A Leap of Faith
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A Leap of Faith: Chapter 12

E - Words: 3,651 - Last Updated: Apr 07, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Jan 28, 2015 - Updated: Jan 28, 2015
74 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I just want to clarify, I hope you all know that Kurts decision about keeping the relationship a secret had nothing to do with Finn and Rachel. All hes thinking about is Blaine and how hell be treated. Hes worried how the school would react if they knew he was dating someone from Glee Club. And also, the events of this chapter all lead up to whats going to happen in the next chapters.

Also, guess what guys!? While I was editing this chapter, guess what happened? One of my tweets was favorited by a Glee cast actor. He plays Spencer, one of the newbies of season six. It was awesome that I got noticed by someone on TV.

Okay, next chapter coming soon.



Chapter 12

Monday morning was here. Before school started, Kurt and Blaine agreed to meet and talk about what they were going to do. They had spoken on the phone and texted every day. They were now officially boyfriends. But now came the next part. What would they do? Were they going to go public with their relationship? How would they announce it? They agreed to talk about this in person.

Blaine entered Kurts car and sat in the passenger seat. "Hey Kurt," Blaine said looking at his boyfriend with a smile.

"Hey there," Kurt smiled.

The boys kissed good morning. Kurt loved those lips.

"How are you?" Blaine asked.

"My day was just made. I always look forward to kissing your lips. They taste wonderful," Kurt said.

"You can taste them again if you want," Blaine smirked.

"I really need to."

The boys closed their eyes and kissed again. The kiss lasted a few seconds. When their lips parted, Kurt had his eyes closed, wishing for more.

"Wait, I think I need to taste them again," Kurt said.

"Im fine with that." Blaine reached and cupped Kurts face as he kissed him.

Kurt kissed him back and touched Blaines shoulders. When they parted away, it left both boys wanting more.

"What a great way to start the day," Blaine said.

"We need to do this every day," Kurt suggested.

"Yeah, definitely," Blaine agreed.

"Okay, so," Kurt said. "We need to talk about this. What are we going to do?"

"Well… Im okay with people knowing about us. People deserve to know that I am dating Kurt Hummel and that he makes me really happy," Blaine said.

Kurt thought about it. That was very true. He also wanted to do the same. He wanted to just tell everybody. He wanted to make it public and tell everyone. "Blaine… I agree. You also make me really happy. The happiest Ive ever been."

Blaine looked at Kurt confused. "Why do I hear a but coming?" he asked.

Kurt took a deep breath. "Blaine… Im just worried about what people might think. Look at you and me from far away. You are Mr. Popular, captain of lacrosse, and Im in Glee Club who likes to sing."

"But Kurt, I dont care what other people think. Other peoples opinions are nothing. Its all about me being with you. Besides, Im one-hundred percent sure my friends will accept you."

"But Im scared Blaine," Kurt admitted. "Im scared because Im just worried about what kind of image youll get if you date someone from Glee Club. Look at my big brother, Finn. Four years ago, he was popular, everyone at school loved him. But then he got involved with Glee Club and people lost respect for him. His popularity ended."

Blaine sighed at Kurts story. He remembered when Finn was popular and everyone adored him. But like Kurt said, when he got involved with Glee Club, it all went downhill for him. There was a period of time when people even threw slushies at him. He understood where Kurt was coming from. Blaine was popular and Kurt wasnt. In Kurts mind, people expect Blaine to date someone who was also popular.

Blaine looked at Kurt. "So you dont want to tell people about us?"

"I do. But maybe not yet. I want to scream it to the sky and tell everyone that Im dating Blaine Anderson. But I dont want the same thing that happened to Finn, to happen to you. Youre popular, enjoy it. Im not going to be the one to bring you down," Kurt said touching Blaines hand.

Kurt looked at Blaine. Everything he was saying was true. He was thinking more of Blaine. He didnt want to tell anyone about their relationship because he was afraid of the way people would treat him. He didnt care about Finn or Rachels opinion and how they would react. He was just thinking of the way Blaine would be treated.

This was not about him. This was about Blaine.

Blaine nodded, a little sad. "I love that you care so much about me." Blaine leaned closer and kissed Kurt. "By the way, I think youre worried about nothing. No one gets bullied anymore. So no one will care about you and me dating."

Kurt hugged Blaine.

"I still think for now we should keep this under the radar and then well come out sometime," Kurt said.

"Okay, I agree," Blaine said.

Blaine looked at Kurt and kissed his lips. This boy cared a lot about him and that was a complete turn on for him. Kurt grabbed Blaines shirt and pulled him closer to kiss him deeper.

