A Sense of Decorum
In Which Kurt has a Plan Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A Sense of Decorum: In Which Kurt has a Plan

T - Words: 4,368 - Last Updated: Nov 05, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Nov 05, 2016 - Updated: Nov 05, 2016
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Rachel continued to stay mad at Kurt for the rest of the week. By the time Monday rolled around, Kurt went to Quinn for advice.
“You know that Rachel wants love and romance if she is to marry. To point out that she will most likely marry for convenience was most certainly going to make her angry. It was very stupid of you, Kurt.”
Kurt huffed. This was not the advice he wanted. “The sooner she realizes that the expectation is that she marries up or at least in the same class, the better. We’re not meant to marry for love.”
“But we still dream of it. It was only a few years ago that you were dreaming of it yourself. Let her have her dreams and in the meantime, look for a way to make it happen.”
“I’m not following you, sister.”
“Perhaps she could marry and not be miserable,” Quinn stared, staring down her younger brother with a knowing gaze.
Kurt sighed, but wasn’t quite able to keep the grin off of his face. “Do you have a suggestion, sister?”
Quinn allowed herself a small smile and tucked a loose strand of blonde hair behind a delicate ear. “Ask Father to let you be in charge of finding matches for Rachel and I. This way, Rachel and I have a small say in who we marry and perhaps you can find someone to suit our dispositions.”
Kurt wasn’t quite sold on the idea yet. “You’re asking for something very similar to love in a marriage.”
“I disagree. I’m asking that you find Rachel a friend. As someone once said, it is better to marry a friend than a stranger.”
“You know that Rachel will not marry someone from Lima. None of them would be fitting to her disposition.” Kurt was giving in, but he was going to fight till Quinn inevitably broke him down.
Quinn was much too proper to rub her victory in her brother’s face, but Kurt read it in her eyes regardless. “How fitting then that Miss Faulkner down the street told me that a party of gentlemen are coming down to hunt. I hear the pheasant are quite plentiful this year. I do hope they get what they’re looking for.”
Kurt dropped in head in defeat. He had to admit that Quinn played the game much better than he did. “And what of you? Shall I find your husband in this group?”
Quinn’s smile dimmed briefly, “I will wait until spring, so I can go to town. I ask that you find me one then.”
“Then I might as well find Rachel a husband in town. She cannot be engaged before you. Father will throw a fit. It’s unheard of.”
Quinn frowned and smoothed out her muslin. “You know she cannot go to town. She will never want to leave. If you’re afraid of impropriety, you will not take her.”
Kurt looked up at her, mirroring her frown, “She cannot marry before you.”
Quinn took a deep breath. “Then I will marry someone here in town.”
Kurt looked immediately regretful, “No, I didn’t mean to force you Quinn. We will find you a husband with a brain at least. I will figure out a way to keep Rachel from town.”
Quinn smiled placating and placed a hand on his shoulder. “There is no possible situation in which I can go to town in the spring and leave Rachel here. If you think her anger is bad now, wait till she finds out she won’t be going to town. No, I will find someone here. I ask that you not marry me to an idiot at the very least.”
Quinn stood to leave. She was expected at Miss Faulkner’s that morning. No doubt for an inane morning of gossiping and eating. Quinn almost wanted to bow out under the guise of a stomachache but that would lead to talk and she couldn’t afford that. Ah well, it would at least get her out of the house. Rachel’s fury tended to seep into everyone and all it did was make their father retreat to his study, upset Kurt, and terrify all their servants. On second thought, getting out of the house would be nice.
Quinn had barely taken a step when Kurt spoke, “I am so sorry, Quinn.”
Quinn let out a quiet laugh. Kurt could be just as dramatic as Rachel sometimes. “Don’t be, love. I know what you promised Mom and I think this is the best option.”
Kurt stayed bowed in front of Quinn’s chair for a few more minutes before he made a move to get up. He hadn’t meant to force Quinn into getting married so soon. He especially hadn’t meant to force Rachel, but now it seemed like he was on a time limit to find them husbands. Marriage in theory was much less scary than marriage as an actual concept. The thought of marrying off his sisters to respectable men was easy last week. Now faced with the task of finding husbands, he could hardly bear to think of matching them with someone who made them miserable. No, Kurt was a good brother. He would find respectable men that at least made his sisters happy. He was Kurt Hummel. He could do this. For Rachel, for Quinn and for Mom, he could do this.
