Make Me Stronger
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Make Me Stronger: Chapter 4

E - Words: 1,857 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: May 15, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2012
313 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: Thanks to my wonderful readers and those of you that have reviewed, it means a lot to me to hear what you think of my story. I've had a long week, but I finally got this out. Yes, I'm still procrastinating on my novel. I'm going back to it for a few days. My deadline is looming, and my editor is done with classes and hounding me. It feels good though, to get back to writing. I'd like to note, that I making Blaine a year older than Kurt (the original cannon before the writers got Anyway, here's Blaine's next chapter.


Blaine was furious. Sitting through lunch with Kurt without being able to do something to the closeted football player was exceedingly difficult. That kiss really unsettled Kurt, Blaine could see the terror in his eyes even after they had left McKinley behind.

He shouldn't even be feeling as possessive over Kurt. For one thing, it was way too soon. They only met a few days ago. The jealousy was unexplainable. Yes, he was protective of his friends. They were important to him, and no one touched them without answering to him. Another problem was the younger boy didn't seem to like violence, and it was doubtful he would react well to Blaine doing anything drastic to protect him.

Denying the way he felt was impossible though. Blaine wanted Kurt more than he has ever wanted anything in his life. The countertenor was fragile and today's events would make it that much harder for Blaine to get the boy to be comfortable around him. He needed Kurt to be comfortable around him.

He dropped Kurt off at the younger boy's house and drove back to Dalton, unable to relax. Wes, his roommate, was reading a book when he stormed through the door.

"Where the hell did you disappear to?" the Asian Warbler asked, ignoring the waves of anger rolling off his roommate.

"I went to see Kurt."

Wes knew Blaine liked the public school student. It was hard to hide the fact that he spent all night texting him from someone he shared a room with.

The other Dalton student's eyes rose questioningly. "And he made you this angry?"

"No," Blaine gritted out. "God I need to hit something."

"Let's go to the gym then. Once you calm down and stop shaking, maybe you can tell me what happened."

Blaine allowed the other boy to lead him from his room. If anyone other than Wes, and maybe Jeff, Nick or David, even tried talking to him at that moment, Blaine wouldn't have been able to stop himself from doing something stupid.

The two boys changed into their workout clothes silently, and then walked from the locker room into the actual gym. Dalton had a state-of-the-art gym complete with the latest exercise equipment. Blaine preferred boxing, which he had taken up just after eighth grade. Between him and the other boys that participated in Blaine's…club, the school went through punching bags quickly.

Hit, jab, hit, jab faster and faster Blaine's fists moved impacting the punching bag hard enough to bruise his knuckles. He couldn't stop though; he could still hear the fear and pain of Kurt's voice in his head. David Karofsky's face stayed in his head, adding fuel to the fire. The football player was insignificant to him and how dare someone like that boy do anything to traumatize Kurt. Allowing his anger to fully consume him, Blaine's form became sloppier. He kept going though, sometimes making an impact sometimes missing completely. Finally, after about thirty minutes he collapsed to the floor exhausted. He laid there panting, covered in sweat, trying to regain the ability to breathe.

"Ready to talk about it now?" Wes asked.

Blaine forgot the Warbler's Council Head was holding the bag. His eyes drifted to the other boy, "I met the guy that's been making Kurt's life miserable."

"What happened?"

"What makes you think anything happened?"

His friend gave him a knowing look.

"The bastard kissed Kurt. Well assaulted Kurt with his fucking face." The anger was beginning to return.

"The guy tormenting him is gay?" He could hear the confusion in Wes's voice.

"He's closeted. They guy won't admit it to himself."

"You think he might like Kurt, and just doesn't know how to deal with it?"

"I don't want to think about it, Wes. I don't fucking care if that's the case," Blaine shuttered at the thought. "If he comes near Kurt again, I'm going to kick his ass."

"Don't do anything stupid," he warned Blaine.

"I won't."

"You can't afford any more fights. Your dad can't afford for you to get in trouble again."

Blaine groaned. His dad was a lawyer. A very in demand defense lawyer. Getting in too much trouble would make people doubt Michael Anderson's abilities.

"If I can't control my own child, how people are supposed to have faith in me?" the man said last time Blaine got in a lot of trouble. That was just before he was shipped off to Dalton. His dad's reasoning being the school would keep him out of trouble. The real reason was it kept him out of the way so the man could focus on his trials. Two years ago it was some celebrity that committed murder. Couldn't have his son arrested for assault again when he was trying to convince the jury, and the rest of the country, the celebrity was innocent. He wasn't, but Blaine's father got him off.

He shot Wes a glare. Thinking about his father always put him in a bad mood.

"Isn't he going to run for office?"

"I don't know. We don't talk," Blaine huffed. "Now help me up," he demanded.

His roommate jerked him off the ground roughly. Blaine took the gloves off and unwrapped his hands. It was getting close to dinner time, and he was in need of a shower.

"They've been talking about it on the news," Wes said as they walked through the hallways. The few students that were around avoided the two of them. "We both know the world would be a safer place if your dad wasn't setting criminals free."

