April 7, 2015, 7 p.m.
April 7, 2015, 7 p.m.
Next chapter coming soon!
- C
Chapter 20
Kurt opened his eyes at the sound of his alarm clock and stretched his arm out to turn the little device off.
Today was the day.
Today was the day when his parents were finally going to meet Blaine. They didnt know anything about him other than the things that Finn had told them. But all those things were wrong. Blaine was a great person and Kurt could not wait for his parents to see that too.
Yesterday had been a great night. Dinner with Blaines family had been fun. Kurt felt like everyone there got to know each other better. He wanted to stay longer but he had to come home early because it had begun to snow.
Suddenly he heard a knock at his bedroom door. He looked at the closed door and saw it open and was both surprised and happy when he saw that it was Finn.
"Mom and Dad need you," Finn said. And that was it. Finn left and closed the door without saying anything else.
Looks like he was still ignoring him.
Even though Finn only said, Mom and Dad need you, Kurt was happy. He got to hear his brother talking to him.
Kurt got out of bed, put on his shirt and walked downstairs. When he got downstairs he saw his parents both in the kitchen reading from the same book.
"Morning," Kurt said yawning.
Burt looked up from the book and greeted his son. "Good morning, Kiddo."
"Good morning, Kurt," Carol said, her eyes straight on the book.
Kurt had to ask. What was so important about this book?
"What are you two reading?" Kurt asked.
Carol flipped a page of the book. "Its a cook book. Were trying to see if theres anything we could make for tonight."
"Tonight?" Kurt asked with a smile.
"Yes," Burt answered. "For the dinner with Blaine."
Carol looked up to see Kurt. "Sweetie, I wanted to ask, is Blaine allergic to anything? Are there any foods he doesnt eat?"
Kurt chuckled and shook his head. "No Mom. Blaine has no allergies. He practically eats anything."
"Good to know," Carol smiled.
Kurt went to the fridge to see what there was to make some breakfast. The first thing he saw was a carton of eggs. He could some scrambled eggs. That sounded good.
"Kurt," Carol called.
Kurt took out the carton of eggs, closed the fridge and looked at his mom. "Yeah?"
"So how are things with Finn?" she asked. "Are things better between you two?"
Kurt shook his head and leaned against the counter. "No. He hasnt spoken to me at all this entire week."
"Well, hes having dinner with us tonight whether he likes it or not," she said.
Burt chuckled. "Knowing Finn, he might make up some excuse to not come to dinner."
Carole hummed. "Youre right. Ill just tell him that if he doesnt come to dinner Ill… Ill call the school and have him kicked off the football team."
Kurt looked at his mom and chuckled. "Knowing Finn, hell come to dinner for sure." Kurt got out some bread and put it in the toaster. "I just really want everyone in my family to like Blaine and see him for who he really is. Especially Finn."
"And Finn will," Carole said. "Itll just take some time."
Suddenly Kurts phone beeped in his pajamas pocket. He got it out and saw that it was a text from Blaine.
I cant wait to meet your family tonight! Xo
Kurt smiled as he read it. He couldnt wait for tonight either. He walked to the living room window to see how it was outside. It had stopped snowing and the roads were cleaned, safe for Blaine to come over and have dinner with Hudson-Hummel family.
… … …
Blaine looked at his phone and reread his conversation with Kurt. He always did that every time he talked with Kurt through texting. He liked to go back and reread the messages they exchanged. He liked to see the words Kurt had sent him and read them in his voice. He smiled when he read the last one Kurt sent.
I love you. :-)
Blaine replied.
I love you too, Kurt. So, so much. :)
Blaine put his phone down when the waitress arrived with their breakfast.
"Here you go boys," the waitress said.
"Yum, thank you," Ethan said as he saw his food in front of him.
Usually every Saturday morning Blaine would meet up with Ethan and Scott and the three friends would finish homework and study. They had finished homework a while ago so they decided to go out for some breakfast at one of their favorite diners.
