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Breakeven: Chapter 2

T - Words: 4,323 - Last Updated: Nov 23, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Jul 10, 2012 - Updated: Nov 23, 2012
636 0 4 0 0


            Kurt's anger caught up with him faster than the shock. "What?!"

            Blaine's tongue darted between his lips. "I have a twin. I should have said something. It just didn't occur to me..."

            "You have a twin?"

            "Yes! And my brother's kind of-"

            Kurt pushed Blaine away and crossed his arms. "You expect me to believe that?" Blaine looked incredibly hurt but Kurt decided it didn't matter since it couldn't be half as bad as how he was feeling.

"I really do," Blaine said softly. Kurt just scoffed. Blaine groaned turned full circle trying to figure out how to explain it.

            Kurt swiped another tear off his cheek. "You could just tell me the kiss was awful, you know."

            Blaine's shoulders fell. "No! It wasn't. I'm sure it wasn't. I swear, it wasn't me. It had to have been Morgan. I didn't..."

Kurt rolled his eyes, "Yeah, because if you had a twin there wouldn't have been any reason for that to have come up by now."

Blaine threw both hands in the air, raising his voice. "I didn't think about it, Kurt! I see him every day. Multiple times every day! Everyone I know knows both of us, it just honestly never occurred to me to mention him. Sure, if you two had ever been in the same room I would have introduced you, but I'm sorry, it never came up! I didn't think it was important."

Kurt jumped and looked away, immediately sobered by Blaine's outburst. He focused on trying to calm himself down to avoid a fight. His rational side kicked in on instinct and he thought back for any sign that Blaine could be telling the truth. "...Morgan?" He'd heard that name mentioned before.

Blaine nodded, taking a deep breath and closed his eyes. His expression softened when he opened them, then he picked up the stack of sheets. "Let me help you with these."

            Kurt leaned against the door. They'd have to be identical. But two Blaines waltzing around the school? What were the odds? "Why wouldn't it be important to mention you have a twin?"

            "It honestly just didn't occur to me. Kurt... I just didn't even realize. And I always thought you'd be introduced before there'd be any reason to warn you about him."

"Warn me?"

"Yeah, because of..." Blaine waved his hand absently. "And...and kinda selfish, but it was nice having someone who knew just me without the whole MorganandBlaine thing." He held out the two sets of sheets. "Burgundy or white?"

            Kurt reached out and took the white sheets from him without a word. He set the stack on the bed. "We need the mattress pad."

            Blaine started rummaging around through the box and pulled it out with a flourish. He smiled, then his features softened as he handed one end to Kurt, who moved the sheets onto the chair while they stretched it across the bed. "I'm sorry he did that. I know it's not okay after what happened at your old school. He didn't know about it. I didn't think it was my place to tell him, and I'm not defending him, but...that's just kind of how he is."

            Kurt still felt tense about the whole idea. More than that though, he was feeling tired and a bit hollow. He wanted to just sleep and forget about it all, but as long as he had help he figured he might as well get the bed made so he could collapse on it and have a pity party later. "So he lacks any concept of personal space?"

            "It's not like that," Blaine corrected. "Morgan is great about boundaries. If you tell him not to do something he'll be very careful not to. He'll respect your boundaries to the letter; you just have to tell him what they are. I know you didn't get a chance to because you didn't even know. So... this is my fault. I'm sorry, Kurt. I'm..." he sighed and bit his lower lip. "I didn't mean for you to get hurt. Morgan is just... he's very affectionate and very..."


            "Yeah, I guess. He's comfortable with himself and around others. He doesn't really get that most people don't have the same comfort zone he does. You just have to let him know and he won't be so physical. He's just friendly... and spontaneous. Believe me, Kurt, it won't happen again."

            Kurt nodded slowly as he unfurled the bottom sheet. "So, you're identical twins?"


            "Blaine and Morgan."

            Blaine smirked, biting the inside of his cheek, "Usually the other way around, but I like that."

            "And he's not a Warbler."

            Blaine looked at Kurt carefully while they finished tucking in the corners of the second sheet. "You don't believe me?"

            "Where's the comforter?" Kurt replied, not making eye contact.

            Blaine fished it out of the box and unfurled it across the bed. "You don't, do you? You still think I'm making this up."

            Kurt let his corner drop. He stared at it, then sat down without straightening it or tucking it in. "I'm just having a bad day."

            Blaine sat down beside him. "I suppose that started with the kiss?"

            "More like with changing schools. Or a few weeks before that."

            "...I'm not making it better, am I?"

