A Leap of Faith
Chapter 10 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A Leap of Faith: Chapter 10

E - Words: 5,262 - Last Updated: Apr 07, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Jan 28, 2015 - Updated: Jan 28, 2015
77 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Next chapter coming soon.



Chapter 10

The next day at school, Kurt walked over to Blaines locker. He had to apologize for leaving the restaurant yesterday without much of an explanation.

"Hey Blaine," Kurt greeted.

Blaine turned and quickly smiled when he saw him. "Good morning, Kurt. How are you?"

"Im doing well. Thanks for asking. I wanted to talk to you."

Blaine got out his books from his locker and closed the metal door. "Whats on your mind, Sleepyhead?"

"Sleepyhead?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah, thats your nickname from now on. Ive never met anyone who slept in until 11 oclock. Not even Ethan sleeps that late."

Kurt giggled. "Fine, you can call me Sleepyhead but that means I have to come up with a name for you."

"Good luck with that. I bet you cant think of anything for me."

"Oh yes I will. Ill find something for you."

The boys started walking side by side to their Drama class.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Blaine asked.

"Its about yesterday. Im sorry I left early without much of an explanation. I felt really bad," Kurt told him.

"Its okay. No worries at all," Blaine said. "You had to go with your brother. We all understood."

"Are you sure its okay?" Kurt asked.

"Its fine, Kurt. I promise," Blaine smiled. He touched Kurts shoulder, letting him know everything was okay.

Kurt felt a large weight lifted off his shoulder. He had felt bad the entire night for leaving Blaine and his friends at the dinner. But Blaine said it was fine. And that just made his entire day.

The boys entered their Drama class and sat together. When class began, Mrs. Harris announced that by tomorrow, groups would start presenting their book projects.

At lunch time, Kurt and Blaine had finished their project. Everything was good to go. Presentation, skit, paper, everything.

The next day, presentations began. Finn and Rachel were first to present. They presented a scene from Shakespeares classic love story Romeo and Juliet. The next group to go up was Lucy and Kira and they did their project on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Next was Ethan and Scott who did their project on The Maze Runner, which was Ethans favorite book. Only one more group had time to present. When the teacher asked if there were any volunteers to go up, Blaine raised his hand and said, "I volunteer as tribute," an inside Hunger Games joke. It was a perfect introduction for their project.

When they presented, the atmosphere was all new to Kurt. It was strange but everyone, everyone, was paying attention. This had never happened to him before. Usually when Kurt did a presentation in class, not everyone paid attention. Someone was always either asleep, or on their phone or someone was always finishing up homework for another class. But not today. Everyones eyes were on them. Probably because captain of the lacrosse team Blaine Anderson was speaking and when Blaine spoke, everyone listened.

There were girls in the front row who were staring at Blaine and admiring his looks. Kurt knew that almost every girl at this school had a crush on Blaine and funny thing was, Blaine knew it too. Blaine knew girls were always crushing on him. But what could they do? They all knew he was gay. None of them had a chance.

As soon as their project ended, the bell rang and it was time to go. Everyone left the classroom except for Kurt who stayed behind to talk to Blaine.

"Thank you Blaine for being my partner. I had a great time," Kurt said.

Blaine looked at him confused. "You act like this is goodbye. Were still going to see each other."

Kurt nodded with a small chuckle. "Yeah, youre right."

"Remember that bet we made? You said you could beat me at a Mario Kart game as Yoshi."

Kurt remembered. "Yeah, and Im still positive I can beat you."

"No you wont. No you wont," Blaine said, shaking his head.

"Fine, lets actually have this competition. This weekend, you and me, Mario Kart, what do you say?" Kurt asked.

"I say, youre going down, Hummel," Blaine said. "My house. This weekend."

"Youre on."

The boys shook hands and walked out, going to their next class.

… … …

The bet was set.

The guys ended up deciding that Friday after school they would go over to Blaines house and they would face off one another in Mario Kart. Kurt counted down the days until the game. Three more days. He was really looking forward to it.

Even though their book project was already done, Kurt and Blaine still sat together in Drama class. Not one of them questioned it. The rest of the week went by kind of slow for Kurt. Nothing important or big had happened. The only highlight of his days were seeing Blaine.

When Friday arrived, Kurt couldnt be any happier. Finally he was going to face off Blaine at Mario Kart. All week Blaine had been teasing him that he was a better player. Kurt simply responded back with smile, a shrug and a, "no, Im better at Mario Kart, Shorty."

