May 25, 2013, 1 p.m.
May 25, 2013, 1 p.m.
Blaine woke up feeling a little nervous. Yeah, it was only his second day at McKinley but for some reason, he felt like something had changed. He stayed up until very late last night checking the pictures the guys sent him of the party, texting with them and stalking Kurt's Facebook page. He couldn't help it; once he got the notification that Kurt had accepted his friend request, he went to his profile and photos. SUE HIM. What he didn't expect was to find hundreds of pictures of Kurt and his friends and his dad well, I think it's his dad. He just had this air of freedom and pride that made Blaine smile with every picture. Eventually he felt guilty at his stalking manners and logged off.
Now it was a new day and he just couldn't get his nerves to behave. Was it because of seeing Kurt again? "What are you doing to yourself Anderson?" he said while making his way downstairs for breakfast.
"Good morning Cariño" Mrs. Anderson said and kissed his son's cheek "I'm sorry, I came home late last night! Tell me how school went?" she asked excited while flipping some eggs on the pan.
"Uhm... it was good. Totally Different from San Juan, that's for sure, but It was nice" He had a smile on his face and his mom pinched his cheek. "Ouch! Mom!"
"Sorry Cariño, I'm just so happy that everything is going so well. Did you make any friends?"
"What kind of question is that Lyann? Of course Blaine made friends. He's an Anderson" Mr. Anderson said coming into the kitchen ready to go to work. His dad was always so hyper in the mornings... No wonder Blaine is too
Blaine's mom shot him a look and Blaine decided to speak again "YES mom, I made some friends and actually... I got into the glee club." He was very proud of that, that he couldn't hide his grin
His mom flung herself to Blaine catching him in a warm hug "Aw Blainey, I'm so proud of you, mi chico! How about you invite some of those friends to come and have lunch or... hang out in the backyard?"
Oh shit I forgot "Errr.. mom, I actually kind of already invited a friend over on Friday. Is that okay? I'm sorry I forgot to ask you first" Blaine looked at the floor ready for whatever was to come
"OH NONSENSE! Don't worry about that. Who's this friend you invited over?" Lyann said with a little teasing voice why does she know me so well? Oh right... she's my mom Blaine thought and looked up with a smile.
"Mom! It's not what you're thinking" Blaine said blushing a little. why was he blushing? "His name is Kurt and I... he's at me environmental science class and we also share Glee"
"Oh is a HE, huh? Well, I guess it kind of is what I am thinking" she finished with a little chuckle and Blaine just blushed even more.
"Hey campeón, why are you so red?" Thomas Anderson said while walking back from where he was fixing his tie in the living room. He looked at his wife and saw she was smiling "What am I missing here?"
"Oh nothing. Just Blaine here, telling me about his boyfriend" Lyann teased with a grin on her face then turning around to check on the eggs. Blaine was... shocked to say the least, and felt the blush on his cheeks immediately increase
"WHAT- NO! I-I Never said that- MOM- WHAT?" Blaine couldn't form a coherent sentence and he felt so awkward standing there in front of his parents talking about his nonexistent love live " Ay Dios mio" he finally sighed
"Oh come on Chico, tell me about this guy! How did you meet? Is he nice? Does he like you, too?" His dad asked him looking very amused by his embarrassment
"Okay dad, no! He's not my boyfriend-"
"YET" His dad interrupted chuckling
"-And we just met yesterday, okay? I just invited him to come over on Friday to hang out and to show him some Latin food I mentioned, that's all... It's not even a date" The last part was said almost in a kind of whisper. Isn't it a date, though? He knew he wanted it to be but it was way too early
"Oh look at the time, I have to go. But make sure you make some kind of move campeón, like the Anderson you are" His dad said winking at him and going to kiss his wife goodbye
"Yeah dad bye" Blaine said smiling at the teasing. But it really got him thinking... maybe he should make a move after all. With that thought he sat down on the kitchen island to eat his eggs and contemplate his life.