The waitress put the boys food on the table and gave them each a farewell smile. "You boys enjoy."
"Thank you," they all responded.
Blaine looked down at his plate and saw his hash browns, pancakes and scrambled eggs. It all looked so good.
"So Blaine," Ethan spoke. "Are you nervous for tonight?"
"For my dinner with Kurts family?" Blaine asked as he added pepper to his hash browns and ate them with his fork.
Ethan nodded.
"Im not nervous," Blaine shook his head. "Ive been looking forward to it ever since he told me that. I cant wait to meet his parents."
"What about Finn?" Scott asked.
Blaine took a deep breath. "Finn… I just hope he gets to see the real me," he answered.
"Theyll love you. You know that," Ethan said.
"I hope so," Blaine stated.
I hope so. There were so many things on Blaines mind. Would the Hummel-Hudson family like him? What if they didnt? There was only one way to find out. And hell find out tonight.
… … …
Kurt looked at himself in the mirror and fixed the collar of his shirt.
Tonight was finally here.
For tonight he was wearing a red shirt with a black vest with a black tie. He looked at his phone and saw the time. It was exactly 6 PM. Blaine said hed be here around 6.
Tonight had to be perfect. His family was going to meet Blaine and most importantly Finn was going to be there. If this dinner went well, Finn could possibly let go of this fight he has with Blaine. Both could get to know each other better and possibly become friends.
"Kurt!" Carole called from downstairs.
Kurt grabbed his phone and ran downstairs. When he got to the kitchen he saw his parents well-dressed. Carole was wearing a blue dress and his father was wearing a nice shirt and tie. His father hardly ever wore any ties. Only when it was something important. And right away Kurt knew that tonight was important to his father.
"So Kurt, when will we be expecting Blaine?" Carole asked.
Just then the doorbell rang.
"That must be him," Kurt said.
All three went to the door and Carole opened it. When she opened the door, there was Blaine, well-dressed with a suit and tie and a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
"Hi Blaine. So happy you could make it," Carole said.
Blaine gave Carole a hug. "Thank you for having me." They let go of the hug and Blaine handed her the flowers. "These are for you."
"Thank you, Blaine. Ill go put these in some water." Carole walked away and went to the kitchen.
Burt shook Blaines hand. "Nice to officially meet you Blaine."
"Its a pleasure to meet you as well," Blaine greeted.
Kurt looked at his boyfriend and smiled. Yeah, Blaine had that power. Just one look at him and you would smile. He was also smiling because his father had just met his boyfriend.
Blaine walked inside and Burt closed the door behind him.
So far so good, Kurt thought.
Kurt realized this was Blaine first time in his home. And if things went great tonight, Blaine would be coming here plenty of more times.
As Blaine walked into the house, he looked at the pictures frames around the walls. There was one of Carole and Burt standing side by side. It was clearly taken on their wedding day since Carole was in a wedding dress and Burt in a tuxedo. The following picture was also taken on their wedding day but in the picture were all four family members: the newlyweds, Burt and Carole and their sons, Finn and Kurt.
Blaine looked at the coffee table that was right next to him and right away he spotted a baseball. The baseball was on a mini stand and was being held like a trophy. He looked at it and realized it was signed.
"Wow!" Blaine exclaimed. "Is this an autographed baseball by…?"
"…Joe Morgan? Yes it is," Burt finished the sentence for Blaine.
Blaine kept his eyes on the baseball. He couldnt believe it. This baseball had been signed by the Joe Morgan himself.
Joe Morgan was a baseball player who played for the Cincinnati Reds from 1972-1979. He was one of the best players the Reds had ever had and he made a total of 268 home runs his entire career. He was currently now in the Baseball Hall of Fame, along with Americas best baseball players there ever was.
"This is really cool, Burt," Blaine said, looking at the baseball.
"It was in 1979 when I caught it and he signed it for me," Burt said.
"He did?" Blaine asked.