"Those criminals pay a lot of money to stay out of prison. Besides, most of them are harmless. He doesn't take on violent crimes often."

"Unless the accused person is willing to drop a couple million."

"That guy paid more than a couple of million. What was his name?"

"Fuck if I remember. Ask your brother, he knows like everyone in Hollywood."

"Yeah, he would remember. He's filming some movie right now though."

Cooper, his older brother, was even more of a fuck up as of late in their dad's eyes. Dropping out of college to pursue acting was even less acceptable than Blaine getting arrested. Possibly because they expected him to get arrested. Cooper was always the perfect child in their dad's eyes. He loved his brother though, even if their dad didn't approve of his career goals. Now that his brother was actually making money, Blaine hoped his dad and Cooper would start speaking again. Blaine missed his brother, not that he'd admit it to anyone.

"You look delicious covered in sweat," A naisely voice called out.

The two boys turned back to see Sebastian leaning against a wall staring at them. On his cheek he sported a large bruise, his lip had a butterfly stitch on it, and his arm was in a sling. Blaine couldn't determine if the look in his face was lust or hate.

"Can I help you with something?" Blaine asked. He really didn't want to deal with the pushy younger boy.

The boy pushed off the wall, "Actually there is something…" Sebastian glanced down at Blaine's crotch.

"It's not happening; now fuck off before I add a black eye to your ugly face." Blaine's tone was harsh. He absolutely loathed the guy. The thought of sleeping with the guy, which is what Sebastian wanted, literally made him want to vomit.

"Don't start anything today, Smythe," Wes said as he pulled Blaine away. "Just let it go for now," he said quietly to his best friend.

"I'm skipping dinner. I can't take anymore bullshit from people."

"Just don't miss Warbler rehearsal."

"I don't like getting hit with gavels, so there won't be a problem with that."


The two boys parted ways after that. Blaine returned to the solitude of their dorm room. Skipping his afternoon classes meant he had to make up the class work and do the homework between Warbler rehearsals. With sectionals coming up in just a couple of weeks, they were pushing themselves harder than ever. From what he had learned talking to Kurt, the New Directions was going to be tough to beat.

Kurt. The few conversations he was having with the boy were affecting him. Yes, he still wanted to have the boy underneath him, but he was starting to get to know the person behind the gorgeous face. That was…bad. He didn't do relationships. They were too complicated. He hated all the drama that came with dating someone. After that damn dance right at the beginning of his freshman year, Blaine swore off dating all together. Five days was the longest he'd ever been with someone, and that included the chase.

Yes, it had only been two days, but he had the feeling that it would take much longer than a week or two to get the countertenor to sleep with him. A part of him was okay with that, and it really scared him. Blaine couldn't stop talking to the younger boy though. Kurt's vulnerability kept drawing him in. He'd have to be very careful; otherwise it would be too hard to walk away once he slept with the boy.

After a quick shower and changing into a pair of jeans, Blaine pulled his phone out.


To: Kurt

Feeling any better?

Blaine certainly wasn't feeling much better. He wasn't pissed off anymore, but his mind was still all over the place. Pulling out a cigarette, he opened the window. The ledge was uncomfortable, so he hung one let out the window to help him balance. Wes would kill him for smoking in the dorm.

To be honest, he wasn't too fond of the smell either. Going outside to smoke was too much effort though. Freshman year he perfected the art of smoking out the window.

He leaned his head back against the frame and closed his eyes. Taking a long drag of the cigarette, he was finally able to clear his head. Then his phone went off.


From: Kurt

Much better, thank you I'm sorry about him pushing you like that.


To: Kurt

It's fine, really. He needed to hear what I said, regardless of if he accepts himself or not. And he needs to leave you alone.


From: Kurt

I hope he does. I don't really want to thank about Karofsky right now. Thank you for coming today though. I don't know how I'll ever be able to pay you back.

Many things came to Blaine's mind. Kurt leaned over his desk, ass waiting for Blaine. The boy's lips wrapped around his cock as Blaine fucked his mouth. Shoving the thoughts away, he sent a nice, innocent message back.


To: Kurt

It's not a problem. You don't have to pay me back for doing the right thing. Anyway, how was glee?


From: Kurt

Awful! Rachel spent the entire time complaining about her solo, again! I don't know what Finn sees in her. Sometime I want to rip her hair out.


To: Kurt

You sound like a girl…


To: Kurt

Sorry. That was really rude.


To: Blaine

…I reread that after I sent it. I did sound like a girl. Promise I will NEVER say anything like that again.

They continued texting until Warbler rehearsal at six. Skipping dinner to smoke and text just before what was sure to be a vigorous rehearsal probably wasn't the best idea in the world. Blaine grabbed a granola bar on the way out of his door. Something was better than nothing. And he did have a pretty big lunch.


End Notes: E/N: This chapter was really hard to write. Something about this version of Blaine is unpredictable. He's such an unstable character. Reviews please?


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I'm intrigued. What's Blaine gonna doooooo?