May 19, 2013, 10:02 a.m.
May 19, 2013, 10:02 a.m.
Going out with Kurt isn't for children. The question is will Blaine be able to keep up?
But doesn't matter in the end because when the party is wild I am it's main attraction
The music was loud in the cab, as Kurt and his girls made their way to one of their favorite clubs. Santana had flirted with the driver so he would switch the station and turn up the volume and now they were all singing along to Last Friday Night while passing along two bottles of sparkling wine.
They got out at the SL, Tina paying, while Brit and Santana kissed the driver's cheeks before literally jumping to the bouncer. Kurt was just about to enter the club with his friends, ignoring the long line of waiting people, as he heard somebody calling for him.
As he turned, he spotted the man he had kissed at the party last night. Damn. He had nearly forgotten about him though now that he saw him in the light of the club he had no idea how he could have. He was smoking! A little too short for his liking but nicely built as he could see through the nice fitting polo and tight slacks. His eyes had an intruding color of hazel, nearly amber in some places and his hair looked soft, neatly styled back with product. He was wearing a bowtie though what was indeed questionable for clubbing.
But what was his name again? Something with a B?
"Blair? Pleasure to see you." Kurt pulled him by the hand and gave him a small peck on the lips, hoping to cover that he had forgotten about inviting the guy. Not that he wasn't memorable. He totally was and the kiss they had shared and the noises this man had made had been the reasons for even inviting him but hey, Kurt was a busy guy and normally he just didn't tend to bother remembering with whom he had made out.
"It's Blaine, actually..." the man said in a small voice, sounding unsure, as he focused on the seemingly very interesting pavement. Kurt bit his lip. Fuck.
There was an awkward moment of silence before Kurt heard Santana shouting for him and he had never been so happy to hear her snarling at him.
"What up, lady pants? You want to freeze out there or get hot and sweaty in here? Your choice boy but that won't get you some ass tonight so move it!" he looked to see her smirking at him while the other girls snickered.
"Well then, Blaine let me show you what I promised." he winked at the other man and pulled him towards the door. Blaine looked surprised as Kurt first greeted the bouncer who even opened the door for them and then even more so as they handed their coats to the wardrobe lady, whom he greeted with a small kiss. She asked who his date was and Kurt made a comment about that she knew how much he liked to pick up stray puppies in New York. They both laughed and Kurt's grin got even bigger as he noticed that Blaine had blushed slightly.
They hadn't paid to get in, Kurt never did and neither had they have to pay for their coats. Blaine's confusion was delicious and Kurt chuckled at the view. He took the other man's hand and moved towards the bar. Kurt leaned against it, Blaine standing awkwardly beside him but Kurt decided to just behave like he usually did and let the man catch on, if he could.
He caught the eye of the bar man and rose an eyebrow and a moment later he had 6 shots in front of him. He moved three of them in front of Blaine and nodded at him, smiling. Blaine looked uncertain but after Kurt had already downed his second one with a light cough, he took them.
Kurt could already feel the light buzz of the alcohol loosening him up. He felt light and even more invincible than before. Next to him, Blaine too had drunk all three shots, choking a little on the last one. Kurt only ever ordered the good stuff, meaning the strong one. He smirked, leaning in and licked a little bit of alcohol from Blaine's lower lip whispering "Good boy" before pushing Blaine towards the dance floor.
He looked for his friends, immediately seeing them in the middle, dancing ecstatically. The music was loud, the bass strong. He felt it vibrating in his body. It was the feeling of the night. The feeling of joy and freedom. The lights were flashing, staccato, making everything look sharp and vital.
Kurt loved the atmosphere. The people dancing, moving, becoming one with the music and he was the king of it all.
He moved through the crowd and as people recognized him in the light, they cheered and waved at him, parting so he could move easily.
He snickered. "I'm like Moses,'' he thought as he reached his friends: "Parting party people like the fucking red sea."
A small circle had formed around the girl group, as it always did, giving them enough space to move, while everyone else was watching.
Brittany and Santana were putting on a show, nearly crossing the line to soft porn, while Tina and Rachel were spinning each other around gracefully and sexily.
He had just reached them and turned around to grab his dance partner, as he noticed that Blaine had stopped at the edge of the circle. The man stood there, still looking quite stunned by the events and Kurt felt that his patience was wearing thin. He wanted to have fun and Blaine was making things difficult. He didn't like difficult on a Saturday night.
He moved over to where Blaine was standing, his hips swaying with the music and on his face a smile that purred I'm so glad you came or as Santana had once called it I'm so sure you'll come.
