Jan. 20, 2013, 1:53 p.m.
Jan. 20, 2013, 1:53 p.m.
Algebra was followed by Literature. That was normally a way to lighten up his mood, though Rachel was in the same class as him. They may had their differences but they got along for they both respected each other's talents and tastes, as long as it didn't concern fashion at least.
But this was a bad day. They discussed Moon Palace by Paul Auster and while Kurt only thought that this guy really should get a life and deal with his freaking problems, Rachel was bathing in all the drama and self-loathing. It was so annoying and he couldn't take it.
At the end of period he made a quick leave, hoping to catch up with Mercedes for study hall.
It was quite amazing that Mr Schuh had managed that all the Glee kids, no matter if they were Juniors (Kurt, Mercedes, Rachel, Finn, Santana, Puck, Quinn, Brittany, Mike) or Sophomores (Artie, Tina, Sam), had study hall together so that they had extra time to plan or practice.
Unfortunately Rachel wasn't only annoying but also fast and was already beside him heading for the choir room where she slithered in to greet Mercedes and Santana, telling Kurt basically to get lost as she wanted to do their mash-up.
Kurt ignored her, getting Mercedes to promise to have lunch with him and with an apologizing smile she did, while Rachel was still blabbering in the background.
As the other girls entered, Kurt left, heading for the auditorium. He didn't feel like singing but the chairs were quite comfy and with Rachel in the choir room he could he sure that he wouldn't be disturbed.
The junior sat down in the back row and got his book out with a sigh. He may have felt, and still did in some way, stronger and braver when he had gotten to school this morning but the feeling of loneliness hadn't passed. He started reading, not really taking in anything and finally gave up on Twilight, checking on Facebook. He had a friend request.
To be accurate, he had had three: Wesley Montgomery, David Bradley and Blaine Anderson.
Kurt smiled, remembering the boys talking to him the previous day. He wasn't the type of person who just accepted people for the sake of having many Facebook friends - e.g. no jock was to be found there except the glee guys - but he felt that they could be friends.
Just as he had started to check out Blaine's profile, the bell rang and Kurt hurried to be on time for fourth period.
He was halfway through French period - insulting Azimio without him understanding, as usual - when his phone vibrated.
His teacher was still writing on the board while the bully tried to figure out what Kurt had just said, so he risked to get it out, looking who had texted him.
His heart skipped a beat as Blaine's name appeared on the screen.
Kurt's thumb trembled as he pressed read on the screen and the message opened.
Morning Kurt :) How are you doing? Encountered any cavemen yet? - Blaine
Blaine had texted him. Blaine had texted him and asked him how he was doing. Simple. Easy. Why had he lain on his bed all evening asking himself what to write? But what did it matter? Blaine. Had. Texted. Him!
Kurt reread the text smiling at the Neanderthal allusion. It was a quite gentle way to ask if he had been pushed into a locker yet...
No, luckily they stay in their lairs this time of the day and normally don't show until noon. Feeling quite positive today. - Kurt
If he had to have been frank, his morning had sucked thinking of Mercedes and Rachel but he'll have that worked out by lunch and Blaine had texted him. How could he feel bad?
He put his mobile back into his pocket waiting for an answer excitedly. When it vibrated, he nearly jumped in anticipation. Unfortunately this was the moment his teacher decided to check on his and Azimio's progress with the task and he had to talk to her while it felt like his phone was burning a hole into his pocket.
Finally, the ring of the bell released him and he all but stormed out of the class. With a swift movement he got his phone out and opened Blaine's text in the friction of a second.
Hope they won't find their way out. ;) - I'm good. Well, kinda. French atm and I soo suck at it. :( - Blaine
Kurt's breathing hitched as he made his way down the hall to his next class. He found it strangely accelerating to have the same class as Blaine at the same time. He stopped walking for a moment, thinking about what to text back.
Hear, hear. I just had French, too and I can't believe that you suck. :) - Kurt
He hoped that Blaine hadn't wondered why he hadn't texted back faster. He made his way to his next class, keeping his phone in his hand, longing for a quick answer.
He took his seat next to Mike in his English class. Brad wasn't there gladly. The kid smelled funky!
Mike looked up greeting Kurt with a smile before going back to staring at his books. Okay, still behaving weird Kurt thought before being distracted again by his buzzing cell.
Oh trust me. I so do. I do like the language, I just don't get it. I love it when someone is actually good at French. :) PS: Funny that we have it same time.
Kurt hurried to answer, while Mike next to him still seemed to be far away with his thoughts.
I actually am, I think... maybe I can help you if you want... - Kurt
He pressed send and suddenly his mind went into terror. Had he just really suggested helping Blaine with French? What if Blaine didn't want to spend time with him? What if Blaine thought he was imposing on him? Worse - what if Blaine wanted him to and he completely failed?
