Between the lines : Never been kissed
2x06 ch 1 Tuesday & Wednesday Next Chapter Story
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Jan. 20, 2013, 1:53 p.m.

Between the lines : Never been kissed: 2x06 ch 1 Tuesday & Wednesday

K - Words: 2,227 - Last Updated: Jan 20, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Created: Dec 23, 2012 - Updated: Jan 20, 2013
464 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: spoilers for 2x06

It hadn't really been his plan to spy on the Dalton Warblers and he really hadn't left the glee boys because of Puck's suggestion to do so. After Puck had told him that what he was planning was too girly, he had just sat down in the back row of the class and listened to the other boys brainstorming about girl songs they liked. Too soon to really have a decent result the discussion had turned from the songs to the singers, ending in a fiery discussion about who were hotter: Rihanna or Katy Perry. He had fled the conversation.

Kurt had been about to make his way to the choir room where the girls were already actually working, he guessed, when he remembered that he was not on their team right now. Unsure about where to go he had passed one of the class rooms and a left on computer had attracted his attention. An idea had popped into his head and mere two minutes later he had been on the homepage of the Dalton Academy.

The school pictured was impressive. Old and very intimidating but the rooms were bright and friendly. The boys in the photos were all wearing the same blue blazers which seemed to suit everyone, as Kurt appreciatively noticed. What else he noticed was that all the boys were smiling. They looked… happy. And Kurt felt the desire to be part of them. Part of something. Accepted.

He had closed his eyes and shut the window angrily. He knew the photos from the McKinley page. Everything looked nice there, too. He was sure that this school wasn't perfect either and that the harassment just wasn't pictured. Nobody noticed – why put if front page on the Internet?

In the end he had gone home before the end of glee club to find himself standing in front of his closet choosing an outfit which resembled the uniform of the Dalton Academy. He didn't have a blue blazer or a red and blue tie but a black jacket and a red tie would do, wouldn't it?

He didn't go to Dalton that day. I mean spying, especially when Puck had suggested it, was a stupid idea... and it still was after yet another day of McKinley crap... but after a day of trying to avoid Karofsky and the other jocks bullying him and glee without his girls but with the boys he was totally into just getting out of Lima.

In the morning he had put on the fake Dalton uniform simply because he had noticed that the outfit he had put together, did look pretty classy and suddenly Puck's idea didn't seem too stupid... he was already on the highway to Westerville and it would sure do the team good to check out the competition and if Kurt were totally honest with himself he was pretty curious what this school was like...

An hour later, he pulled into the Dalton car park and put some sunglasses on, took a deep breath and got out of the car.

The Dalton Academy was even more intimidating and beautiful in reality than in the photos Kurt had seen on the internet and he was utterly impressed by the sight of it. The halls were bright and big with huge windows and stair cases. Everything was flooded with light. He wandered through the empty school, wondering where everybody was and what the hell he was doing, when he noticed some boys hurrying down a hallway.

He followed them and found himself in a crowd of boys all heading in the same direction, talking excitedly.
He was still wondering what the reason for this mayhem might be when he slowly walked down a stairway, taking off his glasses and sliding them into his jacket's pocket. He really wanted to know what was going on and decided to simply ask someone. He hadn't been detected up till now so why not take chances?

"Excuse me? Uhm. Hi… Can I ask you a question? I'm new here", Kurt said to a black haired boy who had just passed him. He really wished his voice wouldn't sound that breathless but being a new kid should be enough of an excuse to not fit in quite as well and being confused and unsure. He was a performer. He should pull that off.
The black haired boy looked at him questioningly but then smiled and reached out his hand to shake Kurt's. "My name's Blaine."

Kurt looked at the boy's hand for a moment before taking it. He hadn't really noticed until now but usually boys did not treat him so ... casually. "Kurt", he managed and smiled at the boy called Blaine pausing for a moment as he had to remember what he had asked in the first place: "So… what exactly is going on?"

"The Warblers!" Blaine burst out: "Every now and then they throw an impromptu performance in the senior's commons – tends to shut the school down for a while." Blaine winked at him leaving Kurt as confused as ever and his heart beating a little unsteadily.

He looked around at all the excited boys and turned his head towards Blaine again: "So… Wait?" his voice showed his deep disbelief: "The glee club here is kind of cool?"

"The Warblers are like… rock stars!" Blaine told him. Kurt wasn't convinced. Glee was something for geeks and crazy people. Outsiders. The only place people like him could turn to, not something which bettered your social status and definitely nothing which made you be called a "star" by fellow students.

Blaine must have noticed Kurt's doubt because he grinned as if he were accepting a challenge. "Come on" he said and took Kurt's hand: "I know a shortcut", pulling a speechless Kurt with him.

Next thing Blaine was running, still holding Kurt's hand, down an empty corridor. He turned his head and smiled reassuringly at Kurt who couldn't believe that this was happening. The angle they were holding hands was absolutely uncomfortable, his right hand in Blaine's right hand but Kurt couldn't help but grin like an idiot at the nice, warm feeling spreading from their tangled hands through his whole body.

They stopped and Blaine pushed a door open. Kurt followed Blaine into the nice room with very old and, as Kurt gathered, very expensive furniture. He took a moment to admire the room's style and to notice all the boys rearranging the pieces of furniture in the room. Surely about 50 boys were wearing their uniforms and Kurt began to notice how much he stood out.

