In The Blink of an Eye
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In The Blink of an Eye: Chapter 1

E - Words: 1,690 - Last Updated: Apr 06, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Apr 06, 2016 - Updated: Apr 06, 2016
155 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Half of this story was orignally posted on but for some reason I can no longer post on that website so I will be finishing it on this one. yay!

I love you! I love you! I love you!" Blaine exclaimed unable to hold it in as he practically danced in his seat.

Brittany smiled warm and childlike. "I love you too, Blainers."

"But I don't think you understand just how much I love you."

"I think she does. In a few weeks, she could be carrying your child. Your sorry ass better love her."

"Don't worry, Tana. I still love you most," Brittany reminded.

"Obviously," Santana said like it was common knowledge, but she was grinning nonetheless. They all turned to look as someone walked in the room.

Dr. Connor smiled. "Everything seems to be in order. Just so you are aware, it could be a few weeks before Brittany shows any signs of pregnancy. You can have her take a pregnancy test every few days if you like, but don't go overboard. We don't want her stressing over it. If she isn't pregnant within a month, we can always consider trying again."

"Thank you, Dr. Connor for… everything," Blaine said with sincerity.

"Don't be so dramatic, pretty boy. She's not pregnant yet," Santana said rolling her eyes.

"Santana, can we get ice cream? Pretty please?" Brittany begged with puppy dog eyes.

Blaine cut in before Santana could reply, "We can all get ice cream as long as I'm buying.

"Let me take you two out tonight, to say thank you," Blaine insisted on the phone that night when he called to ask how Brittany was doing.

"You took us out for ice cream. She offered to carry your kid for nine months. I think we're pretty much even."

"Santana," Blaine whined. "I'm serious. She is doing the greatest thing anyone in this world anyone could ever do for me, and I won't stop until I feel like I've made it up to her."

"She was happy to do it, Blaine," Santana said sincerely and it was odd to hear he use that kind of voice.

"I know, but please. Let me take you out. We can all go to dinner. Dancing. We can even go clubbing if that's what you want to do. Brittany obviously can't drink of course but – "


"Right sorry. But like I said whatever you guys want. Just let me do this for you. Let me do something, please. I'm begging you."

"If you're really not going to let this go… it will have to be another night. We actually already have plans tonight," Santana said with a cautious, gentle tone that Blaine had never heard her use before.

"Oh, really?" Blaine said dripping with sarcasm; although, for once he suspects that she's not lying. "Doing what exactly?"

"We're, uh, going to see Kurt's opening night."

For a second, everything inside Blaine froze. Then a million emotions he hadn't felt in years suddenly came rushing back, but all he said in a much smaller voice than intended was "Kurt?"

"This up-and-coming play write has her first show premiering tonight on Broadway, and Kurt is playing the lead," she said casually, but there was a slight hint of pity in her voice.

"Broadway," he echoed back. Apparently I can only process one word at a time now. Get it together, Anderson.

"Yeah… his debut," She paused her a second. "Listen, Blaine. You could come if you want. We have an extra ticket because Finn can't make it and –"

"No," Blaine cut her off. "He wouldn't want to see me. I don't want to ruin his big night."

"It's not like he is going to be able to see you from stage. We'll all probably go congratulate him after but –"


"The New Directions."

"You're all going … everyone?"

"No not everyone, but those of us that have kept in contact with Kurt, yes."

"You guys were hiding this from me? Honestly? It's been years, Santana. I don't burst into tears at the mention of his name."

"It wasn't my idea. Rachel was worried that you'd get emotional. And we all know what Rachel Berry says, goes."

" Besides," he continues ignoring her, "I – I'm happy to hear he got his big break. He deserves it more than anyone."

"Yeah, he does," Santana, said softly. "Anyway, as I was saying, you can come along and he never even had to know you were there if you don't want him to, but I honestly don't think he'd mind seeing you."

"You – you don't?"

"Pick you up at 6:30, Anderson."

"No, Santana. I can't – "


Shit. Now what?

