A Leap of Faith
Chapter 16 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A Leap of Faith: Chapter 16

E - Words: 5,123 - Last Updated: Apr 07, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Jan 28, 2015 - Updated: Jan 28, 2015
75 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Chapter 17 coming soon!


Chapter 16

Ethan grabbed a bowl of popcorn and set it on the table that was in the living room.

Kurt and Blaine had just come out to them about their relationship, to which Ethan had only one word, finally. First thing he wanted to do was go on a triple date, Scott and Kira, Kurt and Blaine and Lucy and him.

After the boys revealed their relationship, all four of them sat in the living room and started watching TV. Even though it was Ethans house, Scott had the control and was deciding what they would be watching. But no one was complaining. Ethan was sitting back on a chair and feet on the couch and was busy texting Lucy while Kurt and Blaine were just both really happy and didnt care what they watched.

Blaine had his arm around Kurt and would occasionally look down at the blue eyed boy staring at the television screen with a smile. At opposite times, Kurt would look up and see his handsome Blaine with his arm around him.

After a while, Blaine didnt feel Kurt moving at all. He looked down at his boyfriend and saw him sleeping. Kurt had fallen asleep in his arms and was using his chest as a pillow. It had been a long day at school. Kurt deserved to rest.

After about thirty minutes, Blaine reached to get some popcorn and noticed that the bowl was empty. He looked at Scott. "Did you really eat all the popcorn?" Blaine whispered.

"Ill go make more," Scott said as he grabbed the empty bowl and went to the kitchen.

Good, Blaine thought. He wanted some popcorn. But he was also thirsty. He wanted some water as well. He gently got up and lied Kurts head on one of the couchs pillow. He walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"What kind of popcorn do you want, butter or original?" Scott asked.

Blaine looked at Scott who had two popcorn packages in his hand. One was butter popcorn and the other was ordinary. "Doesnt matter," Blaine told him.

Scott put one of the packages into the microwave and pressed the POPCORN button.

"Can I ask you a question?" Scott asked.

"Sure," Blaine said. "Was is it?"

"Its about you and Kurt."

Blaine nodded. "Ask away."

"I was just thinking, why did you two keep this relationship a secret?" Scott asked.

Blaine answered. "Because Kurt was worried that I would get hated by the rest of the school for dating someone in Glee Club."

"But thats not true," Scott said. "The school would love you both."

"Thats what I told him. But he cares so much about how people see me he wasnt going to risk it. And Im respecting his opinion. Im not going to say anything to anyone about our relationship until hes okay with the announcement," Blaine said.

Scott understood and looked at the sofa and saw Kurt fast asleep. "He cares so much about how other people see you. He loves you," Scott said.

Blaine nodded and smiled, looking at his sleeping Kurt on the sofa. "Yeah, he does."

"And you love him," Scott said.

"A lot." Blaines smile would not go away.

Scott playfully nudged Blaines shoulder. "Blaines in love. My best friends in love-e-e."

Blaine looked down and could feel his face turning red.

Suddenly the microwave beeped. The popcorn was ready. Scott walked to the microwave and as soon as he opened the door, the delicious, buttery smell of popcorn filled the air.

"Oh no," Blaine said sadly. "You made butter popcorn? I wanted the original."

Scott looked at him confused. "I asked you what kind of popcorn you wanted. You said it doesnt matter."

"Well I lied," Blaine said. "I wanted original."

"Well too bad. Have butter popcorn." Scott put the butter popcorn into the bowl and both boys started sharing.

"By the way," Blaine spoke. "Youre not telling anyone about me and Kurt, are you?"

"Of course not. My lips are sealed," Scott said, putting a few popcorn in his mouth.

Blaine looked at the living room at his other friend. "And you too, Ethan. Youre not telling anyone about me and Kurt."

Ethan was not paying attention. He was just staring at his phone.

"Ethan," Blaine called.

Ethan still didnt answer. He just kept his eyes on his phone. Blaine didnt want to raise his voice because he didnt want to wake Kurt.

"Try this." Scott grabbed a piece of popcorn and aimed it at Ethan. In a few seconds, he flicked the popcorn hitting Ethan right on the face.

"Ouch," Ethan said in a hushed voice. "What was that for?"

"Come over here," Blaine ordered.

Ethan let out a sigh and walked to the kitchen. "What? Whyd you hit me in the face with a popcorn?"

