Make Me Stronger
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Make Me Stronger: Chapter 7

E - Words: 2,296 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: May 15, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2012
250 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: So, my summer was insanely busy. My brother came to visit for two months, I worked on my novel, and went and....wait for it....socialized. Anyway, I don't know when I'll be able to update again. I swear it won't be this long of a wait again. I've got another story I want to start working on, and I'll update OTE sometime in the next couple of weeks. Anyway, I'll let you get to reading this chapter.-VAL


Completely oblivious to the nefarious thoughts swirling through Blaine's head, Kurt was content to lie there wrapped in the older boy's arms. He was mentally exhausted. A part of him felt relieved to finally get everything out, to tell someone the truth. The two of them remained cuddled on Blaine's insanely comfortable and huge bed for what felt like hours to Kurt. Neither of them spoke for what seemed like hours. They both ignored the feather light kisses Blaine had placed on Kurt's temple and the possessive way his arms tightly held the younger boy. Slowly, he began to drift off.

Just as the world began to fall away, Blaine softly said into his ear, "You can't fall asleep on me."

His voice sounded distant through the sleep filled haze that fogged Kurt's brain. A shiver ran through him at the warmth of Blaine's breath.

"'M not asleep," he mumbled.

Blaine chuckled lowly. "Yes you are."

He let go of Kurt and got up. Kurt whined at the loss of warmth, nearly falling backwards.

"Come one. I'll give you a tour. That'll wake you up."

Still half asleep, he stumbled when his feet touched the floor after Blaine pulled him off the bed. The only thing that kept him from falling down was the tight grip the dark haired boy had on his arms.

"We can start with my closet," Blaine offered.

Immediately Kurt perked up. He pulled back from the older boy, and said, "Lead the way, Mr. Anderson."

With a smile, he took the younger boy's hand and led him through the archway that separated the bed from the sitting area of his room. There was a small hallway on the opposite side of the room. Blaine led him into the hallway, and gestured to the two doors on either side of him.

"Take your pick," Blaine said.

"You have two closets?" Kurt asked amazement in his voice.

"Dress clothes and uniforms are in this one," he said gesturing to the door on the left. "And everything else is in this one."

"Then I think we'll start with the one on the right then. I see your uniform all the time," Kurt said.

Blaine pushed the door open and led Kurt in.

Once the light was flipped on, Kurt had to hold in a gasp. The closet was long and narrow, with shelving holding ties, bowties, hats, and other accessories at each end. Everything else was clothes, more than even he owned. Above the racks were over a hundred pairs of shoes. He felt as though the closet was a small store, with the latest of designer fashions.

"I'm stealing your closet, Blaine," he said. Though he said it jokingly, he really did want to steal everything in it.

"You can take anything whenever you want. I rarely wear half of it."

Thoughts of what he could take went through Kurt's head. After looking at the seemingly endless selection he said, "I'll need more than an hour to figure out what I want to take."

Blaine chuckled. "Of course you do. Come one, we can't waste the rest of the day in here."

He took Kurt by the hand and led him out of the room and towards a third door at the end of the hallway. It led to the most extravagant bathroom Kurt had ever been in. In direct contrast to the dark red and black of Blaine's bedroom and sitting area, the bathroom was done in bright white and muted greys. The floor was white marble with streaks of grey running through it, and the counters were the opposite. An enormous Jacuzzi tub was directly across from the door. In front of it were two faux roman columns that reached to the high ceiling. A shower that could easily fit three or four people was situated next to it. Above it all was a shimmering chandelier.

Kurt, who was pushed through the door first, whirled around to face Blaine, "Did you steal the master bed or something?"

"No," the dark haired boy laughed. "The master suite is downstairs. I did force my brother to give this room up when he moved out a few years ago though."

The two boys exited the bathroom, and passed through the sitting area which was done in the same black and red color scheme as the actual bed room.

Blaine pointed to the French doors on the opposite side of the room and said, "There's a balcony out there."