Burt nodded. "Yeah. And it was the last game he ever played for the Reds. I was only 12-years-old and my father had taken me to my very first baseball game. Joe Morgan was batting and he had hit a home run as soon as the game began. And the baseball was coming straight towards the area I was at. Everyone around me was holding their arms in the air, hoping to catch the ball. But I was sitting down. My legs were tired."
Blaine chuckled and continued listening to Burts story.
"Even though I was sitting down, I still had my arm out and that was when the ball hit my hand. I had caught my very first baseball," Burt said.
"Wow, thats a great story," Blaine said amused.
"It gets better," Burt stated. "Right before the game ended, Joe Morgan himself went up to me and my dad and he asked who had caught his first home run of his last game with us. And he happily signed the baseball."
"Wow," Blaine said amazed. "You got to meet a baseball legend. Thats a great childhood memory."
"It is," Burt agreed.
Blaine looked at the baseball and looked back at Burt. "My father and I also go to some Reds game too. Ive been trying to catch a baseball since I was kid, but I still havent gotten the chance."
"Well we should go all go sometimes," Burt said. "You, me and Kurt. You should also invite your dad."
Blaine smiled. "Yeah thatd be great. Itd be fun. Would Finn also like to come?"
Burt shook his head. "No, Finn hates baseball. Ive invited him to a couple games but he never wants to go. So I only take Kurt." Burt put his arm around Kurt who was next to him.
"Yeah," Kurt answered. "The first day he took me, I didnt want to go. I thought I would hate it but I ended up liking it."
Blaine liked that idea. The four of them, him and Kurt, along with their dads, would have a great time at the baseball game. His father was a big baseball fan. Hes sure he and Burt could get along easily.
Carole walked into the living room holding the flowers Blaine gave her in a vase. She put the vase on the coffee table and smiled. "Those look perfect there," she said. She looked around the room. "Wheres Finn?" she asked.
"He must still be in his room," Burt answered.
"Hmmm," was all she said.
Carole left the living room and walked upstairs, going straight to Finns room. When she got there, she saw his door opened. She knocked first before walking in and saw Finn lying down on his bed and just looking at his phone.
"Blaine is here," Carole said.
"Yeah, I know," Finn said.
"Well youre having dinner with us. Please come downstairs and meet your brothers boyfriend."
Finn rolled his eyes and put his phone away. Time for dinner with him, he thought. Finn got out of bed and started walking downstairs with his mom. Carole looked at him and liked that he was dressed nicely.
"Thank you," Carole said with a smile.
"For what?" Finn asked confused.
"For dressing nice."
"Well, I did it for me. I knew if I didnt dress nice to this dinner, I wouldve had you giving me a lecture all night. And I didnt want that."
The two arrived to the living room and saw Burt, Blaine and Kurt, in conversation. Burt looked at Finn and smiled.
"Hey there, Finn. Nice of you to join us," Burt said.
Finn gave his father a fake smile. Nice of you to join us? Im being forced, Finn thought.
"You know Blaine, right?" Burt asked.
"No, not really," Finn answered.
Blaine and Finn shook hands.
"Hi," Finn said in a monotone voice.
"Nice to officially meet you Finn," Blaine responded.
Kurt was honestly worried. He hoped they would at least get along. At least have one decent conversation. It could be just one. Baby steps right?
"So the lasagna will be ready in a couple of minutes," Carole said.
"Lasagna sounds delicious," Blaine said.
Carole walked into the kitchen and her husband followed behind her.
"I like him," Burt told him.
"Me too," she said. "I hope Finn does too."
Kurt looked at Finn and Blaine in front of him and his eyes kept switching back and forth between the two. All three sat in the living room in complete silence. No one spoke. Not even Kurt. What could he say? He was being cautious at the moment about the topic of conversation. What would be an appropriate topic? Lacrosse? Football?
"Dinner is ready," Carole called out.
Both Blaine and Finn walked to the dining room without saying a word. Kurt could only tell that this was going to be a long dinner.