Suddenly the school bell rang.

"Were… going… to be… late," Blaine said between their kiss.

The boys ended their kiss.

"Youre right," Kurt said. "We should get going."

The guys opened the doors of the car to leave.

"Wait, one more kiss?" Kurt asked

"Yeah, definitely," Blaine said.

The boys kissed again and sank into each others arms.

… … …

For the two of them, sneaking around and pretending not to be couple proved to actually be fun. There was something about the sneaking around that made them feel alive. It was simple and harmless. They would pass notes to each other in class and spend the entire time flirting with one another. When they werent doing anything important in class, Kurt would ask to be excused and go to the restroom and Blaine would sneak out of class and meet Kurt there. They would go into one of the bathroom stalls and make out. Sometimes during lunch, they would go to Blaines car and have a really heavy make out session. They would then have lunch together.

One Thursday, Kurt and Blaine were unable to meet for lunch since Kurt had to take a make-up exam. So instead Blaine sat with Ethan and Scott outside in a patio table.

"Have you guys picked out your costumes yet?" Ethan asked.

Blaine looked at him. "Costumes?"

"Yeah, for Halloween. What are you dressing up as?" Ethan asked.

Right. Halloween. Blaine had almost forgotten about Halloween. Halloween was next week and he still had no idea for a costume.

"I dont know yet," Blaine said. "But Ill think of something."

"Well you better think fast. You only have a week left," Ethan said.

Scott looked at Ethan. "Do you know what you're dressing up as?"

Ethan nodded. "Yeah, Im thinking of dressing up as either a jail mate with an orange jumpsuit or maybe Ill just be a ninja."

"Wait, a ninja!?" Scott asked shocked.

"Yeah, a ninja," Ethan said. "You know the Japanese warriors with swords and are super sneaky and their main job is to sabotage, infiltrate or assassinate."

"I know what a ninja is. I just mean you cant be one. I was planning to dress up as a ninja."

"Well dress up as something else," Ethan told Scott.

"No, you dress up as something else. I already got my costume," Scott said.

"Agh, you already have it?" Ethan asked disappointed.

"Yeah, I bought it last night. Kira helped me pick it out. Which means you have to be something else," Scott said.

"Guess so." Ethan turned to look at Blaine who was busy looking at his phone. "Hey Blaine, put your phone away. We need to have a serious talk."

Blaine put away his phone and looked at Ethan. "About what?" he asked.

"Well, are you still hosting the Halloween party this year?"

Blaine nodded. "Yeah, parties are always at my place. I just need to make sure my parents are gone for the weekend."

"Sounds good," Ethan said.

Suddenly Blaines phone started to ring. Blaine picked it up, looked at the Caller ID and smiled brightly.

"Hey," Blaine answered.

Ethan and Scott looked at each other confused. Blaine had smiled really bright when he saw that Caller ID.

Blaine kept smiling throughout the whole conversation with the person on the phone. "Youre done with the test? Cool, Ill be right over." Blaine hanged up the phone and gathered his stuff.

"Who was that?" Ethan asked.

"It was Kurt. Im going to meet him. Ill see you guys later." Blaine waved goodbye to Ethan and Scott and went into the school building.

Ethan looked at Scott. "Did you see that?" he asked.

"See what?"

"One moment, Blaine is normal, kind of sleepy, but the moment Kurt called, his face lit up."

"So? Hes happy Kurt called him. No big deal," Scott said.

"Actually it is a big deal. I know Blaine and I know hes hiding something," Ethan said.

Scott shook his head. "I think youre thinking about this too much. Blaine is not hiding anything."

Ethan whispered. "No, think about it. You said it yourself. Blaine has been acting different lately. Hes always making up excuses to not hang out, hes always busy doing something and he hardly ever has lunch with us."

Scott thought about it and nodded. "Yeah."

"And think about this," Ethan said. "When did all of this start?"

Scott shrugged.

Ethan continued speaking. "It started when Blaine and Kurt did that Hunger Games project together. Ever since then, Blaine has been acting differently."

"Wait, the book project? But that was like two months ago."

"Yeah," Ethan nodded. "I think… I think… Blaine and Kurt are seeing each other."

Scott shook his head in disbelief. "I highly doubt theyre dating. Theyre probably just really good friends."

"I dont think so," Ethan stated.

"If Blaine had a boyfriend, dont you think he would have told us?" Scott asked.

"I dont know, but were going to find out. Were gonna play ninjas. Meet me after school. Were going to follow Blaine wherever he goes."

