Make Me Stronger
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Make Me Stronger: Chapter 3

E - Words: 2,213 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: May 15, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2012
327 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: Thanks so much to all of my readers, and my reviewers. I love receiving feedback, especially on stories like this. I have no idea where this will lead still, so your suggestions would be wonderful. So, this is obviously a slight AU. I'd like to inform everyone of some major changes that I've made to the Glee story line. First off, Burt and Carol are already married by the time Kurt and Blaine meet; also I plan to shorten some things for my own purposes. There are a couple of scenes from The Substitute and Furt that I would like to keep. After that, I'm going to deviate quite drastically. Anyway, here's chapter three. The next one might take longer since I haven't started on it.-VAL


Kurt texted Blaine until he fell asleep around eleven. Honestly, Kurt didn't expect the number to work or Blaine to reply so quickly. He couldn't deny the flirty nature of the text messages either. They made Kurt feel really good, not that he could explain why. There was one thing he did know; he was falling for Blaine, fast. He wasn't even sure Blaine thought of him more than a charity case or a pet project.

The first text he received the next day was during his second period class, Glee. Why the school counted the extracurricular as electives, he didn't know, but it was nice to have at least one class he felt completely safe in.

(9:37 AM)

From: Blaine


One simple word that made his day so much brighter. Kurt replied a thank you to him.

"What's with the smile?" Mercedes asked after the girls' spectacular mash-up of Living on a Prayer and Start Me Up.


"Who is he?" Rachel asked. Both of them still in the black leather outfits from their performance.

"Blaine. I met him yesterday when Puck sent me to spy on the Warblers," Kurt said. He couldn't help it. He had to tell his girls.

"We have to run, but I want to hear all about him at lunch," Mercedes said as they walked out of the choir room. All of their lockers were on different sides of the school, and all of them needed to get the books for their next class.

He waived them off then headed in the opposite direction to his own locker. As he walked, he couldn't resist pulling his iPhone out and looking at the simple word again. The countertenor knew the older boy was thinking about him and the situation he was in when he sent that text. A smile formed across his lips as he started at the text.

What Kurt didn't see was Dave Karofsky walking towards him. At least, he didn't until his phone was suddenly hitting the ground and he flew sideways before slamming into a locker. Fear shot through him, along with pain in his arm. Kurt knew there would be a bruise there tomorrow. Quickly that fear turned to anger and determination. Taking Blaine's words to heart, Kurt took off running after the oafish football player.

"Hey!" he yelled as he chased the larger boy.

"I am talking to you!" Kurt said, demanding Karofsky's attention, as he burst through the doorway.

"The girl's locker room's next door," he said dismissively while cleaning out his locker.

"What is your problem?"

"Excuse me?" The football player turned around angrily.

Getting directly in the boy's face, Kurt said, "What are you so scared of?"

"Besides you sneaking in here to peak at my junk?" He spoke like it was the most obvious thing in the entire world.

"Oh yeah, every straight guys nightmare," Kurt said sarcastically, "that all us gays are secretly out to molest and convert you." He gestured wildly with his hands, trying to control the anger at the football player's ignorance. "Well guess what hamhock, you're not my type." He enunciated every word in the last part of that sentence, trying to get the point across to the oaf.

Being gay didn't mean he was attracted to every boy he met, regardless of body type, age, or sexual preference. There were things Kurt liked in guys, the same way a guy likes things about a girl, not that she is a girl. None of that even took feelings and personality into consideration. Homophobes were the bane of Kurt's existence, mostly because ignorance bothered him to no end.

"That right?"

They were standing inches away from one another now.

Looking directly into the taller boy's face without hesitating, Kurt said, "Yeah, I don't dig on chubby boys who sweat too much and are going to be bald by time they're thirty."

Inside he was panicking. Nothing in the world would have made him happier than to run away, but he stood his ground. He was breathless from anger and fear.

"Do not push me Hummel!" Karofsky gritted out, raising his fist to Kurt's face.

