What is Home?
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What is Home?: Chapter 6

E - Words: 1,517 - Last Updated: Jun 26, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jun 05, 2013 - Updated: Jun 26, 2013
116 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Thanks for reading, I love reviews!!

Lima Ohio

The thick tension wafted through the air as everyone didn't say a word. The silence grew more uncomfortable by the second. It was to be expected that a bride would have frustrations and lash out with her date only three weeks away. But that still didn't settle well with the others, seeing as they were only trying their best to assist her.

Santana was on the verge of snapping, anyone could tell. She had been extremely patient throughout this whole day, which was saying a lot for her. Tina merely kept her head down and pretended to be interested in the menu that was placed in front of her by the waitress who was standing awkwardly by the table. Brittany seemingly clueless, hummed "My Headband" and tapped her fingers on the table.

"Mercedes, were sorry." Blaine jumped in, hoping to avoid a show down between her and Santana who were glaring at each other from across the table. "Were all just a little high strung." He looked towards Santana pleadingly who ignored him.

Someone cleared their throat and all eyes looked up. "Sorry to interrupt, but are you ready to order?" A young girl with freckles asked. She shifted on her feet and was clearly picking up on the tables mood.

"Could we have a couple of more minutes to decide please?" Tina pulled her best smile and shot everyone a look. The others murmured in agreement and opened their menus as the waitress practically ran away. Who could blame her?

"Okay, I think i'm going to get the Greek Salad." Mercedes announced closing her menu and looking up to three shocked faces. "I need to lose five pounds before the wedding." She explained it as if she were talking to toddlers and shook her head. "You guys don't don't understand anything." She threw her hands up in exasperation and buried her face in her arms while muttering words.

"Okay." Santana said harshly. "I'll have the same." She folder her arms and leaned back in her chair. She gave Blaine a look as if trying to ask, why do we put up with her? He just shrugged in response and patted Mercedes' back comfortably.

After giving the waitress their orders and trying to act as civil as they possibly could, a familiar voice was heard.

"Oh god, what's going on?"

"Quinn!" Mercedes exclaimed, practically jumping out of her seat in excitement. "Your late, what have you been doing?" Quinn approached from behind while pulling off a pair of oversized sunglasses and giving a small wave.

"Just seeing some old friends, Cedes." Quinn chuckled and gave the group hugs while taking a seat between Tina and Brittany. Her arrival seemed to calm everyone and now they all were engaged in a conversation about Mr. Schue's horrible rapping and obvious addiction to vests.

The waitress seemed relieved with all the laughter and smiling faces as she walked over and gingerly placed down everyone's meals. "Is there anything else you need?" She asked clasping her hands together while her ponytail swayed behind her.

"Were fine thanks." Blaine nodded and gave her a smile.

For a few minutes everything sat in a comfortable silence. Each occasionally saying how great their food was or simply saying descriptive adjectives.

"Hold up, Quinn your not eating anything." Mercedes placed her fork down and eyed the blonde girl who smiled at her.

"I just got back from lunch with Finn." She explained while flipping her hair to the side and leaning forward. "So what happened that got you all in such a mood?" She inquired curiously.

Was it really that obvious? Tina thought.

Blaine let out a huff as Santana rose in her seat dramatically. He grabbed her wrist and shook his head. She gave Blaine a death glare before leaning in to hear what he had to say. "She's already in a bad enough mood." It was barely a whisper that Santana hardly heard it. "Lets not make it worse with you attacking her." It took all of Santana's willpower to listen to Blaine.

"We just ran into some...obstacles" Tina started, "while taste testing. But its all behind us and it was stupid." She finished dabbing the corners of her mouth with her napkin and slightly pushing forward her empty plate. Truth is, Mercedes was full on bitch mode with yelling and stomping that got everyone into a frenzy and arguing. She came close to throwing a cake at Santana before Blaine rushed in to separate them. But no one wanted a repeat of that, so they all just nodded in agreement.