            "You have to admit, it is unlikely," Kurt countered. Blaine sighed and agreed. "Everything's been overwhelming and then... that happened. I don't know what to think. I'm just tired." He paused for a moment and then, "I'll be okay."

            Blaine reached over and touched his knee, sending a tingle up Kurt's thigh. Kurt glanced over at him. If Blaine was telling the truth, then instead of the guy he'd been dreaming about, Kurt had just kissed a total stranger. His stomach rolled slightly.

            "It really is going to be okay here, Kurt. Dalton is a safe place and I'll try my best to make sure you have a great time. I promise."

            Kurt blushed, but caught himself and covered it up with a wry half-smile. "Anyone else I should be aware of?"

            Blaine shrugged and leaned his shoulder against Kurt's playfully. "We have an older brother." Kurt glared back at him and Blaine laughed, "No, don't worry. He doesn't go here. He's much older."

            Kurt rolled his eyes and pushed himself to his feet. He took the edge of the comforter and went about straightening it. "Hand me those pillows."

            Blaine got up and reached for the two pillows, handed one to Kurt and accepted a pillowcase from him in return. They shimmied their pillows into the cases in silence, then Kurt sat back down on the bed.

            "Why isn't Morgan a Warbler?"

            Blaine sat on the chair this time. "He does sports so the schedules conflict."

            Kurt nodded. He tried picturing Blaine as an athlete who kisses random boys in the hall, but all he got was a creepy hybrid image of Finn and Mr. Schue puckering up. Kurt shivered. Maybe it was better to just focus on Blaine, here and now. He felt so bogged down and incredibly tired. At least the bed was made to satisfaction, but it was probably about time to ask Blaine to leave again so he could unwind and try to wrap his head around everything. He did have homework, and on top of that he should call his dad at some point to let him know he'd settled in, and he wanted to talk to Mercedes, then there was unpacking left...

            Blaine was clearly on a similar train of thought. "How about I help you unpack the rest of this stuff, and when everything is put away I can either leave you alone for the rest of the night, or you can come down and have dinner with me. What do you say?"

            Kurt tried to bite down a smile. Even with everything being so confusing, dinner with Blaine sounded excellent, but at the same time... "I'm not really hungry," he replied.

            "But unpacking...?"

            Kurt nodded, smiled softly and got back up off the bed. The unpacking and furniture rearrangements only took a little over an hour, then Blaine left with a friendly goodbye and a promise to see him tomorrow.

Once he'd left, Kurt flopped down on his bed. First things first, he called his dad and lied, pretending his day had gone well and that he was really enjoying Dalton. Then he called Mercedes and apologized for everything happening so suddenly. She was sympathetic and excited to hear about the mysterious twin brother, who she agreed sounded fairly suspicious. It was nice just to have the normalcy of gossiping with his best friend to reground him after a strenuous day.

            At about 7pm he heard a soft knock at his door. He got up to opened it and found a boxed chicken salad, an apple, a bag of corn chips, and a milk box all garnished with a white carnation. There was no one in the hall to thank, but Kurt smiled, picked up the tray and took it to his desk to eat while he caught up on assignments and lessons.

            Early the next morning Kurt got a text from Blaine while he was sorting through pins to find one within dress code that would bring some life to his uniform. Fifteen minutes later he was meeting Blaine downstairs at the front door to the dorm.

            "It's too bad I managed to get into the wrong dorm," Kurt commented as they headed for dinner. "I didn't think to ask you."

            "It's really not a big deal. Morgan and I live in the other building, but this just means you're on my way to breakfast."

            "And yet I still don't get to meet the illusive twin brother," Kurt teased.

            Blaine groaned. "I swear, you're going to meet him and then you're going to regret your complete lack of faith in me." Kurt wanted to say that he'd always had massive amounts of faith in Blaine, it was just mixed up behind shock, disappointment, and a great deal of stress. Blaine continued, "Morgan goes to the gym in the morning so he wakes up early."

            "What early? It's seven AM," Kurt pointed out. He was used to being awake by then, but not used to being ready and out the door. Getting breakfast on campus with Blaine every morning would mean a slightly earlier wake up time than he was accustomed to.

Blaine just laughed.

"Oh, and thank you for dinner last night."

            Blaine sucked in his cheeks. "You got it?"

            "Yeah, I figured it was you."

            Blaine grinned and winked at him. "I had it snuck in. You're feeling better now?"