After school, Kurt waited by the school parking lot for Blaine. Today was it. Finally Blaine was going to see just how great of a racecar player Kurt was. Blaine was no match for him.

Kurt texted his dad that he would be hanging out with a friend all day.

"Hey Kurt," a voice said.

Kurt looked up from his phone and saw Blaine. A smile quickly formed on each of their faces.

"Hey, Blaine."

"Are you ready to get your ass kicked at Mario Kart?" Blaine asked joking.

"Blaine, I keep telling you, its you who will get humiliated with defeat. Not me," Kurt joked back.

Blaine chuckled and both boys started walking towards their cars in the lot.

"So, Ill meet you at my house?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah, Ill see you there."

"You know where I live," Blaine said.

Kurt went to his car and got inside. He put his backpack on the passenger seat and fixed his mirrors. He was the better player at Mario Kart. Blaine was just being silly.

… … …

When Kurt arrived to Blaines house, he saw that Blaine was already there. He parked his car in Blaines driveway and they both went inside. They walked into the kitchen and Blaine went straight to the fridge.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Blaine asked.

"A water would be fine, thank you," Kurt said.

Blaine got out two water bottles and closed the fridge door. He gave Kurt his drink and suddenly his cell phone started beeping. Blaine got out his phone and looked at it.

"Its a text from my grandma," he said smiling.

"What does it say?" Kurt asked.

"It says, we miss you. And she attached a picture of her, Cooper and my parents."

"We miss you? Your family isnt here?" Kurt asked.

Blaine shook his head. "No, theyre all visiting my brother in Colorado. They understood I couldnt go because I cant miss school."

The boys walked downstairs to Blaines bedroom and they each set their backpacks right by the door. Kurt sat down at the computer desk while Blaine lied down on his bed. They talked about how their day went.

They spoke for an hour completely forgetting the fact that they came here to play Mario Kart. Slowly their conversation about their day shifted. They spoke about their favorite things, their favorite movies, books, music, TV shows, songs, artists, just about anything possible.

Kurt learned that Blaines favorite music was pop and hip-pop and his favorite artists were Katy Perry and Paramore. At the moment, Blaines favorite songs were The Only Exception by Paramore and Arms by Christina Perri. Blaine learned Kurts favorite artist was Taylor Swift and his favorite songs by her were The Story of Us, Crazier and Superman. When they talked about their favorite movie, Kurt said without a doubt, the Harry Potter series. And Blaine agreed one-hundred percent.

6 PM came around and the boys started to get hungry. They were so busy talking they forgot why they came here in the first place.

Kurts stomach growled and Blaine started laughing.

"Someone sounds hungry," Blaine said with a giggle.

"Yep, Im starving," Kurt smiled.

"Lets order something. Does a pizza sound good?" Blaine asked.

Kurt nodded. "Pizza sounds great."

Blaine went on his phone and Googled his favorite pizza place, Dominos.

"Is it okay if I order Dominos Pizza?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah. I love Dominos," Kurt said while he turned in a circle sitting on the computer desk chair.

"Me too." Blaine went on the Dominos Pizza website and placed a Delivery order. "Great. What would you like as toppings?"

Kurt thought about it. "I like pepperoni and beef. You can add whatever you want."

"What a great coincidence. Thats usually what I order too."

"Thats great!" Kurt smiled.

Blaine placed the order for a small pepperoni and beef pizza with a side of bread sticks. The total was $16.99. He typed in his address and clicked OKAY.

"Thats it," Blaine said. "Our pizza should be here in about 30 minutes."

While the boys waited for their dinner to arrive, they continued talking. They spoke about their childhoods, what schools they went to as kids, how was life at home and about their friends and family.

When Kurt spoke, Blaine would stare at him and smile. He would get lost in his eyes. Those ocean blue eyes of his that put him in a spell. All he could do was smile and listen to the boy speak.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. The pizza had arrived. Had it been 30 minutes already? They honestly lost track of time talking to each other.

"Pizzas here," Blaine said as he stood up and went to answer the door.

Kurt stood up and heard Blaine from upstairs.

"Kurt! Can you get my wallet!? I think its in my drawer in my nightstand."

