May 28, 2012, 12:23 p.m.
May 28, 2012, 12:23 p.m.
Kurt sat in his desk absorbing everything. Superman was back. And although he wanted to ignore it, he couldn't. Perry made it part of his job. No matter how hard he would try to get out of it, Kurt knew it wouldn't work. Perry was adamant. Kurt sighed and leaned back in his chair absorbing everything.
The picture of him and his boyfriend glared at him from the table. Exhausted from over analyzing everything, he took the picture and put it face down on the desk.
Kurt met Dave Karofsky at a Daily Planet party. Dave was the stepson of Perry White, and unwillingly attended the event. Kurt was on the trail of a big story, and was unamused when Perry pulled him out of the office to socialize.
Dave had been in the Air Force for a few years, but when his time was up, he chose a more recreational route. There was something about being in the sky that he loved. So eventually he settled down and became a recreational pilot. His calm lifestyle spoke to Kurt, and although Kurt didn't want anything serious, he found himself drifting toward Dave. Little did either of them know that their hellos would develop into something more.
Kurt Hummel was someone's fiance. That fact blew his mind. After all, after years of doing whatever he was doing with Superman ... he never thought he'd settle down.
And then he met a man who fit him perfectly. He knew Dave was a safe bet too, but that didn't bother him. After years of being put in danger, Kurt liked the safety.
But after a few minutes, Kurt stopped thinking about him. For a moment, he closed his eyes, letting himself relax. But that was to no avail. Finally giving up, he grabbed his recorder, his ID and a few other belongings and left his office.
There was a story to tell, and it was the election. Superman could wait.
Kurt made his way down to the office he knew extremely well. He had been here numerous times before, granted during his time here, they had always been centered around Superman.
The sign on the building burned in his mind as he read it out loud in disbelief that he was back, once again. "Smythe Enterprises," He read softly.
The walls rose into the sky, seeming to disappear into the clouds. But Kurt rolled his eyes at the sight. If there was one thing Sebastian Smythe (the CEO of Smythe Enterprises) had, it was the constant need to outdo everyone. And that included the security system.
As Kurt's eyes scanned the walls draped with video cameras and wires, he noted that Smythe had to be overcompensating for something. He smirked at the thought.
He thought about breaking in for a moment, but then thought better. Sebastian and him had a different relationship. So instead Kurt buzzed the intercom and grinned as he spoke. "Kurt Hummel to see Sebastian Smythe. He'll want to see me." Within a few minutes the doors buzzed open, causing Kurt to let out a soft chuckle.
Sebastian had ruined Kurt's life numerous times. He had held him hostage, physically hurt him, attacked the man he loved, and ... the worst part, Sebastian had been the one to inform Superman of the possibility of Kryton surviving.
Although Kurt made it a point to keep Sebastian out of his life, he had no doubt that Sebastian wouldn't pass up an opportunity to have Kurt in his. Kurt Hummel was leverage.
He knew his way around the particular manor, having been there numerous times before. It didn't take long to find the office he was looking for.
"Hummel. What a surprise! You don't visit enough. Please, do be seated." The man in the room boomed, as he turned to face Kurt.
Time had aged Sebastian. As he raised an eyebrow, Kurt saw the tired expression on his face. But then again, he could sense that determination and passion that had driven Sebastian to do horrible things in the past. Overall, he concluded that although he had physically aged, his personality was still that of the 20 year old determined to destroy Superman.
But then again, Kurt thought quietly not daring to say the words out loud, had anyonetruly changed?
Kurt plastered a fake smile on his face, and nonchalantly reached in his back pocket to press the record button on his recorder. "Wish I could say it was a pleasure but ..." He shrugged. "Fuck you."
Sebastian nodded and sat down at his desk. "Always the charmer Hummel. I have to warn you though, that mouth won't get you anywhere." He shook his head in disbelief. "I don't think Superman will find it all that attractive either, unless he's into that whole dirty talk thing ..."
"I'm not here for him." Kurt clarified right away causing Sebastian to lean back and let out a laugh.
"Good. Because we all know discussing your boyfriend is a moot point around me." He grinned, implying their past history with each other. "What can I do for you Kurt? ... Can I call you that?" He said, getting up and walking over toward the spot Kurt stood. He circled around him like a shark after it's prey. "I would like to think we're close enough for casualness."
Kurt rolled his eyes, not intimidated by Sebastian's sudden closeness. "No more games Sebastian." He said, turning around to face him. "I want answers."
"For what?" Sebastian spit back, starting to get annoyed at Kurt's attitude.
"Why are you running for Governor?" Kurt asked, straightening his shoulders and glaring at the man in front of him.
Sebastian stopped in his spot and met Kurt's gaze. He wasn't fazed by the question, in fact, he seemed to have realized that was why Kurt was there all along. "Well that's simple my friend ..." He grinned. "Because when I win, I will make my first act as governor to remove Superman from Metropolis ..." But before Kurt could respond he continued. "But that's just the start. Eventually my movement will spread like wildfire across the US."
He eyed Kurt's bewildered expression and cocked his head to the side. "Think of this as me doing you a favor. He left you. Superman doesn't want you anymore. And you don't need him anymore."
Eventually he took a step forward and approached his desk again. Once behind it, he looked up once more at the baffled reporter. "Take advice from my favorite article the Daily Planet has ever written ... The world doesn't need Superman Hummel." He smiled, quoting Kurt's article. Sebastian bit back a laugh, as he leaned over his desk toward the man. "I'm just making sure it stays that way."
This is perfect! I have never been a fan of superman but this crossover has chaned my mind! Please update!