In which Kurt gets into NYADA.... and goes to NYU
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In which Kurt gets into NYADA.... and goes to NYU: Chapter 5

T - Words: 1,680 - Last Updated: May 07, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Apr 20, 2012 - Updated: May 07, 2012
649 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: There are emails, Carole and Bike Chanderson

“This is a horrible idea,” Kurt says, staring at his computer screen.

Behind him, on the bed, Blaine laughs, “This whole thing is a horrible idea and sending an email to Carmen Tibideaux explaining why you want to decline and try to give Rachel a second chance instead is what bothers you?”

Kurt twists around in the desk chair and rests his chin against his arms across the back, “You don’t think I should?” He sounds so uncertain, Blaine’s heart breaks a little.

“It just seems sudden, that’s all. You’ve been talking about nothing but NYADA for months…” Blaine sighs and runs a hand across the back of his neck. “But some of your best decisions are done on the fly, I mean, you planned on Phantom until you saw the look on her face, right? Or that’s what you said.”

Kurt hums, “I was ready though, just in case…and there’s that one time I was in the Dalton parking lot before I knew I had made the drive… best spur of the moment decision I ever made.”

Blaine flops on his back with his head hanging of the side of the bed and grins up at him, “Exactly, so what’s your gut telling you? It seems to have good ideas.”

Kurt sighs. “Staying here a year isn’t on the table,” he laughs, “as much as I’d want to.”

Blaine flips back onto his stomach and props his chin on his hand, going completely serious in an instant, “I’ll make you go if I have to.”

Kurt’s lips twitch, “I know.”

They stay silent for a moment.

“It’s not my decision,” Blaine says eventually.

“I know, I just… God I don’t know.”

“What’s your Dad say?”

“Not much, I think he’s just relieved I’m doing this now and not half way through my senior spring musical or something. But he didn’t look surprised.” Kurt sighs, “It’s what everyone expected in the first place, isn’t it?”

Blaine grins, “Have you seen yourself shop?”

Kurt’s pulls a face at him, “So I can spend eight hours looking for the perfect scarf, your point.” He lifts an eyebrow, but the smile on his face and the way his head is tilted on his arms ruin the intended effect.

“You know what makes each one different when they all look the same.”

Kurt rolls his eyes, “That’s because they are different.”

“If you say so.”

Kurt sighs and turns back to the computer, “But what do I say?”

“The truth?”

“You know what I mean.”

Blaine doesn’t say anything, “You’re sure about this? It’s not exactly something you can change your mind about later.”

Kurt takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out. “About as sure as I am that Mike was trying to ask if I want to live with him instead of Rachel at lunch earlier.”

“Think about it though, you, me, Mike and Tina living together, how awesome would that be?”

“And I suppose we get Rachel into NYADA and then abandon her?” Blaine hesitates and Kurt can hear him typing on his blackberry. He looks over his shoulder. “He asked you to try and bring it up, didn’t he?”

“…Maybe.” Blaine cancels his message and puts his phone aside, “Do you think we could afford a three bedroom if we’re splitting it five ways?”

Kurt turns toward him properly again, “You’re serious.”

“Why not? It’ll be like Friends.”

“Oh god,” and then Kurt’s laughing. “It’ll have to be affordable split three ways.” He looks like he’s actually considering it.

Blaine just grins and jumps to his feet as Kurt turns back to the computer, again. “Well you can’t ask them to just give her your spot, that’ll never work. What if you got them to give her a second audition? She didn’t stick around for her allowed restart, did she?”

“No,” Kurt sighs. “It’d be nice if I could keep it a surprise though… and I think she got too far in, past her eight measures.”

“Maybe you can send something in, something unplanned, show them how good she is without four hundred rehearsal hours.” Blaine tilts his head against the side of Kurt’s, “You have to try.”

Kurt just sighs and logs into Yahoo. Blaine nudges him over a bit so they can share the chair.

It takes him a couple of hours to get the wording right, trying to get his intentions across without actually having to come out and say “I’d love to go to your school, but my friend needs it more so let her in instead please” or “my stepbrother is a dick and I feel guilty so give Rachel my spot, k thanks.” It’s hard to get the balance right, but in the end Kurt thinks he gets his intentions across. They’re doing a final grammar check when Carole taps on the door frame.