Kurt looked for the nightstand. It was right next to Blaines bed. He opened the top drawer and found the wallet. But to his surprise he also saw a pack of condoms and a bottle of lube. He grabbed the wallet and closed the drawer. He didnt expect to see that.

Kurt rushed upstairs with the wallet and gave it to Blaine. Blaine paid for the pizza and tipped the delivery boy. They took the pizza downstairs to Blaines room as Kurt grabbed two more water bottles from the fridge. Blaine set the pizza box down on the desk and put his wallet back in the drawer.

"Oh God, no. Oh my God," Blaine said.

Kurt looked at Blaine confused. "Is something wrong?"

"Kurt, when you got my wallet, was it on the top drawer or the bottom drawer?"

Kurt looked at him. "It was in the top drawer."

Blaine looked at Kurt embarrassed, turning a little red. "That means you saw… Oh, God no. You saw the condoms and lube, didnt you?" Blaine covered his face with his hands.

"Blaine its okay. So I found your condoms, no big deal," Kurt said, grabbing a paper plate and grabbing two slices of pizza.

"I know, but its embarrassing." Blaine grabbed three slices of pizza and grabbed some breadsticks as well. The boys sat down on the floor across from each other.

Kurt looked in front of him as Blaine struggled to open the sauce for the breadsticks. He couldnt help but giggle.

"Do you need some help there?" Kurt asked.

Blaine looked up at Kurt and handed him the little container where the sauce was. "The lid seems to be stuck."

Kurt made it look easy. In just one second, he took the lid off and handed the sauce back to Blaine. "Here you go."

"Wow, thanks," Blaine smiled as he took the sauce.

He looked at Kurt and his mind kept going back to the condoms and lube the blue eyed boy had found. He kept thinking about Kurt and his mind. What did Kurt think when he saw them? Did Kurt wonder if Blaine had used them before? Was that Blaines first box of condoms? Or maybe his second, third or fourth? Hope Kurt doesnt think Im someone who has had tons of sex before with a lot of people.

Blaine cleared his throat to speak clearly. "By the way, Kurt, just so you know, I havent used them. The condoms."

Kurt looked up at Blaine and listened.

"Ive never used them. Not at all. I only have them for emergencies if the time did come I could be prepared."

Kurt nodded.

"To be completely honest, Kurt… I, I uh…"

Kurt noticed that Blaine was once again getting shy and struggling to say his next words. He liked it when Blaine did that. He looked very cute.

"Kurt, I, I-Im still a virgin," Blaine confessed, looking down shyly at his food.

Kurt smiled knowing that Blaine trusted him with that kind of secret. "Blaine… Its okay. I… Im also a virgin."

Blaine looked at Kurt. They were both quiet.

Blaine spoke. "Thank you for trusting me with that part of your life. I know its not something people openly share."

Yes, being a virgin was not something Kurt shared openly but he felt comfortable sharing that with Blaine.

"Im not a complete stranger to sex, by the way," Blaine said. "I know how to do it and everything. I watch porn and Ive been to sex-ed classes. So Im prepared for when the time comes."

Kurt chuckled. "It takes a real man to admit he watches porn."

Blaine chuckled back. "Well we all do it. Just some people deny it. If you asked someone if theyve ever watched porn, and they said no, theyre clearly lying."

The boys started laughing. This was the great thing about their friendship. They could have any kind of conversation, any kind, and it wouldnt be weird. The guys finished laughing and stared at each other. It felt like time had once again stopped. It was just the two of them.

Blaine moved a little closer to Kurt and his hand ended up touching his. Kurt didnt move away. He liked Blaines touch. It felt… great. Indescribable. Breathtaking. Blaine reached up and touched Kurts face, looking into his eyes and getting lost in them.

The moment was perfect. It was as if they both had the same thought. Go.

Both closed their eyes and slowly got closer to each other. Right there, their lips had met again. They were kissing and feeling the texture of each others lips. Nothing could harm this moment. Nothing could interrupt this kiss. Nothing.

While they kissed, Blaine ran his hand down Kurts face and neck. Kurt loved the feeling. Blaines hand running down his skin gave him a great sensation. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaines neck and pulled him closer, burying himself deeper into the kiss. He wanted to feel as much as he could of Blaines lips. Blaine opened his mouth welcoming Kurts tongue inside and tasting it with his own. Their tongues twirled around each other as the boys moved their heads in different angles.

They stopped kissing and the guys stared at each other.

