July 12, 2012, 9:25 p.m.
July 12, 2012, 9:25 p.m.
Senior Year. Kurt Hummel had been looking forwards to this forever. This would be the year that everything worked out for him. Last year New Directions made it to Nationals; this year they would win. Kurt would also get into NYADA, he knew it in his heart. Nothing else mattered to him. So what if he still didn't have a boyfriend. There would be plenty of guys for him to choose from once he got to New York. And all of the bullies, especially Karofsky could shove it.
Just as he thought those words, a freezing cold red slushy was tossed into his face. The dye and ice stung his eyes and ruined his new shirt.
This is what you get for having your head in the clouds, Hummel, he thought.
"That's a good color for you, Lady Boy," Karofsky yelled.
Laughter from the jocks followed him as he blindly made his way into the bathroom. His brand new white Marc Jacobs shirt was ruined; the dye would never come out of it. The good year he wanted was getting off to a wonderful start.
Once his eyes and hair were rinsed out, and he changed into the spare clothing he had brought. Three years of being at the bottom of the food chain and in Glee taught him to always be prepared. That meant having a change of clothes somewhere and enough emergency hair care and facial products to keep his hair and pale complexion flawless.
"Where've you been?" Mercedes asked as he walked into his first period History class ten minutes late.
"I got slushied," he muttered out angrily.
She gave him a sympathetic look, and said, "Already? God they're going to torture us this year."
"God, I hope not. My wardrobe simply can't afford to take any more damage!" he moaned.
"Since you spent the whole morning in the bathroom, you haven't heard the news," she whispered to him.
Kurt gave her a blank look.
"There's a new kid, and him and Puck had a confrontation just before the bell." Mercedes' voice held excitement.
"Puck and Finn were joking around. Puck saw him and said something about him being short. The kid knocked the shit out of Puck. I think he broke his nose. You'll have to ask Finn about it."
"Is Finn okay?" Kurt asked dreading the answer. He was well over his crush from three years ago, but Finn was his brother. Kurt would feel bad if anything happened to him.
"No, he's fine. He keeps laughing at Puck though, telling everyone he got the shit beat out of him by a Hobbit."
The bell signaling the end of class ended while she was still talking about the incident. The countertenor totally missed everything the teacher said. At least he had the class with a friend though. He hated history with a passion.
"I'll catch up with you later, Mercedes," he said heading back towards his locker to get his Advanced French books. Other than Glee, this was definitely Kurt's favorite class. Mostly because he was already fluent in the language. After New York, Kurt's dream was to live in Paris for a minimum of one year.
As he rounded the corner to his locker, a leather jacket was leaning against it, chatting up two very flirty Cheerios. The person attached to the jacket was the most sinfully gorgeous man Kurt had ever laid eyes on. The bad boy look totally worked for the guy, especially with his dark hair which was gelled down and his dark complexion. His smile was breathtaking too. Those were the first things Kurt noticed.
After a second, he realized the boy was a little on the short side, and realized he must be the new kid Mercedes kept going on about. He doubted she had seen the boy though, because there was no way the diva would have been able to not talk about how hot he was.
Dread filled Kurt as he came closer to the boy and his locker. He'd already hit Puck, without much retaliation yet. Finding out what he would do to someone like Kurt for telling him to move was not high on the singer's list.
"Excuse me," Kurt said. His voice was quieter than usual and unsteady. Why am I so nervous, he thought.
The boy turned his head towards him. An amused smirk graced his very kissable lips. Kurt couldn't help but take in his high cheek bones and slightly Eurasian features. Golden-hazel eyes stared back at him from below some very quirky triangular eyebrows. The left eyebrow was raised in question. Perfection was the only words that came to mind.
"Can I get to my locker?" Kurt asked him, gesturing to the one the new kid was leaning against.
"Why?" His voice was like heaven to Kurt, despite the rudeness of the statement.
"So I can get my books."
The boy shrugged his shoulders and went back to talking to the Cheerios, ignoring Kurt.