Instead of going onto it, Blaine led curt out of his room, and back down the rounded staircase.

"The second floor is mainly bedrooms. There is a library, but it's not that interesting," he commented while they walked.

"Your house is like a castle," Kurt said. He was in awe of everything, especially the formal living room, which he laid eyes on once they walked under the landing. It was decorated with antique furniture, but very modern. Everything was gleaming white, but glowed orange where the evening sun shone through the high windows that spanned the back wall.

With a grimace, Blaine said, "I live in a museum."

He pointed towards the master suite before going the opposite direction. The short hallway brought them into a kitchen that had Kurt green with envy. His own kitchen could have easily fit inside this one at least thrice. The appliances were stainless steel, shinny, top of the line, and looked as though they had never been touched. Dark cherry cabinets were contrasted with granite countertops. Cooking in a kitchen like this would be something out of a dream.

It took everything in Kurt to follow Blaine around another corner and leave the kitchen behind. The mansion seemed to have endless hallways. About halfway down, he was pulled through a doorway. Behind the doorway was yet another set of stairs.

"This is my favorite part of the house," Blaine said as they descended to the basement.

An open door just to the left of the staircase led into a home theatre with several plush couches and chairs. He was pulled past it before he could get a good look inside though.

Blaine led him to the end of the hallway, which opened into a room Kurt was sure his whole house would fit into. A large television was mounted on one wall, surrounded by every gaming system imaginable. A black leather couch and several pillows and bean bags surrounded it.

Farther into the room were a few arcade games, including DDR, a foosball table, an air hockey table, a pool table, and a ping pong table. Still the room had a lot of empty space. Looking up, Kurt saw speakers, lighting fixtures, and laser machines, and realized why.

"There's a guest room in there," Blaine said pointing towards the door on the back wall. "And through there is the gym, but I know you don't care about that."

The door to the gym was nearest the air hockey table to the left of the television screen.

Nearest the two boys was a small kitchen, which looked to hold mainly snack and drinks.

Directing Kurt to the door nearest them, which was to the right of the television, Blaine said, "And through this door…" He pushed the door open, and dragged the younger boy into the room.

The countertenors eyes nearly popped out of his head. Several moments passed before he was able to form a coherent thought or word.

Finally, he stuttered out, "I thought you said your dad was a lawyer." Kurt was looking at the curly haired boy curiously.

Amusement shone brightly through Blaine's golden eyes. "He is."

"Then why…" Kurt started to say. He trailed off though, and instead ran his fingers across the expensive sound board.

"My grandfather owns Anderson Records," Blaine laughed.

Kurt's jaw dropped. "You're joking."

Anderson Records was one of the oldest and most respected recording companies in the world. It was formed in 1891, just a few years after Columbia Records. A lot of the Broadway soundtracks Kurt loved were produced by the company.

"I'm not. The studio was installed when the house was built. Sometimes we play host to artists while they record albums, but it's rare," he explained. "Mostly the Warblers and I just mess around down here."

"This is…amazing!"

"I knew you would like it. I promise when we have more time, I'll bring you back and you can play around with some of the stuff."

"No one will get mad?"

"As long as it's not in use and we don't break anything, no one cares."

"That sounds really awesome," Kurt said his voice full of excitement. "Wait, what did you mean when we have more time?"

"It's starting to get late. I'm sure you'll need to head home soon. Plus, I need to get back to Dalton before lights out."

"What time is it?"

"About seven," Blaine said after checking his watch.

Panic shot through Kurt. "Oh my God, I'm going to be in so much trouble! It's a school night. We have to go back now, Blaine!" he screeched.

Blaine chuckled earning himself a scathing glare from the other boy.

"It's a two hour drive, at best, back to Lima. I'm going to be grounded for an eternity."

"I can get you home in an hour and a half, tops. Come on."

He pulled Kurt back up the stairs and out the front door in record time. Luckily, Kurt had left all of his things in the car when the first arrived, so there was no reason to walk back to Blaine's room.

