May 28, 2012, 12:23 p.m.
May 28, 2012, 12:23 p.m.
As Blaine walked into Kurt’s office, he was welcomed by the familiar sound of Kurt yelling on the phone. “No it’s because I need to cover fucking Superman … no I don’t think he’s more important than the election coming up … believe me, I’d rather be there than searching for Wonder Boy too.”
Every comment felt like a punch to the heart. But Blaine composed himself quickly, ignoring the man’s yells on the other line. When Kurt was finally done, he slammed the phone down, collapsed into his chair and grinned at Blaine.
“Welcome back.” He said with a smile. Kurt gestured to Blaine’s old desk outside of his office. “I believe you remember where you’ll be working …” He rambled on about the basics which, to be honest, Blaine remembered even to the smallest detail.
Instead of listening, his eyes roamed Kurt’s office. Awards lined the walls for articles. He had pictures with Ambassadors and Presidents. You could tell just by glancing, that Kurt had been extremely successful. Pride filled Blaine's chest.
And then his eyes fell to the personal photos.
Blaine gulped. “I don’t remember this picture …” He said with a quiet voice, grabbing the picture on his desk.
Kurt’s attention broke from his rant, to Blaine. “Oh yeah.” He said awkwardly. “That one’s new. That …” He sighed. “That’s my fiancée and I.”
Blaine kept his cool on the outside. After all, the Blaine Anderson Kurt knew was timid and to himself. The Blaine Anderson Kurt knew was not deeply in love with him.
That was someone else.
“Congratulations.” He said finally placing the picture back on the desk with a small smile. “Things change in five years,” Blaine tried to joke.
Kurt raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Yeah, that’s just one of the many.” He laughed. Leaning back in his chair, Kurt took in a deep breath. “Listen, I need to get some air. You can go to your desk and get set up. I’ll be back soon.” Before Blaine could comment, Kurt disappeared out of his office and slipped into the elevator.
He sat there in silence and listened. Blaine could hear the elevator mechanics turning, and he could hear the familiar ‘ding’ of the door opening. His eyes found their way to the ceiling and he focused. Once his thoughts confirmed his suspicions, Blaine walked into the elevator shortly after.
Once the door closed in front of him, Blaine opened his shirt, revealing the S underneath and prepared himself for the conversation that was going to follow. Kurt’s voice was getting closer and closer with every passing second.
On the roof, Kurt was pacing. His mind was going a thousand miles an hour, and all he wanted to do was be able to breathe without it hurting. His heart ached, his mind burned … Kurt was a mess. Superman is back. That same thought ran through his mind over and over.
He felt angry. He felt betrayed. He felt shocked. He felt overwhelmed. But most of all, Kurt finally felt relieved. It was as if he was holding in a breath for five years and now he was able to release it. Superman was finally home.
Not that it mattered, their relationship was confusing enough. And then he left for five years without a word … without saying goodbye.
“You know frowning isn’t good for your health.” A familiar voice said above him, making Kurt take in a quick breath. “You used to smile a lot more.”
Kurt turned around to see exactly what he expected, although, for some reason, the sight was a lot more breathtaking than he remembered. Descending down to the ground, Superman flew with ease. His feet delicately touched the roof, and a small smile lit his face.
“There’s not a lot to smile about.” Kurt said standing his ground, but Superman’s smile made him falter. “Well … there wasn’t up until now anyway.” Knowing he revealed too much, he covered his tracks. “For Metropolis, I mean. After all, they have their Superman back.”
Superman walked up to Kurt with ease. “And you? What do you think?”
“I think I’m an engaged man.” He said too quickly. Kurt took a deep breath and straightened up. With anyone else, he was the superior strong one. But when Superman was here, he couldn’t help but melt.
“Congratulations.” Superman grinned, walking up to him, coming close. Slowly he felt Superman slip his hand into his pocket and pull out his tape recorder. “Don’t forget to record this.” He grinned.
Kurt sighed, snatching the tape recorder and taking a step behind him to turn away from the man. “So that’s what this is? You stalk me so you can get your five minutes of fame in the paper?” Kurt raised an eyebrow and slipped the record player in his pants, not before he turned it on. Both him and Superman knew that his accusation was false. After all, that was their thing. Kurt would interview him as an excuse to get closer to him and Superman would eagerly oblige. His article My Night With Superman was his literary claim to fame. “I’ll have you know, I’m done writing about you. I’m done with Superman.” He said, standing ground.
Superman couldn’t help but take a step back. It hurt to hear him say those things. But he noticed a catch in his voice, and hoped for the best. “Ah well, if that’s the case. I better get going.” He took another step back and slowly turned around and at a slow speed, flew off of the ground.
Quickly and without any warning, he stopped in the air and looked back at Kurt who was watching him from the roof. “I really do mean it. Congratulations on your engagement. He’s a lucky guy.” He said giving a smile, and turning to fly away.
But that’s when Superman heard it. “Will I see you again?” Kurt’s voice was barely a whisper, but he knew he would have heard it. He knew everything about Superman … so he thought. “You’re not going to get up and leave again right?” The logical part of Kurt had no idea why he was asking these questions, but the emotional part of Kurt knew exactly why.
Five years ago Kurt was in love. He was the only man Superman ever revealed his life to. The only thing he didn't know was his identity, although Kurt hoped to figure that out in time. But then he disappeared, leaving Kurt to wonder if he died … or if he just didn’t want to be found. He had questions still, he had things to say, but he wasn’t going to ask them now. He wanted future plans. He wanted to know he was going to see his mysterious man again.
Superman gave him a small smile. “If you want to, you know how to find me. I’ll always be here. I’m never leaving again. I’m not leaving you.” He watched Kurt get smaller and smaller in his line of vision as he ascended into the sky, leaving Kurt in wonder and hope about their next encounter.