In The Blink of an Eye
Chapter 10 Previous Chapter Story
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In The Blink of an Eye: Chapter 10

E - Words: 1,359 - Last Updated: Apr 06, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Apr 06, 2016 - Updated: Apr 06, 2016
160 0 0 0 0

"I think you should move in here," Blaine said later that night while they were lying on his bed as he absently ran his fingers through Kurt's hair.

"Is there a problem with my place?" Kurt asked, playing insulted.

"No, but I'm thinking that since we're both already here, that we never have to leave, and we can just stay in this bed forever," Blaine teased.

Kurt, however, just looked at him dreamily. "Okay."

"I love you," Blaine said for the hundredth time that night.

Kurt giggled. "That's not going to get old."

"You love it," Blaine said peppering kisses behind Kurt's ear.

"I do," he said squirming. "Stop it that tickles."

Blaine grinned at him, assumed. "Do you really want me to stop?" he asked letting the kisses linger a little longer before lowering down to his neck.

"Yes," Kurt said in attempt to hold his ground just as Blaine began sucking on his neck.

"Okay," Blaine complied pulling off.

Kurt pouted.

"Something wrong?" Blaine asked feigning ignorance.

Kurt groaned in irritation. "Can't you just let me win and go back to kissing my neck?"

"Is that a surrender I hear?"

"Of course not. I was just asking if you'd consider admitting defeat so we can go back to what we both would rather be doing."

Blaine shook his head defiantly.

"Please, baby?" Kurt begged giving him his best puppy dog eyes.

Blaine giggled.

"What?" Kurt said self-consciously.

"You called me baby," Blaine whispered.

"Oh, like I've never done that before."

"I know it's just nice to hear again," Blaine muttered. "Like really nice," Blaine hummed into his neck.

Kurt pulled away. "Tell me I win."

"You always win, baby," Blaine said pulling Kurt towards him. "And you know it."

"You were right." Kurt mumbled as Blaine kissed teasingly up his neck.

"What about?" he muttered into his skin.

"It is nice to hear again."

Blaine grinned before nibbling on his skin.

"Blaine Anderson, we are not in high school anymore. You cannot just go around giving me hickeys whenever you please. I have to look professional for job, oh, interviews."

"Job interviews?" Blaine asked pulling away a little, but he began slowly running his hand up Kurt's thigh.

"Well, I can't exactly just stay unemployed."

"You can to," Blaine said seeming to lose focus in fooling around.

"Blaine, be reasonable."

"We said that if we decided to stay together long term that we would discuss, as a couple, whether you get another job on Broadway, correct?"

"Yes, but I don't mean a job on Broadway I just mean –"

"I know, Kurt," Blaine said pulling away from Kurt's neck completely. "But after our trial run, which won't be very long, we can discuss what we're going to do so there's no point in you getting another job just yet before we know how permanent it will be."

"Who says that our trial run won't last months?"

"Well, realistically speaking, months from now my life, and maybe yours depending, will be in full on baby mode. Brittany will be pretty far along by then, and we'll – I'll have to start getting ready for when he or she is born. It would probably be a good idea to have a decision about us made by then. Also realistically speaking, I'm already pretty well aware that what I want forever is you."

"This is only trial run day 1, Blaine. We haven't gotten to the tough part yet. And if we are going to have a realistic simulation of our relationship than I'm going to need a job."

Blaine sighed. "Must you always be right?"

"Of course."

"So the trial run, one month?"

"One month."

"I got an interview," Kurt said two days later.

"Already? Why am I not surprise?" Blaine grinned. "Please tell me it's not somewhere completely beneath you."

"Actually, it's at Vogue," Kurt said biting back his lip to keep from smiling.

"Kurt! That's amazing!" Blaine exclaimed pulling him into a hug. "How is that even possible, though? Not that you're not brilliant, but people work for months trying to even speak to a person's assistant there."

"Remember Isabelle?" Kurt asked.

Blaine furrowed his brow as he tried to place the name.

"She was my boss whenever I had an internship there before NYADA. I know we weren't talking much back then," Kurt said sadly, "but she liked me quite a lot. I didn't even know if she'd remember me – "

"Of course she remembered you! How could anyone ever forget Kurt Hummel?" Blaine interjected.

Kurt rolled his eyes as he fought back a grin. "Anyway, I called her up on a whim, and she was so excited to here from me and scheduled me an interview for next week!"

"That's unbelievable, Kurt. I'm so proud of you."

"I didn't really do much but call her…"

"Well, you clearly left an impression."

"I suppose so," he smiled. "I'm not sure if I'll even get the job, but if I do then I could really go places. Fashion and Broadway were always the two things that I really wanted to do with my life, and I've already done Broadway so maybe this is the next chapter for me." He paused for a moment. "Or the next chapter for us," he added.

Blaine pulled him into another hug, but this time didn't let go for a long time. "Want to come to work with me tomorrow?" Blaine asked when he finally pulled away. "I wanted to properly introduce you to Lacey. I know she's my employee, but she also one of my closest friends."

"I'd love to."

"We should probably also talk to Santana and Brittany," Blaine commented begrudgingly.

Kurt groaned. "She's going to kill us." They both frowned, perfectly well aware which of the two he was talking about. "After she had to deal with our fall out a few months ago –"

"I know. And really it's none of her business, but they are both a huge part of my life right now, and I at least owe it to them to tell them."

"I know, I know. But that doesn't mean I'm anymore happy about it."

Blaine smiled leaning over and kissing him lightly on the lips. "She'll pretend to be mad, but it's all show. You know she wants us together in the end. Everyone does."

"Morning, Lacey," Blaine sing-songed when she walked into the store the next morning.

"Morning," she mumbled half asleep.

"Coffee?" a voice much too high to be Blaine's offered.

She looked over to see Kurt holding out a cup of coffee to her. "Kurt! Are you god?" she asked in awe.

"It's just coffee."

"True, but you being here will also be the only thing to get this pain in the ass to stop moping around all the time," Lacey said without thinking. Her eyes widened instantly. "I'm so sorry! That was so inappropriate. I didn't mean to make things awkward. I just – I haven't had my coffee yet and, ya know morning, half asleep. So sorry."

Kurt and Blaine let her finish her rant before they burst out laughing.

"Okay so it's not awkward then?" she questions confused.

"No, actually, Lace," Blaine paused to glance over at Kurt lovingly, "Kurt and I are back together."

"Doing a trial run, actually," Kurt muttered.

"Don't ruin my moment," Blaine muttered back teasingly.

Lacey raised her eyebrow in confusion then just shrugged. "That's amazing! Wait, when did this happen? Why didn't you tell me?"

"How do you know it didn't happen last night or this morning?"

"You've been walking around the shop glowing for days."

Blaine went to argue, but Kurt's grin shut him up instantly. "Fine, yes, it's been a few days, but I wanted to wait to tell you with Kurt here so it felt more real. You're the first person we've told."

"Really? Why me?"

"Well, you're one of my closest friends, but also you don't know our history first hand like the rest of our friends so you will just be happy for us rather than interrogating us."

"Fair enough. I'm going to go help out that customer over there. If you two want to go make out in Blaine's office I won't judge," she said with a wink.

Kurt laughed. "I like her."

"You know, she won't mind if we take her up on that offer…"

Kurt rolled his eyes yet again, "Do you ever actually do any work at this job of yours?"

"Occasionally, but when you're here I have much better things that I could be doing than work," Blaine said pulling him quickly back into his office to sneak a kiss.


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