May 19, 2013, 10:02 a.m.
May 19, 2013, 10:02 a.m.
Blaine wakes up in Kurt's arms but will he be allowed to stay there?
I don't want space between us, a shapeless blur I want our beginning to have a meaning And an ending without closure
Blaine felt warm when he woke up. Not like an uncomfortable heat, like he was sick or anything like that, just a comforting warmth spreading through his body.
He wiggled a little, marveling in the nice feeling and comfort of his bed. He smiled.
It took him a moment to realize that his cushion was moving under his ear. Slowly he opened his eyes.
He was snugly nestled on Kurt's chest and as he took in the sight above him, fair skin, slightly parted lips and bangs that had escaped their style and flopped over the beautiful man's forehead, Blaine's smile got dreamy.
This felt so nice. Everything they had done had felt so nice.
Blaine felt cherished and wanted, remembering how Kurt had moaned his name the night before and how he had kissed him deep and wanton.
Kurt's arm was slung around Blaine's waist, holding Blaine close to his body and Blaine felt the urge to snuggle even closer. He didn't want anything to separate them, to keep him from feeling Kurt so close, skin on skin, heart to heart. No space to part them.
Mindlessly Blaine started to draw patterns on Kurt's chest, recapturing the previous night in his head.
Despite the bubbly feeling inside him he didn't know what to make of all of it.
The beginning had been awkward and sort of embarrassing. For a moment he had been sure that Kurt had not only forgotten his name but also that they had had a date.
Then, in the club Blaine had been intimidated by all of it. Kurt seemed to be some kind of famous party person. Everyone knew him; he didn't have to pay – no questions asked but everyone cheered when they saw him.
And then the alcohol. Blaine had no problem with one or two beers to relax with his friends. A cocktail at a bar, a glass of champagne at a party but he always tried to stay away from harder stuff. He knew that he could become quite a whore when drunk, making out with everything that was interested... man or woman.
Still, he had felt the need to keep up, to prove to Kurt that he hadn't made a mistake by inviting him and so he had downed it and surprisingly he had still only wanted one thing: Kurt.
Blaine had hesitated for a moment on the dance floor. Kurt was so beautiful. He moved with grace and confidence and Blaine was a potato with a bowtie and triangular eyebrows... but as soon as Kurt had dragged him onto the dance floor...
Maybe it had been the alcohol, maybe it had just been part of the carefree young boy Blaine had once been but as Kurt had pulled him close... Kurt's scent filling his nose, the music in his ears and the alcohol slowly fogging up his mind, Blaine had just let go.
He had always been a good dancer and Kurt seemed to think so too. Boy, had they danced, grinding and touching. Blaine didn't think to have ever tasted skin as soft and delicious as Kurt's.
It had been fun. Wonderful, intoxicating joy to dance with Kurt and the girls and then... this performance. Born this way. It had nearly made him swoon.
The way Kurt had moved andsounded. Blaine couldn't believe that Kurt wasn't singing on one of the stages in the city with moves and a voice like that.
By the end of the first chorus Blaine had been on the brink of falling down to his knees and begging Kurt to take him then and there.
He had been so nervous when he had taken Kurt home. Not in the cab, certainly not there. He blushed a little as he remembered how he had practically climbed into Kurt's lap on the way back... but when Kurt had been here. It was like he feared that Kurt might walk out again the moment he'd see where he lived.
But Kurt hadn't walked away from him. He had wanted Blaine, had showed him how much and god it had been the best feeling in the world.
And then the way they had made love... had he really just thought that? Making love?
He wasn't in love with Kurt. It was too soon and he didn't know him well enough, Blaine was aware of that... but "fucking" just didn't sum up all he had felt when Kurt had touched him and let himself be touched by Blaine. It had just beenmoreand Blaine's stomach was still flipping and twisting when he remembered it, a hot feeling that went deeper than pure arousal.
Maybe it had something to do with Blaine's stupid obsession but something that felt so right couldn't just be caused by a mild attraction, could it?
For a moment he debated to get up and make the breakfast he had dreamt about having with exactly this man in exactly this bed, but getting up would mean leaving the warmth and peace that was Kurt's body and presence and he didn't think he could give that up just now.
Blaine closed his eyes, thinking about sleeping for a little longer as he felt Kurt stir beneath him. He held his breath, both fearing and anticipating Kurt's reaction to how close they were cuddled together. From what he knew, that wasn't quite Kurt's policy for a hook up.
Kurt pulled Blaine closer, nuzzling his face into Blaine's hair with a content huff and Blaine felt joy shooting through his body. Maybe this wasn't just a hook up to Kurt. Maybe he feltmoreas well. Maybe Blaine wasn't alone in his need to spend time with the other man, to get to know him and explore whatever he was feeling but then Kurt froze, his arms around Blaine going stiff and making Blaine's heart sink.
