April 20, 2012, 6:11 a.m.
April 20, 2012, 6:11 a.m.
Faggy Flynn
“Oh my gosh! I need that coat, Blaine!” Kurt said excitedly as he and Blaine walked into Marc Jacobs. Blaine and Kurt were on their first shopping trip as a date. They decided to shake things up as the Lima Bean could get a little boring if you go there every single day.
Blaine smiled as he watched his gorgeously amazing boyfriend run over to the coat section and look at the different sizes of coats.
“Large, large, extra large,” Kurt looked shocked that someone could be that fat, “Yes! Medium!” Kurt smiled triumphantly. Kurt ushered Blaine and they walked up to the till together. Blaine longed to hold his hand, he wanted to feel his warm hands wrapped around his, but sadly he knew he couldn’t. He settled with the occasional eye contact.
When they got up to the till, the shop assistant gave them dirty looks. He guessed they were together; Marc Jacobs wasn’t exactly the place straight guys liked to hang out. Blaine looked upset; homophobia was literally ruining his life.
“That’s $67.25.” The shop assistant replied bluntly. Kurt searched around in his old wallet and looked worried.
“Uh, wait. I have it here, somewhere.” Kurt was searching viciously around in his wallet for his notes. Finn. Finn took his money.
“Damn that bloody, idiotic, money-stealing f-“Blaine looked at him. He dug around in his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He handed the bored- looking shop assistant a $100 bill.
As they walked out of the large shop, Kurt jumped in front of Blaine’s walkway.
“Oh my god! You- you bought me-“Kurt was so shocked that Blaine would spend that much money on his boyfriend.
“Shh. It was nothing, besides; it’s Taylor who’s paying for it!” Blaine whispered excitedly. It looked like both he and Finn had a habit of stealing their brother’s money.
“Thank you!” Kurt was still in shock. Blaine smiled glamorously at Kurt. “I’m hungry, are you?”Kurt said quickly; he just couldn’t help from acting like an idiot whenever Blaine looked at him that way. Blaine nodded, he was always hungry. They would usually go to the Lima Bean to eat but this day was different. Kurt began walking in the direction of the exit. Blaine, however, pulled him toward the food court. He knew Kurt would hate it there, but he needed to explore the whole world.
“No, no, no!” Kurt protested as Blaine pulled him hard. As they eventually got in the food court, Kurt looked round at all the weird, sweaty people. He almost puked.
“Come on…” Blaine gave him that look.
“Oh! Hahaha! Let’s get some food?” Kurt really regretted saying it so weirdly. As Blaine and him sat down at a table away from all ‘the commoners’ as Kurt said, Blaine got up to buy the food. Kurt said he wasn’t eating but Blaine was gonna get him something anyway.
“Hey, can I get a sweet and sour chicken and rice please?” Blaine said giving his most innocent look to the person behind the counter.
“Yea. Sure, sure.” The guy said. As Blaine waited he looked back to Kurt. There were three guys surrounding him. Blaine stopped breathing. He marched over to where Kurt was sitting, looking petrified.
“What do you want with me?” Blaine whispered angrily. He knew the three guys they were…
“Oh, we were just paying Kurt here a visit.” The largest of them all said as he touched Kurt’s trembling shoulder. Blaine couldn’t hold in his anger. He punched the largest right in the face and took Kurt’s hand and ran. He ran for his life, faster than ever before. He couldn’t stop.
“Blaine, Blaine.” Kurt finally panted out as they ran into an almost empty parking lot. Blaine had tears running down his pale face.
“Babe.” Kurt whispered as Blaine fell into his arms. Blaine sobbed loudly into Kurt’s safe arms.
“Shh, you’re safe now.”Kurt cooed as he felt Blaine trembling in his arms. Blaine couldn’t believe it. Thad and his crew were back for him. He thought he had escaped them when he changed his name and moved to Dalton.
“Who were they?” Kurt said as Blaine sat down behind a car. Blaine sighed, his breath showing in the cold air.
“Thad a-and Darth and S-Spike. “ Kurt shivered as he heard those names; they were just so… spooky. Kurt let Blaine carry on explaining.
“They used to go to my old school,” Blaine let his tears of anger and hurt for years fall, “I used to go by my middle name, Flynn. But, when I came out, they started calling me… Faggy Flynn.” Blaine stared at the floor.
“That’s disgusting.” Kurt spat.
“And, I haven’t been completely honest with you Kurt. What I told you about me coming out, that wasn’t the half of it.” Blaine took a deep breath; Kurt figured it was hard for him to talk about it.
“I tried to kill myself.” Kurt’s throat closed up. Blaine, Blaine… Trying to kill himself. It was too much to take in.
“What, why, how-?” Kurt couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His Blaine…
“One night, when my parent’s went out, I went into the bathroom. I got the insulin out of the cupboard, but… I just couldn’t. I couldn’t throw away my life,” He looked at his shell-shocked boyfriend, “And I’m so glad I didn’t.” The tears were falling freely down his soft cheeks.
“I’m glad you didn’t.” Kurt whispered, gazing right into his eyes.
“I tried to be what everyone wants me to be.”
“Never change. You are perfect. You’re perfect to me,” Kurt breathed, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I guess I was embarrassed.” Kurt was confused.
“You shouldn’t be. You can tell me anything.” Kurt reassured Blaine although he knew that.
“I know. I love you.” Blaine whispered into Kurt’s ear.
“I love you too. Always and forever.” Kurt said, smiling. He was so lucky to have Blaine and he knew that. He was his and would be his until the end of time.