… … …

Blaine walked over to Kurts locker and saw his boyfriend. Kurt looked back and smiled.

"Hey there, Silly," Kurt said when he saw Blaine.

"Hey, so how was the test?" Blaine asked.

"It went better than the first time I took it. I think I did well," Kurt said.

"So, were still hanging out after school today? Picking out our costumes together?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah we are. Ive been looking forward to this day all week because after the store well have our date night," Kurt smiled.

Kurt had been looking forward to this day in forever. Today was his and Blaines date night. School was cancelled tomorrow Friday, which meant a three day weekend.

Blaine looked at Kurt and smiled. "Today is going to be fun. Ill pick out my Halloween costume and then Ill have a movie night with my number one guy."

Kurt blushed and tried to look away from Blaine to hide his pink face.

"Hey, dont hide your blush from me. I love it when you blush," Blaine

That made Kurt blush even more.

"Okay. I wont hide it again," Kurt said looking into Blaines eyes.

"Here," Blaine handed Kurt a folded piece of paper. "So I responded to your note."

Kurt grabbed the note. "Great. Ill respond next."

That was one of the things they really liked doing. Passing notes.

They really enjoyed passing notes to each other back and forth because it made them feel just like a high school couple. Passing the note when the teacher wasnt looking, writing cute messages and they always usually did Kurts favorite thing, passing the note in the bathroom which always led to the heavy make-out session in the bathroom stall.

Blaine looked at his phone. "Its almost time for my next class. Ill see you after school."

"Okay. See you after school. Bye."

Kurt waved goodbye to Blaine as he saw him disappear into the halls. He opened the piece of paper that Blaine gave him and read the last line and saw what Blaine had written to him.

I miss you already.

Talk about perfect timing. Blaine knew Kurt would read the note as soon as Blaine had walked away to go to class. And it was cute. It made Kurt smile. He folded up the piece of paper and put it inside his notebook.

Kurt looked up and saw Rachel walking to his locker.

"Hey Rachel."

"Hey. Are you going to Quinns movie thing tonight?" she asked.

Kurt shook his head. "No. I sort of already made plans with someone else. But I told Quinn that I would go to the next one she held."

"Thats too bad. Next time," she said.

Suddenly Mike Chang came up to Rachel and Kurt.

"Kurt, you need go outside to your car," Mike said.

"Whats wrong with my car?" Kurt asked scared.

"Well, some lowerclassman was backing out of the parking lot and the idiot backed out too much and hit your car," Mike told.

"My car? Serious?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah. You better go check it out. Ill go with you," Mike said.

Kurt turned to Rachel and handed her his textbooks and notebook. "Rachel, can you take my stuff with you to our next class? And tell our teacher Ill be a little late."

"Dont worry," Rachel said.

Kurt ran out the school with Mike and disappeared outside. Rachel closed Kurts locker and walked to their Science class, holding on tight to his books. But as soon as Rachel moved Kurts notebook, a small piece of paper fell to the floor.

She picked up the folded piece and looked at it. It had a heart drawn on it with red pen.

A heart? What was this?

Rachel looked at the note. It was a conversation between two people. The first person wrote in red pen while the second person wrote in blue. She read the first line.

I cant stop thinking about your eyes.

Rachel knew Kurt wrote that. She recognized his handwriting anywhere. So Kurt was the handwriting in red. So who was Kurt talking to? Who had eyes that he couldnt stop thinking about? She continued reading.

Well Ill have you know, I cant stop thinking about your smile and your soft, beautiful lips.

The second person in blue pen said. But who was this second person? And this person wrote soft lips. This meant that Kurt and this person had already kissed, right? Did Kurt have a boyfriend? Did McKinley have a third gay guy?

You always make me blush! I loved every moment of our date last week! :)

Date? Kurt wrote date. Rachel continued reading.

I loved our date. Hey, can you take a selfie and send it to me so I can have something beautiful to look at while I do my Math work?

The second person wrote. Rachel had to know who this second person was. He sounded so romantic and sweet. She continued reading.

It was Kurts turn to respond.

Come on, Blaine. You know I dont like using my phone during school hours!

Rachel gasped and threw the note on the floor as if it was on fire. She covered her mouth in shock. Blaine. Blaine. No. It couldnt be. Kurt was not seeing Blaine. He couldnt be. She picked up the note and reread it in case she had done a mistake and seen it wrong. But it was no mistake.

It said Blaine.

Blaine. There was only one Blaine at this entire school. One. The only other gay guy at this school. It was obvious who Kurt had been talking to. That meant he had gone on a date with Blaine. Kurt had kissed Blaine.

