April 6, 2016, 7 p.m.
April 6, 2016, 7 p.m.
When Blaine went into work the next day he was an absolute wreck. His curls were standing in every which direction, his face was a sickly pale, and he had bags under his bloodshot eyes.
"Go home," Lacey ordered before he even made it through the door.
"I'm fine," he muttered.
"You're not, and you're going to scare the customers."
His face fell then quickly turned to fear. "Please don't make me go home. There's nothing to do there and all I can do is think about him. I need something to distract myself. Please?"
"Sweetie, you realize you're the boss here, right?" she teased but her voice seeped with pity.
"Yes, I know…"
"You can just work back in your office today, okay?"
Blaine nodded and wandered back. He worked for hours and he wasn't even sure on what exactly. He couldn't focus on any of it. All he could think about was Kurt.
Lacey wandered in at some point looking hesitant.
"You can come in, Lacey."
"Blaine, are you okay? I'm worried about you."
"Kurt said he wanted to be with me, and I told him no."
"And why would you do that?"
"He's going to be a star, Lace. You don't know him, but he's brilliant. He won't have time to raise a child right now. He needs to focus on his dream." Blaine paused for a moment. "Lace…he told me that he would quit performing to be with me."
"Wow, that's…wow."
"I know I just – "
"You guys could get through this, Blaine."
"Were you even listening?" Blaine snapped. He already had this argument with Kurt and he wasn't prepared to do it again.
"Yes, I was listening, you idiot. My point is, your wrong. Kurt is busy with his career. Big deal. Plenty of people raise their kids with busy work schedules. As of now, you're planning on raising that kid on your own. Like you aren't busy? You own a business! The only thing you and Kurt really need to worry about is whether you and Kurt are for the long hall."
"If it was really that simple don't you think we would be together right now?"
"That's the thing, Blaine, it's not that simple. You and Kurt haven't seen each other in years. I know you love him, but deciding your ready to raise a child together is a big deal. That's not something you can just decide to do. Kurt probably thought it over after you guys talked and wondered how he had agreed to it so quickly. But I don't doubt that he meant it."
Blaine was silent for a while, contemplating. "Shit, I've really fucked this up haven't I?"
"I don't know, Blaine, but I think you need to talk to Kurt. After you figure out what you want, of course."
"Do you mind if I –"
"Go home, Blaine."
"You're wonderful. You've been covering for me all week. You're getting a raise."
She smiled. "No, I'm not. You can't afford a raise. You've got a baby on the way."
Blaine got up and pulled her into a tight hug. "Thank you," he whispered.
Blaine did a lot of thinking that night. He even made a pro con list at one point, but quickly threw it away. Being with Kurt outweighed everything. He knew what he wanted. What he needed to worry about was what Kurt wanted and what would be best for his child.
But isn't having two parents what's best for the child? Showing him or her what a loving relationship is?
When Blaine woke up the next morning he had come to a conclusion. He wanted to be with Kurt. The only question was: did Kurt still want to be with him?
He was dreading the conversation, but he knew that if he was going to get his heart broken it was going to happen eventually. No time like the present.
He sent a quick text to Lacey: Going to talk to Kurt's. May be a little late. and was on his way.
Lacey: Go get him tiger ;)
He knocked on Kurt's door and an attractive man not wearing a shirt answered. Oh god, oh god. Deep breaths, Blaine. Give Kurt a chance to explain.
"Uh, hi," the man said. "Kurt's in the shower. Can I help you?"
"Doubtful. I just need to talk to Kurt."
"Now's not really a good time…"
The shower clicked on in the background, and Kurt walked into view wearing only a towel around his waist.
"Blaine?" Kurt said wide-eyed. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I was hoping we could talk."
"The half naked man in my living room didn't give you the indication that it was a bad time?"
"Kurt, please. Just a few minutes."
Kurt sighed. "Fine. Let me get some clothes on." He disappeared into the bedroom.
