Make Me Stronger
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Story
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Make Me Stronger: Chapter 8

E - Words: 1,810 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: May 15, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2012
206 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/N:Woooow! Long Time since the last update. I'm sooooooooooo very sorry it's been so long. I've gone back and done a bit of editing to some previous chapters, especially chapters one and two. To everyone that follows this little pet project, especially those that have reviewed, this is for you. Also, since this is technically and AU, I've taken some artistic liberties with some certain characters. You'll see who ;)


It took everything in Blaine not to follow Kurt into his house and tell his father. The man deserved to know some closeted asshole was abusing his son, but Kurt wanted to tell the man in his own time. Kurt would take his time telling his father, which worked out perfectly for Blaine.

Having Burt Hummel get involved too soon would be detrimental to his plans. The curly haired teen was coming to care for the younger boy, a lot. He took care of the people he cared for. Kurt needed to be protected from the overweight football player, and the perfect way to do that was have Kurt transfer to Dalton.

The drive back went by quickly. It was unnerving for Blaine at how fast driving between Lima and Dalton was becoming a routine. He barely thought about that though. His thoughts were consumed with ideas on how to get Kurt into Dalton.

First thing, he needed to have Kurt make friends with the Warblers, specifically the inner circle. Of course, he would have to get them on board with the plan first.

Upon arriving, Blaine immediately went to his dorm building. With the exception of the freshmen, all the Warbler's boarded in the same building. Said building was located just at the edge of the woods that surrounded the grounds. It was an old colonial mansion that had been remodeled as dorm rooms when the school was first founded in 1822. Briarwood House and the Administrative building were the only two original buildings.

His friends were gathered in the game room on the ground floor, he could hear them yelling the moment he walked through the front door. It wasn't surprising, the Warblers were quite loud.

Wes was the first to see him when he entered the room. "Where the fuck did you vanish to?" the Asian boy asked. "You skipped out on practice, after you've been gone for a week."

"He's probably been off to see Kurt," Jeff said.

"Of course he did," David said. "How was he?"

Suddenly the game the boys were playing was paused, and Blaine had every eye in the room looking at him curiously.

"Who's Kurt?" Trent Nixon, one of the Junior Warblers, asked.

"Just a friend and he's good," Blaine said.

"Yeah he's just a friend," Jeff said with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"A friend Blaine is in love with," Nick added. He and Jeff then dissolved into laughter.

Bastards, Blaine thought glaring at the two.

That only served to make everyone in the room laugh.

"Wes, David, I need to talk to you guys," Blaine said. He hit both Jeff and Nick before shoving them after the other two.

The group went upstairs to the study loft they had claimed as theirs during Blaine's first year in Briarwood House. It was just outside his and Jeff's dorm, and slightly separated from the rest of the house. The five boys often hung out in the room after lights out. It also doubled as a meeting room for the Warblers since Wes and David were on the Council and Blaine was the lead soloist.

Once they were in the room, Blaine shut the door that connected it with the rest of the house before turning to his closest friends.

"I need your help with something," he said.

"Having trouble getting Kurt to date you?" Nick asked.

"Don't know how anyone could help you with that. You're much better at talking people into things than we are," Jeff added.

"But we're totally up to helping," Nick finished. They once again dissolved into laughter.

The two were starting to annoy Blaine. His little smack downstairs didn't have the desired effect. Next time there was a Fight, Blaine was going to fight both of them.

"Both of you shut up," Wes commanded.

They instantly complied giving the older boy sheepish looks.

"What do you need help with, Blaine?" David asked.

"Before I start, it cannot leave this room for any reason," Blaine said.

"You know it won't," Wes assured him. "I'll make sure dumb and dumber keep their mouths closed."

Blaine nodded, and then said, "Remember how Kurt was telling us about the bullies at his school?" He sat on the arm of the couch, next to Jeff.

"How could I forget? He nearly started crying on us when the we mentioned the zero tolerance policy," David said.

"Well, it's worse than he lets on. A lot worse, and I want you to help me get him away from the people in that school," Blaine said.

"How bad is bad, and what exactly will him transferring schools do?" David asked.

"He's been assaulted by a closeted football player, then threatened by him. Kurt's too scared to say anything to anyone else. Plus, I don't think his friends really care. When I went to pick him up, the football player said some things, and not one acted like it bothered them," Blaine explained.

"So his friends are assholes, and if he doesn't want people to know, then that's his issue to deal with," David said.

"You can't manipulate us like you do everyone else around here Blaine," Wes said. "Tell us the fucked up plan you've come up with, and then we'll decide if we want to help you or not."

"Make friends with him and treat him better than his friends. Then he'll want to transfer," Blaine said. He needed Kurt to transfer on his own, believe it was his choice, not Blaine's.

