April 7, 2015, 7 p.m.
April 7, 2015, 7 p.m.
Hope you are all having a great New Year. Chapter 9 coming soon.
- C
Chapter 8
Kurt opened his eyes and yawned. He stretched his arms and turned around to look at the empty space next to him. Blaine wasn't there. He was gone. Kurt looked at the corner of the room to see Blaine's backpack. That was good. So Blaine was still here.
He turned around on the pillow and looked at the ceiling, realizing he had slept through the entire night without waking up. He closed his eyes and remembered the events of yesterday.
The kiss.
He had kissed Blaine.
He remembered every detail about his lips. They were soft and tasted just like a summer's day. When he kissed him, he felt like they were underneath a blossom tree far, far away in a silent forest and the sun was shining down on them. And in this forest, it was just the two of them, kissing in each other's arms and no one was around to bother them.
Kurt covered his face with his hands. He could not believe it. He was starting to like Blaine. Blaine. Out of all people. This was bad. Very bad.
Suddenly the door of the room opened and Blaine stepped in.
“Good morning, Sleepyhead,” Blaine greeted.
Kurt sat up on the bed and smiled. “Good morning.” He looked at the surprise expression on Blaine's face. “What time is it?” Kurt asked.
“Its 10:30,” Blaine replied as he sat down on the chair next to the bed. “Do you always wake up this late?”
Kurt nodded, turning a little red. “Yeah,” he confessed. “Sometimes I'll wake up at eleven.”
“Eleven!?” Blaine asked shockingly.
“Yeah, it's the weekend. I sleep in on the weekends,” Kurt said, stretching his arms.
“Or maybe you're just lazy,” Blaine joked.
Kurt chuckled. “I am not lazy.”
“O-kay,” Blaine smiled and spoke with a sarcastic tone.
Kurt smiled back and looked out the window, seeing the beautiful lake. Blaine's room had a great view.
“So what time do you usually wake up?” Kurt asked.
“I wake up around 8-8:30.”
“Yeah that's too early for me. I need my sleep,” Kurt joked making Blaine laugh.
Kurt got up, ready to start his day. He suddenly felt a towel land right on his shoulder.
“You should take a shower so we can have breakfast. We can go to the same place as last night.” Blaine said, giving Kurt a handsome smile that made his heart race.
“Wait… you didn't eat breakfast yet?” Kurt asked.
Blaine shook his head. “Nope, not yet.”
“But you've been awake since eight.”
“I know, but I wanted to wait for you so we can go together,” Blaine said.
Kurt looked down and felt his face get red. He was blushing. Blaine wanted to wait for him. That was very sweet of him. Blaine turned his chair around to look out the window.
“Okay, I'll go take a shower now,” Kurt said.
“Be quick. Can't wait for you to try the pancakes.”
Blaine looked out the window as Kurt went to the bathroom and closed the door
… … …
“All ready?” Blaine asked.
“I am,” Kurt responded after leaving the bathroom and taking a shower. He was dressed and ready to go. Blaine had lent him clothes to wear, a pair of jeans and a buttoned shirt. A very nice thing to do.
Blaine looked at Kurt and smiled. “Let's go.”
The boys left the house and walked to Blaine's car. When they got outside, they heard birds whistling and the gentle waves of the water splashing against the shore. They got into Blaine's car and drove to the same place as yesterday that served their delicious dinner.
When they got to the diner from last night, a waiter sat them at their table and gave them their cups for their drinks. Kurt looked over at the food and spotted the pancake section. He closed his eyes as he smelled the nicely, fresh pancakes.
“Wait here,” Blaine said. “I'll be right back with your food.”
Blaine stood up and headed to the food. When he came back, he brought with him a plate stacked full with pancakes. He also brought with him an extra plate and handed it to Kurt.
“You'll love the pancakes,” Blaine said.
“They look delicious.” Kurt got three pancakes from the stack and put them on his plate. He put butter on the top and poured maple syrup all over. He cut them into small pieces and took a bite. And yum-m-m. Blaine was right again. They were delicious.
“Do you like them?” Blaine asked.
Kurt nodded. “These are amazing. Thanks.”