… … …
Dinner was delicious. They were having the lasagna with a side of mashed potatoes. At the table, Kurt and Blaine sat next to each other while on the opposite side were Finn, Carole and Burt. Carole and Burt were having a great time talking with Blaine and getting to know him. They asked him questions about school, his family and plans for after graduation, plans of which he was still unsure of.
Kurt realized there was nothing to be nervous about. His parents seemed to really like Blaine. They laughed at the funny things Blaine said and they were conversing with him back and forth. There were no awkward silences between them. Kurt wished he could say the same thing about Finn. Finn hadnt spoken much since dinner started.
"So Blaine," Carole said. "Be honest, do you like the lasagna?"
Blaine nodded. "Of course. Its delicious."
Carole smiled. "Im so glad to hear you say that. Cause honestly this was my first time cooking lasagna. I really wanted to make something special for tonight."
"Its amazing, Carole. If I was a food critic I would give you an A plus," Blaine said.
"Youre too kind. You should judge all my other foods and give them all A plusses as well," Carole said.
Everyone at the table laughed. All except Finn. Blaine looked over at him and saw him frowning at him. Blaine decided to ignore him.
"So Blaine," Burt said. "Hows lacrosse? We know that youre the reason McKinleys lacrosse team always wins every game, including the championship for the past three years in a row. You must be really good."
Blaine smiled at the nice compliment. "Thank you for saying that. But Im nothing without my team. My teammates are part of the reason why we win every year. I dont think wed win any games if it wasnt for the teamwork and trust we have."
"Teamwork and trust. I like that," Burt said.
Finn rolled his eyes, which no one saw.
"But Blaine," Kurt said. "You know youre the best player on the team. No need to deny it. Even your friends have told me youre the best player on the team and you are the reason they win."
Blaine started to blush. "Okay, well I am good, I admit that."
Everyone at the table laughed. This was amazing, Kurt thought. His parents were seeing Blaine for the man he really was. Not for the stories Finn had told them.
Kurt looked at his brother and saw him giving Blaine a dirty look. Kurt wanted to say something to him and tell him to get over it. That the reason he hated Blaine was completely childish and he should learn to like him. Because whether Finn liked it or not, Blaine was going to be around for a long time and he had to accept that.
… … …
By the next hour, dinner had ended. The dinner had gone smoothly with no problems and everyone finished everything that was on their plates. Carole was at the sink and was rinsing the plates with water and putting them into the dishwasher.
Blaine walked over next to Carole and put his plate in the sink. "That was delicious Carole. Thank you."
"Youre welcome, Blaine," she smiled.
"I just want to say that I made the mashed potatoes," Burt added, putting his plate in the sink.
Carole and Blaine laughed as Burt walked away and went over to the hallway closet. He got his coat and put it on. Carole turned the water off and cleaned her hands.
"Blaine, I am so glad I got to meet you today," Carole said.
Blaine nodded and smiled. "It was a pleasure meeting you as well, Carole."
Burt walked back into the kitchen. "Youre a great guy and perfect for Kurt. If anyone were to date my son, Im glad its you."
Kurt smiled at his fathers statement. His father approved of Blaine. Kurt was screaming with joy on the inside.
Carole walked up to Blaine and gave him a hug. "Please come back another time."
Kurt saw Carole put on her coat as well. "Where you guys going?"
Burt looked at his son. "Remember the tickets I got from that man who thanked me for fixing his car?"
Kurt looked back. Yes, he did remember. Last week a man had thanked Burt for fixing his car by giving him two tickets to the state symphony orchestra.
"Yeah, were those tickets for tonight?" Kurt asked.
"Yes," Carole answered. "We were thinking of giving them away so we could spend more time with Blaine, but he insisted we go and not miss our opportunity to see the symphony."
Blaine smiled. "You cant miss the orchestra. It only comes once a year. We will all hang out soon."
Burt opened the door and shook Blaines hand goodbye. "Great meeting you again, Blaine."
