June 26, 2013, 3:25 p.m.
June 26, 2013, 3:25 p.m.
If there was one thing to know about New York's biggest breakout star, it was this.
Kurt Hummel was never self-concious. Infact, many would say he was one of the most confident people they had ever met. You would think that after three years of being the center of attention for paparazzi everywhere he would have gotten used to it.But, seeing your face on the cover of Fitness Magazine and your picture on page 6 wasn't exactly normal from a kid born in Lima, Ohio.
People would often pull him over and ask for autographs and he was lucky if he could get a night out without being swarmed by a mob of people. But, I guess thats the price you have to pay if you accepted the job that millions dream of having. Working at vogue day and night was a serious commitment and was a job only a few could do correctly. Kurt Hummel was one of them. Once upon a time, he was a young boy who wanted to sing on Broadway and dance his way through any problem in his life. But, that boy was left behind. He now faced his problems head on and nobody had heard him sing in a very long time. Perhaps it was because that was a part of his life that was better to not be thought about, and he did a very good job of severing all ties he had to his hometown and previous life.
"Did you send it to me after?" Kurt asked while smiling at lady behind the counter who passed him his regular expresso coffee. There was not a moment where he put his phone down, if he wasn't typing or calling, he was reprimanding someone for not doing their job correctly or choosing the wrong shade of purple.
It may sound trivial to an average person, but one mistake could cost the entire company. There was a big different between lilac and violet.
"I understand that Cathy, but I don't care." He was used to arguing with his assistant who always managed to do the exact opposite of what Kurt asked. Was he being harsh? Maybe, but that is what this magazine needs. You can't be afraid of damaging someone's feelings if you want t get to the top. Why she was not fired? He would frequently ask himself the same question. After ending the call with a long dramatic sigh, he grabbed a straw and pushed through the cafe doors into the bustling streets of New York City.
Kurt loved his life. Every night, he would return home to his stunning boyfriend who was loyal and a remarkable advice giver. They would discuss that happenings of their day and eat a home cooked meal while watching a movie. They had sex every night until their bones ached and eyelids couldn't stay open any longer. At 5:30, Kurt woke up prepared for a day at work. He felt truly at home as racks of clothing passed by intermittently and photoshoots were being done just down the hall. People would stop by occasionally and eat lunch as they discussed their favorite collections or creative ideas they had for the next issue.
Today was going suprisingly slow. He had already done his work a week in advance and the people seemed to be in a daze. Everyone shuffled by murkily and tapped their pencils as if they were waiting for something to come. Kurt leaned back in his black leather chair and swivled around to face his windows overlooking the city. He took in the view that never seemed to get old and let himself do some relaxing that he desperately needed catching up on. Hours passed and people left not leaving a trace as if they had never been there. After realizing he dozed off, Kurt gathered his belongings in a rush alarmed by the clock that showed 10:42. He quickly stepped out of his large office and through the lobby into the quiet streets of New York at night. There were no stars, but street lamps were bright and lighted the pathways. The air was crisp and Kurt tightened his scarf around his neck and buried his hands into the pockets of his new Gucci coat.
"Hello? Danny?" Kurt called in a half whisper, scared he might wake up his boyfriend.
"Kurt! Thank god, where have you been?" Danny asked appearing from behind the couch. He placed a chaste kiss on Kurt's lips and stared at his questionably.
Kurt admired his boyfriend for a few moments for returning the answer. He smiled as he watched Danny's eager brown eyes widen and pushed aside a strand of blonde hair that fell infront of his eyes. "I drifted off at the office, catching up on some missing sleep." He resoponded ready to put the topic away and focus on spending the next few hours with just his boyfriend.
A flash of confusion crossed Danny's face before he simply nodded and sat down at the dining table where candles were lit and an entire meal was prepared. He smiled up at Kurt as he sat down across the table and laughed at the display of food and wondering how lucky he was to get a guy like Danny. If only he knew that Danny was constantly worried about how to keep Kurt by his side, afraid of losing him.
"This is wonderful, you're wonderful." Kurt said reaching his hand across the table. Danny accepted the gesture immediately and intertwined their fingers as they began to serve themselves from the wide variety of options.
"So tell me about your day." Kurt asked shoveling in a few pieces of salad.
"Well, I got to Rachels at about 10 to deliever the package." Kurt nodded in approval and thanked him for returning what she left at their apartment several weeks ago at a cocktail party Kurt hosted. "Then, I came back and worked on my script...and...I cooked." Danny said trying to make it seem like he had a way more interesting day than he actually had. Kurt had such a busy and fascinating life, that one day if he decided to leave and never look back, Danny would not be suprised. Kurt could easily get any guy he wanted, so why him? Even though he was attractive, he wasn't stunning like Kurt. But, he swallowed the thoughts and tried to listen as Kurt described his day in detail.
"and then I hung up on her because she is so frustrating and-" Kurt was getting heated and in that mood where he waved his arms around like a crazy person. Danny found it endearing, but wasn't in the mood to listen to another one of Kurt's babbles.
"Kurt, calm down." Danny said while caressing Kurt's hand with his thumbs and staring lovingly into his boyfriend's cerulean eyes. "I forgot to tell you that something came in the mail." Kurt tilted his head to the side unaware of why a mail delivery was so important. Danny could read his mind as simply said, "It looked important." He placed his napkin beside his plate on the table and went into the bedroom to retrieve Kurt's mail. It was a thick white envelope with the wordsMr. Kurt Hummelenscribed on the back. Attached to it was a ribbon that had a small note peeking out. Danny had been curious all day, but he waited for Kurt's arrival to open it.
"Here." He handed over the envelope to Kurt who was texting like a maniac on his cell phone. It was several second before his gaze lifted up and noticed what Danny was holding out to him. His mind was flushed with curiosity as he gingerly took the envelopes from his boyfriend's grasp. Kurt wanted to rip it open like a child on christmas, but instead gently untied the ribbon and flipping the envelope open.
Danny waited anxiously as Kurt took all the time in the world. He tapped his fingers in partial boredom and also indicating to Kurt that time was passing.
Kurt's eyebrows shot up and a look of suprise and sadden washed over his face. He loosened his grip on the envelope and stared at the words that meant more to him than anything else could. They brought back memories. Sad and happy. Ones that he tried to shut out, and others that he would think about on a rainy day. When he snapped back into reality, Kurt passed the inviation over to his boyfriend who looked so utterly bewildered.
Danny cleared his throat and spoke aloud, "You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of Mercedes Jones and Sam Evans.