"Uhh, I stick out like a sore thumb!" he said, still letting his gaze wander around the room.

"Well, next time don't forget your jacket, new kid", Blaine commented, reaching out to flatten Kurt's collar: "You'll fit right in." He gave him a pat on the shoulder and grinned again before putting his bag on a table, still smiling at Kurt.

In the back some of the other boys had started singing and Blaine leaned forward excusing himself before turning to the group of singing boys. Kurt hadn't really taken in what was happening when Blaine joined the boys and started singing the first lines of Teenage Dream by Katy Perry.

When Kurt heard Blaine's voice he held his breath. It was beautiful. Blaine was dancing and singing and time and time again he looked directly at Kurt. At the brink of his awareness he noticed the other boys in the room dancing but all he could do was follow Blaine's every move. Watching how he sang and danced and observing how he smiled and grinned at his fellow singers but ever so often directly at Kurt!

Kurt couldn't stop smiling, moving slightly to the music, his eyes fixed on this boy he had met mere minutes ago but who had obviously put him under his spell. When the song ended Kurt applauded fiercely still grinning from cheek to cheek.

The other boys were applauding, too now talking and congratulating the Warblers to their performance while Blaine turned to him again. "You liked it?" he asked smiling.

"Pretty breathtaking to be honest and a lot better than the Tyler Ward or BoyceAvenue covers I know... the sidestep really gives an edge to the whole song." Kurt grinned at Blaine and Blaine grinned back, leaning against the table he had put his bag on.

"Thanks for saying that. Call me narrow-minded but I really don't like people changing the lyrics of a Katy Perry song." Blaine winked at him and Kurt had to laugh, cautiously leaning against the table beside him. There was an awkward moment of silence in which both boys kinda looked to their feet and Kurt got his glasses back out, turning them unconsciously in his hands.

"Are these Ray Bans?" Blaine asked pointing at the glasses.

"Ohm... yes. I normally rather go for Gucci, Alexander McQueen or Burberry but I really liked this pair... You like them?" Kurt looked at Blaine. No boy had ever asked him about his clothes. It was strange but nice...

"Oh I love Ray Ban! I think I have them in like ten different colours to be honest." He chuckled turning his head away like hiding his embarrassment. It was just all kinds of cute.

"So what brought you here? I mean the year started couple of months ago and you don't look like a late freshman." Blaine smiled at him but Kurt froze, his glasses dropping to the floor. This was what he had feared. In a moment Blaine would put one and one together and he would get kicked out for spying and never see this guy again... or at least not on speaking terms.

"Careful with those!" Blaine expelled bending down to pick the Ray Bans up. He even cleaned the glasses before trying to hand the glasses back to Kurt and as he didn't make a move to take them, placed them carefully on the table between them.

"Sooo...?" Blaine was still smiling at him, his expression curious but in his eyes Kurt was sure to see that Blaine knew exactly what Kurt was up to. Kurt swallowed hard.

"Ohm... well I... I mean... we..." He closed his eyes. Yeah. He could pull that off. Not. Just as he was about to confess everything, somebody called Blaine. He opened his eyes and saw one of the Warblers approaching them.

"Blaine, we've got practice in like half an hour and David, Trent and I really need your opinion on something before we start. I guess it will only take a couple of minutes but I want that off my mind before we start." The boy looked pretty Asian and was speaking in a very serious manner to Blaine, while eyeing Kurt.

"Ohm... yeah... sure. I'll be there in a moment." The boy nodded and went back to some other guys, while Blaine turned back to Kurt.

"Stay here. This will take only a moment I guess. I'd really like to hear your story." Blaine grinned at him, patting his shoulder. Kurt smiled and nodded before Blaine joined the other Warblers.

Now that Blaine was gone, Kurt noticed that pretty much every boy in the room was glaring or at least looking at him from time to time. Well not really a miracle. Compared with all the proper uniforms his screamed fake as persistent as Scarlett had called for Rhett at the end of Gone with the Wind and also the lead singer of their rock star glee club had talked to him, the guy nobody knew. Naturally, everyone was staring.

Kurt felt his face get hotter. If he wanted to leave Dalton without a scene he had to make his leave now and fast.

Casually, he stood up, directly looking at the door, as if he had just decided to leave, now that the fuss was over. He didn't look back, just strolled out of the room, going the way back Blaine had leaded them. After he had turned the first corner into an empty corridor, he started to run.

He hated to sweat his clothes but rather that than getting caught spying! Luckily, he didn't meet anyone on his way out. He got into his car and started it, hurrying to get away.

He was about 10 miles away from Dalton, when he noticed that his glasses were still lying on the table in the seniors' commons, where Blaine had placed them.

Back at Dalton Blaine had finished his discussion with his fellow Warblers and had turned around to find Kurt gone. He smiled. He hadn't really expected Kurt to stay. He went over to the table they had sat on, where his bag was still laying. He wanted to grab his bag as he noticed something.

A dark pair of Ray Ban sunglasses lay where he had put them. He smirked and took them into his hands. Seems like Cinderella has forgotten his sunglasses. He chuckled as he put the glasses into his bag and went back to the other Warblers whistling.

End Notes: so I hope you enjoyed this. I am new to this site so I just hope I got everything right. Leave me some love if you like :)


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This was really good. It is nice to see what may have happened in between what was shown in Never Been Kissed. I can't wait to see what happens next.