“I knew you'd like them.”
When breakfast ended, the boys returned to the lake house and agreed to finish their project. It was what they came here to do in the first place. During the time while they worked, Kurt would look over at Blaine, his eyes naturally heading in his direction. When he looked away, Blaine would look back at him and be happy as ever that he was there with Kurt.
By noon, it was time to go home. Blaine drove back to his house so Kurt could get his car. The car ride was fun. They had listened to Blaine's mix tape, a CD with a few of Blaine's favorite music. Kurt got the CD and saw the list of songs on there. A few of the bands he had never heard of but they were all really good. Their melody, their lyrics, it was all so good. He had to get their names before he left. He got his phone and wrote the names of all the bands he saw in his notes. He would check their music out later.
“I love your taste in music, Blaine,” Kurt said while looking at the CD in his hand.
Blaine looked at Kurt. “Thanks. Me too.”
The boys giggled. When they arrived to Blaine's house back in Lima, Kurt thanked Blaine for the great weekend he had. They stayed in his car neither one wanting to leave.
“Kurt,” Blaine said.
Kurt turned his head and looked at Blaine who was looking down shyly. Kurt found this cute.
“I had fun last night,” Blaine said with a shy smile, turning a little red.
Kurt looked away, blushing. “I had fun too,” he responded.
The boys sat there in silence and looked at each other. It wasn't awkward. Not one bit. It felt good. It felt comfortable for the both of them.
Blaine looked straight into Kurt's eyes. “I'll see you on Monday?”
“Yeah, Monday,” Kurt said with a smile.
Both got out of the car and waved goodbye to each other. When Kurt got inside his car, he sat there smiling and remembering all the things that had happened this weekend with Blaine. He couldn't stop thinking about it. He got to see Blaine shirtless. He got feel his lips. His touch. His hands on his face.
He smiled and nodded. Yeah, he was starting to like Blaine. And there was no denying it.
… … …
Monday morning arrived and it was back to school. Blaine entered the school building and right away saw Ethan and Scott.
“Blaine!” Ethan yelled as he and Scott ran up to him.
“Hey guys. What's up?” Blaine asked.
Ethan handed Blaine his phone. “Look at this email I got.” Blaine read the email on Ethan's phone.
You better take a mop to the lacrosse game tonight. And use it to clean your blood when A. J. High School defeats you.
– Alex
“Who's Alex?” Blaine asked confused.
“He's the lacrosse captain from A. J. High School. The school we're playing today,” Ethan said.
“Wait, how come I've never heard of him?” Blaine asked.
Scott spoke. “He's new. Here's what we found out. Alex joined the A. J. High School lacrosse team this summer and apparently he's really good. He became captain right away. And they've been practicing ever since. Even during the summer.”
“That's crazy,” Blaine said, handing Ethan back his phone. “But don't worry guys, we'll be okay. We'll beat A. J. High School just like we've defeated every other school these past four years,” Blaine said motivating his friends. “In fact, A.J. High School will need the mop, not us.”
Ethan spoke. “Yeah, I'm sure we'll beat them but I still think we need to go over our routines now before the game today.”
“Now?” Blaine asked.
“Yeah, now. The entire team is skipping class. No one is going to class. Lacrosse is more important,” Ethan said as he pushed both Scott and Blaine and took them outside. “We're getting the rest of the team, changing into our uniforms and practicing.”
Blaine thought about it and got a little sad. Skipping class? But he really wanted to see Kurt.
… … …
Kurt entered the Drama classroom and went to the table he and Blaine always sat at. He had been looking forward to this class all weekend. He was looking forward to talking to Blaine. He was going to see him.
He looked to his right and saw Rachel.
“Good morning, Kurt,” Rachel said.
“Morning, Rachel,” he responded.
Rachel sat down at her seat with Finn, Santana and Quinn. Quinn was looking into a mirror and fixing her hair, Santana was talking with another cheerleader and Finn was reading a book.
“I bet you've been looking forward to this class, haven't you?” Rachel asked.
Looking forward to it? What did she mean? Had she figured it out??? Kurt looked at her confused. “What makes you think that?”
