Against The Odds
Chapter 1 Story
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Against The Odds: Chapter 1

T - Words: 1,306 - Last Updated: Mar 10, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Created: Mar 10, 2012 - Updated: Mar 10, 2012
471 0 3 0 0

As the district filtered into the town square, Blaine Anderson squared his shoulders. A somber expression filled his face as he saw his peers prepare for the reaping. He refused to let his mind ponder the question of who it would be. That answer would be told soon enough. 

“Hey.” A voice behind him said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. “This is your last year up for reaping. You won’t be picked.” 

“I’m not worried about myself Kurt.” He said, knowing it was a lie. There was no man or woman in the town who wasn’t afraid for themselves. But Blaine couldn’t help his eyes glance at the little kids with their parents, and to the teenagers who supported their families. Who would help them if they were the ones who were chosen? 

Kurt moved his hand to Blaine’s and gave it a gentle squeeze. “It’ll be okay. We’ll survive this. We always survive.” He nudged his side and gestured to the square in front of them. They found Rachel and Finn, giving them a proper wave. They smiled at Brittney and Santana off to the side. But they all didn’t gather. The reaping was not something to be shared with amongst friends. 

Blaine turned to Kurt giving him a look of dedication. He would make sure Kurt was safe. He had to. “We’ll be fine,” He promised. Blaine started to wonder if he had said that for Kurt’s benefit or his own. In the long run, it didn’t matter. Both of them knew that if one of them was picked, both of their worlds would be shattered. 

They looked at each other, filled with dread, but also with a dash of hope. Maybe it wasn’t them. Maybe they would be safe for another year. This optimism surged through them, and within seconds they found each other. Both eagerly shattering the space between them as they shared one last kiss before their fates were decided. 

“I love you.” Kurt said softly, letting his hand trace along Blaine’s jaw. 

Blaine gave a humorless chuckle. “And I love you too. Everything will be fine. I promise.” He gave him an earnest look before emphasizing, “You’ll be safe.” But even Blaine knew he couldn’t make that promise, no one could. 

The microphone boomed as it turned on, signaling the start of the reaping. Burt Hummel, the mayor of District 4, started his speech. He elaborated on the history of Panem, and how their district came to be. District Four, due to its location on the water, was known as the fishing district. They imported and exported fish and other water based products. The capital depended on them for this. 

Because of its allegiance to the capital, they were considered a Career district. However, the Careers were a minority of the town. After Blaine’s mother passed, and his older brother Cooper dying in the games years before, he was too busy putting food on the table for his father to partake in practice for the games. 

Although Kurt’s father was mayor and Kurt eagerly practiced, it wasn’t a talent he naturally picked up. Both of them were equally unprepared when it came to the games. 

“It is both a time for repentance and a time for thanks.” The mayor, Kurt’s father, read of the prompter with a solemn expression. His hatred for the games was obvious making him the mayor the Capital trusted the least. There were whispers and murmurs of him being overthrown because of this discontent. Wanting to protect Kurt’s life, he tried to hide it better. Unfortunately for Burt, he was a horrible liar. 

Burt read the names of the past District 4 Victors. The two most well-known Victors announced were Finnick and Annie Odair. However, shortly after her husband’s death Annie became the only one fitted to represent the District. As she stood up on the stage next to Burt, she took a shaky breath and closed her eyes, trying to block the world around her. 

After the announcing of past victors, a third figure walked onto the stage. Gabriel Greyback, the escort of District 4, took the attention of the entire population. His voice was low and solemn, his fashion was bland, and his face gave the expression of utter boredom. “Welcome.” The man boomed, skipping straight to the picking, giving no time for niceties. “The female tribute for this years Hunger Games is …” He announced, reaching in before picking a slip. “Sunshine Corazon.” 

The petite female shuddered in her spot, trying to keep her composure. But they could all tell that she was terrified. Sunshine took one last deep breath before pushing her way through the crowd, finding her spot on the stage. 

The next pick was for the male tributes. 

Kurt and Blaine glanced at each other again, holding each other’s waists for dear life. Kurt rested his forehead on Blaine’s shoulder, and Blaine couldn’t help but kiss the top of his head. “What if it’s one of us Blaine?” He whispered. 

“It won’t be. There are thousands of slips. I promise. You’ll be safe.” Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt one last time before Gabriel cleared his throat into the microphone. 

Gabriel took a deep breath before sticking his hand in the bowl. After taking out one single paper, he said the name loud and clear. 

It wasn’t Blaine. It wasn’t his family. It wasn’t his friends. 

It was worse. It was his heart, Kurt Hummel. 

All eyes shot to the two of them. “No.” Blaine’s lips muttered as his eyes shot to Kurt’s hysterical face. A few men in front of them grabbed Kurt’s arm and jerked him forward. “No … KURT.” Blaine screamed, not acknowledging his peers behind him, holding him back. 

His mind was racing at a thousand miles per hour. How could this happen? Kurt never had to opt for tesserae. If anyone should have been picked, it was him. Blaine opted tesserae often in order to feed his father. Keeping this in mind, Blaine pushed forward as he watched his boyfriend disappear to the front of the crowd. 

Blaine focused on Kurt’s figure disappearing fast. Anyone but him, he thought. And that’s when he screamed it. “I VOLUNTEER!” 

Although District 4 was a Career district, it was still regarded as a death sentence to be picked. This was why, when Blaine screamed, the population around them fell silent. A few men let go of Kurt, and cleared a path for Blaine to make way. 

It was then his peers’ turn to hold Kurt back as Blaine marched forward. He could hear Kurt’s screams of protest as he stepped onto the stage. He could even hear the cries of a broken heart as he took his place next to Burt. 

Burt stared at Blaine, partially thankful, but heart broken. He was glad his son wasn’t the tribute. But then again, he considered Blaine his son, making it hurt just as much. 

“Well then …” Gabriel started, shocked that this had even occurred. “If that’s settled, let us welcome our newest tribute. What is your name sir?” He asked approaching him with the microphone. 

Blaine cleared his throat, looking down at the crowd below. His eyes found Kurt’s and he tried convey to him the only thing he could think of. I couldn’t let you die. I needed you to be safe. He took a minute to figure out how to talk again before he spoke. “Blaine Anderson.” 

“Well then Mr. Anderson, congratulations.” Gabriel said shaking his hand. As Blaine shook his hand back, he couldn’t help but wonder what Gabriel was congratulating him on. Gabriel pulled the two tributes together, side by side, and grinned into the microphone. 

The music started to play, and the cameras zoomed in. Gabriel smirked into the camera, leaving Panem on edge of their seats. “I believe that concludes the reaping.” He let out a chuckle, imaging the future of the two teenagers he held. “Let the Hunger Games begin.”


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This is great!! Can't wait for the next chapter :)

Omg thank you :) <3 Made my day to read hahah!

oooh me likes! :D if you want/need a beta for future chapters, I'd be happy to help! :)