Blaine spoke. "I just wanted to tell you that youre not telling anyone about me and Kurt."

Ethan looked disappointed. "What? Why? I want to tell everyone."

"No, youre not. Not until Kurt wants to," Blaine said.

Ethan breathed out. "Ugh, fine. I wont tell anyone,"

Blaine looked at him, squinting his eyes. "Have you told Lucy?"

"I was about too," Ethan said. "I texted her, guess what? and I put lots of exclamation marks at the end of the sentence."

"Well now you must tell her something else," Blaine said.

"Ill just tell her about my new costume I got for Halloween," Ethan said.

"You already got your new costume?" Scott asked. "What is it?"

"Im not telling you," Ethan said. "Youll find out at the party on Saturday."

… … …

Saturday night.

The party of the year.

Blaines Halloween Party.

You could not miss going to one of Blaines parties. Everyone at school always made sure to go because Blaine knew very well how to throw a party. He always had great music, food and his house was perfect size for everyone to have a good time.

The party started at 6 oclock and right now it was five.

One more hour.

Blaine walked around the house to make sure all decorations, snacks and drinks were all well-organized and put up. His parents had left this morning and as soon as they did Kurt had come over to help him set up and decorate the place. When all of that was done, Kurt left to change into his costume.

Blaine looked into the hallway mirror and looked at himself in his costume. He loved his cowboy costume. He had to admit, he looked good in his brown boots, pants, vest, shirt and his cowboy hat. Kurt chose this outfit, so did cowboys turn Kurt on?

The voice of his grandmother interrupted his thoughts. "Okay darling. Im leaving now."

Blaine looked at the front door of the house and saw his grandmother opening the door and wearing her warm red coat. "Are you leaving already, Grandma?" Blaine asked, walking over to her.

"I am sweetie. Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar next door organized a nice dinner and I cant wait to go there."

His grandmother walked outside and turned around to give Blaine a kiss on his forehead.

"Goodbye, Nana," Blaine said.

"Goodbye B. Dont party too much. And remember our deal, if your parents find out about this party, I had nothing to do with it," she said.

"No worries, Nana. I wont rat you out," Blaine assured her with a smile.

She gave her grandson a big hug and left. Blaine stayed outside and made sure his grandmother got safe to the neighbors house. He saw her arrive and go into their home. Perfect. Now the night could begin.

It was a nice and warm night. Perfect for a Halloween party.

He went inside and closed the door behind him.

Okay one last inspection. Everything had to be perfect for the party.

He walked to the living room and made sure the stereo was hooked up. He went to the backyard and saw the pumpkin piñata that Ethan had bought. He went upstairs and made sure the door to his parents room was locked.

Okay, he thought. This would be a great night.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Blaine walked to the door and when he opened it, he loved what he saw. Right in front of him was Kurt… in his police officer costume. Right away Blaine admit he was turned on. Kurt was wearing navy blue pants, shirt, a police hat and a pair of dark sunglasses. He looked hot.

Kurt took off the sunglasses and put them in his shirt pocket.

"Stand back and put your hands behind your head," Kurt commanded in a low, sexy voice.

"Are you here to arrest me, officer?" Blaine asked with a small smile.

"You dont get to ask questions," Kurt said as he walked into the house and closed the door. He walked closer to Blaine, close enough to feel his breath. "Ive been told to arrest the naughtiest guy in town."

Blaine put up his hand up and touched Kurts chest instead.

"I dont think you heard me the first time," Kurt said. "Stand back and put your hands behind your head."

"Well, officer. Youre going to have to make me," Blaine responded.

"Are you denying orders, cowboy?" Kurt asked, touching Blaines arms.

"Officer, Ive been a good boy. I swear." Blaine could not stop staring at Kurt in his cop costume. He looked so good in it.

"Actually, youve been very bad," Kurt said, looking deep into Blaines eyes.

"I think I need to be punished," Blaine responded. He put his hands on Kurts waist and kissed him. Their kiss just made the room suddenly get very hot.

Kurt put his hand on Blaines shoulders and pulled himself closer to his boyfriend. When their lips parted, Blaine whispered into Kurts ear. "I want to see whats underneath that uniform of yours."

Kurt closed his eyes and went back to kissing Blaine. He removed Blaines cowboy hat and placed it on the table next to them so he could run his hand through Blaines beautiful, think hair.

