What is Home?
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Story
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What is Home?: Chapter 8

E - Words: 2,032 - Last Updated: Jun 26, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jun 05, 2013 - Updated: Jun 26, 2013
119 0 0 1 0

Author's Notes: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and please review.

"Hey, sweetheart!" Blaine called as he entered the Hummel residence. He saw Kurt curled up on the couch, his head buried in some Physics textbook. He looked adorable, with glasses on and a studious face. No matter how hard his boyfriend tried and studied, Kurt couldn't get the hang of the subject. Which was the exact reason why he was in Lima today.

"B-Blaine...what are you doing here?" Kurt stuttered nervously as he slammed the textbook together and hopped off the couch frantically.

"Umm...Its Thursday...our study day." Blaine spelled out as he looked at Kurt like he had grown three heads. His boyfriend never forgot about their dates...ever. "Are you sure that you're alright?" The hazel-eyed boy questioned as he observed his boyfriend avoid his eyes and glance around the living room nervously.

Kurt's heart was beating at an irrational pace. Blaine wasn't supposed to be here. After all, it was winter break. He thought that he could just try and teach himself what he didn't understand in Physics. It would give him a head start when next semester started. That is, if his dad still allowed him to still live in his house. Didn't Blaine have something better to do? Not to mention, that this was the worst timing ever. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Kurt had planned on sending a long, sincere, apologetic letter. But he was here now. And Kurt had no choice.

"Its winter break, Blaine. Don't you have something to be doing? Like spending the night with your family? Tomorrow is New Years Eve after all."

"I wouldn't want to spend my holidays any other way than by your side." Blaine smiled charmingly as he crossed the room and gave Kurt a chaste kiss. But, he frowned when he noticed how tense and unresponsive his boyfriend was. "Baby, something is wrong. What aren't you telling me?"

Kurt once again avoided the heated gaze and glanced at the ground. His hands sweat and tears began building in his eyes. Blaine didn't deserve this. He was nothing but supportive, caring, loving, and a perfect partner. It was all Kurt's fault. He ruined everything with his father, and now he had to ruin it all with his boyfriend.

"Blaine, sit down." Kurt said shakily as he descended onto the couch. Blaine immediately took his had and slipped an arm around his waist.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me. I am here for you."

"I—I" Kurt panted as his heart beat accelerated and tears slid down his rosy cheeks. "We n-need to b-break up." He finally spit out. It was like the weight of the world was lifted off his shoulders. But, as luck would have it, the world came crashing down.

It started with a shake of the head. 'No, Kurt wouldn't say that.' Blaine thought. He looked up into the icy blue eyes he knew so well, hoping to see reassurance or a sign that he misheard him. But all he saw was Kurt crying tears of his own.

"No...No! W-why?" Blaine looked absolutely devastated.

"Well...um, I think that we aren't compatible..." Kurt began as he choked on more sobs. He was saying such bullshit. There was nothing he loved more than Blaine in this world. He had just googled what to say to someone to break up with them. "A-And that we would be better as friends..."

Why did it have to hurt so bad?

"NO! K-Kurt, were soulmates! Were going to New York together and then College. I'll be a big singer and you'll own your own fashion company! Then we'll have kids and retire somewhere expensive in Europe...what about the dream?" Blaine demanded. His crestfallen face was slowly turning into a look of determination. No way was he going to let whatever was going on with his boyfriend ruin their relationship. He would fix it.

"Well, what if I don't want those things anymore." Kurt finally looked up into the hazel eyes he would spend hours studying. It was like a knife to his heart. All he wanted to do was run into his boyfriend's arms and explain everything. But, he was too much of a coward.

"What's really going on? And don't give me that 'not compatible' crap! I know you, Kurt. And I know something is going on."

"I'm sorry. I just don't love you anymore. You need to leave."


Everything after that was a blur.

There were more tears, yelling, and fighting. But after six years, those horrible thoughts seemed to be locked away. Until now.

Blaine looked around the house that he once knew so well.

The kitchen where he and Kurt would bake cupcakes.

The backyard where they had picnics and stared at the stars.

And, of course, the living room. Where they spent endless nights watching Broadway movies, dancing, and studying for physics.

It had been a long time since Blaine had thought about Kurt in such depth. Sure, his face and piercing blue eyes occasionally haunted his dreams at night. And every time he passed the magazine stand, there would be a picture of his ex-boyfriend and the latest gossip about him.

But Blaine refused to look into those. He knew what people said about Kurt, and they weren't the nicest things. But, he wasn't going to indulge a bunch of writers who wrote cheap stories about Kurt for a little extra money.