"You better listen to your dad Cariño" His mom said while going to fix her hair as she had finished making breakfast
A smile appeared on Blaine's face, but this time for a different reason than before; this time, it involve some blue eyes and pale cheeks, and a forming plan on his head
Kurt arrived at school alone this time and he made his way the entrance to his locker. He did not expect to see a small figure with black curls standing next to his locker looking down at his phone
"Hello?" Kurt asked hesitantly as he approached. He had no idea what to think of this, really. But he couldn't say he didn't feel something in his stomach at the sight no Hummel! Don't make up things in your head
"Oh hey" and there it was the carefree smile and the friendly hug. Blaine looked very happy today and Kurt couldn't do anything but smile in return
"Uhm... sorry to ask but, what are you doing here?" Blaine's smile didn't disappear as Kurt thought it might.
"I just got here a little earlier so I decided to wait for you!" Blaine answered nonchalantly but Kurt could sense a bit of nerves in it too. weird
"Oh... okay! So, how was your day yesterday? Are you ready for your tryout?" where was this confidence coming from? Oh well, he needed to make some kind of conversation considering that Blaine had come to meet him at his locker someone hold me
"I almost forgot about that, thank you for reminding me" he chuckled "I think I'm good to try out anyway. And well, yesterday was cool I had a nice skype date with my friends and some good meal YUM" he said rubbing his stomach and laughing, which made Kurt laugh as well... good, I like his laugh
Kurt blushed, he had just looked at Blaine's hand rub his stomach and he couldn't help but wonder what could be hidden under his nice fitter polo "No problem, Blaine" he looked up again and in that moment the bell rang "See you around and good luck on your try out" and turned to leave for his class
"KURT!" Blaine called after him "Hey, um would you like to come to the try outs with me? I might need some support system and you are the only person I know, nice enough to be so" He had a grin on his face, Kurt couldn't say no, but he might regret this later
"Yeah sure! At the soccer field right?" He already knew this but he needed to hear it from Blaine's pink lips
"Yeah, after school, I think. so... I'll see you there?" Blaine asked, he was nervous maybe this was too forward or too not-appropriate
"yes, see you there" And with that he turned and left. Once he was far from his locker he allowed himself to let out the breath he had been holding. Blaine just asked him to go to the try outs with him. WITH HIM, BLAINE He was falling so fast so hard already and he couldn't help it
During his Italian class Blaine was a little bored and he hadn't made that many friends actually, just Kurt. And he didn't know if the Glee kids were his friends or not... it was weird.
"Hey, Blaine! Hi I'm mike" the Chinese guy from glee whispered to Blaine, he didn't even know the guy had his same class or even sat behind him
"Oh hi" Blaine said, whispering too
"I was wondering... you kind of look small but I can tell you're strong so, have you thought about joining the football team?" Mike asked and Blaine didn't know if he should feel bad because he just called him short, or complimented.
"Uhm yes, I 'm actually going to try out today" Blaine said with a smile oh shit, he meant HIS football. Ugh Mike's face lit up "Wait- no, I meant I'm going to try out for the soccer team not the... football team, sorry! I don't like the violence involved" And now mike looked confused
"Soccer is pretty violent too, you know?"
"Yeah, but no one tackles you down without getting sanctioned, so I like it better. Besides... I've played soccer my whole life and I prefer that than football" Blaine finished with a smile
"Oh well, that makes sense! By the way, you did great yesterday at Glee club"
"Thanks" and with that he went back to listen to his teacher. Apparently, he had just made a new friend. He couldn't lie; he was excited about his soccer tryout, especially with Kurt there. Oh shit....Kurt and now he got nervous again. He couldn't mess this up
When the bell for lunch rang, Kurt stepped out of the classroom to go to the cafeteria, and that's when he saw Blaine sitting in a table with Mike and Finn. Kurt usually sat with the girls because they had more interesting things to talk about than the boys, except for Blaine of course, but now he felt jealous that Blaine was making other friends and having lunch with them. So he looked away and made his way to his usual table
"Hey Kurt" Blaine called loudly and stood up to walk up to where Kurt was sitting. He had been waiting for him but Mike and Finn invited him to sit with them so he did... until he saw Kurt "Hey, I was waiting for you but I didn't see you come in" Blaine smiled and sat down next to Kurt and Tina
Kurt turned to Blaine and saw that the other two boys made their way to the table as well sitting next to their girlfriends "Oh hey! I saw you sitting with Mike so I thought you were going to have lunch with them. Wait! You were waiting for... me?"
Blaine laughed a little and looked at Kurt again "Yeah they asked me to sit with them but then you entered and I suggested we all sit here. And Of course, Kurt, don't be so shocked. Anyways, are we still up for- oh excuse me" Blaine's phone had started to ring so he excused himself and answered "Hello? OH MY GOD you guys! How are you doing?"