"I want to rip that vest right off of you," Kurt said.

The boys continued making out.

"Its okay if you do," Blaine said.

They continued kissing, feeling each others tongues when suddenly they heard the sound of someone clearing their throats.


Kurt and Blaine stopped kissing and turned around to see Ethan and Scott standing at the front door.

"You should really lock your door. Someone could break in," Ethan said, closing the door.

Kurt and Blaine broke away and looked at Scott and Ethan as they walked into the house. Kurt liked their costumes. Scott was a ninja. His entire outfit was black and had a dragon across his chest. He wasnt wearing his mask. Instead he was carrying it in his hand. Ethan was a fireman. He had on a black and yellow jumpsuit and a helmet on his hand.

"So where are Kira and Lucy?" Blaine asked.

"Theyre still changing into their outfits. Theyll come later," Scott said.

"So," Ethan stood up and looked around at the house. "Is everything ready for party?"

"Sure is. Music, drinks, everything," Blaine answered.

All four guys sat down in the living room.

Kurt blushed as Blaine put his arm around him. Kurt loved every single time Blaine did that. It made him feel so safe. Protected. Like he belonged under Blaines arm. It was the small gestures that Blaine did that would make Kurt feel so loved.

This past week had been one of his favorite weeks. Coming out to Ethan and Scott about their relationship was one of the best things that could happen. Since Ethan and Scott were always around Blaine, that meant Kurt couldnt be open about his love for Blaine. He couldnt hug or kiss him. He would have to be careful what to say.

But now that they had come out to them, Kurt felt so free. There wasnt much lying and hiding as before. Kurt could kiss and hug Blaine and it didnt matter that Ethan or Scott saw them. But as soon as Kurt and Blaine were back at school, it was back to hiding and lying.

How he hated that.

Being open to Ethan and Scott made Kurt happy. It made him happy to see others accepting and loving their relationship. It made him smile and happy that he didnt need to lie.

Thats when it hit Kurt.

Why should only Ethan and Scott know? Why couldnt they just announce their relationship to more people? To the whole school?

When he and Blaine started dating, Kurt didnt want to tell anyone because of the fear that Blaine would get judged. But Ethan had assured him that Blaine would still be loved by everyone. People want Blaine to get a boyfriend.

"Hey, guys," Kurt spoke.

Ethan, Scott and Blaine all looked at Kurt.

"What is it?" Blaine asked.

"Ive been thinking," Kurt said.

"About what?" Blaine asked.

Kurt looked at Blaine. "About us."

Blaine looked at his Kurt. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is… I want to tell people… About you and me," Kurt said.

When Kurt said that, a big smile formed on Ethans face. "Wait? Are you serious? Youre thinking of telling the whole school about your relationship?" Ethan smiled.

Blaine smiled as well. "You want to tell people about us?"

Kurt nodded. "I do."

"Thats great!" Blaine exclaimed. "But… why the sudden change of thought?"

"Because," Kurt spoke. "Coming out to Ethan and Scott has made me so happy. I feel so happy that I dont need to hide or lie about you. It feels great to have your arm around me and other people get to see it. I want to feel this way all the time. I want everyone to know that I am in love with Blaine Anderson."

Blaine hugged Kurt and held him close. "Are you sure you want to go public? We can wait if youre still not 100% sure."

"Im sure. I want everyone to know," Kurt assured him.

Ethan clapped and pointed at both Kurt and Blaine with a happy smile. "Ive been waiting for this day ever since I found out about you two. I guarantee you that you two will be the power couple of the school."

"You really think so?" Blaine asked.

"I dont think, I know," Ethan said.

Power couple of McKinley? That was a title Kurt could get used to.

"No one is going to hate on you guys," Scott said. "Everyone will love you two. Everyone."

Kurt silently shook his head.

No, he thought. Not everyone would be accepting of their relationship. There was still the Glee Club.

"Well, not everyone," Kurt said.

The three lacrosse players all turned to look at Kurt confused.

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked. "Of course everyone will love us."

"Well…" Kurt nervously spoke. "You see…" He was suddenly really shy to say what he was thinking.

Blaine looked at Kurt. "Kurt? What are you trying to say?"

Kurt took a deep breath. "Well… thing is, Blaine… the football team… and the Glee Club… they kinda hate you guys."

"What?" All three lacrosse men said in unison.

Kurt nodded.