“Well because today's our last day to work on our book projects with our partners. You've been looking forward to this day because after today, you'll be free from Blaine. He'll no longer be your partner.”
Ohhh, that's what she meant.
“Well, you're right about me being excited for this class,” Kurt said. He looked at the time on his phone. 7:59 AM. Only one minute until class started. But there was no sign of Blaine anywhere. Where was he? He looked around the room to see if Blaine was already here, but there was no sign of him.
“Are you looking for your partner?” Rachel asked.
“Yeah, I don't see him anywhere,” Kurt said.
Kurt stood up from his seat and looked out into the hall. Nothing. He went to the window and looked outside. No sign of Blaine anywhere. Where was he? Suddenly their teacher, Mrs. Harris, walked into the room and closed the door. “Okay class, please take your seats.”
“Looks like Blaine isn't coming,” Rachel said. “Come sit with us.”
Kurt looked back and saw the empty seat right next to Rachel. He got a little sad. He was really looking forward to spending time Blaine.
… … …
Lunch time came around and Kurt finished his food. He went to his locker to get his books for his afternoon classes and suddenly, he heard the voice of the person he missed.
Kurt turned around and saw Blaine running to him. Immediately a smile formed on his face.
“Blaine, hey,” Kurt smiled.
Blaine was wearing his lacrosse uniform and he had a little dirt on his forehead. He had obviously been playing lacrosse.
“I'm sorry I didn't go to class,” Blaine apologized. “But the team and I wanted to use the morning to get some practicing done before the game tonight.”
“It's okay. You didn't miss much today in class anyway.”
Kurt looked behind Blaine and saw Ethan and Scott walking towards them.
“Okay,” Ethan said. “Now we're ready.”
Blaine looked back at his friends. “Hey guys. Have you met Kurt yet? He's my partner for the book project.”
Ethan shook his head. “I know who he is but we've never spoken.”
Blaine introduced everyone. “Ethan, Scott, I want you to meet Kurt. Kurt, this is Ethan and Scott.”
Ethan and Scott waved hello. “Hey Kurt, nice to meet you.” Ethan and Scott shook Kurt's hand.
“Hey guys,” Kurt greeted back.
“So does it suck having Blaine as a partner?” Ethan joked.
“Sorry you got stuck with him,” Scott said.
Blaine pushed both guys away. “Shut up guys. Kurt likes having me as a partner.”
Kurt laughed. “He's alright. A little slow, but he's alright.” Kurt joked, making everyone laugh.
Kurt had never had a conversation with Ethan or Scott, but by the looks of it, they were really nice people.
“Well Blaine, I'm hungry. See you at lunch,” Ethan said. “Kurt it was nice meeting you.”
“Bye Kurt!” Scott yelled as he and Ethan walked away to the cafeteria.
Blaine looked at Kurt. “Kurt, I wanted to ask you something.”
“What is it?” Kurt asked.
“I… I was wondering… are you going to the lacrosse game tonight?” he asked.
Kurt shook his head. “I'm sorry. I wasn't planning on going. I usually go straight home.”
Blaine looked a little disappointed. “Oh, you should go if you can. It would mean a lot to me if you went. It's going to be really fun.”
Suddenly, they both heard Ethan yelling from the end of the hall. “Hey Blaine! They're about to close the lunch line! Hurry up if you want to get your food!”
Blaine looked at Kurt. “Got to go. See you later Kurt.”
Blaine waved goodbye and ran down the hall. Kurt thought about it. There was no point of going home so early. He looked at a lacrosse poster next to his locker.
Come Support Our Lacrosse Titans
on their First Game of the School Year
Against the A. J. High School Generals
Today at 5:30 PM
Blaine's words flew threw his mind. It would mean a lot to me if you went. He decided he would go. He'll go support Blaine and watch him play his first game of the school year.
… … …
It was 5:00 PM. Kurt entered the school lacrosse field and saw hundreds and hundreds of students cheering in the bleachers. People had created posters and banners and held them high in the air. There were posters such as, “Go Titans!” “Go McKinley!” and the poster he saw the most “Go Blaine!”
