June 9, 2012, 5:56 p.m.
June 9, 2012, 5:56 p.m.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. :(
Kurt's POV
"Hey Blaine". I say walking out of the bathroom.
"Yeah, Kurt?"
"Where do you want to go for lunch or we could stay here and cook?"
"I actually have plans. I'm meeting with an old friend for lunch. Actually I'm late." He says checking his watch. "I'll see you later okay. Love you." Blaine says giving me a quick peck on the lips before leaving.
"Love you too." I say but he is already out the door. 'An old friend? I wonder who that would be I guess I'll him about it later.' I grab my phone dialing Mercedes to see if she wants to hangout.
"Hey Mercedes I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today maybe with the others if they can come?"
"Sure Kurt, what did you have in mind?"
"Oh I don't know maybe some lunch then shopping? So you in?"
"You had me shopping. I'll call Rachel and Tina and you call Brittany and Satan... I mean Santana"
"Okay call you later"
"Lates" I hear Mercedes say before hanging up. I scroll through my phone till my thumb is hovering over Brittany's name.
"Hey, dolphin!"
"Hey Brittany, I was wonder if you and Santana would want to go have lunch and go shopping with me and Mercedes, maybe Rachel and Tina."
"Okay let me check with Santana. Hey Santana do you want to go to lunch and go shopping with dolphin and the other girls?" I hear Brittany yell over the phone.
"What time?" "Let me check, Kurt what time did you say?"
"I didn't but I was thinking maybe an hour or two from now seeing as its 12. You could come over and we could all go together?" I say looking over at the time on my phone.
"Okay see you then. Bye dolphin!" Right as I hang up I get an incoming call, its Mercedes.
"Hey so Rachel and Tina are out. They are having a double date. How about you any luck?"
"Yeah Brittany and Santana are in. We decided to meet at my house and in an hour or two then leave all together." "Okay see you later."
An Hour Later
'Ding Dong' I hear the doorbell ring as I finish the touches on my outfit. "I'm coming!"
"Whoa Kurt I thought Blaine wasn't home." I hear Santana say opening the door.
"Nice to see you too Santana." I say turning around to get my coat.
"So where are we headed?" I hear Mercedes say as we enter the car. Its my turn to drive.
"I was thinking the mall down in Westville, it has a better selection but first for lunch how about BreadStix" Its the only good place in town.
We head to BreadStix and right as we head to our table, I hear Mercedes say "Kurt isn't that Blaine?" pointing to the table with Blaine and another guy. Blaine is holding the other guy's hands.
I sit down quickly facing their table.
"Kurt, who is that with Blaine?"
"He said he was meeting an old friend for lunch. Come on it's nothing."
I glance over at their table as I see Blaine saying something still holding the guy's hand. The guy nods and they get up for a hug, both we a huge smile on their faces.
"Kurt, I'm sorry to say this but that doesn't look like nothing."
"I'll talk to Blaine about it later. Can we please talk about something else."
"Kurt, I will go all Lima Heights on his ass. Don't say I didn't warn you." Santana says looking over at Blaine and his 'friend'
The thought the Blaine might be cheating on me is too much for me to handle.
We spend the rest of lunch talking about current events. Mercedes and Sam are planning to have a kid. Brittany and Santana are finally moving in together but Blaine and I are still the same after years. Yeah we moved in together but before that we were basically already since one was always at the others apartment. That would lead Blaine to cheat? Right? I clear my head of the thought as we finish lunch and head to the mall.
Mercedes and Brittany head to the shoe selection and I'm left with Santana to the clothing and perfume selections. We all meet back at the car with bags overflowing in our hands. We head to my house for some coffee.
When we get there Blaine's car isn't in the driveway yet which is strange since it's already 4.
I thought he would be home by now.
"So how about the coffee?" All the girls nod as I open the door to the house, dropping the bags in the doorway.
We were in a heated discussion about the latest gossip when I hear the front door close. Blaine's home. I check my watch and it's already 6:30. Wow that was fast. The girls say their 'Hellos' to Blaine and 'Goodbyes' to me as they gather their things heading for the door.
"I'll just see them off." I tell Blaine whose grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge.
"Bye Mercedes, Brittany! Come on Santana, you know you want to give me a hug too." I say walking outside to give Mercedes and Brittany I hug. I offer one to Santana who finally accepts.
I watch as their cars leave the driveway as I head back into the house.
"So you guys did some shopping I assume." I hear Blaine say. I look over and Blaine is peeking into the shopping bags.
"Yeah I just need something to clear my mind and you know with me shopping is perfect." I say grabbing the bags and heading to my closet.
"What exactly did you need to clear your mind of?" Blaine says leaning against my closet door. "The girl's crazy ideas." I say taking out my new outfits and organizing it.
"Such as, Kurt. You're not really giving me much to go with."
"Well we saw you at BreadStix today and they girls got all these crazy ideas." "Like..."
"They thought that the friend you were with was a guy you were cheating on me with okay." I say rubbing my temples.
"And you believed them? I told you I was going to have lunch with a friend."
"Blaine calm down. What are you getting so worked up about? I told them that. I trust you unless you give me a reason why I shouldn't. Why were you meeting your friend I know it was to catch up but was there something else. I saw you guys holding hands and hugging." I say crossing my arms against my chest.
"I was meeting with Jacob to catch up and he told me recently his boyfriend broke up with him. So I did what any person with a heart would do I was comforting him." Blaine says. I look over at him but its like he is avoiding eye contact with me.
"There is something else you're not telling me. Why can't you look me in the eyes?" I say as my heart starts beating faster. Blaine can't be cheating, he wouldn't do that but then again we haven't done it in a while and Blaine has been hanging out with his friends lately.
"Well I..." Blaine starts.
Sorry for the cliffy. I'm read so many stories today with cliffys and I've never left one so I thought I'd try it. The next chapter should be up tomorrow! Please Review!