Always & Forever
Chapter 11 - Graveyard Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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Always and Forever

Always & Forever: Chapter 11 - Graveyard

K - Words: 1,000 - Last Updated: Apr 20, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 33/33 - Created: Apr 20, 2012 - Updated: Apr 20, 2012
756 0 0 0 0





"What's up babe?" Blaine grinned at Kurt with pure happiness as Kurt joined him at his locker. But the look on Kurt's face was anything but happy. "What's wrong?" Blaine's own face suddenly fell.

"What day is it?" Kurt said quietly. His eyes were red.

"Um...Thursday," Blaine looked confused.

"No, really think."

"I haven't forgotten anything have I?" Blaine suddenly panicked. "It isn't your birthday, that's ages it’s not our anniversary is it?"

Kurt only shook his head.

" don't know," Blaine looked sadly at Kurt. "I've got it. It's Mother's Day," Blaine looked triumphant for a moment. Then his face fell. "Oh Kurt, I'm so sorry. I...I forgot."

"Lucky you."

"Kurt you know I didn't mean it like that."

"It’s just that I really miss her," Kurt burst into tears.

"Don't cry...please Kurt stop. I didn't mean to upset you. I could never know how hard it is for you." Blaine put a comforting hand on Kurt's shoulder.

"I...I just miss...(sniff)...her...(sniff)...more than usual this year because of...(sniff)...because I have a boyfriend who...(sniff)...really cares...(sniff)...cares about me. And I...(sniff)...I'm going off to...(sniff) I...(sniff)...I," but before he could finish Kurt burst into tears.

Blaine pulled him into a tight hug, "Everything will be alright," he whispered, "I'm here."

"I know."


After School:

"Kurt! Wait up!" Blaine ran down the stairs after Kurt who, obviously, had been crying for hours on end.

Kurt stopped and looked back. "Hey," he said, his voice as quiet as calm ocean song.

"I wanted to show you something. I think you'll like it," Blaine smiled catching up with Kurt.

"I'm really not in the mood today Blaine, can't we do it tomorrow?"

"No it has to be today. Please Kurt, I'm begging you, please come," Blaine was pulling on Kurt's arm.

"Fine, I suppose I could do with a bit of cheering up," Kurt gave in to his boyfriend's pleas.

Blaine hoped Kurt had missed the slight guilty look but, judging by the fact Kurt seemed more than willing to let Blaine pull him away from the overcrowded school, he assumed he hadn't noticed. "I need to put this blindfold on you. Hold still. Iit’s a surprise," Blaine smiled.

Kurt laughed warmly and allowed his boyfriend to pull him towards his car. Kurt, still smiling graciously, let Blaine blindfold him before getting into the car. Blaine started the engine and began driving in the direction of which Kurt's marvellous surprise was. 

"Blaine. Where are we going?" Kurt asked. 

"The thing is, by telling you that I would be giving away the surprise," Blaine laughed.

Giggling with pleasure Kurt attempted to pull the blindfold off, unfortunately for him Blaine put his hand out to stop him.

"Blaine!" Kurt screamed. The car had swerved slightly. But Blaine only laughed and it only took a moment for Kurt to laugh as well. 

"You're breathtaking when you laugh, you know that?" Blaine said.

Kurt blushed silently and Blaine grinned to himself. "Can't you give me a clue to where we're going?" Kurt moaned after five minutes of silence.

Blaine jumped, he had been so lost in thoughts about Kurt that it he had only just remembered that Kurt was actually in the car with him.

Realising where they were, Blaine said, "There's no point, we're nearly there anyway."

Kurt sighed though he didn't stop wondering.



"We're here!" Blaine announced stopping the car. 

"Now can I take this stupid thing off?!" Kurt complained playfully.

Blaine got out of the car and walked around to Kurt's side, opening the door. "Be careful what you say about 'that stupid thing' because it's my scarf."

"Yeah whatever, just get it off me! It doesn't match my outfit!" Kurt complained. "Though it does smell good," he added under his breath.

Blaine laughed and helped Kurt to his feet before attempting to pull his scarf off Kurt's head.

"Stop!" Kurt screamed. "You're ruining my hair!"

Blaine only laughed but Kurt's hands flew to Blaine's scarf and his elegant finger's didn't take long to undo the perfect knot Blaine had tied the scarf with. 

"What...what are we doing here?" Kurt looked around evidently confused. "No Blaine, no. I want to go home. Take me home now."

"Please Kurt. This will be good for you. You said you miss her," Blaine was trying to stop his boyfriend from fighting his way back into the car. 

"I don't want to. Please Blaine," Kurt stared at Blaine. It hurt Blaine so much to see Kurt suffer but he knew it would help him in the end.

"Come on. It's ok, everything is going to be ok," Blaine shushed his boyfriend before leading him through the little black metal gate the stood in the presence of two accent cedar trees. 

He pulled Kurt steadily through the graveyard that was hidden under the cedar trees' long branches. They stopped at a small insignificant grave that probably didn't exist to anybody at that moment in time except for the too of them. They stood holding hands staring down at the stone:


 In Loving Memory of Elizabeth Hummel

15th March 1971 to 8th August 2001

Beloved wive, wonderful mother, missed always.


"And forever," Kurt added after Blaine read the stone. "Happy Mother's Day Mum." And with that out of his pocket Kurt pulled out an envelope that was addressed to 'Mum'. Blaine stopped breathing for a moment as he watched Kurt bend down and place the card perfectly on his mother's grave.

"Oh...I forgot," Blaine said shyly running back to the car.

"Here," Blaine smiled giving Kurt a bunch of radiant red roses.

" got these mum?" Kurt stared down at the beautiful flowers.

"Well yeah. I thought it look really nice." Blaine blushed.

Kurt didn't seemed to be able to say anything anymore. The tears leaked down his face making it red and blotchy. He placed the flowers with the card.

Kurt glanced at Blaine who was staring at him admiringly. "Stop looking at me like that. I look horrible!"

"You're still beautiful to me, Kurt," Blaine laid his head on Kurt's shoulder.



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