"You gonna hit me. Do it." Don't run was his mantra. Over and over he repeated it in his head.

"Don't push me!" Karofsky said his voice becoming louder and angrier. His hand reached out, grabbed the locker door, and slammed it close. The sound was like a gunshot in the room, and it took everything in Kurt not to flinch at the sound.

"Hit me, because it's not going to change who I am. You can't punch the gay out of me anymore than I can punch the ignoramus out of you." He couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. Yes, he was still terrified the football player was going to actually beat him up, but the words were long overdue.

"I said get out of my face!" The angry scream was almost hysterical.

Kurt couldn't stop the words coming from his mouth. Two years of endless torment and he was finally able to confront the football player. "You are nothing but a scared little boy who can't handle how extraordinarily ordinary you are."

There was no time to enjoy the relief of finally being able to get those words out. His moment was ruined when the football player reached out and grabbed his face. The fear that shot through Kurt was unlike anything he'd ever experienced before. Still, it didn't prepare him for what his tormentor did next.

Shock flowed through Kurt as the Neanderthal's lips assaulted his own. He stood there frozen. It was the single worst moment in his high school career. After what felt like an eternity, Karofsky backed off. Kurt was still frozen in place with shock. When he leaned in to force another unwanted kiss on the younger boy, Kurt shoved him away with more force than he thought he was capable of.

Karofsky hit the lockers angrily and glared at Kurt. The singer kept backing away slowly, trying not to spook himself or his tormentor. Slowly, he brought his hand up to cover his mouth.

Tears formed in his eyes, threatening to spill down his cheeks rapidly. Kurt was shaking so badly he thought he would fall. For several minutes after the football player stormed out of the room, all Kurt was able to do was stand there.

One bell passed, then another. Kurt was definitely late for class, not that he was able to remember which one. He may have regained the ability to move, but that didn't mean he wasn't still terrified.

The thought, what if he comes back, ran through Kurt's head.

Slowly, Kurt left the locker room and walked back towards his locker. Karofsky kissed him, his worst tormentor was gay. The effeminate boy didn't know what to think or what to do. There was someone that would know.

As he walked, he began searching frantically on the ground for his phone. He had to talk to Blaine about what happened. He needed advice or something.

His iPhone was lying just a few feet from his locker, surprisingly still there and undamaged. At least some things were working out for him.


To Blaine:

Remember that bully I told you about? Well, I took your advice and stood up to him.

Kurt pressed send and hoped the other boy replied back quickly. Then he made his way to the D wing boys bathroom. It was usually deserted, and a good place to for him to hide. Going to class and explaining why he was late was not something Kurt could do at the moment.


From Blaine:

What happened?

Of course Blaine would pick up on the fact that it didn't go well. Despite not knowing the boy for twenty-four hours, Kurt had realized the Dalton student was extremely perceptive.


To Blaine:

Want the full story or the short version?


From Blaine:

Are you okay?


To Blaine:

Physically I'm fine. Not so much mentally.


From Blaine:

Give me five minutes and I'll call. I'm guessing you aren't in class right now.

The phone call came in eight, not that he was counting the minutes. Blaine was out of breath, but hearing his voice somehow made Kurt feel much better.

He spoke quietly, explaining everything from chasing him down to the kiss and what happened afterword. Blaine remained quiet while he spoke, but Kurt could hear the gears turning in his head.

"You have lunch at eleven thirty, right?" the older boy asked when he finished.


"I'll be there as soon as you get out of class."

"Blaine, thank you, but you don't have to do anything."

"I'm just going to talk to him. I promise to back off if he escalates things'

Kurt smiled at the boy's offer. "You don't have to. I don't want you getting in trouble for skipping class."

"I won't get in trouble, and I want to, Kurt. I want you to feel safe."

True to his word, Blaine was waiting for him the moment he got out of his French class. It only slightly surprised Kurt to see Blaine standing outside the door when he walked out, dressed in his Dalton uniform. People were staring at him curiously. Many of the girls, Kurt noticed, were eyeing him hungrily. If only they knew.