Despite the fact that he had no intention of going back stage after the show, Blaine spent an embarrassing long time picking out his outfit and gelling his hair that evening. God, you'd think you were going on a date on something. Actually, no. I don't even spend this much time getting ready for dates not since – no stop that. Don't think about him like that. You're going tonight because you're proud of him and that is the end of it.

"You're late," Blaine snapped when he got into Santana's car at 6:45.

"What's up your ass? Actually that's what you gays do in your free time, huh?" she smirked. "What I meant was, someone is anxious to see his ex tonight."

Blaine chose to glare at her rather than dignify any of that with a response. When they got to the theater, Blaine instantly recognized at least ten people who had previously belonged to the New Directions, including Will and Emma, standing outside. He just stood there in shock as Santana and Brittany walked over to them and began hugging them one by one. After a moment, he heard someone exclaim his name and he looked over to see his best friend from high school, Sam Evans, coming towards him. The rest of the group quickly followed with a chorus of "Blaine!" before walking over as well. A variety people enveloped him in hugs while he continued to just stand there.

"How are you?"

"We've barely heard from you in years!"

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming?"

It was surreal to see all his old friends after years like this. He knew that Kurt would never be so cruel as to tell him that he couldn't see him friends anymore after the break up because, after all, they were Blaine's friends at that point, too. However, they had been Kurt's friends first, and he didn't think that it was fair to make them chose between them so after graduation, he didn't put in much effort to stay in touch. It wasn't until over a year after moving to New York when he had run into Santana and Brittany that he had become friends with them again. They were still in touch with Kurt, and Blaine had always suspected they saw him often but were too kind to mention it.

He had always felt that they had only befriended him for Kurt in the first place, but now he was getting the impression that he had been wrong.

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Sam asked again.

"It was kind of a last minute thing," he said.

"I forgot some of us actually moved out here and can just beside to see a show on Broadway spur of the moment," Quinn sighed.

"As nice as it is to see you, Blaine Warbler, we really should be going in. The show starts in less than an hour! We can walk down memory lane after the show!" Rachel exclaimed. "Right now we need to go find our seats!"

Instead of bothering to argue with her, they all headed inside. When they got to their seats, Sam began trying to catch up with Blaine as fast as possible before the show started. He was talking a mile a minute, and Blaine was so caught up the conversation that he didn't notice the lights going down until it was pitch black everywhere but the stage. The curtain opened, and it wasn't until he felt Tina reach over to give him a comforting squeeze on the arm that he realized he had been holding his breath.

Kurt walked out on stage and Blaine forgot about everything. Suddenly he was seventeen again, and Kurt was the only thing that mattered in the world. He was so beautiful. Maybe even more beautiful than before, if that was humanly possible. Blaine couldn't look away the entire show. At one point, he swore that Kurt looked right at him and his heart had started to beat so fast it could not be healthy before he realized there were hundreds of people in the audience and that was impossible.

When the show ended, he felt a sinking in the pit of his stomach. What if that was the last time I ever see him? "I-I'm gonna head out," Blaine said softly hoping he could sneak out unnoticed. Unfortunately, the entire group turned to look at him.

"Like hell you are," Mercedes snapped grabbing hold of his arm. "We're going to see Kurt together. All of us."

"Mercedes seriously I should go. I don't wa –"

"Sorry, Blaine," Finn said latching on to my other arm. "Boss's orders." For a second he assumed "Boss" meant Rachel, but wait were they even together anymore? Before he knew what was happening he was back stage outside the performers dressing rooms. Oh god, what am I doing here? Rachel stepped forward and knocked sharply on Kurt's door.

"Come in!" He called. His voice. God, I missed his voice. Everyone began to pile in. Blaine stayed back trying to blend with the group, and was the last one to enter the room. It didn't seem to matter, however, because the second Blaine entered the room Kurt's eyes instantly fell on him. Kurt was across the room in seconds, and pulled him into a hug. It wasn't until he was in his arms that he remembered this was everything he ever wanted. Please, just hold me forever. He could feel Kurt's breath on his neck when he whispered, "I missed you."


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