In a rare state of burning motivation, Kurt quickly got up to go find his father. Just after breakfast, Kurt could expect to find him in Elizabeth’s parlor. It had not changed once since Elizabeth had died, and only the family was allowed in. Once a week, Quinn and Kurt would go in and dust, carefully moving Elizabeth’s items to dust before placing them back exactly as they were. It was a memory preserved in time.
Burt Hummel looked too old to be in his young wife’s parlor. Slightly grey and grizzled, slumped over Elizabeth’s desk, he didn’t fit in with the delicate yellows and pure whites of the room. Kurt stayed in the entryway, almost too scared to interrupt his father’s silence, but the burning motivation pushed him forward. This was about Quinn and Rachel. There was no better place to talk about his sisters’ marriages than in Elizabeth’s parlor. If she had been alive, the conversation would have also taken place here.
“Father,” Kurt called out softly.
Burt Hummel raised his head and turned to look at his son. His eyes were slightly watery and red-rimmed. Kurt swallowed back tears as he looked at his father. Men were not supposed to cry, even in front of their fathers.
“I have a proposition, Father. I would like to be put in charge of finding Quinn and Rachel husbands.” Kurt’s voice fell to a whisper as it always did when he was in this room. It was a childish fear of his that if he spoke too loud, he would break the sacred air of the room.
Burt Hummel squinted. He was missing something. “Why?”
“Quinn is almost past marrying age and Rachel has just entered. It would be well to secure their prospects now, so we will know that they are well provided for. I offer to find them husbands because I have better knowledge of the eligible men and can make the best matches possible.”
Kurt hoped this would be enough for his father to let him. In the five minutes since he and Quinn had talked, he had only been able to think of the one reason. If pushed, he was pretty sure that he could give at least two more.
Burt nodded. Kurt was right. He hardly traveled into Lima anymore, except for church. He did not know any of the men except for Noah and Michael. Kurt was in a much better position to find prospective men and this would help prepare him for his future role as the man of the house. Burt nodded to himself. Kurt would do well.
“I think you are correct. You are in the best position to make the best matches for your sisters. I give you my blessing.”
Kurt couldn’t stop the smile that grew on his face. “Thank you, Father. I promise I will not disappoint.”
Burt couldn’t help but chuckle. He had not seen Kurt so excited in a while. “ I do not think that you will, but I must ask that you go call on Lord Anderson.”
Kurt’s smile faltered. He had heard enough of Lord Anderson in the past week. Apparently everyone had heard that he had come into town and no less than two-dozen people had come up to Kurt to ask why Lord Anderson had come to see him specifically. Kurt was quite tired of telling people that Lord Anderson had not come to see him and that it was entirely a chance meeting. None of them had been convinced, but Kurt had remained firm. By Saturday, no one had mentioned Lord Anderson and Kurt was sure that he was in the clear. Except here was the bastard again.
“I’m very sorry, Father, but I do not quite see why I have to call upon Lord Anderson.”
Burt chuckled. As removed as he was from Lima society, even he had heard the rumors of his son and Lord Anderson. As of late, they were more risqu� than they were eight years ago, when he had first called on the young lord, but he, like his son, saw no harm in them. The fact that they were getting to his son was amusing. Kurt was usually so impenetrable.
“As you have no doubt heard, a party of men is coming down to hunt. They are friends of Lord Anderson. I have no doubt that you will find a suitable husband among them, and you will only meet them if you have called upon Lord Anderson.”
Kurt sighed, “Of course. Lord Anderson has the best hunting grounds in the county. Perhaps they will come to an assembly. It seems entirely selfish of me to call upon Lord Anderson only to meet his friends. Surely it’s more proper to see if they come to an assembly.”
“Are you willing to risk your sisters’ prospective matches on the off-chance that the men will come to an assembly? Really, Kurt, I thought you cared more.”
Kurt started. He did care. He cared so much. “You know I do, Father. No one understands the profit behind a well-conceived match as much as I do. I just worry the rumors between myself and Lord Anderson will be lengthened if I go visit him.”