Carole hugged Blaine goodbye and shouted goodbye to Finn who was sitting in the living room watching TV. "Bye Finn!"
Finn waved goodbye to his parents without saying anything. The door closed and Carole and Burt were gone. Finn kept his eyes on the television screen, doing his best to avoid seeing Blaine. Blaine sat down at the kitchen table while Kurt sat down next to him.
Blaine whispered to Kurt. "Should I say something to him?"
"Maybe," Kurt suggested nervously.
Blaine thought about it. What could he say? What could he say.
He should start with hello. He was about to speak but suddenly Finns phone started ringing. Finn looked at his phone and answered it.
"Rachel hey, Im glad you called," Finn said.
Rachel, Kurt thought. Now was not the time.
Finn stayed quiet and remained on the phone for a couple of minutes, walking around the living room in one big circle. "Yeah, my parents just left," he said into the phone. "You should come over."
"Great. Ill see you in a bit." Finn hanged up the phone and sat back down on the couch.
"Is Rachel coming over?" Kurt asked his brother.
"Yeah, she is," Finn quickly answered.
The first sentence Finn said to Kurt directly since he found out about Blaine.
Kurt looked at Blaine. "Well thats good," he whispered. "Both Rachel and Finn will be in the same room and we can probably talk. The four of us. Maybe we can show them what a wonderful person you are."
"You really think theyll listen?" Blaine whispered back.
"Its worth a try."
While they waited for Rachel to arrive, Kurt and Blaine sat at the dining table, building a puzzle together. Kurt had found it in the hallway closet and thought it was a good idea if he and Blaine worked on it to pass the time. The puzzle was 300 pieces all together and it was a picture of the giant statue of Jesus in Brazil.
The two tried their best to put the puzzle together. Kurt worked on putting all the corners together while Blaine focused on putting the statue in one piece. Kurt looked at Finn who was watching the news channel. Kurt knew Finn never watched the news, so it was obvious Finn wasnt even paying attention. In a few minutes, Finn stood up and went upstairs.
"Do you ever want to go to Brazil?" Blaine asked.
Kurt looked at him. "I do. I want to see this statue in person and see how tall it is. And I also want to see the ocean for the first time."
"Youve never seen the ocean before?" Blaine asked.
Kurt shook his head. "Nope. Never. So Brazil would be a great place to get that checked off my bucket list."
"Wow, when you go, please take me with you," Blaine told him.
Kurt shook his head. "Nope, sorry. I cant take you. Im already going with someone else."
Blaines smile turned into confusion. "You are? With who?"
"Well, hes this really cute guy. Hes funny, charming, hes such a hopeless romantic and hes got these really beautiful, hazel eyes," Kurt said.
Blaine looked at Kurt confused which then turned into a smile. "Wait, is it me?" Blaine asked.
Kurt giggled. "Yes, of course its you, silly."
Blaine chuckled, feeling a little silly like Kurt said.
Kurt spoke as he continued working on the puzzle. "And when we go to Brazil, we will stay at a hotel that has a nice view of the ocean. Well enjoy a cold, banana, smoothie at a restaurant right by the sea as we hear the locals talking around us. Well watch all the colorful sailboats in the water and well enjoy a fun beach party as the sun starts to set. Then when the day is over well walk on the beach hand in hand as the sun is setting and the sky turns from blue to orange. We will then share a kiss underneath the stars."
Blaine smiled, loving Kurts idea. "That sounds like a perfect day."
The guys looked at each other and stared at their faces. They smiled and couldnt look away.
"Lets go there together. To Brazil," Blaine said.
"How long should we stay there for?" Kurt asked.
"How about forever?" Blaine suggested.
Blaine leaned closer and kissed Kurts lips. Suddenly the doorbell rang. The boys parted lips and Kurt looked at the door.
"That must be Rachel," Kurt said.
Finn left his bedroom and ran to the door to open it. And yes, Kurt was right, it was Rachel.