Neither boy spoke on the drive back. Blaine was concentrating on the road, and Kurt watched the tress fly by the window so quickly they appeared as green and brown blurs. It made him curious to see how fast the older boy was driving, but he was too afraid to look. It was probably for the best.

True to his word, Blaine pulled into Kurt's driveway exactly and hour and twenty seven minutes later.

"Thank you Blaine, for letting me break down in front of you," Kurt said as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

"I'm always here for you, Kurt. Anything you need, all you have to do is ask and it's yours. You don't have to thank me for it."

Kurt turned and pulled the older boy into a tight hug. "I'm tanking you anyway," he whispered.

Pulling away, Blaine softly said, "You should go inside before you get into more trouble."

The younger boy nodded, and climbed out of the car. As he walked to the front door, he felt as though his stomach were in his throat. For just a moment he hesitated before taking a deep breath and opening the door.

Once it shut firmly behind him, he heard Blaine pull out of the driveway.

Letting the deep breath out, he walked down the short hall into the living room. He could hear the television playing, and Carol's voice drifting softly through the house. His dad was seated in his favorite chair, which faced directly towards the front door. The moment Burt Hummel saw his son he jumped out of his chair.

"Where the hell have you been?" he demanded.

Carol and Finn both emerged from the kitchen to the left at the sound of Burt's voice. His stepmother looked relieved to see him and slightly disappointed. Finn just looked guilty. Kurt should have known Finn wouldn't have covered for him. Of course he could have just forgotten as easily as not bothering to say anything.

"I was with Blaine. We were talking. I didn't realize how late it had gotten," Kurt said.

"Who the hell is Blaine?"

"Dad, please, think of your heart. Blaine is just a friend from Dalton I met a couple of weeks ago," Kurt said. He walked across the room to lay a hand lightly on his dad's arm.

The man sighed, but sat back down. "Where exactly were you and this Blaine talking at?"

"His house," Kurt said. He sat lightly on the couch across from his dad.

"Which is where?"

"Westerville." He steeled himself for the coming explosion.


"Blaine lives in Westerville. Dad, please. I know you're mad at me, but you have to think about your heart."

"Forget about my damn heart, Kurt. You went to Westerville, without telling anyone, with some boy we don't know. You're grounded until farther notice."

It wasn't surprising. Kurt definitely saw it coming.

"Just, go to your room," Burt sighed.

With a guilty look, he stood up and went up the stairs. From the moment he got into Blaine's car, he knew he should have called his dad and told him something. The run in with Karofsky just before leaving, and the weight of everything the football player had been doing to him all week were the only things on his mind.

Still, in Kurt's head, Finn should have covered for him somehow. Before heading to his room, Kurt walked down the hallway to Finn's open door. His stepbrother was playing some video game, totally oblivious to the world around him.

Kurt leaned against the door frame glaring slightly at Finn. After several minutes, he finally noticed Kurt's presence and paused the game.

"Thanks' for nothing, Finn. All the times I've covered for you, you couldn't come up with anything to tell my dad?" Kurt shot the other teen a scathing look. '

"Dude, I'm sorry. I was talking to Rachel when they got home. I forgot."

"But you remember the car don't you? Just not the fact that I got into it."

"I'm sorry, dude. Next time, just tell me and I'll cover for you."

"There won't be a next time. I'm grounded. Plus, dad will probably ban me from seeing Blaine again. Next time you need a cover, don't ask me."

"Seriously, I'm sorry!"

"Clearly. And stop calling me 'dude'." With that Kurt left for his own room.

Exhaustion from the day finally caught up with him the moment he sat on his bed. With a sigh, Kurt showered and went through his moisturizing routine before lying down.

To: Blaine 
Hope you made it home safely. I can't think you enough for today, even though I'm grounded for going to Westerville without telling anyone. Good night. Xx


End Notes: E/N: Please review? And for anyone wanting to know about my updates, I'll try to post something about it on my tumblr (victoriaalizabeth) follow me for updates.


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