Pushing questions about how Blaine knew which class was his to the back of his mind, Kurt led the Dalton student through the halls to the amphitheater outside the cafeteria.

Most of the jocks sat at the window overlooking the area, so he led the dark haired boy up the steps outside. Outing people wasn't really Kurt's thing, regardless of what people have done to him. He hoped they would catch the football player alone.

"Thanks again for coming," he said softly.

"Don't worry about it; just let me do the talking." Blaine had that flawless smile on his face again and his voice calmed Kurt's nerves, which were beginning to go crazy again.

Fear rushed through him as he saw his tormentor rushing down the stairs. "There he is," he said and gestured discreetly towards the larger boy.

"I got your back," he said with a smile. "Excuse me," Blaine called out. His tone was very professional and calming.

"Hey lady boys," Karofsky said rudely. He glanced at Blaine, scoffed then looked at Kurt and said, "This your boyfriend, Kurt?"

"Kurt and I would like to talk to you about something," Blaine said calmly. The insult didn't even faze him. Neither did the boyfriend comment, which slightly disappointed Kurt.

"I gotta go to class." He walked between the two boys, making sure to shove Kurt's shoulder roughly into the fence surrounding the stairs.

A look Kurt didn't quite understand shot through Blaine's eyes. It disappeared quickly though.

"Kurt told me what you did," Blaine said it nonchalantly, but they both knew it would get the jock's attention.

"Oh yeah what's that?" He tried to play it off, but Kurt could see the panic in his eyes as the older boy stood on the landing below them.

"You kissed me," Kurt said. Not loud but firmly. In his head he thought he deserved a Tony for being able to get that sentence out without panicking.

The jock scoffed, but looked around nervously. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said.

Kurt glanced over to Blaine, who was watching the exchange silently.

"It seems like you might be a little bit confused and that's totally normal." Blaine spoke as though he were talking to a very young child. "This is a very hard thing to come to terms with and you should just know that you're not alone."

As Blaine spoke, Karofsky began moving down the stairs, trying to get away from them. Kurt could see the panic in the jocks eyes, the terror that someone would over hear. Blaine wasn't being loud, but he wasn't speaking in a whisper either. It didn't seem like he cared if anyone overheard.

For a second, the football player froze, and then he turned back to them. Angrily, he marched back up to them, grabbed the front of Blaine's blazer and forced him into the metal fence.

"Do not mess with me," he growled.

Blaine put his hands up in surrender, but Kurt could see how much he wanted to hit the jock in the dark haired boy's eyes.

"You have to stop this!" Kurt said, trying to force the jock to let go of Blaine. He didn't want the Dalton boy to get hurt because he couldn't handle his own bullies and fights. That wouldn't be fair.

The jock glared at the two boys. Kurt missed the hard look Blaine gave Karofsky from behind him. The football player caught it though, and hurried away down the steps.

Well, he's not coming out any time soon," Blaine said with a laugh covering his anger, as he leaned against the railing where the bully forced him.

With a sigh, Kurt dropped his bag and moved to sit on the step next to him.

"What's going on? Why are you so upset?" Blaine asked softly, and moved to sit down next to him.

"Because until yesterday I had never been kissed," Kurt said, trying to hold the tears back. Then he remembered the week with Brittany where he pretended to be straight and added, "or at least one that counted."

He avoided looking at the dark haired boy.

"Come on, I'll buy you lunch," Blaine said. Kurt was sure he didn't know what to say about that either.

Kurt stood and followed him back down the steps. A small smile started to form across his face. He really liked Blaine, even if they barely knew each other.


End Notes: E/N: Please review! I'd really love to hear what your thoughts are. The next chapter will be up soon...ish. Same goes for the next chapter of my other story, On the Edge. It's another badboy!Blaine fic, but much different. Love you all! :3


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YAY!! I really do love this story, especially the Badboy! Blaine parts! Update soon!