            Kurt smiled, "I am." He really was. Despite the change of scene, the uniform, and the kiss that was still haunting him, Blaine was still radiating that warm feeling that made Kurt want to cuddle up against him. Everything was starting to seem okay again.

            They ate breakfast in the lunch hall quickly, then went to the music room so Blaine could run Kurt through the numbers the Warblers were working on. Just before 8, Blaine showed Kurt to the first of his A block classes.

            "You're lucky you got here on a B block day because B classes tend to be harder, but today will give you a bit of relief. I'll meet you out here after your first class. And it really will be me, I swear." Blaine winked. "If I'm running a little late you can either head down the hall to class on your own or meet me by the stairs where I was supposed to meet you yesterday. I'll be coming from upstairs, but our second hours are right next door to each other."

            "I'll see you there then."

            Blaine lightly touched his elbow in a way that was incredibly reassuring. "See you." Kurt swooned as he walked away.

            He did end up having to meet Blaine at the bottom of the grand staircase. With a ten minute passing period he decided to not let Blaine's lateness rattle him. He waited off to the side of the stairs over by the window, as out of the line of traffic as he could be.

He leaned back against the wall and peered into his bag to see what could have happened to his phone. He was just pulling it out when he looked up and saw Blaine walking toward him.

He was about to greet him when he realized Blaine was coming from the left-hand hallway, not the stairs. In fact, he seemed to be walking straight past him.

Kurt pushed away from the wall, stood up straight and tried, "Morgan?"

The boy he could have still sworn was Blaine glanced over at him, paused, and tilted his head curiously. His features immediately shifted and he turned to face Kurt directly, holding out a hand. "Nope, my name's Blaine, and you are...?"

It threw Kurt for only a second, then he sighed with relief. "Oh good, you are Morgan."

The boy tilted his head back and winced in a way that made his nose crinkle. "I take it you and Blaine have already met?"

Kurt hummed in response. "It's good to know you really exist."

Morgan snorted and frowned good naturedly. "What, you liked me better as a figment of the imagination?"

"No, I'm glad to know you aren't," Kurt corrected, tugging at the strap on his shoulder. Maybe there were some differences, now that he was looking for them. He couldn't be sure, but Morgan looked a little taller, and maybe broader in the shoulders. His eyes were also just slightly different but without staring it was difficult to tell how...

Morgan moaned slightly and bit his lower lip. "Lucky Blaine," he muttered.

Kurt blinked, "Pardon?"

Morgan held out his hand again, "So I'm Morgan, figment of your imagination. It's nice to meet you."


Morgan gripped his hand for a second, then his eyes got wide. "You're Kurt?"

Kurt braced himself. "Yes...?"

Morgan immediately reached out and cupped Kurt's cheek in his palm, he moved in closer, a look of concern on his face. Kurt tensed and leaned back slightly, but not out of reach. Morgan swiped his thumb across Kurt's closed lips and it made his entire body tingle.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry about yesterday," Morgan said. "I'm so so sorry. I had no idea. You're just so cute and kissable and I was having a bad day. It's no excuse. It won't happen again. I promise."

"Okay," Kurt whispered, for lack of a steadier thought process. Morgan closed his eyes and slid this hand around the back of Kurt's neck. He tipped Kurt's head forward so their foreheads were touching. It was a bizarre feeling, Kurt felt embarrassed and strange throughout his whole body, but it was also comforting, like any damage done had been swiped away or absorbed through Morgan's skin.

Morgan pulled away, leaving his fingers to linger till the last moment on Kurt's cheek. "I have to get to class, but I will see you again."

Kurt could barely find his breath, "I'm sure."

"And no more kisses. I swear, but hugs? Hugs are good?"

Kurt sort of shrugged and nodded. Morgan came back in immediately, threw his arms around Kurt's shoulders, squeezed, then backed away with a smile and a wink. "Later, Kurt!"

Morgan passed through the doors heading into the right-hand passage just as Kurt realized that Blaine was at the top of the stairway. Blaine smiled, waved, and began trotting more quickly down the steps, dodging a few slow people as he made his way down to Kurt, who waved blankly in response.

As he waited, Kurt shook himself. Morgan was really intense, and in a completely different way than Blaine was. Blaine had this presence from afar, Morgan was all there.

"Hey!" Blaine said as he reached the last few steps. Kurt stepped forward to meet him.

"I just met Morgan," Kurt replied. "Is there some kind of thing where the two of you can't exist in the same space? Will the universe implode?"

Blaine laughed. "You are a tough one to please!"

"It's one of my very few faults."

"But, so you met him? You believe me?"