"No, youre wrong, Kurt. Everyone at the school loves us," Scott said.

Kurt shook his head. "No… not football team and Glee Club."

Ethan snapped his fingers and looked at Blaine and Scott. "I told you! I told you the football team hated us. I told you!"

Kurt looked at Ethan as he walked around the room.

"I knew those guys hated us. I should never doubted my feeling," Ethan said.

Blaine looked at Kurt as he got up. "Ethans been saying that for the past three years. No ones believed him."

"It feels good to be right," Ethan said, stopping at the fireplace in the living room.

Scott looked at Kurt. "Wait, go back. So the football team… hates us?"

Kurt shyly nodded.

"Why do they hate us?" he asked.

"Its completely stupid," Kurt said. "Its just because you guys are more popular than they are. My brother, Finn, says the lacrosse team stole his popularity. He specifically blames you Blaine."

Blaine walked to the fireplace, stunned by what Kurt said. "But… But, are you sure, Kurt? Are you sure the football team… hates us?"

Kurt nodded. It seemed like the word hate was new to these guys. Well of course it was and he understood why. What would you expect from the popular guys from school? These past four years theyve been loved by the school. They had fans that always cheered for them at lacrosse games. Theyve always been used to that.

Blaine took a deep breath. "This is all new to me. Ive never had anyone hate me before."

Kurt stood up and walked to Blaine, rubbing his shoulder. "Im sorry."

Blaine looked at Kurt with squinted eyes. "Tell me the truth, beautiful. Did you feel the same way?"

Kurt could not lie to Blaine. "Umm, well…"

"Kurt!" Blaine said shocked.

"Im sorry, Blaine." Kurt rubbed Blaines shoulders, apologizing. "I cant lie to you but I thought you were annoying."

Blaine hugged Kurt and buried his face into Kurts shoulder. "You thought I was annoying?"

"Yes," Kurt confessed, a little embarrassed.

"Wait," Blaine said. "Why?"

"Thats the thing," Kurt said. "I had no reason. I had absolutely no reason. I didnt know you and I just judged you. And I feel completely awful about it. But when I got to know you, I realized that you are the sweetest, most-caring, greatest guy I have ever met. Thats the guy I fell in love with. You. I love you Blaine."

Kurt rubbed Blaines back as Blaine looked at him with a smile. "And I love you. But ugh, you thought I was annoying?" Blaine asked.

Kurt turned a little red and nodded.

"Well," Blaine spoke. "This is all new to me, but its okay. I can handle it. The football team and Glee Club can hate all they want because there is only one person that I really care about in that room. And that boy is just the greatest thing that could happen to me."

Kurt smiled. "Do you forgive me for thinking you were annoying?"

Blaine nodded. "I do."

Kurt hugged Blaine and Blaine hugged him back.

"Im sorry," Kurt apologized.

"Its okay," Blaine smiled.

Kurt let go of the hug and kept his hand on Blaines shoulder. "But, this is the truth guys. I really dont care what my friends say about mine and Blaines relationship. Their opinion isnt important. Im in love with Blaine and no one is going to stop me."

Blaine nodded. "I feel the same way."

Ethan and Scott smiled.

"I love them together," Ethan said.

"So…" Scott asked. "When is the big announcement? When will everyone know about you two?"

"How about… tonight?" Kurt suggested.

"Tonight sounds great," Blaine said. "In fact, why dont I change my online relationship status fromSingle to In a Relationship with Kurt Hummel," Blaine said as he put his arm around Kurts shoulder.

Kurt smiled and blushed. "Ill do the same."

Blaine got out his phone and opened his social media website. He opened his relationship status and changed it. He went from Single to In a Relationship with Kurt Hummel. "There. Its official," Blaine said. "People will read it soon and everyone will know."

"Ill change mine as well." Kurt took out his phone and did the same. He went from Single toIn a Relationship with Blaine Anderson.

"So tonights the night," Ethan said with a really big smile. "I cant wait for tonight. Everyone will know about the two of you. This is going to be the best night yet."

Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt. "And when people ask me about Kurt, Ill be sure to tell them, yes, hes my boyfriend, I love him and that he makes me the happiest Ive ever been."

Kurt loved the sound of that out loud. My boyfriend.

Kurt was a bit nervous but also excited. Everyone checked relationship statuses. By the end of tonight, everyone would know he was happily together and in love with Blaine Anderson.

