Aug. 4, 2012, 4:50 p.m.
Aug. 4, 2012, 4:50 p.m.
Kurt Hummel is madly in love with Blaine Anderson!
But for now, just saying it will have to suffice.
"I love you," I whispered into Blaine's ear, but then swiftly backed away onto the other side of the couch with a playful smile and giggle, to cover up the slightly embarrassing but one hundred percent completely true comment. My knees were tucked in close to my chest, my tiny hands in between them covering my mouth. I studied the expression on his face. It was almost unchanging, but my eyes detected the corner of his lips lift up into an almost-smile, and then drop down again.
"Love you too, Kurt," he said, his eyes still locked on our old television set blaring last week's episode of Idol. Blaine is my idol, but sometimes I simply don't understand him at all.
It was our first time seeing each other since school got out. Our last day at McKinley was actually last week, but for some reason Dalton didn't get out until yesterday. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see or talk to Blaine at all for that entire week, which killed me inside. This was partly because of the fact that Blaine was swamped with studying for final exams, and partly because I spent the week in Hawaii with my dad, Finn, and Carole. It was a fun time, but I found myself missing Blaine the entire time, and I was gifted with an extremely painful sunburn. Everywhere. Which was a bummer, because nothing matches cherry-red skin. Anyway, to celebrate both the freedom of the summer and our reunion, I invited Blaine over to just hang out and relax, which was just what the both of us needed.
Strangely, I noticed that Blaine seemed distracted, distant, and quiet, not at all like my boyfriend's (get used to that word because I love it to pieces and will most likely overuse it) usual personality. Something was up, and I was determined to get to the bottom of it. I patiently waited until the next commercial break (wasn't very long) before I spoke.
"What's up, Blaine? You've been kinda quiet," I said, reaching out to grab Blaine's hand while turning down the volume of the television set on the remote on the coffee table with my big toe. Blaine straightened up and smiled vaguely. He squeezed my hand, which was, I noticed, the first display of affection he had given me all day, other than our "hello" hug, which wasn't even that great if I remember correctly. Well okay, it's Blaine we're talking about here, so it was amazing, but we've had better hugs, for sure.
"Oh, really? Sorry, Kurt. I'm just really exhausted. Long week, you know?" I nodded slowly.
"You know you can tell me anything, Blaine, right? After all, I am your boyfriend," I said, smiling gleefully at the use of my favorite word.
"Honestly, Kurt! I'm fine!" he laughed. "Why the sudden interest?"
"You know... I haven't seen you in a week and you seem to be ignoring me..." I let go of his hand and tucked my legs in close to me, giving them a tight hug. "You haven't even kissed me yet..." I blushed and looked away. It was odd for me to say that out loud. I don't know why I did. It just wasn't like me.
His hand touched my face, turning it towards him. I caught a glimpse of his gorgeous brown eyes before his lips were pressed up against mine. He kissed me like we had never kissed before. It felt like our first kiss all over again. Worth the wait? Definitely.
"Never doubt my love for you..." he whispered, and my heart melted. I was about to lean in to kiss him again when I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Idol was back on, so I reluctantly retreated. I turned up the volume just enough so we could hear it, again with my foot, and continued watching the program, this time cuddled up against my boyfriend. Before the hour was over, I was fast asleep on Blaine's shoulder, right where I belong.
Ha, thanks! A lot!!! Like a lot a lot!!! You are amazing. You deserve all the klisses and the klainbows in the world. :) Thanks!
How in the WORLD does your fabulous story only have one review? I"m gonna change that. I really like how you've set up klaine and their AU. I'm excited to dive into the rest of the chapters you've posted :)
this is so overly cute!!!!!!!!!xxxx
haha, in a good way, right? ;) well, its only because kurt and blaine are so overly cute. makes writing them a hell of a lot easier!
oh god beautiful!