Kurt was dating Blaine.

… … …

After school, it was time. Ethan and Scott had to follow Blaine. Ethan was convinced that Blaine and Kurt were a thing and if they followed Blaine, they could get their answer. But Scott on the other hand was sure there was nothing going on between them.

It was already 5:20 PM and it was a three day weekend which meant the school was basically abandoned. Just about every student was gone. Ethan and Scott would have also left home but they couldnt. They had to follow Blaine.

Blaine had stayed after school to finish his homework in the lunchroom. Ethan suspected he was waiting for Kurt who was in Glee Club meeting.

It had been the longest two hours of their lives. School ended at 3:00 PM and it was now 5:20. While Blaine worked in the lunchroom, Ethan and Scott hid in an empty classroom nearby and spied on their friend.

Scott looked at Blaine and then looked at Ethan. "I cant believe I let you talk me into spying on Blaine."

"Its for the greater good. Im gonna prove to you that Kurt and Blaine are dating," Ethan said.

5:30 PM

Ethan and Scott looked at Blaine and saw him look down at his phone and smile. He then stood up from his seat and left the cafeteria.

"Hes moving. Lets follow him," Ethan said.

Blaine walked to his locker and Ethan and Scott followed behind, staying a safe distance away to make sure they wouldnt get seen. After Blaine left his locker, he walked to the restroom. Ethan and Scott waited outside the restroom door hiding behind the trophy case that was on the far end of the hall.

"Were gonna look so stupid if we get caught," Scott whispered.

"Shh-h-h," Ethan hissed.

Ethan reached into his backpack and got two pairs of sunglasses.

"Here, put these on." Ethan handed Scott a pair of black sunglasses.

Scott took the sunglasses and put them on.

"Were undercover and we need to dress like it," Ethan whispered.

"Because wearing sunglasses inside is so normal, right?" Scott said sarcastically.

Ethan looked at Scott. "Do you want to find out if Blaine is secretly dating Kurt or not?"

Before Scott could answer, the restroom door opened and out stepped Blaine. Blaine walked to the front doors of the school and Ethan and Scott followed behind. Blaine left the school and walked to the parking lot.

"Hes going to his car," Scott said. "Are we going to follow him out on the road too?"

"We will if we have to," Ethan said.

Blaine stopped at his car and looked down at his phone. Ethan and Scott hid behind a bench and kept their eyes on Blaine.

"I still think this is all just in your head. Blaine is not dating Kurt," Scott stated.

"Wait," Ethan looked at Blaine and saw a second person approach him.

"Who is that?" Scott asked.

Ethan got a clear picture. And then he saw him. It was Kurt.

"Its Kurt. Im telling you something is going on between them," Ethan whispered.

Ethan and Scott continued watching them, hoping to get any sort of clue that Blaine and Kurt were together.

"I wonder what theyre saying." Scott asked.

They watched Blaine and Kurt talk and talk for a long time. Scott was getting bored and was ready to give up. "This is dumb. Im sure Blaine and Kurt are just good friends." Scott was about to stand up.

"Wait, look." Ethan pulled Scott back down.

They both looked at Blaine and Kurt and saw them lean closer and closer to each other and then it happened. They kissed. They had kissed each other on their lips. Ethan and Scott gasped.

They saw Blaine and Kurt get into Blaines car and drive away. Ethan and Scott got out from behind the bench.

"I told you. I told you, I told you, I told you," Ethan said.

"Blaine and… Kurt," Scott said, taking a seat on the beach.

"This is unbelievable. I told you something was going on between those two," Ethan said.

"I hate to admit it, but you were right," Scott said.

Ethan took a seat next to Scott.

"I am really excited for Blaine. He finally got a boyfriend," Ethan said excited. "Do you know what this means? Well go on a triple date soon."

"I wonder if this is the reason he kept ignoring all those messages on Grindr? He didnt need to respond to any of them because he already had a boyfriend," Scott stated.

"I think youre right," Ethan responded with a smile.

He was so excited that Blaine had a boyfriend. It had been a long time since Blaine had come out to them. And he finally found someone.

"Should we tell Blaine that we know?" Scott asked.

Ethan shook his head. "No, Blaine should be the one to tell us. Its his secret. I have no idea why hes keeping it a secret in the first place. But he should be the one to tell us."

Scott agreed. It should be Blaine to be the one to tell them. But they were so happy for him they might just tell him they knew. But for the mean time, they would wait for Blaine to tell. And until then, they would be happy for their friend in secret.



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