… … …

The party was a success. Everyone was a having a good time. Music was perfect, food and snacks were great. People were everywhere in the house and outside. Since the weather was warm tonight, some people didnt even bring costumes, they brought their swimsuits instead. And that meant swimming in Blaines pool.

Kurt walked into the living room and saw Blaine. He was surrounded by a group of cheerleaders and lacrosse players. He got close enough to hear what they were saying. "So its true?" "Im so happy for you." "Finally after four years."

Blaine looked at Kurt and waved him to come over to him.

"Kurt, hey!"

Kurt walked over and stood right next to Blaine. Blaine put his arm around him and introduced the circle of people to him. Kurt was a little nervous. It was the first time Blaine put his arm around him in front of a group of people. And it felt great.

"So everyone," Blaine announced to the group around him. "I want you all to officially meet, Kurt."

Kurt waved to everyone. "Hello," Kurt waved.

"So youre the guy that swept Blaine off his feet," one of the guys said, looking at Kurt.

"Uh, yeah. Thats me," Kurt responded.

"Its a pleasure to meet you," the guy said.

Everyone in the group was happy to meet Kurt. Everyone asked them the questions they expected. Howd you meet? How long has this been going on for? How was your first date like?

Kurt and Blaine walked through the house and waved to everyone. Kurt loved the music that was playing. And everyone in the backyard seemed to agree. Everyone back there was jamming out to the music as they started to hit the pumpkin shaped piñata.

Blaine properly introduced Kurt to more and more people. They were all curious to get to know the guy that made Blaine happy.

The two held hands and walked into the kitchen and passed a girl who was dressed as a nurse.

"Wow Kurt, I really love your costume," the girl said, giving Kurt a nice smile.

"Thanks," Kurt responded, loving her compliment. "I like you nurse costume too."

The girl turned back around and continued talking to her friends. The boys walked outside and saw everyone dancing and in the pool.

Kurt didnt know why he had been so nervous about coming out as Blaines boyfriend. He was holding hands with him. Here, in front of everyone. People actually liked him. Kurt looked at Blaine next to him and Blaine looked back.

They smiled and Blaine kissed Kurts cheek. Yeah, Kurt was really happy.

… … …

Halfway through the party, Kurt realized that this was his first high school party. He did not consider gatherings with the Glee Club parties. Those were just them hanging out. But this was a real party, with music, people and dancing.

Kurt went into the kitchen to get more water. He was having a really good time. He looked at the front door and saw Ethan opening it and greeting more people. His eyes widened with shock when he realized that it was Santana, Quinn and Brittany.

Of course the cheerleaders would be here. They were cheerleaders. They got along with everyone and were always invited to school parties. Kurt knew he had to face his friends soon and explain to them that he was with Blaine. But he didnt want to it now. He would rather do this tomorrow or on Monday.

He turned around and walked away. He went into the backyard to look for Blaine. When he got there, Kurt didnt see Blaine anywhere. He just saw lots of high schoolers hanging by the pool while others played volleyball in the water. Where was Blaine? Kurt walked back into the kitchen and spotted a familiar, beautiful, long blonde hair.


Quinn was dressed as a Native American woman and was speaking to Scott and Kira.

Oh no.

Kurt walked away into the living room and saw both Brittany and Santana talking with Blaine.

Double oh no.

Kurt looked to his right and walked upstairs. There was no one upstairs. Blaine had one rule at his parties. No one is allowed upstairs. But Kurt had the exception. He went into the guestroom and lied down on the bed. The music was not too loud up here. In fact he could barely hear it.

His secret was out.

His friends knew he was seeing Blaine. But he was happy. He had been wrong about how Blaine would be treated. He thought people would hate the idea of him and Blaine together but everyone loved them. But now came the awkward part. How would he face his friends? How would he face Finn? Thats the only person Kurt had been worried about. How would Finn take the news? Would he respond the same way as all these people? Accepting and happy? Probably not. Finn hated Blaine.

That reminded Kurt. He had not checked his phone all night. He had been having such a great time, he didnt check if he had any texts from his friends about the news. And yes he did. He got his phone and read the messages.

