Between the lines : Never been kissed
2x06 ch 13 Tuesday Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Jan. 20, 2013, 1:53 p.m.

Between the lines : Never been kissed: 2x06 ch 13 Tuesday

K - Words: 2,023 - Last Updated: Jan 20, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Dec 23, 2012 - Updated: Jan 20, 2013
251 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: spoilers 2x06


They walked to the parking lot in silence.

Blaine made a couple of attempts to speak but Kurt wasn't looking at him, focusing on his feet as they walked through the school, and so he just shut his mouth.

Just as they entered the parking lot, Blaine spun around, making a questioning noise, his triangular eyebrows so drawn together that they nearly formed a straight line and at least Kurt had to smile at that.

"Your car." He simply stated, falling back into silence as Blaine led him to his car.

The car ride was equally quiet. Now that all the adrenaline was gone Kurt just felt tired. Another reason why he hadn't wanted to drive. He just felt like sleeping... for like a century or something and he didn't really want to talk either. Something in the back of his head shouted at him to be excited because he was going to have lunch with Blaine, which was pretty much the closest thing he ever had to a date with a boy but he just felt empty.

Blaine drove, glancing helplessly at Kurt or his surroundings and Kurt was about to tell Blaine where they should get lunch as they approached Breadstix and Blaine let out a victorious sound.

Kurt smiled at that and actually blushed as Blaine rushed around to open his car door for him. Was it weird to describe a sixteen year old as dapper? Because in fact that was the first thing that came to Kurt's mind when Blaine did stuff like opening doors for him (again at the entrance of the restaurant) or casually guiding him to a booth, his hand close to his back but not touching.

They were both seated and provided with drinks (diet coke for Kurt and apple juice for Blaine) as Kurt noticed that they hadn't spoken for nearly half an hour by then. The silence was getting awkward but Kurt couldn't think of anything to say. He didn't feel like small talk or gushing over musicals. Everything that came to his mind just felt put on.

In the end he just went back to studying his menu. Normally he'd have gone for pizza or pasta or some delicious anti pasti but he wasn't hungry at all so maybe salad would be the best solution, one of the dishes were you just couldn't really say if you had eaten nothing or simply not everything.

"What can I get you boys?" The friendly waitress asked them and Blaine nodded to Kurt to go first.

"Just Caesar salad please." Kurt gave her a faint smile as he handed her the menu, not missing Blaine's worried gaze on him.

"And for you...?" The waitress inquired, looking at Blaine.

"The ricotta cannelloni would be fabulous. Thank you." He gave her a dashing smile but it turned worried again as soon as he focused back on Kurt.

Kurt did everything he could to not look up at him, fidgeting with his napkin.

"Sooo..." Blaine started and Kurt's hand stopped though he still did not look up. "How was school?"

Kurt actually did look up at that, eyes wide with disbelief.

When his eyes meet Blaine's, Blaine seemed to realize his slip because his eyes got even wider than Kurt's, his posture tensing.

"I..." He paused, fishing for words. "I-I didn't mean... just like how were your classes ... Or glee?"

Kurt smiled.

"It's okay Blaine. I get it." He smiled as Blaine obviously relaxed. "So I did not really pay attention this morning for... obvious reasons. But I had algebra, which I don't like but I also don't suck at it, then literature which I sort of like because I like both reading and writing, but Rachel is in it so that's a big minus..." He was counting the courses with his fingers but Blaine interrupted him.

"That's your lead soloist right?" Kurt nodded reluctantly. If this turned out to be some sort of twisted spy thing now he might have to bury himself in his room till the end of days.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" Blaine laughed.

"Just to get the picture. As I saw some of your performances by accident." He grinned at Kurt which earned him a scowl. "I have to say she has an awesome voice... but she seems sort of... intense? I mean... she made introductions to some of the videos explaining them and their intention and I remember something about curing the depression with sunshine and optimism?"

Kurt grinned in response. She had been high on vitamin D when saying that. Never forget. Still, to a stranger it gave a pretty good impression of the Rachel Berry.

"I'd say yes and yes. Yes she is extremely talented and yes she is intense... as you put it. Or so annoying that it is a lesson in patience to suppress the constant urge so strangle her with one of her terrible knee socks..." Blaine grinned.

"I see. Sorry. Please continue." He bowed his head slightly, still grinning and Kurt just had to smile back in response.

"So then there is study hall... which is just sort of an extra glee club meeting and well that was a strange thing today..." Kurt took a sip from his coke before looking back at Blaine.

"I didn't really pay attention..." "For obvious reasons." Blaine helped out, repeating what Kurt had said earlier, a sad smile playing on his lips.

"Right. Yeah but from what I gathered our football coach seemed to have quit because some of the glee boys pictured her in funny situations to... to cool off." He barely mumbled the last words. He hadn't really thought about it but now that he did, it was both embarrassing and disturbing to think about.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud laugh from the other side of the table.

"Are you serious? Is that how your rehearsals normally go by, because if so, we are so gonna beat you at Sectionals."

"Hey we are really good. And with all your sidestepping and doo-wopping we're going to give you a hard time."

"We do not 'doo-wop'" Blaine said in a mock serious tone.

