April 6, 2016, 7 p.m.
April 6, 2016, 7 p.m.
The next few months were a blur for Blaine. Whenever he wasn't working, he was at doctor's appointments with Brittany or busy getting his apartment child proof and setting up the nursery.
"I need to hire some more staff for when I'm gone," Blaine commented to Lacey one day.
"I can handle it, Blaine, seriously."
"I know you can, but you have a life and you can't be here all the time. Other than the two of us, our entire staff only works part time. I need full time workers. I'd rather hire them now so they can learn the ropes instead trying to teach them all a few weeks before I leave."
She nodded. "Fair enough. Want me to stick a sign in the window?" she joked.
"That actually might not be too bad of an idea," he said, distracted.
"You got it, boss," she saluted and walked out. She popped her head back in a second later. "Blaine."
"Uh, your phone's ringing."
His eyes widened. God am I out of it today. "Hello?" he said picking it up.
"Hi, Brittany."
"Listen, the doctor called and she asked if I wanted to know the sex of the baby, and I told her that was completely up to you."
"Uh, can I get back to you on that," he said rubbing his temples.
"Course! I'm kind of in a rush. Santana's taking me out tonight," she said with pride.
"That's great, Brit. I'll let you go."
"Call you tomorrow, Daddy Blaine."
"Talk to you then," he said hanging up.
"Hey, Lace! Come in here a sec?" Blaine called.
"What's up?"
"We still as dead as we were earlier?"
"Yeah, I just rang out the last person in this place."
"Why don't you go home early?"
"You sure?"
"Absolutely. You've been working way too hard."
"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye." He said standing up to run the front counter. By the time closing rolled around, Blaine had only checked out one other person. He only lived about a block from the store so he usually just walked. Today, he was in a world of his own so he strolled with his head down paying little attention. He walked straight into a person carrying a large stack of boxes that he almost sent tumbling.
"It's a little difficult to for me to see, so it would be nice if the person without the huge ass pile of boxes could watch where he was going. Thanks."
Blaine smiled at the sass taking the first few boxes off the pile.
"What the hell do you think you're – oh, hi Blaine," Kurt said a little awkwardly.
"Need some help getting these somewhere?"
"I'm fine, thanks."
"Where to?" Blaine asked ignoring him.
"My place."
"You're going to have to lead the way. My memories a little foggy."
They walked in silence for a few minutes.
"So, what's in the boxes?" Blaine asked as he recognized Kurt's building a little ways down.
"Actually, it's my stuff from the theater."
"My closing night was last weekend."
Blaine looked away. "I'm sorry."
"No, it's fine. I have another audition coming up." He was quiet for a second. "How have you been, Blaine?"
"Good. Good. Busy. Yourself?" Blaine rushed out as they got onto the elevator.
"Fine," Kurt said looking away, clearly not fine.
"Things have been a little rough is all," Kurt said struggling to unlock the door to his apartment.
Blaine reached over to take the last few boxes. "How so?"
He sighed. "Everything was so chaotic then it was just over. That show was my entire life. I don't mind moving onto other things, but I have nothing to do. I feel so useless."
"Kurt," he said sympathetically. He set down the boxes onto Kurt's floor and reached over to grab his hand. Kurt squeezed it then let it fall.
He looked away awkwardly. "I'll let you get home."
Blaine reached out and pulled Kurt into a tight hug. Kurt breathed him in trying to be subtle and probably failing.
"I miss you," Blaine whispered into his shoulder.
"Why does the world have to be like this? Why can't things be different?" Kurt asked vaguely nuzzling into his neck and sending shivers down Blaine's spine.
"I wish they were."
A week later when Blaine got into work there was already a crowd waiting outside. He slid around then to unlock the door and let them all pile in. "Damn, what's with all the business today?" Blaine turned to Lacey and asked after ringing up over a dozen people.
"Actually," Lacey said coming around the bend, "A lot of them are people wanting to apply for the open position. Apparently, working at a music store is a very sought after job."
Blaine rolled his eyes. "Why don't we just take some interviews now then?"
"How many?"
"Whoever can meet now is fine."
That turned out to be an obscene amount of people. He ended up doing interviews all day long. He found at least half a dozen reliable, experienced people that he would trust in charge of his store.
"Just hire whomever," Blaine mumbled at the end of the night, "just don't make me see anymore people for the love of god."
Lacey grinned. " That was actually the last one, but if that's the case, I'll be hiring that extremely sexy, ex music teacher."
"Unlucky for you, he plays for my team."
Lacey pouted.
"He was, however, one of the most qualified."
"If I can't ask him out, you should."
"I'm not asking out my new employee, Lacey."
"You don't have to hire him," she pointed out.
"Right. I'll just call him up 'Hi, it's Blaine. No, you didn't get the job, but you have a really nice ass want to get coffee sometime?'"
"Fine, ruin all my fun."
"See you tomorrow."
"See you later, prude."
Blaine reached his apartment and saw that his lights were already on. He raised an eyebrow. He assumed it was probably just Brittany or Santana, but he didn't know why they wouldn't have just called first. However, when he walked inside someone far too pale to be Santana and far too well dressed to be Brittany was sitting on his kitchen counter reading the latest issue of Vogue. The person didn't even react to his entrance, and for a moment Blaine simply stood there in awe. When he finally came to the conclusion that he wasn't going to acknowledge Blaine's existence, he spoke.
"Hi, Blaine," he said sheepishly as he looked up from his magazine, apparently embarrassed as though he hadn't been the one to break into Blaine's apartment. He hopped down off the counter.
"What are you doing here?"
"Be straight with me for a minute, okay?"
Blaine nodded.
"You bailed quickly the last few times we fought. Is that because you weren't sure about me?"
Blaine wasn't entirely sure what the question meant, but he has sure about everything when it came to Kurt.
"No, I – "
"Do you still love me?"
"Of course," Blaine responded instantaneously.
"Do you still want to be with me?"
"More than anything, but Kurt –"
"Hear me out. First of all, I know that you think I haven't forgiven you for everything that happened when we were in high school, but I forgave you years ago, Blaine. The only reason I made that comment was because I was angry. I thought you were going to break my heart all over again, and I wanted to hurt you too. I know that was petty and immature, but there it is."
Kurt stopped for a second and searched Blaine's face for any sign that he shouldn't continue. When he found none, he went on.
"Secondly, my show is over. I can still do another or I could not. That doesn't need to be something that we can figure out right now. Right now we need to figure out if we're meant to be together so I propose a trial run."
Blaine was taken back by almost every single word that Kurt had just said, so he decided to go with, "Trial run?"
"Of you and I as a family."
Blaine's heart fluttered.
"I know that you are having a child and if we are going to be together than it has to be long term. So I propose that you move into my apartment for a few weeks, or I'll move into yours if you prefer, and we live together as a couple. We kiss. We sleep in the same bed. We eat meals together. We have sex. We argue. We get under each other's skin. We be together. Make sure it is what we really want." Kurt paused. "What do you think?"
Blaine was instantly in front of Kurt and hugging him. Then he pulled him in for a slow, passionate kiss.
Kurt pulled away gasping for breath. "I'll take that as a yes?"
"Yes, yes, yes. Yes!" Blaine exclaimed before quickly pulling him again and pecking him on the lips. He pulled away then rested his forehead on Kurt's. "Yes," he whispered against Kurt's lips.
Kurt let out a tiny laugh. "Okay. So, we're doing this."
"We are so doing this," he said before pulling him into another heated kiss.
Kurt pulled away. "Bedroom?" he suggested.
"I love you," Blaine said with adoration.
Kurt giggled. "I love you, too."