When everyone was finished and the lunch was payed for, Mercedes and Blaine left the group who were complaining about doing any sort of bridal activity for the rest of the day. They all decided they would go to the mall and shop, leaving Mercedes and Blaine to work on the seating chart, which was bound to be tons of fun...

"Are they still friends?"

"No, I think he cheated and now they're fighting."

"Wait...I thought she cheated and hooked up with his best friend...or was it his dad?"

Crap. How were they supposed to seat anyone anywhere when they couldn't keep track of who was together, broken up, or just hated each other. "Ugh." Blaine sighed and collapsed in his arms. "How are we going to get anything done?" He rubbed his temples and turned to Mercedes who looked equally frustrated.

"I have no idea. Lets just split up the Glee club and hope things work out." She reasoned.

"That could turn out really bad." He reminded, nobody wanted to get in the crossfire of a dramatic argument. This was a recipe for disaster.

"Whatever, I could honestly not care less right now." She clicked her pen and began scribbling things on a piece of paper. She constantly tried to blow a strand of hair that kept falling in front of her eyes. "There." She stated. "Two tables done."

"Okay." Blaine let out a breath and took a look at the sheet of paper. "First table: Finn, Puck, Quinn, Joe, Mike, and Tina." He nodded approvingly and continued. "Second table: Brittany, Blaine, Artie, Santana, Sugar, and Kurt. His mind didn't quite take in the last part. "K-Kurt's coming?" He asked tentatively, trying to hold back the small amount of excitement.

"Would that make you uncomfortable if you sat at the same table?" He didn't respond so she kept talking, "Cause I can just move him?"

"Oh. Uh....n-no...I guess not really." He spoke unconvincingly. "So he's really coming? He'll be at the wedding?" Blaine was nervous, what if Kurt hardly remembered him? What would Kurt be like? Was he the jerk all celebrities said he was, or was he still the same compassionate boy he used to be?

She wrapped her hands around her chest and for the first time, the dark circles under her eyes were very visible. "Well he never said he wasn't coming."


"Nu-uh, I don't want to hear it." She waved her finger intimidatingly. "He may come, you never know. What is he shows and he doesn't even have a place to sit? He may never come back..." She scoffed and rubbed her eyes. It was getting tiresome how she was consistently defending her decision to invite Kurt.

Blaine knew better than to push the subject. She was clearly exhausted and so was he.

"When did things change?" Her eyes gleamed and had a faraway look in their eyes.

"What do you mean?" He knew exactly what she meant. Blaine shrugged his shoulders and gave in, "Six years ago I guess."

"I don't just mean Kurt," she interjected, "I mean everybody. I'm surprised they are coming. I haven't spoken to Puck...or almost all of them in years. Hell, I didn't even invite Berry." She exclaimed shaking her head slowly.

He nodded and looked down at his hands. "I know what you meant." He fought back the tears that were arising. "Six years ago, New Years Eve." He repeated as if it made a difference. "Kurt left first, but I guess that ignited something. I don't know. Two months later, Finn decided he wanted to go on that road trip with Puck. Not too long after Santana and Brittany went to LA. And Sugar got that part in some movie...We all just fell apart."

He looked over and noticed Mercedes eyes were glassy and shining with tears. "God this is fucked up." She let out a choked sob and gathered everything to start heading home. It was almost midnight and Sam would be wondering where she was.

"Yeah, It is." Blaine agreed laughing. "But hey, look at us, we didn't turn out too bad, did we?" She shook her head and gave him a tight hug as he lead her to the door of his house. "Exactly. Now go get your beauty sleep, you need it."

"Tell me about it." She gave a genuine smile. She hesitated for a moment. "Blaine?"

She turned around. "Do you really think he won't come? I mean how couldn't he?"

It was apparent who she was speaking of.

"I really don't know. But I do know, It's his mistake if he doesn't." He looked her in the eye. "If he doesn't come, then I guess he's not the Kurt Hummel we used to know."


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