"But you sidestep." Kurt teased.

"Yes and we excel when we sidestep."

"Mhh I think I cannot argue with that. You do know how to move." As soon as it was out Kurt bit his lip, feeling a blush flushing his cheeks. Quickly he sunk back into his seat as he noticed that he had leant forward over the table. And so had Blaine their faces less than a foot apart.

He heard Blaine humming.

"So glee club. New Directions seem to be very different from the Warblers... but you like it right?"

"I love glee." Kurt corrected, smiling lightly. It was strange to say it. There were so many days when he loathed everything in that choir room, from music, to Mr. Schue, to the people and the drama... but then again...

"I wouldn't be who am I am today without them. Before glee... I mean I never exactly was in the closet... I mean honestly? How'd believe that?" He vaguely motioned along his body and Blaine gave him smile in return.

"But I wasn't honest about myself... In the beginning I even lied to Mercedes... she's my best friend now... and told her that I was in love with Rachel even though I had a crush on Finn." He rolled his eyes at his younger (shut up one year is a long time!) self.

Blaine looked at him, apparently lost with all the names but Kurt shook his head. Maybe later. This was a different story.

"But performing and finding friends and people who accepted me ... it made life easier. I mean, people like Puck used to throw me in the dumpster. We aren't best friends but I know that nowadays he does not care about me being gay. He is a jock but he is no threat to me."

"And I mean, I really do have friends there. Mercedes is awesome. She's the first person I came out to and she told me that I should be honest about who I am. At least to the people in glee because they wouldn't care and she was right. They don't... and well that is rare at McKinley."

"Then there's Tina. She's a good friend, too. We aren't as close as Cedes and I, especially since she's dating Mike but I mean... she tried to comfort me after... yesterday. And she always appreciates my taste and values my opinion."

"Brit is a cheerio and not the brightest I'd say... but she's such a sweet girl! She was my first kiss in fact... when I tried to play straight to please my dad."

Kurt blushed as he talked about kissing Brit and then laughed as he thought about his sore attempt of convincing his dad that he was straight and was having relations with Brittany.

As he looked at Blaine, he wasn't smiling though. His voice sounded rather raw when he spoke.

"So you don't have a good relationship with your father?"

"No, quite the contrary." Kurt hurried to say. "I love my dad! I mean we are all we have ... my mom died when I was really young. It's sort of okay now though sometimes it's really not... but dad... I mean we had tea parties in the backyard when I was like 9 and even though I thought he wouldn't accept me... he's sort of the ultimate embodiment of the Ohioan mechanic, baseball cap, football fan and all, but he just said that he had always known and that he would love me no matter what..."

Kurt shrugged. It was just who his dad was. Perfect.

"I even made him watch Brokeback Mountain a couple of weeks back." Kurt giggled at the memory. "He is... sick at the moment so he couldn't escape and even though he still finds boys kissing weird, he's coming along and could appreciate the movie for its social context and drama."

Kurt was still giggling as his gaze returned to Blaine's face. It died as soon as he took in Blaine's dazed expression.

"Blaine, are you alright...?" He asked warily, as they were interrupted by the waitress bringing their food.

"Here you go, boys. Enjoy!" When Kurt looked back at Blaine, he was already grinning again.

"Your dad sounds awesome, Kurt." Blaine said with a genuine smile before he started eating his food.

"So tell me some about the glee boys then?" Blaine winked and Kurt flushed.

Lunch just flew by after that. Kurt told Blaine everything... well, nearly everything about his crushes on Finn and Sam (leaving out the more painful or embarrassing memories... or that he had walked in on Sam in the shower.) He also talked about how Sam, Mike and Artie had stood up for him against Karofsky and how easy and nice it was talking to Mike once you actually got him talking.

Kurt thrived on explaining all the glee drama to him or retelling some of Santana's most memorable outbursts.

Soon they had both emptied their dishes and were laughing at one of Rachel's more memorable dramatic exits and the glee club's indifferent reactions to it. ("You should have seen it Blaine! Literally nobody said anything. Mr. Schue just rolled his eyes and continued while Rachel walked up and down the corridor until Finn had mercy with her and begged her to come back in. Nobody even looked as she stalked back. I can't believe that she does that to us and her over and over again!")

After they had caught their breaths again, Blaine gave Kurt another of these smiles that made Kurt's insides tingle.

"You know what, Kurt? I think after all the stress we deserve something delicious. What would you like for desert?"

"Cheesecake." Kurt replied, quick as a shot. Blaine grinned.

"Your favorite?" Kurt blushed slightly.

"Well it is the cure to all ennui, Blaine." Kurt stated, matter-of-factly but was only met with a blank stare from Blaine.

"Ennui? Really, Blaine? I mean you even use it as an English word sometimes... but it can also mean grief, anger or despair besides boredom. You really need that tutoring don't you? But I guess cheesecake is a good start. And after all, cure to all of those above."

Kurt smiled teasingly at Blaine who returned his smile a little sheepishly, before ordering them both cake.

And for some precious hours Kurt forgot all about the world outside these hazel, kind eyes.


End Notes: getting closer to the end! :D


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