But, every now and then, Blaine would allow himself to go online and look at what Kurt has been up to. He knows all about his job, boyfriend, and life. Does that make him kind of creepy? Its not like he is still in love with Kurt or anything. That would be pathetic. But, a part of Blaine will always care about him. They were first loves, and at the end of the day, he wanted nothing more than for Kurt to find success and happiness.

God, why am I thinking about Kurt so much? Blaine wondered.

Umm, maybe because you are in his house and he is coming to Mercedes' wedding? His mind helpfully supplied.

"Dude! What is taking the beer so long?" Puck yelled out as he entered the Hummel's kitchen to find Blaine staring off into space.

Blaine snapped his head forward at the sound and shook his head. "Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts. How is Sam dealing out there?"

It was the night before the big wedding and the Hummel's very graciously offered there home to Sam. Mercedes would not hear of even being close to Sam, something about wedding traditions.

It was 11:25 PM when Sam called his friends, practically in hysterics. Apparently, the nerves of the big day were catching up to him.

Being the supportive friends they were, they all drove up to the Hummel's house and proceeded to calm him down.

"He's coping. Look, man, is it bothering you being here? I mean, its kind of weird for me too. I love Burt and Carole, but I was here at New Years Eve and it seems—"

"I'm Fine!" Blaine snapped abruptly. He opened the refrigerator and pulled out the six- pack of beer. "Go hand it out to the guys, I just have to go to the bathroom."

Puck sighed, but did as he was told and approached his friends who were sitting on the couches and chairs, sharing old stories about all the stupid things they did in glee club.

"My favorite was the Vitamin D!" Mike laughed, earning a glare from Finn.

"No—what about six flags?"

"Or what about the time when we got that mattress commercial thing?"

It was nice to see everyone back together after such a long time. It had been much too long since they were all in the same room.

After about two of swapping favorite glee club memories, a loud voice approached them.

Standing before them was Burt Hummel. Clad in flannel, cotton pants, and slippers. He was wearing a soft smile and looked worn out. His eyes were bloodshot and the little hair he had left was sticking up in all directions.

"Hey guys, I knew Sam could make all this noise himself." He joked while hugging Puck and Mike.

"Sorry, Burt. I just needed to be around some friends. Wedding jitters, ya' know?" Sam asked carefully, he certainly didn't want to get in trouble with the man who was currently keeping him from being homeless.

"Oh trust me, I know." Burt laughed with a knowing smile and shake of head. "Actually, I was wondering if I could quickly check the news, I got a text from my friend telling me I needed to. Hopefully nothing bad."

Blaine reached forward from his position on the couch and passed the remote to Burt.

As the older man flipped through the channels for something that caught his eye, Blaine tried to inwardly calm himself. The house was like a Kurt Hummel memorial. Pictures of him hung on the wall, stacks of magazines with him on the cover were spread out on the table, and now Burt was here.

Suddenly, something from the TV caught the attention of everyone in the room.

"Kurt Hummel—here!"

"What brings you to your hometown of Lima, Ohio?"

"Family drama? Recent Death?"

"Why haven't you been here in six years?"

"Maybe an engagement announcement?"

"Kurt! Do you think that all of your success has gotten to your head?"

Blaine was stunned. And he wasn't the only one. Nearly everyone is the room stopped what they were doing and turned their full attention to the screen. He couldn't believe it. There could only be one reason why Kurt was back in Lima. And it certainly wasn't for a glee club reunion.

Looks like Mercedes was right after all.

As the hazel-eyed boy watched Kurt get mobbed by about half of Ohio's population, he couldn't help but try to evaluate Kurt. He was dressed casually, but in a way that certainly flattered his best assets. He had a pair of sunglasses on and was trying to keep his head down as he maneuvered through the crowd.

He looked unbelievably skinny, something Blaine had never noticed on magazine covers. But, just as gorgeous as ever.

"Please leave me alone." Kurt pleaded as he was trapped between photographers and reporters.

"Kurt—Is the recent rumor true that you broke up with your boyfriend because you cheated with his father?" A girl shouted as she shoved a tape recorder into Kurt's face.

"No! Of course not!"

Blaine couldn't help but feel bad for him, Kurt would never cheat on anyone. That was something he was sure of. He was eager to watch more and see how the hotel dealt with such a huge scene, when the television abruptly turned off.

The boys were so entranced with what was happening, that they all simultaneously whipped their heads around to find a furious looking Burt.

His hands were clenched at his side and his whole body was practically shaking with anger. "God damn them, can't he just have a moment in peace? And how dare they accuse him of such a thing!"

The boys all remained quiet, and everyone suddenly had an interest in the floor.

"But, that's okay. Because he's back. My boy is finally coming home to me."

As Blaine looked into Burt's watery eyes, he noticed several emotions. Anger, sadness, and hope. So much hope.

And he didn't have the heart to tell Burt the real reason why Kurt was home.


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