What is Home?
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What is Home?: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,234 - Last Updated: Jun 26, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jun 05, 2013 - Updated: Jun 26, 2013
125 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Disclaimer: I don't own glee or any of the characters

Lima Ohio

"So what do you guys think?" She asked twirling as everyones jaws dropped to the floor. The dress hugged her body perfectly and accented all of her best features. She smiled at each of her friends waiting to hear their input.

"Perfect!" Tina exclaimed, her eyes gleaming.

"You look amazing." Santana admitted, shocked at her own statement.

"It's like a marshmallow." Brittney added looking at the dress like it was a dessert.

Mercedes took a long look at herself in the mirror and made poses from all angles to get the full effect. "Are you sure? I mean this is the most important dress I will ever wear, it has to be perfect." She immediately turned to Blaine who was silent the whole time. "Blaine" she snapped. "Any thoughts?"

"Mercedes, you look amazing. This is the one." He smiled up at her in disbelief. She truly looked stunning, yet her face looked unconvinced. "But, it is your decision if you don't like it then we should keep looking." Blaine added reasuringly.

But, the rest of the group let out embellished groans, seeing as this was the fifteenth dress that she came out in.

"Ugh, lets just get the dress!" Sanatana crossed her arms cleary upset about the amount of time this whole process was taking. "You look hot and Sam will love it." She added and muttered something in spanish under her breath.

"Totally." Tina snapped his fingers and flashed a smile towards Mercedes whose grin was getting wider by the second.

"I think i'll get it!" Mercedes squealed taking one last glance at the mirrors before jumping with excitment along with the rest of her group.

She flattened out the silky white material embroidered in sequins and grinned broadly as she dissapeared into the changing room.

The four sat together discussing the upcoming wedding and their friends soon to be dress that was clearly born to be wore by Mercedes. After three minutes of non-stop chatter, they all fell into a comfortable silence.

"Oh my god, who remembers the Rachel and Finn wedding?" Santana asked with wide eyes.

"Worst idea ever!"Tina exclaimed laughing at the topic. "But they were pretty persistent." She added after reaching in her bag to add a second layer of lipgloss on.

"I thought it was cute!" Blaine defended with a pretend shocked face. "Young love." He said as if that proved the point and the conversation was over.

"Umm...so? Doesn't mean you have to legally tie the not." Santana crossed her arms and shook her head. She stifled a laugh and popped an almond in her mouth from the bowl on the table. She made a point of crunching loudly and the group erupted into laughter. Somehow they got onto the topic of when they all took vitamins and got high during school which got everyone giggling and clapping their hands. After tossing around several memories, they once again fell silent.

"You know what this reminds me of?" Tina said with an oddly sad and distant look in her eyes.

"Smores." Brittany said knowingly.

"Umm...no" Tina continued, "Prom shopping." She made a half-hearted smile and everyones mind instantly went back to their years at High School and the numerous hours all girls would spend deciding between a variety of dresses.

"I looked so good in red." Santana reminisced. "Hummel did have quite the gift." She spoke before she could take back the statement." Kurt had always tagged along as a personal shopper to help the girls pick out their dresses. What would they have done without him? He was like a fashion guru. It was no suprise to anyone when he started working at vogue.

Everyone shifted uncomfortably on the couch trying to find a way to continue the conversation. Nobody brought up Kurt. It was way to hurtful to think about everything that happened and why he left Lima six years ago and never looked back. Brittney was the first to talk.

"Does anyone talk to him?"

"No." Blaine responded abruptly. "He left Lima, we all know why and he looks like he's doing just fine on his own." The venom in his voice was obvious, but it was hard to see the hurt and longing that was hidden in the words. He was reffering to the magazines that had Kurt on the cover and all the channels that updated every time a bit of new information came in about the young designer.

Once again, they were all back to being quiet and avoiding one anothers eyes. Suddenly, Mercedes approached in her normal street wear and a dress in her left hand.

"I have something to tell you guys." She gingerly set the dress down on the chair infront of her and stared at her friends. "Speaking of Kurt...I...I kind of..." She searched for the right words to make the news less shocking. "I sort of..."

"Spit it out!" Santana said clearly entrigued by what she was about to hear. Tina and Brittney leaned closer and Blaine pretended to be uninterested in the discussion.

"I invited him to the wedding." She said in a whisper. But everyone heard her and went frantic.

"You what!?" Tina asked incredulously, still processing the bit of news she just receieved. She was unsure how to react.

"Awesome! I miss my unicorn!" Brittney said only out of the excitment of seeing her old friend and not about the consequences that it might bring.

"Not awesome!" Blaine almost yelled. Everyone turned their eyes onto his. He could not believe what she just said. How much pain this could cost everyone. This wasn't the Kurt everyone knew back at school, this was world famous Kurt Hummer: Legendary designer, Fitness model, and known for being a complete ass to everybody. "What makes you think he'll even come?" Now that he started, he couldn't stop. "Why would he even want to be back here, he said he would never, so why now? He could just hurt all of us again and none of us want to deal with seeing him." Blaine was now standing and pacing angrily. "He wants nothing to do with us, I think he's made that pretty clear."

Mercedes bit her lip to stop herself from defending Kurt. What would she say? She knew that he changed, but for the best three years of her life, he had been there through everything and she would do anything to have Kurt there on her day.

"Look, I just want him to come. I know he might not, but its worth a shot." She pleaded, it sounded like she was trying to convince herself. She tried to fight the ears that were about to spring. "I miss him." This was much quieter and nobody seemed to have heard.

"Look, lets just go. Enough about Hummel, this is about you Cedes." Santana grabbed Brittney by the arm and handed Mercedes the gown.

"Santanas right. Im sorry, I guess i'm just sensitive about the subject." Blaine comforted staring intently at the carpet when he realized that his outburst grabbed the attention of some shoppers.

"Hey! This is a happy day, remember? And I'm hungry so lets eat and not talk about this." Tina commanded practically pushing everone out the door and in a matter of time everyone had completely forgotten about Kurt.

Well, almost everyone. Blaine's heart and mind raced at the idea of being able to see Kurt again. All of these years have left a void that nobody has been able to fill. But those thoughts stopped when he remembered that Kurt probably wouldn't even remember his name.


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