Is it true!? Are you and Blaine a thing!? – Mercedes

Why didnt you tell me you were seeing Blaine!? I dont care what the others say, I like him. Hes cool! – Mike

Well, well, well. I knew something was up from the very beginning. The sex must be great. Were gonna have to talk. – Quinn

So you came out? Im happy for you. But still… – Rachel

Im glad you finally found a man! But Blaine? Why? – Sam

I thought our rule was to never speak to Blaine. Youve gone too far! – Puck

Out of all people? Blaine? Santanas right. You are a rebel. – Artie

Blaine told me you left the party, but I know youre still here. – Santana

I think you and Blaine make a cute couple. Dont listen to the haters. – Brittany

Kurt was happy at least some of his friends were happy for him. And now was the last person. Finn.

How he was dreading to see the texts from Finn. He opened the messages from his brother and saw that his texts had no words. Instead they were just blank messages. There were dozens of blank messages from his brother.

Clearly Finn was angry.

Kurt put his phone away and looked up at the ceiling. Suddenly he heard the door open. He looked at the door and saw Blaine.

"Blaine, hey," Kurt said surprised.

Blaine closed the door behind him and walked over to sit with Kurt on the bed.

"Santana asked if you were still here. But I told her you left home."

"Thank you for doing that. She texted me. She thinks Im still here," Kurt said.

"Thats because you are, silly," Blaine said.

Kurt giggled. "I know."

The two lied on the bed and cuddled. Blaine held Kurt close to him and Kurt rested his head on Blaines chest.

"Ill confront my friends tomorrow. I just want to have a good time tonight. I dont want to explain and have people call me a traitor for talking to you," Kurt said.

"Well… weve done so much more than just talk," Blaine smirked.

Kurt playfully hit Blaine on his shoulder and they both giggled. Yep, theyve done way more than talk.

Blaine looked down at Kurt and lifted his face up. He looked at his eyes and Kurt looked back. They leaned closer and kissed.

"I love you," Blaine said.

"I love you too," Kurt replied back.

The boys closed their eyes and continued their kiss.

"Wait," Blaine interrupted in the middle of their kiss. "What are you going to do all night? Are you going to hide in here?" Blaine said looking around at the guestroom.

"Sure," Kurt answered. "Ill hide here. Ive already met all your friends and Ive had a really great night. Santana and the girls got here pretty late," Kurt said.

"Are you sure you dont want to party anymore?" Blaine asked.

"Im positive." Kurt told him. "Go have fun Blaine. Go party."

Blaine hugged Kurt tighter. "Its not a party without you."

Kurt looked at him and smiled. They stared at each others eyes and kissed.

… … …

Kurt kept telling Blaine to go and party with the rest of the people downstairs, but Blaine refused to leave Kurts side. Blaine just wanted to stay with his boyfriend. So Blaine ended up suggesting that they go and wait in his room downstairs.

Blaine snuck Kurt to the basement, through the party, and they both hid in his room. They lied on Blaines bed and cuddled most of the night.

The party was mostly happening outside and on the first floor, so no one would find them. Blaine asked Ethan and Scott if they could supervise the party. And they said yes.

Around midnight, people started to leave. Ethan texted Kurt and told him that Santana, Quinn and Brittany had left and that it was safe to come out. Both Kurt and Blaine went upstairs to say goodbye to all the partygoers and spend the rest of the time talk to the remaining people at the party. By 1 AM, everyone was gone. The last two people to leave were Ethan and Lucy.

"Great party, Blaine," Lucy said.

"Yeah, next one will be just as good," Ethan said, putting his arm around Lucys shoulders.

"You know it," Blaine replied with a smile.

The two friends crashed their knuckles and did a mini explosion, making Lucy to playfully roll her eyes.

"Do you want any help cleaning up tomorrow?" Ethan asked.

Blaine shook his head and looked back at the house to look at Kurt who was on his phone.

"No, Im good," Blaine said.

"Okay, I get it," Ethan winked at Blaine and saluted farewell.

"Bye Blaine. Bye Kurt!" Lucy waved.

"Bye Lucy! Bye Ethan!" Kurt waved.

"See you later guys!" Ethan yelled goodbye and left with Lucy.

Blaine waved goodbye to his friends and closed the door. Kurt got off the phone and walked over to Blaine.

"I had a really great night," Kurt said.

Blaine looked back at Kurt and kissed him. "Im glad to hear that."

Blaine put his arm around Kurt and they both walked downstairs to his room. When they got to his room, both boys lied on the bed and cuddled together, sleeping soundly under the blankets.



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