Slowly Kurt untangled himself from Blaine, like he didn't want to make the motion too obvious and shifting away a little. Blaine rolled on his side too make it easier but also to hide his face from showing his disappointment.
"What time is it?" Kurt rasped next to him, voice still sleepy and raw.
"Not even ten." Blaine replied with a look at his clock. His voice sounded too high even in his own ears.
"That's way too early for a Sunday." Kurt murmured and Blaine could feel him slumping further down into the cushions. So he didn't seem to want to get out and run. Maybe Blaine still had a chance.
Slowly he sat up and glanced at Kurt. The other man was lying, arm thrown over his eyes and lips slightly parted, frowning at the light and probably hangover.
"Hangover breakfast, I guess?" Blaine asked, eyes taking in Kurt tensing again as soon as he proposed spending more time together. "I mean, I don't want you to throw up in the cab as soon as you get out of here..."
There was a small pause and then a murmuredGuess it can't hurtfrom Kurt and immediately Blaine was on his feet and out of the room into the kitchen. He didn't even think to put on some clothes, grateful that none of his roommates seemed to be at home as he entered the kitchen.
Quickly he put together some scrambled eggs with tomatoes and not too strong spices, toast with butter and coffee. He was just about to put everything on a tray to serve Kurt in bed, when Kurt entered the kitchen, fully dressed.
"That smells quite good actually." Kurt said, standing in the door. He smiled but Blaine could see behind that. Kurt's uneasiness was so blatant it hurt.
"Yeah, well. I'll just leave it here and go... put some clothes on. You help yourself?" Blaine looked at Kurt maybe a little hopeful that the other would want to wait to eat together or laugh and tell him to not mind to get dressed but all Kurt did was nod slightly, before moving to the counter to drink coffee.
Blaine grinned way too brightly at Kurt before quickly moving to his room. He already felt like crawling back into bed, all the euphoria from the previous night, the cuddling and happiness of touch already gone but he told himself to get it together and hastily grabbed one of his silk pajama bottoms and a t-shirt before hurrying back to the kitchen before Kurt had the possibility to leave without another word.
When Blaine reentered the kitchen, Kurt had already emptied half of his plate. He must have shuffled it into his mouth like an animal, wanting to finish fast in the three minutes Blaine had been gone from the room. With a small sigh Blaine took a cup of coffee and leant against the oven.
"So that was fun." He stated lightly, desperate to start a conversation.
"Yeah, yeah. It was." Kurt answered distractedly, staring at his food.
There was an awkward pause, where Blaine was just staring at Kurt while the other man avoided looking up.
"Do you want to head out right away or..." He had nothing to say, nothing to offer. Blaine just knew that he did not just want Kurt to walk out of his life like that but before he could even make a proposition Kurt had looked up with wide eyes and hurriedly said that it would be awesome of Blaine to call him a cab and Blaine had practically slumped on the inside.
"It should be here in a couple of minutes." Blaine stated after hanging up the phone and going back to leaning against the counter, staring at the man who was, now that the food was all gone, mustering his half emptied coffee mug with huge interest.
Suddenly Kurt put the cup down quite forcefully and got his jacket from one of the seats.
"I guess I'll just wait outside then." He looked at Blaine briefly, his smile forced.
"I really don't mind you waiting here." Blaine tried to stop him, but Kurt was already at the door. A sudden wash of panic overcame Blaine as he watched Kurt leaving.
"Kurt!" He called out, desperation in his voice and Kurt stopped.
"Yes, Blaine?" Kurt asked without turning.
"I... I uhm... just thank you, I guess. For everything... for taking me and for... just if we don't see... thank you." Blaine stammered out. He didn't know how to make Kurt stay or to tell him he wanted to see him again and it killed him.
Kurt didn't say anything immediately but suddenly he turned and his lips were on Blaine's so new and still so familiar and Blaine melted against the dry force of Kurt's closed lips.
As soon as it had started it was over and Kurt was at the door before Blaine could even register what had happened. He was about to speak, to call out, to demand anything but Kurt yelled back over his shoulder.
"I was so free to leave my number on your nightstand. Call me if you are in need of some fun again." And with that and no look back he was gone, the door closing behind him.
Blaine sank against the nearest wall. Kurt was so confusing but he had left him his number. The thought gave Blaine hope though he did not know what he was hoping for.
All he knew was that he did not just want anything between him and Kurt. He wanted to spend time with him, wanted to touch him, get to know him and maybe... yes maybe he just felt the weird urge to love him. To explore what was behind the soft touch, the though and cold outside and those meaningful eyes.