Kurt bit down a smile as they started walking. "I do. He apologized for yesterday. I guess you told him about the Karofsky incident."

"I did. I thought that was important. Was that alright?"

"Yeah. Yes, thank you." After a pause he said, "He's an interesting person. He's very...very..."

"...Morgan," Blaine supplied, and Kurt agreed. "I'm glad. I hoped you two would be friends."

Kurt ate lunch with the Warblers again, this time outside on the grass due to warm weather. The group sat in a cluster circle under a tree and Kurt couldn't help but wonder if they'd been in on his fantasies from yesterday morning. He laid his blazer inside-out so the part that showed wouldn't acquire grass stains. It was quickly revealed that he hadn't known about the twins, and the Warblers latched onto it.

"I honestly cannot believe you didn't know about them. Blaine! Now it's like you've been hiding him!" David chastised.

"I didn't mean to, it just slipped my mind," Blaine apologized, leaning his shoulder against Kurt's in a way that was beginning to feel warm and familiar. "Sorry!"

"Your mind has been awfully slippery lately," Wes commented.

"Just wait, it's so cute how Morgan and Blaine are practically inseparable," another one mentioned.

Kurt frowned, "But Morgan isn't a Warbler."

"No way. That kid doesn't sing," David explained. "He does the super-athlete thing instead." He was sitting just across from Kurt.

"The good thing is that once you've met Morgan, you've pretty much got it all right there on the surface. Blaine is an enigma."

"I am not!"

"Oh no!" a blond boy was speaking now. "Morgan's the enigma. You guys have all seen Morgan do his Blaine impression, right?" He turned toward Kurt to explain, "With Blaine you can pretty much always tell if it's him, no problems. He can't act like Morgan to save his life, but Morgan is really good! If he's pretending to be Blaine there's almost no way to tell the difference without putting them side-by-side. It's uncanny."

"And he's been slicking his hair like yours recently," Wes said to Blaine. "It's like he's making an effort to confuse everyone."

Blaine smiled and continued carefully eating his lunch. From across the yard there was a call.


He looked up immediately and one of the boys said, "Speak of the devil."

Morgan ran up. He was wearing what appeared to be a soccer uniform. He slowed down to hug one of the boys around the neck and run his fingers through another one's hair as he crossed through the group, then he knelt down directly in front of Blaine. The other boys returned to chattering after greeting him, and he cheerfully greeted each one of them in turn. Kurt stayed silently fixated on the two.

They were so alike it was eerie. Their profiles were identical. It was like they'd folded together and become two halves of an inkblot test, or like Blaine had been photocopied.

Morgan had a hand on both Blaine's cheeks and pressed their foreheads together like he'd done with Kurt earlier. Blaine seemed completely unphased by it. In fact, for how intimate the position was, no one seemed phased except for Kurt who could feel how miserably he was failing to keep his blush down.

"The game is this Friday at six and it'd be really great if you could sit with Angela," Morgan was saying.

"Is she really coming or is this going to be like...?"

"She said she was, do you think I shouldn't have asked her?"

Blaine shrugged and shook his head in Morgan's hands. "You know I'm fine sitting alone if she doesn't..."

"No, no, bring Kurt with you," Morgan glanced over at Kurt and winked, never losing contact with Blaine. "She really will be there. She said she's sorry about last time."

Blaine rolled his eyes.

Morgan sighed, "But I've gotta go. I just wanted to let you know the time."

"And that she's coming."

"And that she's coming," Morgan agreed. He grinned and before he got up he kissed Blaine square on the lips.

Kurt was sure his pulse just stopped. Full-on lip-lock. He hadn't even dared to fantasize but there it was: identical Blaines kissing each other. In public. They sort of lingered together before Morgan pulled away with a soft smack. Kurt couldn't remember how to breathe.

"I'm so excited!" Morgan announced after briefly hugging Kurt and springing to his feet. He ran off the way he came, kissing one of the guys on the head as he left. Blaine went immediately back to eating. Kurt tried to discreetly pinch himself.

The boy next to him nudged him and inched closer. "I know, right?" he winked. "Oh my god! You should see it when they fall asleep together. There aren't even words for the fantasies that come true right here at Dalton."

"They sleep together?" Kurt hissed. He could hear Blaine chuckle over his food, but his brain wasn't working right. He must have blacked out and imagined the whole thing. Did twins do that? No one else seemed to have even noticed!

He turned to the boy and swore he knew his name. Something like Trent, probably. He was swooning dramatically, apparently he was also on team gay.