Whatever, Kurt knew it was effective and so he wasn't surprised that Blaine didn't hesitate to take his hand and let himself be pulled close to Kurt to the middle of the dance floor.
And then something happened that Kurt hadn't expected. Instead of letting himself be pulled in, Blaine tugged at his hand and suddenly Kurt found himself in Blaine's arms. It was so sudden that Kurt felt like stumbling but there were strong arms keeping him up and holding him close.
He was centimeters from Blaine's face, their bodies flush against each other. He saw the sparkle in the amber eyes, a sparkle that looked like amusement. Something told him that he shouldn't like that sort of look directed at him but all he could think of where those lips, so kissable, so close to him and the ghost of a breath on his face.
But then the moment was over. The arms left him, hands grabbing hands and he was spun around with the beat, twirling and then again close, hips moving against his own and hands holding him at his waist. Automatically his arms slung around the other man's neck. He could hear a chuckle from the other man close to his ear, quiet, hardly noticeable with the loud music around them.
They moved together, as if they were glued to one another, hips and hands, becoming one. He could hear cat calls in the background but he didn't know if they were directed at them or at the girls. He didn't care. Everything was Blaine. His body against him, strong and confident, his scent, raspberry hair gel and cologne, clouding up his mind.
Kurt was confused, light-headed. The other man was leading him. He never let somebody just lead him. Kurt was in charge. Here. In the club. That was his place. His home. Here he decided what would go down. Here Kurt was in charge.
But not tonight and it just felt too good to fight it. The alcohol was clouding up his mind and every touch felt more. He let his head fall back, laughing, enjoying the feeling of lightness and closeness, as he felt lips on his neck. The laughing died in his throat as a soft moan escaped it.
Blaine's lips were soft on his skin and as he caressed it, Kurt felt his spin tingle. Blaine began to suck, just below his pulse point, and as Kurt felt Blaine's teeth lightly biting down, he gasped, digging his nails into Blaine's broad shoulders. He was sure that Blaine was leaving a mark, and normally he would have shoved anyone attempting that away but it just felt way too awesome.
Except... all of a sudden he was pulled up and Blaine around him was gone.
The other man had stepped back. Blaine was standing a couple feet away, a wide grin on his face and his hand pointing upwards. Kurt stared back questioningly, still breathing a little heavily. He had quite enjoyed himself there and didn't see a reason for this interruption until Blaine started to dance again and it was all silly seventies hand movements and way too much, way too appealing hip shaking and then Kurt got it. The music had changed to some disco remix, too upbeat for the way they had been dancing.
Blaine was dancing, joy radiating from his body, never still, never pausing, moving with the music and it was just hot. Kurt couldn't look away or care that he was just standing there, staring.
Still, he wasn't the only one who had noticed that Blaine had some moves. Brittany was moving over, and began to match Blaine's movements. It was a perfect fit. Kurt could rather see than hear them laughing. They matched their movements without even a word to do so and it was just fun to watch.
Santana had caught on her girl's change of partner, but instead of ripping Blaine's throat out like Kurt had expected she just shimmied between them and Blaine started to twirl both of the girls around.
Kurt had never believed Disco to be sexy but this. It was unbelievable how Blaine managed to balance his dorky hand motions with the sensual movement of his hips and how the whole picture turned out to be so extremely appealing.
They were moving together, the girls touching Blaine. His arms, his chest, his hips and (in Santana's case) his ass and Kurt knew that he wanted to be the one to touch there and more.
Before he could let his mind get carried away, he found himself between Tina and Rachel, dancing and he was grateful for that. One Kurt Hummel never just stood on the dance floor and he had no idea how long he had broken that rule and who had noticed.
Still, he couldn't just fall back into the rhythm, despite his foggy mind. He glanced at Blaine every other second. The song didn't seem to end and when it did, the DJ continued with a fast Roxy music remix that left him dancing where he was.
From where he was standing he could see people watching them, but today he didn't pull focus but Blaine did. Guys and girls, straight and gay were cheering them on, eye-fucking him or the girls and Kurt didn't know if he disliked that because he missed the attention or because Blaine was his to fuck for the night. He had brought him here and the club, the night and Blaine were his.
It was close to two am when Kurt was seriously debating just to grab Blaine and ravish him in the men's restroom. They had danced nonstop for over two hours now. He was thirsty and drained, tired from the dancing but other parts of his body, namely his cock and the part of his brain responsible for desire, were hungry and aching for a completely different reason.
Blaine showed no sign of tiredness. He was still dancing lively with Brit and Santana, smiling and laughing and these hips moving with force, his steps never missing a beat.