Kurt sat in the front row next to a girl with dark, black hair. She was cheering loud and was yelling, “Go Ethan!” Kurt looked at her. Of course, that's Lucy, Ethan's girlfriend.
“Go Ethan!” Lucy yelled again. “Woo!”
Lucy was a very pretty girl. She had long black hair and a beautiful heart-shaped face. Kurt had never spoken to her. All he knew was that she was Ethan's girlfriend and they had been together for four years now. Their four year anniversary had just happened last week and everyone knew that because during lunch the lacrosse team had put up a giant banner outside the school parking lot and wrote, “Happy Anniversary to Lucy and Ethan.”
Kurt looked out into the lacrosse field and saw the school's marching band playing their instruments. The band moved to the center of the field just as the cheerleaders came out and started cheering and performing tricks. Kurt spotted Santana, Quinn and Brittany. Then after the cheerleaders came out, it was the lacrosse team. Every lacrosse member ran out into the field, with their helmet at their sides and waved to the people on the bleachers. The whole school cheered for them.
It was weird. Kurt didn't see Blaine anywhere. He saw the entire team but no sign of Blaine. Just then, the marching band started playing their drums at a fast pace and someone spoke into a loudspeaker.
“Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. Put your hands together for, the one, the only, Blaine-e-e-e Anderson-n-n-n!”
The crowd of students cheered even louder as Blaine came out into the field and waved to everyone in the bleachers. Kurt clapped and wooed as loud as he could. It was Blaine. There he was. He could tell this was an important game for him. It was the first game of the season.
Kurt looked over to the cheerleaders and they all started to perform a cheer. They did wild tricks in the air that caused the crowd to applaud and woo. Kurt looked to his right and saw a girl with a box of chips and burgers. She was walking up the bleachers and yelling, “Burgers and chips! Get your burgers and chips!” Students stood up from their seats and waved to the girl. “I'll have a burger!” “I'll have some chips.” The girl would randomly grab a bag of chips and throw it to the student. To the students who wanted burgers, she would grab the burger that was wrapped in aluminum paper and hand it to the closest person to her and they would pass it down the row.
This was Kurt's first lacrosse game and he thought it was pretty cool. The atmosphere was fun and he could tell everyone was having a good time.
“Hi Ethan! Hi Blaine!” Lucy said.
Kurt looked over to the field and saw both Blaine and Ethan walking over. Kurt smiled brightly as he saw Blaine.
Ethan looked at Lucy and hugged her. “Hey beautiful,” he said giving her a kiss.
Blaine went up to Kurt. “You made it.”
“Of course,” Kurt said. “I wouldn't miss it for the world.”
Lucy reached down to the ground and handed Ethan a mop.
“Here's the mop you asked me to bring,” Lucy said.
“Great,” Ethan said. “But keep it until the game ends.”
The coach blew the whistle and called Blaine and Ethan. “Ethan! Blaine! Game will start soon!”
Ethan kissed Lucy goodbye. “Got to go.” He put on his helmet and went back with the rest of the team.
Blaine looked at Kurt. “Thanks for being here. It means a lot. Got to go back.”
“Good luck!” Kurt said as Blaine walked away.
Kurt sat back down and heard Lucy speak.
“Hey,” Lucy said.
Kurt looked over at her and smiled. “Hey,” he greeted back.
Lucy reached out to shake Kurt's hand. “I'm Lucy.”
“Nice to meet you, Kurt. I wanted to ask, are you and Blaine… together?”
Kurt shook his head shockingly. “What? No, no, no. Not at all. We're not together.”
Lucy looked at Kurt and apologized. “Oh, I'm so sorry. I just assumed. I'm sorry.”
“It's okay. No worries,” Kurt chuckled.
Kurt looked back at the field and thought it was funny that Lucy would think he and Blaine were a couple.
The referee blew the whistle and waved to both teams. Players scattered all across the field and got ready to face off. Kurt looked at Blaine and saw him go to the center of the field and stand directly in front of another player on the opposite team.
McKinley was wearing red uniforms while the opposite team, A. J. High School, was wearing white. The referee placed the lacrosse ball on the grass between Blaine and the guy from the other team.
The game was about to begin.
It was A. J. High School VS. McKinley High.