"Well, okay, yeah, they share the same room, but no! I mean like, Morgan will fall asleep on anybody, but especially if Blaine's been studying in the lounge, sometimes he gets tired and falls asleep on the couch and Morgan will just go over and take a nap right on him. I mean," he didn't have an articulation for it, he just spread his fingers and shook his hands with a satisfied hum.

Kurt caught himself licking his lips and realized he was salivating. He tried to remind himself that it's not socially acceptable or attractive to actually drool over your crush and his brother...but they had just kissed. Kissed! That had to mean the floor was open for that kind of thing, right? And at least he wasn't the only one.

            Trent was carrying on. "I mean, hot guys kissing on any day is eye candy, but those two? There just are no words. You weren't here for the first couple of weeks when it was so hot this year. Morgan was walking around the dorm shirtless and let me tell you, between their good genetics and his abs it was just not fair. Not fair to any of us."

            "What? It's not like that..." Blaine trailed off shyly.

            Trent held up his hands defensively. "As long as you two keep kissing in public, I'm going to keep looking and enjoying."

            Kurt wondered if you could get a nosebleed from blushing too hard. He didn't want to shift himself awkwardly, but he didn't want to have a pants-tent either. He tried a few deep calming breaths, but it was like the image of Morgan kissing Blaine was emblazoned on the inside of his eyelashes and he kept seeing it every time he blinked.

            Blaine tilted his head and lowered his voice. "Are you okay? I'm sorry if that was uncomfortable for you..."

            "Please, Blaine, do not apologize for that." Trent cut in, "Those of us who play for your team appreciate the chance to admire jealously from afar."

            Blaine laughed and Kurt placed his tray over his laps and tried to envision Rachel Berry stripping in order to calm his growing erection down.

            When lunch was over, Blaine walked Kurt to his third class of the day. "Do you want to come to the game this Friday? Our team's really good and it'll help integrate you into the school a bit more."

"Sure," Kurt agreed absently. As Blaine started excitedly talking about how this was the last home game of the season and statistics, Kurt worked up the nerve to ask, "So... is Morgan gay too?"

            Blaine opened his mouth like he was going to say something, then shook his head and instead said, "No, he has a girlfriend. Although... he has had boyfriends before. Morgan's sort of, maybe..." he considered the answer for a while then settled on, "Bisexual...maybe pansexual."

            Kurt nodded. "But you're...?"

            "I like guys." He smiled. "Morgan just likes people. I mean, I'm not completely sure with him. I told him I was gay when we were in middle school and in true Morgan fashion he was just really interested. He's interested in everything. He wanted to know why I liked boys and what that meant for me and how that works and before I even came out to our parents he'd brought a guy home."

            Kurt blinked. "Like...?" Blaine nodded. "Wow..."

            They stopped outside Kurt's classroom and Blaine shifted the books he was carrying over to his other arm. "I used to think he'd started dating that guy just because I was so scared to come out and he was trying to soften the blow, because that's how Morgan is. Of course, he's dated other guys since then, so who knows? I think it did help though. I came out after Morgan was dating a girl again, so I think that made it easier on our parents. They'd gotten used to the idea that one of their sons was gay, and one still was. Also maybe it helped that two out of their three sons were normal." He did air quotes around the last word. "And that Morgan was still one of them."

            Kurt ducked his head slightly so they were looking directly into each other's eyes. "You are normal."

            Blaine smiled, then reached out and patted Kurt on the shoulder. "It's helpful to hear that sometimes. From someone other than my brothers."

            Kurt waited in the hall a few minutes after watching Blaine walk away, but nothing unusual or exciting happened to distract him from the image of Blaine and Morgan's lips pressed together. He wondered for the first time in his life if girls ever got this physically uncomfortable in public because their romantic fantasies had turned sexual.



End Notes: A/N- I have a secret. The idea for this fic originally started brewing after Zephyrianboom drew a picture of Kurt being sexed up by Blaine and an identical twin. I loved the idea, and I know it went with a fic, but it was in Russian and I haven't read it. Anyway, Morgan was not that twin, but if you're up for searching around, Zephyrianboom is such a fantastic artist and that picture is really hot.


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ofmwoeafwjeofnk i really like this... like a lot.

I find this really intriguing, but I have one question:Is this going to be an incest fic or something? I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I swear. I'm just curious.

It's not going to be an incest fic. Because of who Morgan is, there's going to be some incest occasionally (like the kiss) but it will mostly be mild and it will not be the focus of the fic. Morgan and Blaine are not lovers in any way at all.