaned forward. "So how do you know Morgan and Blaine?"
There was that order of names Blaine had mentioned. "Blaine and I are friends. I just transferred to Dalton this week," he finally decided to say.
"Are you and Blaine--?"
He glanced at Blaine who was filling the other two in on the first half of the game. "We're friends."
She leaned forward a little more and held out a hand, which Kurt took. "Sorry I'm forgetting all my manners. It is nice to meet you."
"Pleasure," Kurt replied.
She stood up, moved around Blaine and sat next to Kurt so she wouldn't have to lean or raise her voice. "I love your coat, by the way."
Kurt named the designer for her, then asked, "So you and Morgan are dating?"
"Just over a month now." She sighed. "You don't think I'm crazy, do you? For wanting to be the only thing in his life?"
Kurt shrugged. He honestly didn't know how to answer that. He wasn't an expert, since he'd never been in a relationship and had only had a brother for a very short time now, but it seemed like she couldn't hope to compete against that, if that's what she meant. And with Morgan the way he was, he could sympathize with her, but it left him with no advice. "I've only barely met him," Kurt answered. Although, like the boy had mentioned on Wednesday, once you've met Morgan you really did seem to know everything. He was predictable as long as you were expecting anything to happen.
"I'm crazy," she concluded. "It's just... do you have anybody, Kurt?"
He wanted to reply with "Not yet," but just shook his head. He didn't want to risk mentioning that Morgan had kissed him already, or that he had a crush on Blaine.
She nodded. "I think you'll see someday, but when you have someone like that, someone as amazing as Morgan...I just don't want to share. It's like, I want him to change for me and just be mine, but if he does change, I know I'm not going to want him anymore. You know?"
Kurt frowned. "Aren't you a little young to be talking like that?"
"I'm eighteen," she sighed.
Unless he was greatly mistaken, Kurt could have sworn that Blaine and Morgan were sixteen because his and Blaine's ages would be overlapping for a few more months. Morgan was dating an older woman?
"I mean, I wouldn't want him to turn into Blaine..."
Kurt tensed. "You don't like Blaine?"
She smiled. "That's not what I mean. He's not Morgan."
"And Morgan's not Blaine," Kurt's mind immediately countered.
Angela continued. "I don't know. I'm sorry I showed up late. I really wasn't going to come. We had a fight earlier this week. Well, I say fight but it was really me having a fight and him just taking it. He never stands up for himself. Sometimes I wish he would. I never know what's going on with him and it's frustrating."
He rolled his eyes and tried joking, "Boys." She just shrugged sadly and Kurt sucked in his lips. "Maybe he just loves you?" he tried.
She smiled. "Only because I'm part of everything. Anyway, he'd never be the one to break up with me, he's never broken up with anyone as far as I know, and I don't want to lose him."
Kurt looked over the field and found number eleven slapping hands with a teammate while running down the field. He'd never had anyone like that to lose before.
The third quarter ended with a goal from Dalton's team and Morgan hopped up on the rail to ask if everyone was having fun before the last one started.
Dalton managed a narrow victory. As soon as the game ended and the celebratory atmosphere commenced, Morgan broke away from the teammates he was hugging viciously and sprang onto the railing. This time he clamored over it, he hugged Kurt first, whispering, "We won!" in his ear. Kurt blushed. It made him slightly uncomfortable how a simple hug made his body open up the way it did. Morgan had this way of leading with his hips into everything so every contact was powerfully sexual. He felt surrendered to Morgan after they'd touched, like he would let him do anything he wanted with him. It was a new sort of vulnerable feeling and he wasn't sure if he liked it or not.
Next Morgan kissed Blaine square on the lips, hugged him, and caused a whole new set of stirring through Kurt's body. He moved on to kiss both Nick and Jeff, who had leaned down to congratulated him, on their cheeks. Last he took Angela's hand, spun her into his arms, and dipped her backward to kiss her. It was hard not to notice how strong he was.
Kurt looked over to Blaine to avert his eyes. Blaine grinned at him, then reached over and grabbed the back of his hand. "Come on, guys. Let's get out of the bleachers," he suggested, then pulled Kurt along. Jeff and Nick followed after, whispering to each other, and Morgan swung Angela around, then pulled her along after them, grinning ridiculously.