"I'd really rather not be late for class, especially since it's the first day of school. Can't you find someone else's locker to block?" He huffed out in a quick breath.
Slowly, the new boy turned his eyes back to Kurt. The amusement had been replaced with annoyance. "Ask me nicely, faggot, and I might think about moving," he said menacingly.
Kurt grimaced. All he needed was another homophobe in this school to push him around. By the end of the day, this guy would be buddies with Karofsky, he just knew it.
"I asked nicely the first time. You were rude and chose to ignore me, asshole." He probably shouldn't have said that, but Kurt's anger was getting the best of him. Wasn't one bully enough? He didn't need another one, especially not one as sinful as this guy.
"Well now, you're the one being rude, fairy," the dark haired boy growled out.
"Please just move!"
One of the Cheerios laid he hand gently on his arm and leaned up to whisper something in his ear. A delicious smirk formed across his face as he listened intently to what she said. His eyes never left Kurt's.
Why he was thinking favorably about the way the boy looked, Kurt couldn't explain. The dark haired new kid looked like he came right out of a fashion add. It intrigued him, despite the obvious homophobia.
"Since it's my first day, and I want to make a good impression on these two lovely ladies, I'll give you thirty seconds," he said. He shifted down one locker, taking the girls with him.
Kurt shot the boy an exasperated look, but rushed to open his locker, nearly forgetting the combination. Those gorgeous golden eyes stayed on him as he tossed hiss History book into the locker and snatched his French text books out. It unnerved the singer. He barely took the time to close the locker before scurrying off towards the Madame LeFebvre's class.
Laughter from the Cheerios and the new kid followed him into the classroom. The late bell rang seconds after the door closed behind him. Holding his head down, he made his way to the seat nearest the window towards the back of the room. It had been his seat for the past three years. A few stragglers came in as the teacher was still gathering papers, giving him plenty of time to pull his notebook out and get situated. This was by far the latest he had ever been to a French class yet.
"Settle down everyone," Madame LeFebvre said with her very Parisian accent. "Most of you should know this, but I'll remind you once again. I expect you to be in your seats before the late bell. My class starts exactly when the late bell rings. No exceptions." She eyed several of the tardy students.
"Now seeing as this is the Advanced class, after today all of the directions will be spoken in French. I will not be using English after today."
The door opened once more while she was passing out the syllabus. Kurt looked up and groaned. Nothing was going to go his way. The one class where no one ever messed with him and the new kid just had to be in it.
"Thank you for joining us, Mr. Anderson," Mme. LeFebvre said without glancing at him. "Take the seat behind Kurt, and next time you're late I'll assign you a detention."
Why me, Kurt though as the boy sat in the seat behind him.
Luckilly, the class passed without the boy, whose first name he learned was Blaine, passed uneventfully after that. Kurt guessed getting in trouble once by the teacher was enough for the first day. Still, the thought of spending the next year with Blaine Anderson sitting behind him did not sit well with Kurt.
His next class, English, went by without any interruptions. Lunch was another story though. Mercedes and Rachel both caught up with him, still talking about the incident between Blaine and Puck.
"He's so mad!" Rachel said. "It's not like anyone ever takes Puck seriously, but the new guy broke his nose."
"I hope Puck does kick his ass. He deserves it," Kurt said without thinking.
Both girls turned to look at him.
"I've never heard you say something like that about anyone," Rachel said.
"What happened?" Mercedes asked.
"I've met the new kid. His name's Blaine," Kurt said nonchalantly, trying to brush off the girls questions. He glanced around the cafeteria, spotting Blaine talking to some more Cheerios. "That's him," he gestured to the dark haired boy.
The two girls stared at Blaine eyes wide and mouths open.
"What are they looking at?" Tina asked, sitting down.
'Have you seen the new kid yet?" Rachel said.
"The one that broke Puck's nose?"
"That's him," she pointed towards Blaine.
"He's gorgeous!" Tina exclaimed. "There's no way he bested Puck though."
"I'll ask Finn about it. He was there. Anyway, according to Kurt, his name is Blaine."
