Happily Ever After
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Happily Ever After: Waking

T - Words: 959 - Last Updated: May 06, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: May 05, 2012 - Updated: May 06, 2012
468 0 0 0 0

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep.......

Groaning, I blindly reached across my bedside dresser, looking for the source of the irritating noise that dared to wake me from my sleep. After hitting the alarm with perhaps a little too much force, I slowly sat up in bed and ran my hand through the no doubt sky high mess of curls on my head, shuddering slightly at the thought of what it would take to contain the, lets face it, beast of a hair do in order to make me look at least a little bit normal.
  I looked over at my alarm clock and caught sight of the date. Monday 4th September. This was it. My first day at Westerville South High School. I've gotta admit, dispite it being an "exciting new adventure in my life" and "a wonderful opportunity to broaden my social and academic horizons" as my mother dearest liked to put it, I really was not all that excited at the prospect of starting high school. I mean, I've watch tv. Kids are mean at high school. I mean, you look a little out of place and BAM.... you're having your stuff stolen and your head is making a wonderful vacation down the U-bend of the nearest toilet. Trust me, I know these things. Well, at least judging by what my brother used to tell us, from his good old days as Westerville South's resident jock and (self-titled) badass.
   Sighing, I dragged myself from the safety of the duvet that I was more than content to hide behind for the day, and shuffled into the bathroom down the hall. Glancing at my reflection, I noticed that my hair did in fact resemble something like an eagle would happily lay their eggs in. Rather than attempting to attack it with a brush, I grabbed a handful of gel and slicked it back as flat as I could manage. After combing it into a somewhat presentable style, I walked back to my room, and set about deciding what to wear for the day.

  Now...I could go all casual, maybe skipping the bow ties for a change.....but then, would that make me look kind of like I dont care? Or is that the right impression....am I meant to care about high school? Argh where is Cooper when you need him? RIGHT....so.....maybe not the bow ties, but how about....yeah...jeans....shirt......my lucky red jacket with the white striped collar.....sorted

I pulled the outfit on, then turned to look at myself in the mirror. Well at least I could get through the day knowing that I at least look like I care about my appearance, and not like one of those strange grungy people that try to look like a modern day Kurt Cobain but end up looking like someone who has lost all their other clothes and forgotten how to use a shower and a hairdresser. I mean...its not like they could ever pull of the classical rugged look of Kurt Cobain....his whole rebel "I don't care what you think, cause I know I'm awesome so I'm gonna sit and brood with my guitar about it" look, its totally a one off, also, kinda hot.........

Yeah.....totally did not just think that. Damn.....I've got to get through high school.....without anyone finding out that I was gay. I mean it was all very well me knowing, but that was IT. My family didn't know. So there was no way people with the potential to torture me every day were gonna find out. I mean I've read those stories and its just....that can't happen....I wont happen...Oh god what will I do...they're totally gonna find out and then....and then.....

I broke out of my inner panic, sitting on the end of my bed, head down, trying to regulate my breathing. How could I forget? I mean, I'm not the most obvious of gay guys, at least, I don't think I am, but still, it was not something that I could afford for people to find out about me. I just needed to get through......FOUR YEARS.....without people knowing. But hey, I've got this far in my life without my family finding out...so what was another few years?

Feeling slightly calmer, I checked my reflection once more, and walked downstairs to meet my family for breakfast before catching the bus to school.



"Morning Blaine, looking forward to you first day at high school"

My mom greeted me, pressing a plate of toast into my hand as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey mom" I said, sitting at the breakfast bar, taking a mouthful of toast, "Yeah, totally, its gonna be pretty cool, I guess"

"Oh Blaine, look at you...growing up, heading to high school...soon you'll be getting your first girlfriend, going to prom....graduating....its all happening so fast!"

By this point my mom was getting pretty emotional, something that I'll never really understand, I mean, what was it with parents and their need to cry over every milestone, however insignificant in your life.

"Yeah I know, but mom....it's just high school...I'm not running off anywhere, no big deal"I replied, finishing my toast and leaning over to give her a hug. Luckily, my mom is pretty much the same size as me, so its easy to just wrap an arm over her shoulder comfortingly, "I'll see you later, tell you all about my BIG DAY" I laughed, air quoting the BIG DAY, subtly mocking her, before moving quickly out of the way when she swung a cloth at me and grabbing my bag.

"Oh shush you, be safe, don't forget to ask if you get lost and be polite to everyone you meet!" my mom called after me before I disappeared through the front door to school.

Not at all looking forward to what waited for me there.

End Notes: Ok....so thats part 1. I think its ok....I'm really not that up to date on the whole american school system, but i know that there's high school, and its 4 years and wikipedia says you start it at age 14...so yeahNext chapter will be about what happened at school....woolet me know what y'all think,Muchos love, Amy Xx


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