"Hey, Finn," Rachel said as he opened the door.
"Hey, Rachel."
Finn and Rachel started conversing at the door, obviously trying to ignore Kurt and Blaine.
"Come on," Kurt told Blaine. "Lets make them love you. They have to get to know you and they have to know that this hate thing has gone on long enough."
Kurt and Blaine walked to the front door where Finn and Rachel were.
Rachel looked at Kurt and gave him a small smile. "Hey, Kurt," she greeted.
"Hey, Rachel."
Rachel looked at Blaine and then looked back at Finn. "Okay, Finn, ready to go?" she asked him.
"Yeah, I am."
Rachel and Finn were about to leave but Kurt stopped them. "Rachel, please. Dont go."
Both Finn and Rachel stopped where they were and heard Kurt out.
"Please dont go," Kurt continued. "Can you please just stay a little longer? Play some games with us? Spend some time together? Get to know each other? Can you just give Blaine a chance? Just talk. Please?"
Rachel stood still, not responding.
What could she do? She could be a good friend and stay, give Blaine a chance. Or she could leave now with Finn, not bothering to give Blaine an opportunity. She took a deep breath and turned around. She looked at Kurt and nodded. "Sure. Ill stay."
A smile quickly formed on Kurts face. Rachel was willing to stay. She was willing to give Blaine a chance.
Finn looked at Rachel confused. "Wait Rachel, what are you doing? Well miss our movie."
"Well go next time. Lets just play some games. Maybe itll be fun," she told him.
"I doubt it. But sure," Finn said as he closed the front door.
The four of them walked to the dining room, Kurt smiling all the way. He was so happy. Finn and Rachel were at least giving Blaine a chance. They were willing to at least talk to him.
They arrived to the dining room and Kurt went to the cabinet that had all the game boards.
Rachel looked at the halfway finished puzzle on the table. "Were you putting the puzzle together, Kurt?" she asked.
"Yeah, both Blaine and I were."
"Oh, cool." That was all Rachel said.
Blaine looked at her and noticed that she was doing her best to avoid looking at him. Rachel still hadnt looked him in the eyes, not since she walked in.
"Do you want to finish the puzzle?" Rachel asked.
"Maybe later, but I think we should play a game," Kurt said as he continued searching the cabinet. "Im looking for a specific game that I know well love… Found it!"
Rachel looked at the game in Kurts hands and she noticed that it was her favorite.
"Lets play Candy Land," Kurt said with a smile.
Rachel smiled back. "Candy Land? Kurt, you know I can never say no to Candy Land. Thats my favorite game."
"I know. And I think we should all play it," Kurt suggested.
Rachel looked back at Finn who was behind her. "Were playing Candy Land. The four of us."
"I dont know," Finn said.
"Well Im playing, you can watch," Rachel said as she sat down.
Finn sighed and admitted defeat. "Fine. Ill play too."
"Great," Kurt smiled as he started setting up the game board up.
The four teens sat at the table. Kurt and Blaine sat on one side while Finn and Rachel sat across from them. Rachel started setting up the game board.
"Ill go get some snacks," Kurt suggested. "Ill prepare some chocolate covered strawberries."
Kurt left the room. His mind filled with hope. Maybe this could be the night. The night where Finn and Rachel finally opened their eyes and see the amazing person Blaine really was.
Rachel started gathering all the scattered cards in the box. She looked at Blaine across from her who started helping her fix the cards. She should talk to him… for Kurt.
Rachel spoke. "So Blaine, do you like this game?" she asked.
"Hmm, I dont know. Ive never played it before," Blaine said.
Rachel looked at Blaine shocked. "Wait, youve never played Candy Land before? That means you never had a childhood!"
Blaine giggled. "It looks really fun, I admit."
Rachel smiled. "Youll like it."
Blaine handed all the cards he had gathered and gave them to Rachel. "Here you go."
"Thanks," she said, fixing all the game cards in one pile.