Three pairs of eyes were immediately on him. It made Kurt nervous. "He's in my French class, and he's the biggest asshole I've ever met."
He spent the next ten minutes telling them about his encounter with Blaine in the hallway. He didn't mention the attraction he felt towards the dark haired boy though. It totally evaporated once Blaine's mouth opened.
Mike and Rachel were in his next class, Calculus. Kurt was thankful too, because he was really bad with math. He'd need someone to help him with the problems. The three of them sat down, Mike in front of the two of them.
"Please tell me you'll help me pass this class. I don't even know why I signed up for it in the first place. I hate math!" Rachel whined.
"Don't look at me. I'm awful at it. I'm only taking it because advanced math classes will look good on my NYADA application."
"You'll help us out, right Mike?" Rachel said dramatically to the dancer.
The other guy paid no attention to the two of them. Rachel and Kurt had started arguing over whose idea it was to take the math class. Kurt's brain functioned for languages and theatre only. There was no room in it for silly formulas and equations he would never have to use in his life. Like he told his step-brother's obnoxious girlfriend though, it would look better on his NYADA application. Especially considering he didn't have much to put on it. The only club Kurt participated in was Glee and he never auditioned for any of the roles in the school plays. It was hard enough for him to walk around the school without adding that to the list.
Once the late bell rang, and the teacher called the class to order, the two singers immediately stopped their talking. Kurt might hate math, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try his hardest to pass with an A. The teacher passed around the syllabus and then a placement test for the students to work on. The test was to gauge where the class stood as a whole, and to see what they retained over the summer.
Fifteen minutes into the test, the door to the class opened with a loud bang. Kurt looked up from the paper he was scribbling on, desperately trying to remember how to work the problem, only to land on Blaine. A groan escaped his lips. Was it really necessary to have more than one class with the new guy?
The teacher called Blaine over to her and had a stern conversation with him before she pointed him to an empty desk. Relief flooded through Kurt as he realized the only open desks were on the opposite side of the room, well away from him.
"That was awful!" Rachel said once they were done. "I didn't even know what half of those problems were! And then that Blaine kid, that's what you said his name was right, had to bust into the room like that!" Kurt drowned the sound of her voice out as they made their way out of the room. He didn't want to hear Rachel complain anymore.
Mike turned back to him, "That's the guy that Puck got into a fight with?"
"I'm never letting him live it down. He got beat up by a midget!" Mike was laughing to himself.
"You and Finn both. I still haven't seen Finn, so I don't know the whole story yet."
"I'll get it from him in football. See you, Kurt," Mike said, waiving as he walked away.
Just two more classes, Kurt thought to himself. Maybe the universe would take mercy and let his last two classes be asshole and jock free.
Or maybe it wouldn't. He had Art with Tina, then Physics. Another class he would despise with a passion. It was cruel that the universe also put Karofsky and Blaine in his last class of the day. The entire period, Kurt wanted nothing more than to vanish into thin air as the two of them "made friends".
It was more like Karofsky was impressed with Blaine's take-no-shit attitude. Blaine didn't actually seem to want to talk to Karofsky, but tolerated the Neanderthal through class. The teacher mentioned she would be assigning groups of four to work in labs together throughout the year. Kurt prayed to every non-existent god he didn't believe in that neither of them was placed in the same group as him.
When the bell rang, Kurt was the first person out of the room, getting away from his tormentor and the new kid as fast as possible. Mapping out how to safely get to Glee from Physics would be something he could work on tomorrow. All Kurt wanted to do was get home and pretend the day was nothing but a bad dream.
If anything, he was thankful he didn't have to wait on Finn, since his step brother had football, and could leave immediately.
oooooooooooooh I'm interested, looks so good :D
Pleeeeeease, keep going. I love bad boyBlaine. And I like the way you write. I have been dreaming with a fic like that. Blaine is the bully and slowly fall in love with Kurt. I dream with Klaine all the time.Gezz :) P.S. Sorry for any mistakes.English is not my linguage native. I'm from Brazil.We speak portuguese. kisses
Oooo...please keep going...I can't wait for more!!!