Happily Ever After
High School Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Happily Ever After: High School

T - Words: 1,344 - Last Updated: May 06, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: May 05, 2012 - Updated: May 06, 2012
494 0 0 0 0

Sitting on the bus to school, I've gotta say is an experience and a half that I won't be forgetting in a hurry. Seriously, isn't the idea of having food to actually EAT the stuff, not throw it at various other people? Urgh. I shuddered, picking a slice of butter covered ham off of my shoulder that had mysteriously come flying towards me, muttereing under my breath. I really wasn't much of a crowd person. I really could not wait till I could get my own licence and car, and not have to deal with bus journeys any longer.

Cheer up Blainers, for all you know, this could be fun! New people, new classes, smile!

My attempts at giving myself a half hearted pep talk actually made me smile a little, finding it sort of silly that I was this worked up about starting a school. I mean, I have survived this bus journey so far, and who knows...I could have friends...I mean, I did at my last school, sort of...ok, they were team mates....but that counts, sort of. And who knows, they might have a track team here. There's always something to get involved in. Lets face it Blaine, the more jock-like you become, the less people are gonna suspect anything, so that means NO choir, no theatre club, nada, nope, end of.

Ok, maybe I was being a little to harsh, but I really dont want a stressful high school life like you read about on the internet. Lets face it, if people knew I was gay, that would only make things worse than they have the potential to be. I remember Cooper telling me about the kid in his class who came out in his juniour year, so the jocks literally set fire to his stuff! I mean, I dont want that, NO-ONE does. So the longer I stay in the closet, the better. Hey, who knows, maybe I'll meet Mr Tumnus for tea or something.

FINALLY, the bus pulled into the parking lot of the school, and I filed out with the other kids, looking up at the somewhat daunting grey brick of Westerville South. I've been here before, to watch Coopers football games, and when he graduated, but being a student here, just seemed so much more.....scary. I walked with a group of kids into the building, feeling somewhat lost amogst the sheer volume of people shouting across the hall to eachother. It was like a sea of people, dotted with the occassional teacher, trying to push through the crowd without spilling their coffee on the stacks of paper clutched close to their bodies. Gotta say, really did not envy them.

Thanks to the induction meeting held the Friday before, I knew where my locker was. The only problem was that it was oh so conveniently situated on the third floor on the west side of the school. I was on the ground floor of the north side. And with, I checked my watch, twenty minutes till the bell rang for the start of lessons, I kinda felt a little doomed.
Better get moving then, cause gotta say Blainers, standing on the spot wont do you any favours
I told myself, and made my way down the corridor to the left of me, praying that I would reach my locker in time, and in one piece.

By the time I found my locker, I felt like I had been caught in several raves. Seriously, the amount of people that just stand about in huge groups in the middle of corridors is beyond belief! You'd think they'd have something better to do.
   I scanned the emerald green wall of lockers until I found mine. Right at the end. At the bottom. Great. Number 899. I turned the lock, opening the door which made a delightful screeching noice.
   Note to self, buy oil for lockers
 I told myself as I pulled various folders and notebooks out of my bag and shoved them into my locker. I pulled out my timetable from my pocket to see what I faced for the day. I had english first, with some teacher called Mr Salmon. Geez...I bet he got hell for that name. Luckily it was just a floor below where I was now, so it didn't take me long to get there.

    I reached the class just as the warning bell rang, telling the various people about the school that there was only five minutes until lessons started. I scanned the room, looking for an empty desk and found one in the middle row on the far left. Walking over I slumped into the chair, throwing my bag under the desk and pulling out a notepad and a pen, and started doodling miscellaneous pictures on the cover.
   I spent a good three minutes doing this when,
"Excuse me, is it okay if I sit here"
   I looked up and I swear I had to stop my jaw from hitting the ground. There stood, quite possibly the best looking guy I had seen in real life ever.(Obviously discounting Zac Efron, who I totally had a BOSS poster of....hidden at the back of my wardrobe). But seriously, this kid, whoever he was, was ..... just.....wow. He had pale blonde hair that swept across his forhead, but not enough to hide the sparkly blue eyes that were set in behind a mass of long but pale eyelashes. He had a few cute little freckles dottes across his perfectly sculpted cheekbones and nose and lips that were curled up in shy but slightly bemused expression. In short. He. Was. Beautiful.

    "Erm.....are you okay.....hey......can you hear me.......I can not sit here, if thats the problem or...."

   His voice...so soft, kind of deep, but souldfull...wait....voice? DAMN IT BLAINE! HES TRYING TO TALK TO YOU

   "Oh sorry, got...distracted, sure, seats all yours" I said, no doubt grinning like an Alcatraz escapee, "My name's Blaine, by the way, Blaine Anderson" I said, half thrusting my hand in his face for him to shake, almost smaking him square in the nose....the strong...perfect nose......
Oh yeah....real smooth Blaine. You almose injure the kid, and sit there all but drooling at him....and all you think about is his facial features....reeeeaal gentlmanly

  "Haha, thanks, I'm Anthony. Anthony Jenson. Nice to meet you, Blaine" he said, shaking my hand briefly, before sliding into the chair next to me. He smiled quickly at me, before pulling a pen and a crumpled piece of paper out of his bag, which he had hung over the back of the chair, and started tapping his pen against the table.

   I was just about to open my mouth, probably to ask him something stupid or blurt out just how stunning he looked in the light that was coming in from the window beind him (to be honest, my mind seemed to have deserted me for the time being, so I was kind of stuck in the whole NOT BLURTING EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE THINKING mode) when the teacher walked in.

  The class startedd and I swear I went on for an enternity. Whilst the teacher was talking about the something or rather to do with something about Wuthering Heights, I was pretending to take notes, whilst sneaking cheeky glimpses at Anthony beside me. I could tell that this class at least would be bearable, if only for the eye candy next to me.

    When the bell rang, I snapped out of my boy-admiring reverie and started packing things into my bag, when Anthony spoke again.
    "So Blaine, where are you at next? I'm in History. It would be nice to kind of have a friend to walk with, if you're going that way." He smiled at me, flashing a set of pearly white teeth.

    "Erm...hang on," I said, pulling out my timetable. "09.40-10.40 European Geography N23.....thats a floor above History right?" I asked, smiling up at Anthony, who nodded, "Then sure, lets walk" I smiled, hitching my bag onto my shoulder, following Anthony out of the door.

   Suddenly, high school seemed to get a lot better.

End Notes: So yeah.....chapter 2!!I intended to write a bit more about how the whole day panned out, providing Blaine's internal monologue on everything, but instead, the story took me this way. Let me know what you thinkMuchos love, Amy Xx


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