Burt frowned slightly. “Son, there have been rumors of Lord Anderson and you ever since he took the title.”
Kurt shrugged as if to disregard the comment. “Yes, but they were that I met Lord Anderson while walking, and those were hardly rumors. I have passed Lord Anderson many times while out walking, but not in the past four years. These rumors are much more inappropriate.”
Burt looked taken aback. “Kurt, there have been rumors that you and Lord Anderson have been involved since you were fifteen. Have not heard those?”
Kurt wanted to gag. He had thought that it was a recent rumor. To think that such a rumor had persisted for the past five years was horrifying. “No one has told me. I was under the impression that the rumor was relatively recent. Five years?”
Burt was amazed. It was something that was always mentioned to him when he went to town. It was always an interesting conversation to have after church was over.
“At least five years, I heard it for the first time when I went to the pub. Of course, it’s quieted down since you began courting Mercedes. The fact that you have only heard of it now is amazing.”
Kurt was quite sick to his stomach now. To think that people had thought he had been Lord Anderson’s lover for five years was hardly proper. They probably thought him a slut. A singular occurrence was one thing, but a continued affair would make him look bad. It probably was. A gentleman wouldn’t have a continued affair even if it was with a lord.
“Father, that’s all the more reason to not call upon him. I cannot be seen in any capacity with him if I am to retain my standing. There has got to be some other way to meet his friends.” Kurt was desperate at this point.
“There are other ways, to be sure, but nothing quite as probable as calling upon Lord Anderson. I do not believe that anyone blames you for such a prolonged rumor. You do not have to call upon Lord Anderson, if you so desire, but I must ask if you are willing to give up the best possible matches for your sisters because of a rumor?”
Kurt did not speak. His mind was whirring, his own personal fears butting into his sense of propriety. Burt took his leave to let his son think, and for the second time in the span of an hour, Kurt was left alone with his thoughts.


On rare occasions, Kurt would sit with Mercedes in the Jones’s drawing room. For two hours he and Mercedes would sit close to each other, but still a respectable distance apart, and talk while Mercedes younger brother, Matthew, would sit in a corner and read.
“Have you heard of this, Miss Jones?” Kurt asked quietly. He did not want Matthew to overhear, but if his father was correct then Matthew most likely already knew.
Mercedes faltered and nodded slowly, “I remember Father spoke of it once, but he quickly dismissed it saying that it was untrue. It was just as you were beginning to make your intentions toward me known, so I do not know if he really thought it was untrue or he was trying to reassure me.”
“Why did you not tell me?” Kurt implored. His conversation with his father had plagued him for the remainder of the day and had him tossing and turning in his bed. Even a night at the bar with Michael and Noah had not gotten rid of his fears.
“I did not think that the rumor was so prevalent. If I had, I would have told you. But why does this rumor plague you so much?” Mercedes asked. She shot a glance at Matthew, but he seemed wholly absorbed in his book.
“I have to call upon Lord Anderson, so that I might make acquaintances with his friends when they arrive. I have taken it upon myself to find husbands for my sister. This group that is to come seems to be my best shot at profitable matches. But if I see him, the rumors will be prolonged more and I cannot stand to hear my name attached to that dreaded man’s any longer.” Kurt plucked morosely at a loose thread on his coat. He would need to mend that. No. He’d need to get Catherine to mend it. It was not his place to mend his own clothing.
“And why have you taken on such a job?”
Kurt shook his head. “Rachel got angry with me last week because I told her that she would be married for social standing. I went to Quinn, who essentially called me a fool, and told me that the least I could do was to make sure that the marriage was somewhat happy. But Rachel cannot get married before Quinn, so I promised to find them both matches that would make them in some capacity, happy.”
Mercedes practically melted. “That’s so sweet of you. I hope you find people that make them happy. Life is hard enough without a horrible person by your side.” Mercedes tilted her head thoughtfully. “In fact, I’m going to help you. I know Quinn and Rachel best after you. I’m sure I can help.”
Kurt smiled. Mercedes always loved to gossip. It shouldn’t have surprised him that she’d be willing to help with this. The job would be much more enjoyable if he had his best friend to help.