“Staying for dinner, Blaine?”

“You need a comma there…” Blaine’s saying pointing at the screen, “What…oh. I wouldn’t want to-“

“You’re always welcome, you know that.” Carole grins, “I’m serious, if you’re not here once a week next year I will be extremely disappointed.”

“Thanks, Mrs. H, I’d love too.” He ignores the eyeroll Carole sends his way. She has told him repeatedly that he can call her Carole, but the most he’ll do is shorten the Hudson-Hummel. Blaine frowns at the screen for a second, “I think you’re good.”

“Need a fresh set of eyes boys?”

Kurt reaches over, unplugs his laptop and hands it to her.

Her eyebrows raise slightly when she realizes what it is, “I take it telling Finn is out of the question.”

Kurt grins, he does mention that Rachel has done nothing to influence this decision in the email, and that he’d like to keep it a secret, even if it’s only so she doesn’t have to be disappointed a second time. “He’ll tell her instantly,” is all he says.

Carole reads it through a few times and hands the computer back, “Looks good to me… you’re sure?”

Kurt stares at the screen for a moment, takes a deep breath and wordlessly clicks on the send button. He stares blankly at the screen for another second before, “Need help with dinner?”

“If you want…” she eyes Kurt and Blaine critically for a moment, “You look exhausted.”

Kurt raises an eyebrow as he stands, stretching slightly to work the kinks out of his spine, “I just looked everything I’ve wanted since I was eight in the face and said ‘No,’ excuse me if I start to grieve.”

Blaine laughs slightly as he gets up from where he is still awkwardly perched on the edge of the desk chair and slides an arm around Kurt’s waist. How hadn’t he noticed how tense Kurt has been slowly getting over the past couple of hours? Blaine nuzzles against the back of Kurt’s neck for a moment, smiling when he starts to relax almost instantly. He glances at Carole over Kurt’s shoulder, “You said something about dinner?”


Several hours later, when Blaine’s entering the front door of the house he only called home to avoid awkward questions, he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He shuts the door behind him, locks it and is halfway up the large staircase on the other side of the sitting room (he felt it was too cold and impersonal to call a living room) before he manages to wiggle it out of his jeans.

From: Mike

Did you bring it up?

Blaine grins, closes his bedroom door behind him and flops onto his bed. Kurt is going to kill him… okay, probably not, wanting to live with Mike and Tina instead of Rachel can’t be that serious of a crime, can it?

To: Mike

Of course I did… right before we wrote an email to the head of NYADA

The response is almost immediate.

From: Mike

He’s actually going through with it? Shit.

Blaine laughs.

To: Mike


To: Mike

How about a three room with five of us?

To: Mike

You know eventually

Mike doesn’t respond for several minutes, so Blaine pulls the homework he had abandoned out of his back pack and starts finishing up his English essay.

From: Mike

You’re actually serious

To: Mike

Why does everybody seem to think it’s a bad idea?

To: Mike

We can’t just leave her on her own, Kurt won’t allow it for one

From: Mike

And the two of you can’t live separately?

Blaine rolls his eyes and scowls slightly at the screen.

To: Mike

Would you and Tina? The whole point is to be together.

From: Mike

…fair enough.

From: Mike

I know we can afford it but Dad’s gonna flip. Fantastic… what about yours?

Blaine sighs. Kurt knows about the issues he has with his father, but Mike can understand in a way Kurt never will.

To: Mike

The college funds from my grandparents, he can’t take it when I move in with Kurt. It’ll hold for a couple years at least until I can figure something out.

To: Mike

It’s the trust fund I’m worried about… I have plans for that.

From: Mike

LOL... with Kurt in charge of your wedding, you’ll need it

From: Mike

Does he know?

To: Mike

That it exists? Of course How much? He figures it’s not his business and I’ll tell him when he needs to know.

Blaine laughs to himself as he finishes the conclusion to his paper and reaches for his laptop so he can type it up. He ignores the way his stomach twists uncomfortably.

He knows that Kurt isn’t dating him for his trust fund, he barely acknowledge it exists. As far as they are both concerned it’s just money. Not important.

Still, Blaine’s not looking forward to the day when he has to look Kurt in the eye and tell him that living together has cost him two and a half million because he knows Kurt will blame himself for it.

Blaine will take Kurt over the money any day.





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