The man turned to Blaine and sighed. "Blaine huh? Please tell me you're not the high school sweetheart."
"How do you even know who I am?"
"Kurt and I have been together a long time."
"Excuse me?"
"Babe," both men's head shot up in response to the pet name. They hadn't even noticed Kurt had reentered the room. "Give us a minute?"
"You want to talk to him alone?"
"Parker, please just go, okay?"
"What so now I'm being throw out?"
"No, but you can't be here for this conversation. I'll call you later, okay?"
"Okay," he said finally begrudgingly. He leaned over and kissed Kurt on the cheek before walking out the front door.
"Kurt, what the hell just happened?"
Kurt simply sighed.
"I know I wasn't entirely fair the other day, but I at least deserve an explanation for whatever that was. You guys have been together a long time?" he asked incredulous.
"Is that what he told you?" Kurt sighed. "We were together a long time, yes. Off and on, but we broke up months ago."
"And now?"
"Now we're back together," Kurt said like he didn't really believe it himself.
"Kurt, what the – "
The front door whipped open with a loud bang.
"Oh great, just who we need right now," Blaine muttered.
"Kurt, what has gotten into you? You called Parker? Have you lost your mind? I ran into him on the way up, and he said you two were back together? After the way he treated you, Kurt, honestly?" Rachel asked taking no notice to Blaine's presence.
"This is really not the time for that conversation, Rachel," he said gesturing slightly towards Blaine.
"What are you doing here?" she asked noticing him finally.
Before Blaine can reply she's going off again. "This is all your fault, Blaine Warbler. He never would have called him if he hadn't been upset over you."
"Rachel!" Kurt yelled, but she ignored.
"And you're having a baby? Are you out of your mind? You're twenty-three! And how are you supposed to raise that child on your own? He needs two fathers, like my gay dads, to –"
"RACHEL!" Kurt screamed. "Get out. I need to talk to Blaine."
"I'll be back later, Kurt." She said turning on her heels and was gone.
"I thought after all these years she'd have mellow– "
"Didn't we all," Kurt grumbled. "What are you doing here, Blaine?"
"What are you doing together with your ex boyfriend less than a week after we made love?"
"Made love? Grow up, Blaine. It's sex."
"Does that make it easier for you to play off like it didn't mean anything?"
"It meant everything, Blaine. At least to me."
"Don't be like that, Kurt. Everything means something when it's with you."
"Then why did you throw me out?" Kurt whispered.
He sighed. "Honestly, I was scared. I thought the only reason you would be with me after you found out about the baby was because you felt obligated. I realize now that it wasn't fair of me to make that assumption of you."
"Ya think?"
"What happened with Parker? Rachel made it sound like he wasn't very good to you."
Kurt scoffed. "That's an understatement."
"Then why are you with him now?"
"Because I can't be with you!" He lowered his voice, "It was too much for me to deal with, so I called him. I knew he could make me forget for a little while."
"Kurt, we need to talk about this."
"There's nothing to talk about. You made your decision, so I made mine."
"Be reasonable, Kurt. You shouldn't be with a guy who doesn't treat you right."
"You don't even know what happened."
"It doesn't matter. Whether he didn't respect you, didn't give you as much attention as you deserved, if he cheated on you, or –"
"What and you wouldn't? It's not like you've never done it before," Kurt snapped, but his face instantly filled with regret. "Blaine – "
Blaine's face remained blank. "No, it's okay. I'm glad we got that out in the open. You clearly haven't forgiven me for what happened the first time we were together, so you probably never will. This clearly is never going to happen between us, so there's no point in putting ourselves through the hurt. I should go." He turned to leave, but looked back at Kurt. "Don't ever settle for less than you deserve." He stepped forward and kissed him lightly on the head. "Goodbye, Kurt."
Blaine had been gone for over a minute before Kurt whispered back, "Goodbye, Blaine."