“I would appreciate the help immensely. Also you’re in a much better position at the moment that I am to help Quinn and Rachel.”
“Really? How so?”
Kurt grinned widely as the gears turned in his mind. “You are the daughter of Lord Anderson’s personal lawyer. You will meet the men of the party and then convince your father to introduce the men to my family. I won’t have to interact with Lord Anderson at all.”
Mercedes frowned. “The men in the party that you’re speaking about are staying at Lord Anderson’s house.”
“Yes, what of it?” Now Kurt was frowning. What could Mercedes be getting at?
“You cannot call at the house unless you call on the Lord of the house. If you expect to call at the house for the men, that is.”
In that moment, Kurt wanted so very badly to throw the chair he was sitting on through the window. But gentlemen-to-be did not do that, so he settled for grinding his teeth. Of course, he planned to call on the men at the house. That was the most surefire way to keep in contact with the men after the initial meeting. Damn it all to Hell!
“You know I plan to. I will have to call upon the house eventually, but the men do not arrive for another fortnight, so I have some time.”
Mercedes cooed softly and gently placed her hand on top of his. “I’m sorry, love. Maybe it will not be so bad. An hour meeting is all it will take to be able to call upon the men as much as you wish. You will survive.”
Kurt smiled softly and stood up, Mercedes hand slipping off of his in the process. “I thank you very much for the delight of your company this afternoon, Miss Jones, but the hour grows late and I must go home before my father worries.”
Mercedes stood up and bowed shallowly. “Of course, Mr. Hummel. I understand completely. Let me accompany you out. Is that okay, Matthew?”
Matthew shrugged, not even looking up from his book. Mercedes huffed out a small laugh and gestured to the door. Kurt offered his arm, which Mercedes took. When they reached the door, Kurt let Mercedes go first only for her to bump into her father who was also seeing his own guest out.
Kurt bit his tongue the moment he saw who it was. Lord Anderson said nothing, but offered a shallow bow. Mercedes and Kurt reciprocated.
“Ahh, Kurt, I forgot you were visiting today. How are you, lad?” Mr. Jones had a deep, loud voice that carried throughout the house. If someone hadn’t known that Kurt was here, they did now.
Kurt smiled weakly. “I am quite well, sir.”
“I’m glad to hear it. It’s always a joy to see you. Are you leaving now?”
Leaving! What an excellent idea! Kurt inwardly cheered.
“I’m afraid I must, sir. My father will be expecting me. I should not keep him waiting.”
“Children must never leave their parents waiting.” Mr. Jones nodded sagely before he grinned widely. “Then I will also let you go. I was just seeing Lord Anderson out.”
In those few milliseconds after Mr. Jones spoke and when he looked between Lord Anderson and Kurt, Kurt sent up a thousand prayers. Please no. “But since you are both leaving perhaps you can accompany each other.”
Kurt protested immediately. “I cannot take up Lord Anderson’s time. I am quite well to walk home. It’s hardly a mile.”
“I do not mind.” Lord Anderson replied, his voice smooth and as always, neutral.
Kurt could have punched Lord Anderson. Didn’t that idiot see that Kurt was trying to protect both of them from those awful rumors? If they walked together, the fire would be flaming for years. Kurt had to avoid that. He was soon-to-be engaged!
“Father, I forgot that I wanted to show Mr. Hummel the garden. Mr. Evans has cleaned it up ever so nicely.” Mercedes interjected with a slightly panicked look.
Mr. Jones waved a hand, “He can see it next time. I do not want to send Kurt home late. As he already said, Burt is waiting for him.”
Kurt shot Mercedes a look of thanks regardless before he mentally straightened up. He had dragged this on for long enough. He looked at Lord Anderson focusing on his forehead. When Kurt was fifteen, he had discovered that Lord Anderson’s eyes made him feel somewhat queer. He didn’t need that weakness to show now.
“If it is not a bother, Lord Anderson, then I would gladly accompany you to the end of the lane, at least. I fear we turn different directions after that.”
Lord Anderson nodded serenely with what maybe could have been described as a smile. “It would be my honor, Mr. Hummel.”