His rambling thoughts were interrupted by his teacher's entering. He got to the front and told the students to pair up for this day's lesson, handing them some sheets.
Kurt took his sheet, looking at the assignment. "Okay I guess we should just skim through the text and then discuss the tasks?"
Mike didn't answer and as Kurt glanced over he saw Mike still staring vacantly into space. Kurt contracted his eyebrows, staring at the odd behavior of his partner. Mike was a good student, not only a clever one but also an observant one. This wasn't like him. Kurt wondered if this had something to do with Tina and how she, too had behaved strangely the other day.
"Mike? Are you alright?" Kurt tried again, snapping his fingers in front of Mike's face.
Mike snapped out of his blank stare looking at Kurt as if he had just noticed him... what probably was the case.
"Oh, sorry Kurt ... I was thinking..." Mike said looking at him apologetically.
"Yeah. I gathered. What about?" Mike looked down at his sheet uncomfortably.
"It doesn't matter. Let's just work on this stuff okay?" Kurt still looked at him, curious but worried. He was sure that it had something to do with Tina and it was obvious that it brought both of them down but he didn't want to be a meddler or mess things with her up just because he interfered... but he was sooo curious...
"You sure because you don't look like it ''didn't matter''..." The other student tapped his fingers on the desk nervously, before he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.
"Say what would you do if you like made out with someone and suddenly they would like say someone else's name?" Kurt's eyes widened as Mike's closed.
Tina had what...? She was so totally into Mike it was kind of exhausting at times. Not all over him like Rachel was with Finn but this dreamy kind of into him, full of sighs and longing that made any single person puke and die of jealousy same time... that couldn't be true.
"Tina has...?" Kurt was startled while Mike just cut his statement short by nodding.
"Whose name?" Kurt was confused and couldn't think of a better way to continue the conversation.
"I really don't want to talk about that in particular..." Mike shuddered and Kurt's phone chose that particular moment to go off. Kurt really wanted to see what Blaine had texted but he felt the need to stick with Mike in this confusing discussion.
"Okay. I cannot really give you an advice on that because I don't know what connection Tina has to this person but I guess if it bothers you so much you should talk to her. I mean she looked awful yesterday so I'm sure she feels terrible and if she did something wrong and feels guilty it at least shows how much she cares?" Kurt wasn't sure if his conclusion made any sense at all but he just wanted to check his phone so bad right this moment.
Mike looked at him thoughtful, not noticing how Kurt glanced at his phone constantly.
"Mhh maybe you have a point. I... I don't really know how to talk about it... It's too embarrassing..." He shook his head and now it was again Kurt's turn to look questioningly. "I mean it wasn't like her idea after all and I guess I'm more freaked out by her saying this name than anything else. And I like her too much to let this come between us... though it's creepy and I don't really know what to make of it but ... guess I'll just let the weekend take my mind of things and deal with it Monday when I had time to process it all."
Mike looked up meeting Kurt's puzzled gaze. "Thank you Kurt. That really helped me." He smiled and Kurt automatically smiled back though the rest of his face was more like a total question mark, eyes wide and one eyebrow quirked.
"No problem Mike. I'm sure you two will work it out." Kurt said while his mind was taking the topic in a total different direction: What the hell is wrong with them? This only gave me MORE questions! Whose name did Tina say? Sam? Artie? What would be creepy? Maybe Finn... well that would be like ewww but not really something to call creepy... Mr. Schuh? Creepy maybe. But he's hot enough to have a crush on him like Rachel did... we all laughed at her but creepy? No. It has to be someone worse but freaking who? I need to talk to Tina. This isn't getting away from her.
His phone buzzed again and he realized that he had forgotten all about Blaine for a moment. Next to him, Mike was finally working on the English sheet so Kurt took his phone of the table to look at the screen and saw that Blaine had sent him another text message.
That would be totally awesome Kurt! I really do need help for the test we got coming up next Friday! If you don't mind we could maybe meet next Wednesday? I don't have practice then so I could come over to Lima easily :) - Blaine
Blaine wanted to meet him. Okay it was just so that Blaine wouldn't fail his French test but he had said that he was awesome and he wanted to meet him in like 5 (!) days!
Kurt grinned. He didn't really know why but to know that he could see Blaine again just made him feel warm inside.
He hurried to read the second text Blaine had sent couple of minutes later. Maybe it said that he had changed his mind and Kurt really didn't want to get all excited before knowing the whole story.
I mean it's okay if you don't have time. Don't know when you have glee and I mean it's kind of on short notice. :S - Blaine
He really had no idea when he would have glee next week. The whole mash up thing had messed with their normal schedule. But forget glee if he had the chance to meet Blaine again.
He quickly shot a message back.
No. Sorry. I had to sort things out here... I'd love to help you and Wednesday is fine. Just tell me where and when you want to have me? - Kurt
On the other side of the line Blaine had to cough.