Blaine opened his mouth to speak. "Kurt… youre really beautiful," Blaine complimented as he circled the area underneath Kurts ear.

Blaine ran his hand down to Kurts shirt and felt his beating heart. The steady beating of the boys heart was warm and lovely. Blaine looked up and slowly kissed Kurt again. He loved the feeling of this boys lips.

Kurt welcomed Blaines lips on his again. They tasted and felt beautiful and he never wanted to let go. He pulled Blaine closer to him and as they kissed with full passion. It was like fire. There was a spark they could both feel.

Kurt lied back against the edge of the bed as Blaine crawled above Kurt, his mouth still on his. He put his hands on the bed as he started to gently suck on Kurts bottom lip. The blue eyed boy closed his eyes and started to rub Blaines smooth back through his shirt.

His skin, Kurt thought.

Blaine gently removed Kurts shirt and placed it slowly on the floor. They stopped kissing and looked at each others eyes. Kurt sat there exposed in front of Blaine. But instead of feeling strange, he felt safe. He felt relaxed and comfortable. Blaine rubbed his hand across Kurts chest, feeling the boys skin.

Blaine leaned down, kissed and gently sucked on Kurts left nipple. He circled his nipple with his tongue before moving on the other nipple and repeating his steps again. He gently placed a kiss all over his chest and looked up to see Kurts eyes to make sure he was okay with what was happening.

Kurts eyes were warm and he slowly nodded. He was telling Blaine that this was okay. Blaine continued to kiss Kurts body.

Kurts heart was racing. Blaine was kissing his body. Blaine was touching him. He loved the feeling. He loved the sensation and emotions he was getting.

Kurts breathing started to get heavy. He ran his hands through Blaines hair, feeling every curl through his finger. Blaine went up and kissed Kurt, putting his arms around him. He carried him and gently placed him on the bed.

He wanted to hold him forever and never let go.

Kurt lied on the bed while Blaine was on top of him, his mouth on his. Kurt lifted Blaines shirt and took it off, throwing it on the floor. They parted lips and Kurt placed a trail of kisses down Blaines chest and stomach, stopping at his pants. Kurt looked up at Blaines eyes and met them.

Its as if they had the same thought again. Blaine told him it was okay.

Kurt unbuckled Blaines belt and unbuttoned his pants, getting a small glimpse of Blaines underwear. He pulled down and removed Blaines pants, seeing him in just his underwear. He looked at Blaines bulge and could see the outline of his hard dick underneath. Kurt could see that it was big. He kissed the fabric of the underwear of where his penis was and after about a few seconds he removed the underwear, exposing and seeing for the first time Blaines hard erection.

Blaine was there completely exposed in front of Kurt. But he didnt care. He wasnt shy or felt like he had to cover himself. He was naked in front of Kurt. Something that felt normal to him.

Kurt got closer and licked the shaft of the penis from top to bottom. When he got to the tip of Blaines penis, he started to gently lick all around it and tasting his pre-cum.

Blaine closed his eyes and moaned with pleasure. "Youre such a big tease, arent you?" he chuckled.

"Maybe," Kurt said seductively. His own dick was rock-hard and he could feel his strong bulge against his pants.

There was no stopping him. Why would he stop? Everything felt right. This moment, here with Blaine, it felt right.

Kurt opened his mouth and took Blaines dick inside, tasting it for the first time. He started to suck slowly as he went in and out.

Blaine moaned with pleasure. "Agh-ahh."

The pleasure for Blaine was unbelievable. He closed his eyes due to all the fire he was feeling. He had never felt this kind of sensation before and it was driving him wild. He was being touched and sucked by Kurt. He touched Kurts head and held on to his soft, brown hair.

He looked down at Kurt moving in and out as he sucked him. The sight of Kurt sucking him was making him hornier by the second. It was all a great feeling for him. He didnt want this to end. He wanted to continue feeling this way.

"Kurt," Blaine managed to breathe out with his eyes closed. "Kurt."

Hearing Blaine say his name in a slow and sexual manner only got Kurt harder. It got him hornier than before. While he was still sucking Blaine, Kurt put his hand in his pants so he could touch his own cock and stroke it.

Blaine managed to open his eyes and looked down at Kurt touching himself. Kurt was touching himself. Realizing this, Blaine stopped Kurt from sucking him and helped him stand up.

"Let me help you there," Blaine told him.