"You want to cause a rift between him and his friends so he'll have no choice but to transfer," Nick said.

He really couldn't get anything past them.

"And what exactly will him transferring here accomplish?" Wes asked.

"I'll have better access to him."

"Access isn't an issue, Blaine. You've got more money than you know what to do with. You don't even have to be here, the dean would make sure you passed with honors. There's something more." Wes looked at his best friend with knowing eyes.

"I told you, I want Kurt," Blaine said. His simple plan was turning into the Spanish Inquisition. He was not prepared for this.

He really should have come up with a better plan. Telling Kurt's dad would have been easier; he doesn't know Blaine's tricks. Blaine's friends knew them all too well though. It's been years since he was able to get something by Wes. Not to mention every single one of them could tell when he was hiding something.

"Liar. Spill it now or I will make sure that Kurt finds out what you're trying to do," Wes said.

"I told you I want him." Blaine wasn't lying. "But he would be… safer here."

His friends looked at him curiously.

With an exasperated sigh, Blaine said, "He's getting death threats from one of his bullies. And before you say anything he's too terrified to tell anyone."

"So you want us to help you manipulate him into transferring so he can get away from some dickwad, and in the process you're going to fuck him and break his heart," Nick said.

"If you care about his safety, I think you need to take yourself out of the equation, Blainers," Jeff said.

"He's right. Not that manipulating that poor kid is right," David added. "If you're going to do it though, do it for the right reasons."

"Getting him away from that school is a good reason," Blaine said. He was starting to get frustrated with his friends. Usually they went along with his requests, no questions asked.

Of course, the one time he needed them to just agree, they would argue.

"You having more access to him shouldn't even come up of it's truly about his safety," Wes said. "If that were the case, you could just go behind his back and speak with his father or the school itself. Or you know, have your father do it."

"It's not that simple."

Wes stared at Blaine for several long minutes. No one else in the room dared to speak as they all looked back and forth between the two. Eventually, Wes relented.

"We'll help you," the Asian boy sighed.

Relief flooded though Blaine. It was short lived though. A few hours later, after the boys had retired to their rooms, Wes knocked on Blaine's door.

"Get out, Jeff," he ordered.

Quickly, the blond scrambled from the room. With the door closed, Wes rounded on Blaine.

"I wasn't going to call you out in front of them, but I want you to spill, right now."

"Spill what?" Blaine asked.

"Don't Blaine. Not today. There's something you aren't saying, I want to know what it is before I stick my neck out for you. If this backfires, it'll effect all of us."

"He reminds me of Eli," Blaine said quietly.

A groan escaped from Wes' lips.

Eli was a student at my old school, and Blaine's first boyfriend. He was sweet and naive. His world was completely different from the one Blaine lived in and he still had this childlike way of looking at the world. It wasn't that he was sheltered, but the jaded view most of Blaine's peers had on the world was lost to him. Back then greed and power hadn't corrupted him. He still believed in the goodness of people.

Everything about him was angelic. His eyes were kind and inviting. Eli liked to take care of the people around him, even though he often didn't have the means to help others.

It didn't last long, and it was entirely Blaine's fault. Every time he gave the other boy anything, it came with a price. Within a few months, Blaine controlled every move the other boy made. Eli became little more than an indentured servant that provided Blaine with sexual gratification.

Then when Eli's family lost everything, Blaine had his father "help" them out financially. Of course before the debt could be even partially paid back, Blaine and Eli were outed. As things escalated with school, their relationship went from bad to worse. Often, Blaine took his frustrations out on his boyfriend. Then the dance happened. It was Eli's brother he got into the fight with.

Looking back, Jason probably wanted to kill him more for the hell his brother had been though than for Blaine being gay.

Wes knew the entire story, better than anyone else in their friend group. He also knew last time Blaine and him saw Eli, he was on drugs and prostituting himself out. Wes blamed Blaine for that.

"Blaine," he said.

"I swear I learned my lesson last time. I'm not sitting though that lecture again. Why would I do everything I'm my power to get him away from his tormentor, then turn around and do the same things?"

"Just be careful, please Blaine. I can't watch you get that close to the edge again."

"I've got…healthier ways of getting my frustrations out now. It's been three years anyway. I'm not the same person."

Wes nodded. "I'm watching you. And I swear to God, if I even see a hint of your past behavior with this, I'm going straight to your father about it."

"I understand."

Going to his father meant more time with the psychologists. That definitely wasn't happening again.

End Notes: E/N: I know it's not my best work, but it's a new chapter. I honestly didn't plan for this, but it's the direction the story decided to take me. Reviews please? And for updates, and if you've got any questions, my tumblr is youretheklainethatiwant.


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