Aug. 12, 2012, 2:45 p.m.
Aug. 12, 2012, 2:45 p.m.
Chapter 30
"Christmas is soon!" Rachel grinned, when we entered the choir room.
"Really?" I questioned with a sigh.
"Well, a few weeks but still." She grinned. "I was wondering if we're going to do a show for christmas. Maybe get some christmas feeling into the school."
I raised both my eyebrows.
"That's what christmas tree's are for?" Santana nodded.
"I don't know maybe it'd be fun," Brittany said. "A dance or something?"
"Count me out." Puck raised his hand.
"Guys, its about giving- a holiday about giving. We should be giving to the others." Rachel smiled. "Which is why I thought about doing it for charity you know, A hospice for children. We could do some carol singing. Give them a secret santa."
I tilted my head. "That could be good." I agreed.
"I'm with Kurt, any smile is a good smile." Blaine nodded.
The others murmured in agreement, I could tell Santana had found the idea a bore but she went with the majority vote. Blaine and I sat down at the front of the stack of chairs.
"I don't know why you're all sitting down." Mr Schue said as he came into the room. "Come on, Dance routines. Go, go go!"
I grumbled and flopped back in the chair.
"Come on." Blaine encouraged taking my hand.
"Oh, the amount of effort that it takes to move." I grumbled.
He twisted me around.
"You two are like loved up." Brittany's mono tone said, I smiled.
"You noticed, I wondered when people would. Even after my announcement, yet people are still finding it difficult to know that I am in a relationship."
"Eeaaasy..." Blaine laughed,
"They were only commenting," I shrugged.
"You want to come in?" I asked, we stood at the fence by my house.
"Not sure your dad will appreciate that." I shrugged and smiled.
"Well, really it's my house too right?" He chuckled.
"Maybe another time, I need to get home. I promised my Nan I'd visit her."
"Your nan?"
"I didn't know, I mean I-"
"My nans in a home, I visit her as often as I can. I'd let you come but.. she's not really in a good state."
"What's wrong with her?" I asked.
He bit the inside of his cheek. "She's got Alzheimers." He said quietly.
"No!" I breathed.
"Oh, that's horrible. Is she okay though? I mean does she?"
"Remember me?" He replied. "She does at the moment, They're not sure for how long, though."
I put my hand on his side. "If you need company I'll come."
He smiled. "No its okay, I like to sit with her. She might remember my face then at leas.t" He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'll pop by after?"
"Yes." I said, quickly.
He shook his head, putting his thumb over my cheek. "See you later."
I closed my eyes and felt him pull away.
I walked up to my door.
"Kurt, is it?" I turned around, Sebastian smiled at me as he walked toward me at the door.
"Yes." I said, He put his hand out, "We didn't get properly introduced the other night/"
I looked at his hand. "I think I got the message." I answered, going to turn.
"How is Blaine?" He said after me.
I stopped.
"Is he missing me yet?"
"What do you want?" I sighed.
"My boyfriend back." I turned,
"Your boyfriend doesn't want you back!"
"Maybe not yet. He's done this before. Wondered off. Found some cheap, pathetic looking little boy. Had his moment and came running back to me."
I frowned. "Blaine's not like that, And who're you calling little boy?"
He chuckled, "Don't you think I know Blaine a little better than you, Kurt?"
"I know him."
"Oh, yeah? Tell me, what's his favourite film? Favourite drink? What's his favourite pass time?" He rose an eyebrow.
I opened my mouth to answer but the answers to those questions were impossible to know, He hadn't told me.
"We haven't really got to that yet.."
"Interesting. So what have you got too?" I frowned.
"Mind your own business." I snapped.
"Oh." He laughed and stepped backwards. "Oh, wait are you not trying to be funny?"
"Go away, Sebastian." I snarled, turning away from him.
"No you don't!" I felt him pull me around, slamming my back against the pavement.
I breathed out, my head harshly hitting the concrete. Stars zoomed into my head. "The thing you don't understand, Kurt. Is that I know Blaine, I know what he does. I know what he likes." He moved his hand down my cheek, "He doesn't like little boys, he feels sorry for them. That's all you are. A pity case. He still comes home to me."
I clenched my teeth, feeling the pain and anger rush through me, causing me to become even more upset. "He likes me." I said, my voice shaking.
"Be so much easier if he did right?" He poked my nose, "He loves me, Kurt. He loves everything about me. You're a pity case, get over it. If you don't want to get hurt, I'd chuck him out of your life now." He stood up, brushing himself down.
He turned to leave, "Oh and Kurt," He turned his head around to watch me, I sat up into a sitting position. "Have you done anything yet?"
"What do you mean?" I mumbled.
"Well me and Blaine were at it every night, sometimes more than once. Have you done anything yet?"
I watched him, his face showing a proud smirk. "I guess not..Bye Kurt."
He walked off down the path. I stood up quickly. Breathing, I wanted to shout something after him but my voice didn't work. His words still rang in my ears.
Poor Kurt! I love te drama Sebastian adds though it's so good!
Yes, Have Kurt feels :') Oh good, because Drama is my middle name. Most of my writing will have some sort of drama in it. If not a lot.. THANKS FOR READING :)
Shall doo soon! Thank you for reading! x