Jan. 20, 2013, 1:53 p.m.
Jan. 20, 2013, 1:53 p.m.
On the way home Kurt had loads of time to think about what had happened and he had made his mind up about couple of things:
1. Blaine seemed to be all kinds of awesome. He had a taste for fashion, he was a great singer, adoringly nice and he seemed to be gay... as long as his gaydar wasn’t letting him down again, like with Finn and Sam. Kurt flinched at the memories... Never mind...
2. He really wanted his sunglasses back. Ray Ban weren’t his favourites and for Gucci he would have turned on his heels no matter the consequences but still the Ray Bans had cost him a good 100 $ so he wouldn’t just abandon them!
3. That meant we would have to go back to Dalton next day to get them back.
4. He was sure that Blaine and the others had looked through him.
5. That meant that he would have to be a lot more cautious than today, so he had to sneak in this time.
6. Spying was stupid.
7. It made him sad that he could never ever talk to Blaine again.
When he arrived home he first checked on his father who was sound asleep in his bed, though it was only about seven. Since his heart attack Burt got tired faster – besides he seemed to be getting better and Kurt was glad that he could rely on Carol to take good care of his father when he was busy...
She had been over. There was food in the kitchen and even a small note saying Your father was worried because you didn’t call sweetie. I told him you’d just be out and I’m sure you’re fine but don’t make him worry like that Kurt. He’s not up for that. Say sorry, ‘kay? Dinner’s left for you. Love you, hon! Carole.
Kurt felt the juvenile urge to be pissed for being told off. After all, she wasn’t his real mum but she was right and it did kinda feel nice to have somebody care for him and his dad enough to tell him when he had been thoughtless.
He warmed up some of the lasagne to take it up to his room, where he plugged in his IPod and signed in to Facebook. Mercedes had mailed him asking him how glee with the boys had been. He decided not to write back. He also wasn’t sure if he wanted to tell her about his excursion to Dalton... Tina had only spammed him with SimSocial requests – he already regretted trying this stupid game – and Brittany had posted him a video of the Disney movie Pinocchio, asking him if his nose grew, too when he talked about monsters. Kurt really didn’t feel like responding to any of this at all.
He was just randomly skimming, looking at the Burberry autumn/winter collection, he knew by heart since June and reading up on the latest posts of Lady Gaga, while eating the lasagne. He knew he should do homework or at least work out how to get into Dalton without being noticed but fashion and star news did a pretty good job to distract him from this pretty annoying day.
A good 20 minutes and another piece of lasagne later, he already felt a lot better. He was about to close the window when an idea accrued to him. Quickly he tipped just one word into the search box: Blaine. Of course there where hundreds of results and he already cursed himself for not knowing his last name, but he added Dalton Academy to his search and there he was.
Blaine Anderson, Dalton Academy, Graduation 2013. He was a sophomore then, presumably younger than Kurt. That surprised him. Blaine had seemed so... confident and ... grown-up.
The picture was okay. Nothing extremely interesting. It looked a lot like one of these official year book photos. Blaine was wearing his blazer and there was only him, but he still looked pretty awesome. He tried to find out more but he couldn’t see much more. Damn Facebook and its data security! Wasn’t everyone always making a fuss about there not being enough of it and when Kurt really needed it to leak, it didn’t.
He saw the button to send a friend request... but he really wasn’t in a position to do so, was he?
He sighed deeply and turned off his laptop to get started with his homework – the next day was bound to be unpleasant enough.
Next morning he was determined to talk to Mercedes or at least Tina about his spying attempt at Dalton and the guy he had met there but Tina seemed kinda nervous and jazzed the whole day and as he finally managed to find Mercedes at lunch time she was sitting with Rachel who shushed him away, while Mercedes smiled awkwardly at him. As far as he understood Rachel’s rambling they wanted to practice their mash-up for their performance tomorrow.
No chance to talk.
He was already wondering where to go... maybe to spend his lunch break alone at the library or just going to the auditorium to simply sing to lighten up his mood when he bumped into Finn. Literally.
“Dude! Where are your eyes? You okay?” Finn looked at him worried. Finn was an idiot. But a nice one. And most of the time oblivious. Great opportunity to get the afternoon off Glee to get to Dalton early.
“Yeah... not sure... I’m kind of not feeling, too well all day.” Not even a lie. “I feel a bad headache coming up.” He sighed deeply and massaged his temples.
Finn looked at him even more worried. “Gosh Kurt. Sorry to hear that. Maybe you should get home early. I mean Puck, Artie, Sam and I wanted to work on arranging this girl mash up thing but I guess we can do that without you. Think Mike’s not coming as well. He kinda looked pissed all day...”
That was interesting... so had Tina! But that wasn’t his problem right now and he really had no problem to let the boys handle this mash-up. Actually, he wasn’t into this challenge anymore after all his ideas had been cancelled and as much as he liked the songs he really wasn’t in the mood to figure out how the boys wanted to fit Pink’s God is a DJ with Kim Wild’s Kids in America and why...
So he just nodded gratefully and made a fast escape before Finn could lure him into seeing the nurse.
Last period couldn’t end soon enough.
He was anxious to go back to Dalton, not knowing, if he would manage to get in and out unnoticed and what to do if he didn’t. An hour and a half of worrying later he arrived at Dalton.
He didn’t have sun glasses this time but he had chosen an outfit which resembled the uniform of Dalton, not as much as the previous but was toned down and classy enough to not stand out immediately.
He entered the front portal and walked through empty halls. It was only about 4pm. Most of the students where surely still attending clubs or outside or working but nobody crossed his path.
Lucky me. Kurt thought, easily finding the way Blaine had shown him the previous day. He was still not sure if he wanted to see Blaine again. Meet naturally not. He already died of embarrassment thinking about that! But seeing him... maybe walking past the choir room and hearing him sing again. That would be nice...
After a couple of minutes of wandering through deserted corridors, he stood in front of the seniors’ common room and listened carefully at the door, making sure no one was inside. It was all silent. He couldn’t believe his luck!
Looking left and right he opened the door ajar and slipped in, glancing around.
The furniture had been put back to its places but the table was still where it had been and on it, placed in the middle were his glasses. A handful of strides and he could grab them.
He had just lifted them up as he heard a voice. “Nice to see you again new kid.”
He froze. Again. His mind was empty just shouting no, no, no over and over again in silence.
He turned slowly. In one of the corners of the room, hidden from direct view, was Blaine, sitting and smiling at him while getting out his phone. That was exactly what he had feared. Blaine was still smiling at him and it didn’t look mean or wicked or hostile at all ... his expression was as nice as the day before... maybe a little amused but not... evil...
“Boys?” He held his phone to his ear after tipping something. “The cute spy from yesterday came back to get his Ray Bans. Interested in coffee?” He paused a moment, before he grinned and looked Kurt over. “Come on! Just get here!” He laughed before ending the call and putting his phone back into his pocket.
Kurt still hadn’t moved and Blaine just settled for smiling at him again.
A moment later two boys, who Kurt recognized as Warblers, stormed into the room looking around, grinning at Kurt.
Blaine got up and moved over to stand directly in front of Kurt.
“So, Kurt... as you already came the long way from Lima, yes I know you’re from McKinley we did our research, would you fancy a coffee?”
Kurt slumped, the other two boys still curiously observing him. That was it. They would beat him up and throw him out. Spying was such a terrible idea! What was he thinking? Why did he even listen to Puck!
Blaine saw the terror in Kurt’s face and chuckled, laying a hand on Kurt’s back, gently guiding him into the right direction and Kurt moved with him.
The other two boys followed them.