Our Love Song
Chapter 15: Kurt Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Our Love Song: Chapter 15: Kurt

T - Words: 1,332 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 27/27 - Created: Nov 01, 2011 - Updated: Aug 04, 2012
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Chapter 15: Kurt

Rachel Berry House Party Train Wreck Extravaganza: Take Two.

Well, in some aspects. This time around, nobody dared to bring any alcohol into the picture. After all that went down last time, there was no way any of us were going to touch that stuff. But we all learned that alcohol isn't the only way somebody can get high. And no, I am not talking about drugs. I'm talking about something much, much worse. Sugar. More specifically, buckets and buckets of Pixy Stix.

There is nothing scarier than a sugar high Kurt Hummel.

Blaine was getting better. He was still having nightmares, but he felt better that I was always there to comfort him when he woke up. He worried about his father coming back, or maybe the bullies from the zoo, but Carole assured him that they were all being taken care of. Luke and his friends were being considered for Juvy, and in the meantime were being confined to their homes. Blaine's father was being tried for child abuse, and was surely going to go to jail for it, it was only a matter of time. Blaine's mother hadn't heard of anything yet. She was visiting some friends somewhere in Europe and was pretty much impossible to reach. Blaine just figured she'd find out everything when she returned. All of this still freaked him out, and I was a little nervous, too, but I promised Blaine that everything would be alright, and I tried to be strong enough for the both of us.

As the date of Rachel's Glee club party approached, I tried to get Blaine healthy enough to function properly. His walk was kind of messed up because of his still healing ribs. I had yet to hear the full story concerning them. I know his dad caused the break... But I didn't know how. Part of me didn't want to know. At least not yet. Blaine's face was healing, too. The bruises started to turn a lighter shade of blue and his scars were slowly disappearing. Whatever was left I figured I could help him cover up with concealer. That's what I had been doing to my own bruises, and they were hardly noticeable.

By the time Saturday rolled around, Blaine was ready. I kept asking him if he still wanted to go, and his response was always the same. "Of course I do, love."

We invited Ava to come along. I figured that it wasn't fair to Blaine that he would be there and he wouldn't have many friends but Mercedes, Rachel, and I. Ava agreed to come, which was cool. We drove her to Rachel's at two o'clock on Saturday.

"Hey, Rachel!" I called, leading Blaine and Ava into Rachel's basement, where a couple of the New Direction kids were already mingling.

"Kurt! Blaine! And you must be Ava, nice to meet you," Rachel said, rushing to greet us. I made a mental note about her outfit. Still completely hideous and something I'd be embarrassed to see in public, but still exponentially better than what she was wearing at the last party.

"Nice to meet you, too," Ava said with a grin, examining Rachel. She must have gathered who this was from my description of her clothing style. Lonely schoolgirl meets old maid. Ava's eyes were widened in what I gathered to be some sort of terror or disgust. "And you must be Rachel."

"Indeed I am!"

"Well... pleasure," Ava's smile was so... forced. I snickered out loud and Rachel gave me a "Rachel" look, which kind of just made me want to laugh more.


I looked up, and found Brittany standing in front of me, holding a brightly colored box. I raised my eyebrow at her, questioningly.

"Since Rachel has a no alcohol rule, I brought us Pixy Stix!" she sounded way too excited about that. I looked into the box and saw what had to be at least thirty or forty three foot tubes of multi-colored Pixy Stix. I groaned.

"Oh my God. You are aware that those things are pretty much pure sugar, right?"

"Well... yeah. That's what makes them so-" Brittany started to say, but someone interrupted her.

"OH MY GOD, PIXY STIX! GIVE ME ONE!" Ava bounced towards Brittany, hovering over the box with an excited jump. Blaine followed her quickly, attempting to pull her away.

"Ava, seriously, that's a really bad idea," he said calmly. Ava rolled her eyes.

"Blaine, really. I'll be fine. I have some self control. I'll only have a few, I'll be responsible. I promise."

"Who are you?" Brittany looked thoroughly lost.

"I'm Blaine's friend, Ava," she explained with a smile. Brittany grinned back, holding out the box.

"Well if you are friends with my Kurtsie's dolphin, you must be really nice. Do you want a red one, a blue one, a purple one, or an orange one?" Ava looked suddenly very troubled.

"One of each?" Brittany grinned, pulling out four long tubes of disgusting sugar and handing it to an extremely excited Ava.

"Here you go! If you want you can come hang out with me and San! We're playing Never Have I Ever with Pixy shots!"

"Sounds like fun!" Ava said, bouncing up and down. She looked to Blaine and I, who were both kind of watching the scene with wide eyes. "You guys want to come?"

"Uh, no thanks," I said swiftly. "Pixy Stix are kind of disgusting."

Blaine poked my side and I squirmed with a giggle. He looked at me with his famous puppy dog eyes, and all the blood in my body went straight to my cheeks. "Aw, come on Kurt. It'll be fun."

"You have to stop giving me those eyes, Blaine. Seriously, you could probably convince me to kill someone with that look," I sighed honestly. Blaine grinned.

"Good to know."

"Ugh!" I cried. "Fine. I'll play."


"It's like sugar has more of an effect on you than alcohol does..." Artie said, tilting his head to the side as he looked at me. I just grinned in reply, not bothering to stop spinning.

"Even I haven't seen him this sugar high! And he accidentally at a whole tub of vanilla frosting at my last birthday!" Finn exclaimed, giving me that same look. It was true. I did. It was good. I had fun.

"Who's idea was it to give him Pixy Stix again?" Tina asked.

"Brittany's," Quinn snapped, crossing her arms. They looked annoyed. I don't know why.

"KURT! KURT COME HERE QUICK!" I stopped spinning and started to head towards the voice. I staggered towards the other side of the basement, nearly tripping over Rachel in the process. "Kurt! I found the Pixy Stix!"

Brittany was perched high up on a shelf, clutching a half-empty box in her arms.

"YAY! Gimme gimme gimme!" I squealed. Ava was quick on my heels.

"NO! Damn it, they weren't supposed to find that!" Puck groaned. "Now they'll be screaming at us all night long."

I felt hand grasp my shoulders.

"Kurt, honey. I think you've had enough sugar for tonight," Blaine looked at me with his eyes. Ah, damn his eyes. They were soooooo adorable. I just had to...

"Eew! Eew, okay Kurt, we get that you love Blaine and stuff and you are kind of high right now, but none of us want to watch you make out with your boyfriend!" Finn whined. I seperated from Blaine with a pout. He looked at me with wide eyes and said nothing.

"You guys are like... no fun at all. Give me another Pixy Stix."

"NO!" the entire room aside Britt, Ava and I yelled in unison.

"Britt! Hand me the box and I'll make a run for it! You guys follow!" Ava cried and Brittany immediately followed her order. I was quick to follow them. I was so very extremely fast tonight. Like... a jet plane. Yeah. Or a rocket ship.

The three of us were out in the streets of Lima in the pitch black darkness, probably around one in the morning. We ran and ran and ran. It was fun. We stopped eventually. I'm not sure where. And then we finished the box of Pixy Stix and fell asleep.


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