With on last panicked look to Mercedes, which she reciprocated, and some last pleasantries with Mr. Jones, Lord Anderson and Kurt left.
Once outside, Kurt stood silently while Lord Anderson unhitched his beast. With reins in hand, he turned around and gestured to let Kurt continue walking. Kurt put a few more inches of distance between them, for propriety’s sake, of course. Lord Anderson didn’t say anything, but Kurt swore that he heard him chuckle. That bastard was laughing at him!
“Why do you not walk the main road anymore?” Lord Anderson asked.
Kurt stiffened to keep himself from turning wildly to look at Lord Anderson. Kurt knew what he was talking about, but it was such an odd topic of conversation. Kurt and Lord Anderson used to see each other once a week, at least, because Kurt always walked along the main road when he was younger. He had stopped because talking to people whom he met had ruined the walk’s purpose of peace and silence. Of course, now he knew that those very walks had started those damn in appropriate rumors of him and Lord Anderson!
“I enjoy talking to people, but those walks were meant to be uninterrupted so that I could think. I moved to one of the forest paths.” Kurt responded primly. He could do this. He could walk maybe the quarter mile to the end of the lane and talk civilly with Lord Anderson. He could go a quarter mile without snapping at the most powerful man in the county. He could.
Lord Anderson hummed in response, but didn’t reply. They walked in silence for a few minutes. Lord Anderson and Kurt both seemingly at ease, but Kurt was nothing if not proper. On the inside, he had considered no less than eight different plans of how to escape this dreadful walk and still remain proper while doing so. Of course, social etiquette required that he did not leave the most powerful man in the county for any reason unless he was dying; so all eight of those plans went up in a puff of smoke. Damn!
“Excuse me for what I’m about to say,” Lord Anderson started off softly. “But I had always heard that Burt Hummel’s son was homosexual.”
Kurt inwardly bristled. Sexuality was a very precarious thing to talk about. It wasn’t expressly forbidden to ask, but it was not encouraged either. In fact, Kurt had always thought it was downright rude to ask so blatantly. Obviously, Lord Anderson had no tact at all or even if he did, he didn’t care.
With a continuous chant of most powerful man in the county, most powerful man in the county, Kurt replied, “It is no secret that I prefer men, but I am the only son. Thus the inheritance falls to me. I wish to keep the house in my family, so I must have an heir. I cannot conceive a child with a man, so a woman is my only option.”
Lord Anderson actually turned to look at Kurt. “Is that the only reason why you are seeing Miss Jones?”
Kurt didn’t like the intensity of Lord Anderson’s look. That queer feeling was returning. “Yes. She is well aware and we have both mutually agreed that marrying a best friend is preferable to a stranger. This is the best option for both of us, and our families adore each other. I expect we will be as happy as possible.”
Lord Anderson turned forward, a deeply troubled look on his face. He looked as if he wanted to say more, but they had reached the end of the lane. Kurt couldn’t stop a smile from forming on his face, but he managed to contain it so that it looked polite and perfunctory.
“I’m afraid that I must take my leave, Lord Anderson. I thank you for accompanying me as far as you did.”
Lord Anderson bowed briefly, but didn’t smile. He still looked extremely troubled. “Of course, Mr. Hummel. It was my pleasure.” Very abruptly, Lord Anderson turned and mounted his horse in one quick motion. Kurt was surprised to feel a low fluttery sensation of awe, but dismissed it. He had always been rubbish at horse riding. It was no wonder he was jealous. Lord Anderson looked down at Kurt once more, eyes swimming with unsaid emotions. But Kurt didn’t notice. His eyes were firmly focused on Lord Anderson’s forehead.
“Good day, Mr. Hummel.” A quick stiff nod.
“Good day, Lord Anderson.” A graceful nod, and a serene smile.
Lord Anderson turned his horse around and rode off. Kurt waited till Lord Anderson was hidden behind the bend in the trees before he allowed himself a victorious smile. He had done it! He had talked to Lord Anderson and survived. Calling on Lord Anderson at his house wouldn’t be a problem now. Yes! Wait! No! Why hadn’t Kurt talked about the party of men when they were walking? It was the perfect opportunity. Damn it all!
And for the first time in a very long time, Kurt actually allowed himself to be improper.


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