Blaine got down on his knees and removed all of Kurts clothes, seeing his rock-hard dick in front of him. Both boys were naked now. Blaine kissed and licked Kurts shaft before he started to suck on the tip of his penis.

Kurt moaned and closed his eyes. "Oh-h-h."

Blaine grabbed onto Kurts butt as he sucked him. Within a few moments, his sucking started to get faster and harder and he took more of Kurt inside his mouth. Kurt opened his eyes and looked down to see Blaine moving his head in and out, harder and harder.

"Oh god, Blaine… oh… that feels… s-o good. So, so good," Kurt struggled to say.

Blaine, while he was still sucking Kurt, looked up to look at Kurt. Kurt couldnt control himself. The feeling of Blaine sucking him was beyond any words he could use to describe.

"Oh – oh, Blaine, yes…" Kurt muttered with pleasure.

Blaine stopped sucking and released Kurts cock from his mouth. He moved down to lick and suck on Kurts balls. The feeling was incredible. Kurt would close his eyes and lose himself in the pleasure Blaine was giving him.

"Ah-h," Kurt breathed out.

Blaine was then caught off guard by Kurts next move. Kurt backed away a little and pulled Blaine up and met him face to face to kiss him with great force and burning passion. They touched each others naked bodies, running their hands through the others skin.

"God, Kurt…" Blaine breathed out through their hot kiss. "You… Youre making me feel… so good," Blaine struggled to say.

They were both so horny and so full of passion.

Blaine ran his hand down to Kurt ass and found his hole. He gently rubbed around it, knowing his touch there would cause Kurt pleasure.

"Blaine, oh-oh," Kurt moaned with his eyes closed.

"Kurt," Blaine said. He moved his finger around, in and out of Kurts hole and bent them to massage him.

Kurt opened his mouth and rolled back his eyes. It felt so good.

"Oh God, Blaine…" Kurt muttered.

His name.

Saying Blaines name was pleasure for Kurts tongue. The name of this beautiful man in front of him.

"God, I am so horny right now," Kurt said through their kiss.

"Yeah?" Blaine asked as he kissed him.

While kissing, Kurt looked down at Blaines nightstand and opened the top drawer to get the condoms and lube. Blaine parted lips with Kurt and took his finger out of his ass, taking the condoms and lube from him.

"Kurt… Are you sure about this?" Blaine asked.

"Im sure," Kurt nodded. "Im sure."

Blaine opened the box of condoms and took one out. He put the box back in the drawer and opened the wrapper in his hand.

He put his finger back in Kurts hole again. Except this time, he was stretching him. Before he was just pleasuring Kurt and making him feel good. But now, he wanted to properly open Kurts ass.

Kurt moaned out loud as Blaine twirled his finger inside him. "Blaine… oh god, that feels so good."

Next Blaine inserted his second finger. Kurts ass was tight and it had to be perfectly stretched and prepared. Blaine circled his fingers and hooked them, making Kurt moan even louder than before.

"Oh-h! Oh!" Kurt moaned.

He was ready.

"Kurt… Are you sure about this?" Blaine asked again. He wanted to make sure and not do anything Kurt would probably regret.

"Blaine… Im sure. Im completely, one-hundred percent sure."

Blaine put on the condom he had in his hand and then opened the bottle of lube, pouring lube down his cock. He put the bottle back in the drawer and looked at Kurt as he lied down at the edge of the bed. Kurt, breathing hard, was lying down on his back, looking up at the ceiling.

"Kurt… I want you to stop me if Im hurting you, okay?" Blaine asked.

"Okay," Kurt nodded and managed to say.

Blaine placed his cock at the entrance of Kurts hole and slowly started to go inside. He went inside slowly as he could, making sure his entire cock was in him.

"Blaine…" Kurt moaned.

Blaine went in and out at a slow pace, making sure not to hurt Kurt.

"Blaine… that feels… that feels so good," Kurt said.

Blaine moved his dick in and out of Kurt. He looked down and saw Kurts face as his dick penetrated him. Kurt had his eyes closed, enjoying the pleasure he was getting from Blaine.

Blaine leaned down and kissed Kurts lips, while his dick was still inside of him. He started to pick up his pace and push his dick a little faster than before. Kurt moaned out loud.

"Oh, Blaine. God Blaine!"

"Is this okay? Should I slow down?" Blaine asked.

"No, dont slow down. Youre perfect. In fact, dont be afraid to go faster," Kurt said, breathing hard.