Kurt was about to pull Blaine towards the bar and then into a dark corner as the cheering around him reached a new level and he knew what was about to happen. He smirked. Blaine wouldn't believe his eyes.
The music got quieter and an extended intro started and as Brit and Santana left Blaine to take positions at the brink of their circle Blaine looked thoroughly confused.
A staff member approached the group smiling and handing them headsets and attaching them to their clothes. The crowd was cheering louder and louder with every passing moment and Blaine looked at them. He had stopped dancing and was now just taking in the new situation.
Kurt went over to him snickering, marveling in his confusion. He put his hand flat on Blaine's chest and made him retreat to the crowd. Blaine's eyes had gotten wide at Kurt's action and Kurt had to giggle again. It seemed that the man didn't seem as confident as he wanted him to believe.
"Watch and learn, honey." Kurt whispered into Blaine's ear, before giving him a quick teasing kiss. He went back to the middle of the circle, taking position.
Rachel, who had replaced Mercedes in this show long ago, and Tina were standing in line with him, facing him at the brink of the circle, Santana, way hotter and way more talented than Lauren, and Brittany were behind them.
The intro was nearing its end and Kurt closed his eyes for a moment before searching Blaine's and winking and then it started.
It doesn't matter if you love him
Or capital H-I-M
Just put your paws up
'Cause you were born this way, baby
They started their choreography, learned so many years ago, together, young in some faraway place called Lima, Ohio. Many things had happened since then, people who had been there had disappeared from their side and they too had changed. They weren't these kids anymore. They were adults. Still young but their youth wasn't one of inexperience anymore. They ruled this place. This was their place and everyone around them loved them.
Their show had changed with them; the message still the same. I love myself for who I am and I will never apologize for being me. But they had edited it. I love myself for who I am now watch me because I am everything you want to be. And it was true in here. Kurt felt it with the adoring and amazed looks they earned, no matter how often people had seen it.
The movements had remained the same. Mostly. He had always felt sort of sexy doing this song but today it was meant to be so and yes, Santana and Brittany had perfected it to achieve that.
Kurt knew how to move his hips to get the best effect, how his voice had matured in the past years so that it was only a sly purr in some places, making everyone think of him in a way he had deemed impossible in high school.
His claves, clad in knee high boots, were moving sensually as they continued and over and over again he searched for Blaine's gaze in the crowd, smiling when he caught it.
Blaine was positively drooling over him, following his every move with his eyes.
When Rachel reached the line A different lover is not a sin Kurt winked at Blaine and nearly had to laugh as he caught Blaine's throat working hard when he swallowed.
From there on Kurt just let himself be carried away by the music, sure of himself and his effect on the crowd and Blaine.
As always the song ended with Rachel and Tina belting out some notes and Kurt, Santana and Brittany twirling around them, working their hips and arms in a very suggestive manner.
They ended on the last note and for a moment all the lights in the club went out.
Cheers and applause broke out but in this very moment Kurt didn't care, quickly deposing of his mic and handing it Rachel without another glance.
The lights had just come on again and the DJ put on a new record when Kurt reached Blaine, not missing a beat and kissing him fiercely, tongue coaxing Blaine's mouth open, while his hands grabbed the hair at the back of his neck, thoroughly messing up its neat style.
Kurt could feel the small moans vibrating around their tongues and pulled at Blaine's hair, tilting his head so that he could kiss him even deeper.
Blaine's hand came to rest on his hips and every alarm bell in Kurt's system rang. Still he couldn't find it in him to restrict this man like he did with the others, strictly taking, not giving. On the contrary he wanted to be held close by Blaine, not only to press but be pressed against him and so he moved further in, until there was not a gush of air between them and finally Blaine encircled his waist.
Blaine started to kiss back, letting Kurt dominate what was happening but answering eagerly to everything that was offered. Blaine's arms were strong, a supporting weight around him, which he needed as Blaine began sucking on his tongue.
Kurt felt hot. A different heat from the one caused by the sweating bodies. A heat way deeper and more urgent, making his blood boil.
He had planned to draw it out. Had planned to get drinks and tease and get Blaine worked up, maybe even get to know him a little but his body sang a different tune.
With a reluctant growl he pulled back and whispered against Blaine's ear "Take me home, Blaine."
Blaine moaned softly, arms tightening around Kurt and then Kurt was pulled away by Blaine, a firm hand guiding him towards the entrance without another glance at his friends.
Kurt could barely get Blaine to stop, to get his coats before they stormed out and into the next cab, Blaine practically in his lab, the moment he had been done telling the driver his address.
Not that Kurt complained, as Blaine ducked his head down to press sucking kisses to his throat, as they made their way to a far more private place.