They reached the parking lot and Nick and Jeff excused themselves. For the first time in quite a while Kurt started to wonder just how many boys at Dalton liked other boys. There was a victory party, which they all discussed going to, then decided against it.
Morgan was holding Angela from behind, leaning his head on her shoulder. "I'm so glad you guys came."
"Of course," Blaine said, smiling. "So... are you two?"
Morgan and Angela looked at each other. "Yeah."
"Okay, see you later then," Blaine said. Blaine shivered from the cold and Morgan moved to hug him. They leaned close to each other and whispered with their foreheads touching. The way Morgan's lips pressed into Blaine's before they parted made Kurt's mouth water again.
"It was really nice meeting you, Kurt," Angela said, and she hugged him.
"Yes it was. Have a good night," he replied, swallowing hard and hugging her at a very sideways angle.
Morgan walked over to hug him next, leaning in full on in a way that Kurt was sure should have been awkward, but Morgan made no indication that he noticed Kurt was hard. Instead, he and Angela took off in the direction of the dorms.
There was a long moment of silence in which Kurt wondered if seeing the twins kiss was ever going to fail to give him an embarrassing public boner.
Blaine scuffed his toe on the pavement. "That was your first soccer game, right?" Kurt agreed that it was. "But you liked it?"
"There was certainly a lot of hugging involved."
Blaine laughed and the sound warmed Kurt. He smiled back. Blaine took a long look back in the direction Morgan and Angela had gone, then asked. "So what are your plans for this evening? Are you going home?"
Kurt had planned on driving home. However, two hours was a long drive and it was quite dark out. "That was the plan." He started heading back toward the dorms. "You aren't going home this weekend?"
"Not this weekend, no."
"So you're just going to go back to your room?"
Blaine stuttered for a second, "N-no. No. I was thinking of maybe heading on up to the computer lab. It's open late on weekends."
Kurt stopped and frowned. "To what? Play World of Warcraft?"
"Just... to be something to do," Blaine shrugged.
"I don't need to drive back tonight," Kurt said before his brain could catch up with the plan. He quickly continued to avoid acknowledging the surprised look on Blaine's face. "I mean, it's dark already and it's a really long drive. Who knows what kind of idiots are on the road at this hour. I'm sure it would be a lot safer to stay here for the night. So you could hang out with me if you don't want to go back to your dorm. We could, I don't know, read Vogue..."
He'd started walking while he was talking and finally Blaine grabbed him by the cuff of his coat, turning him around. "Are you sure? Won't your dad worry?"
Kurt shook his head quickly. "No. Why would he? I'll let him know."
"Cause that would be great."
The breath caught in Kurt's throat. "Would it? I mean, we don't actually have to look at magazines. There's a TV in the lounge. I have movies."
Blaine smiled, looking down at Kurt's feet then back up at him. "Then let's watch your favorites."
Kurt nodded and turned to lead the way, choking down his smile. They walked side by side down the stretch to the dorms. As the first one came into sight, Kurt asked. "Which one is your room?"
Blaine paused beside him and pointed to a ground-level window with the curtains pulled and lights on the other side. He gave a half-smile. "There are drawbacks to having Morgan as a brother, too," he explained.
About forty-five minutes later they were sitting on opposites ends of the lounge couch, sharing a blanket over their legs and watching Amélie. Kurt was glad he'd worn the sleek black outfit because when he'd taken off his scarf and coat in his room, the double take from Blaine gave him enormous amounts of hope.
However, the hope was limited: their feet weren't even touching. Still, it was the closest thing to a romantic evening he'd ever had with another man.
They watched through three more movies before Blaine fell asleep on the couch and Kurt considered crawling over and falling asleep on top of him. If Morgan really did sleep on him all the time, he probably wouldn't mind-but in the end Kurt decided it would be awkward, so he settled for curling up on his side of the couch and watching Blaine's eyelashes flutter and strands of hair fall loose and curl across his forehead before he drifted off himself.
Kurt drove home early the next day, waking to find the blanket tucked neatly around his shoulders and Blaine absent from the couch. He spent the day with his dad and the evening with Mercedes. It was weird being back in his old room, now absent of all the things he'd moved to his new room-which he hadn't gotten used to yet. He was invited out to lunch with several members of New Directions on Sunday, then drove back to Dalton that evening to get started on homework. It would be his first completely full week and he hoped he was prepared for it.