"Faster?" Blaine asked.

"As fast as you can," Kurt clarified.

Blaine stood back up and picked up the paces of his thrusts. He started to go in and out of Kurt faster. His thrusts picked up speed and Kurts moans got louder and furious.

"Oh, Blaine! Oh, AH! AH-H! Blaine!" Kurt screamed.

Blaine knew he had hit Kurts prostate. The one spot that made any guy go crazy with pleasure when it was hit.

"Blaine, Blaine… Fuck, it feels so good!"

Blaine leaned down and wrapped his arms around Kurts neck and pushed himself deeper and faster.

"OH! OH! Blaine!" Kurt yelled with pleasure. "Fuck me! Fuck me!"

Blaine screamed. It felt so good. "Kurt! KURT! AH!"

Blaine closed his eyes and could see stars. This was perfect. The feeling, the sensation, everything great happening was because he was with Kurt. He was experiencing all these great emotions with him.

"BLAINE… OH!" Kurt moaned. "Dont stop! Dont stop!"

Blaine did as he was told. He didnt stop. He went in and out of Kurt, rough and hard. He kept his arms around Kurts neck and buried his face in Kurts shoulder.

"Fuck, Kurt! FUCK!" Blaine moaned.

Blaine moved up and kissed Kurt passionately, still pushing in and out. With his one free hand, Blaine started to stroke Kurts hard, erected dick.

"Blaine, Blaine!" Kurt moaned.

Kurt screamed. So much pleasure was happening. Blaines dick was inside of him. Blaines hand was on his dick.

"GOD, BLAINE! Youre gonna make me cum! Youre gonna make me cum!" Kurt screamed.

Blaine stroke Kurts dick faster and continued going in and out of his ass.

"Blaine. BLAINE! Im gonna cum! Im gonna cum! Blaine! BLAINE!"

Kurt screamed with pleasure as he released his load and came all over his chest.

"Oh, oh," Kurt breathed.

Blaine stopped fucking him and took out his cock from Kurt. He took off the condom and started to stroke his dick.

"Oh my God, Kurt. Kurt." Blaine kept his eyes on Kurt as he stroke himself faster and faster.

"Blaine," Kurt said.

"Kurt. Kurt! AH-H!" Blaine yelled as he released his cum and shot out all over Kurts chest and stomach. Some managed to land on Kurts face.

Blaine breathed heavily. He had just cummed all over Kurt. And he was looking at him while he did.

"Great load," Kurt said, breathing hard and touching Blaines legs.

"Yours too," Blaine commented back with a slight smirk. He was breathing hard and sweating from his forehead and Kurt found this hot.

The boys leaned closer and kissed. Blaine grabbed the back of Kurts head and pulled him deeper into the kiss. When they stopped kissing, Blaine reached for a clean towel that was at the corner of the bed and cleaned the cum on Kurts face.

The boys then lied down and had their arms around each other, Blaine lying on top of Kurt.

They stayed like that for a while. Just the two of them in their arms.

Kurt played with Blaines beautiful hair, running his hand through it. Blaine looked up at Kurt and Kurt looked down at him.

Blaine was beautiful, Kurt thought.

Kurt was beautiful, Blaine thought.

His eyes. His beautiful eyes.

They were both staring into each others beautiful, dazzling eyes. Eyes that could make their hearts race in a single second and make them never want to look away.

Blaine leaned up and gave Kurt a kiss. Kurt kissed him back.

"Hey Kurt," Blaine said after the kiss. "That pizza is starting to sound really good. Dont you think?"

Kurt nodded with a smile. "It is."

Blaine stood up, put on his bathrobe and grabbed the box of pizza. "Im gonna go warm it up. Be right back."

Blaine left the room and left Kurt alone. Kurt looked at the ceiling. His feelings were all over the place. He couldnt describe exactly what had just happened. There were no words for it. None at all.

But he had just had sex with Blaine.

… … …

The boys ate their pizza comfortably cuddled up while they watched TV. When they finished their food, they snuggled closer and watched comedy sitcoms that were on. They laughed and joked the entire time. It was already 9 PM and Kurt texted his father that he would be spending the night with his friend.

When there was nothing to watch on TV, Blaine turned it off and the two boys talked. They talked through the entire night and enjoyed the laughter of the other.

It was around 1 AM when they finally drifted off to sleep and slept in each others arms.



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