"Can I go first?" Blaine asked. "I feel lucky when I go first in a game."
Finn rolled his eyes. "Typical," he muttered under his breath.
Blaine looked at Finn. "What was that Finn?" he asked with a little annoyed tone in his voice.
Finn turned to look at Blaine. "I said it was typical. Typical of you, always wanting to get you want."
"Dude, whats your problem?" Blaine asked.
"My problem? My problem is that I cant stand you, okay? I dont like you," Finn stated.
Blaine shook his head. "And whats your reason? Why dont you like me?"
"Because you took everything from me," Finn told him. "You stole my popularity. It was all mine. I used to be Mr. Popular at our school. I was the one who everyone loved. I was the one who always had people chant his name at football games. It was all mine. But then you came along with your dumb lacrosse stick and stole everything from me."
"You act like it was my fault," Blaine responded. "Its not my fault you joined Glee Club. Glee Club wasnt the most popular club the school had. It was your decision to join the club and sing. And what was the consequence? You lost your popularity status. It was you being in a club that sang and danced at competitions. Thats what made you lose your popularity. Not me. I just filled in the empty spot. I won every lacrosse game and championship. And people started loving me. And so I became the new Mr. Popular as you call it."
"And how would you feel if someone took all that popularity from you?" Finn asked.
Blaine rolled his eyes. "You act like I bullied you. When the Glee Club was being bullied, I stayed out of it. The football team bullied you guys, the cheerleaders, the hockey team, wrestling… Butnot the lacrosse team. We stayed out of it. But somehow, were the bad guys today, arent we? So Finn, if you want people to start chanting your name again, maybe you should start by actually being good at football."
Finn glared at Blaine, pointing his finger at him. "Im the best football player there is."
"Then why dont you win your games? Is it because the other teams are too good or because you just suck in general?" Blaine said in return.
That struck Finns nerves. He stood up from his seat and looked directly at Blaine. "You dont know anything about football. All you do is run around in a field and throw a ball into a net. Football takes skill."
Blaine smirked. "Skill? Thats what you need."
Finn pointed at Blaine, raising his voice. "You want to take this outside, Anderson?"
Blaine also stood up and looked at Finn. "Lets go, right now, you and me."
Rachel stood up and put her hands in front of Finn. "Finn, just stop and sit down."
"No," Finn said. "Im not gonna let him talk to me like that." Finn looked at Blaine. "I can easily kick your ass."
Both Finn and Blaine got closer and closer to each other, both of them close to throwing a punch.
"Kurt! Kurt!" Rachel yelled.
Kurt ran into the dining room and saw that Finn had grabbed Blaine by the neck of his shirt. "What is going on!?" Kurt yelled. "Finn, let go of Blaine."
Finn let go of Blaine and Blaine fixed his shirt.
"Whats going on!?" Kurt asked.
"Nothing, I was just leaving," Blaine said with a frown.
Blaine walked to the front door and looked back at Kurt. "Ill talk to you later, Kurt. Goodbye." Blaine left the house and closed the door.
Kurt looked at Finn angrily. "Really, Finn!? Really? One night. One night is all I asked for. You dont have to become best friends with Blaine, but at least accept him. He doesnt make you happy but he makes me the happiest Ive ever been. Ever. I thought my happiness mattered to you. But clearly it doesnt."
Kurt grabbed his coat and left the house, slamming the door behind him. He went after Blaine and caught up to him just as he was about to enter his car.
"Blaine! Wait!" Kurt yelled as he ran up to Blaines car.
Blaine looked up to see Kurt. "Kurt?"
"Hey, take me with you," Kurt said as he approached the car.
"Kurt, I dont want to come between you and your brother," Blaine said.
"Youre not, dont worry," Kurt said. "My brother is being ridiculous and I cant be home right now. Can I come with you? To your house?"
Blaine looked at Kurt and smiled. "Get in."
Kurt smiled back and got in the car. He just wanted to go. Far away from here and just be with Blaine.