Kurt was curious as to why Blaine was so excited while talking on the phone. Maybe it was his friends from Puerto Rico.
"Hey Chico! We just got out of school. How is it going?" Said the voice of Rafael, always to happiest
"I can't believe you are calling me right now! It's my lunch time here. You didn't come out of class, did you? " Blaine was really happy but he began to feel bad because here he was, talking on the phone while, all the other people at the table were having their lunch "Hey listen, Rafa I have to go! I'll call you later"
"ooohhhh Blainey is leaving us to go with his papi and have some luuunch" And there was Jose. Wait! What did he just say?
"I can't believe you just said that, I'm hanging up" Blaine was about to press 'END' when Mario joined the conversation and pretty much yelled
Everyone at the table was looking at him and he was sure he heard Santana's catcall. He turned slowly and looked at Kurt who had a blush on his cheeks that made him look adorable, and he was not supposed to be thinking like that right after what just happened.
"Uhmm sorry! My friends are a little... loco- I mean, crazy" he finished with an awkward laugh and thank god the bell rang. His face must have been tomato red at this point. "errr... uhmm... I have to go" He sat up from his seat and began walking
"Blaine" Kurt started to walk in Blaine's direction until he caught up with him "Hey, what's wrong? Why did you go off like that?" he was a little worried about Blaine, he wasn't the kind of person who would just... do that. Or that he had gathered so far.
"It's fine. Nothing's wrong" Blaine smiled at Kurt and he meant it. Nothing was wrong he just hoped that Kurt didn't get the wrong idea out of what Mario had said on the phone
"Oh okay, I'll see you later okay?" Kurt looked relieved, but he knew that Blaine was worried. Maybe it was nothing, so he smiled. He still wanted to go to Blaine's tryout
"Yeah of course" Blaine smiled at him again and turned to his class
"Okay" He began to make his way to his locker when a thought hit him..... Soccer practice involved sweat and shorts... soccer tryouts most probably will involve sweat AND shirtless-ness.... Soccer tryouts involved sweaty, shirtless Blaine.... OH DEAR CHEESUS
The bell signaling the end of last period rang and Blaine made his way to his car to grab a bag, he had put there yesterday for the tryouts, he couldn't play with jeans a polo No way
"Okay Blaine, focus. You can do this, you are good and you will make the team AND impress Kurt" He said to himself to give him a little more confidence as he walked towards the soccer field. When he entered the field he looked at the bleachers and saw a lean figure with brown hair, which waved at him. Kurt.
Blaine waved back and walk up to him "Hey Kurt, I'm so glad you're here, let me just go to the back and change"
Kurt smiled and waved him off to go. When Blaine made his way down and to the back of the bleachers, Kurt couldn't help but glance at him. NO Kurt, that's not good turn around!
He did, but some minutes later, Blaine came back and Kurt almost choked on his own saliva. HOLY SHIT. He had figured that Blaine was well fit but he didn't expect THIS. Blaine was like a god in all his glory. He had some training black shorts and a nice fitted, sleeveless white V-neck. Kurt didn't know where to look so he just looked to the other guys on the field
"Hey again. So, I think I have to go down there, would you be alright up here?" Blaine asked rubbing the back of his neck showing Kurt just how big, his biceps were. That is not fair
"uuuhmm... yeah, yeah go ahead, I'll be fine" Kurt was blushing and now he just wanted Blaine very, very far away from him
"Wish me luck" Blaine said winking at Kurt and jogging down the bleachers to the field. Kurt was left frozen in his place oh boy
What Kurt feared the most.... Happened. In the middle of the tryout, Blaine had gotten very sweaty and his white V-neck was soaking wet, it was kind of see-through and if Kurt would have been standing closer to the field, he could have made out Blaine's muscles. No such luck. But Blaine had removed his V-neck. Kurt didn't have a great view of Blaine from up the stairs but he could imagine. The tryout went very well and Kurt kept on cheering for Blaine every time he had scored a goal. Luckily he wasn't the only person on the bleachers, that would have been embarrassing. All in all, Blaine had made the team.
"Hey! Thanks again for coming! I really appreciate it" Blaine said breathlessly when he saw Kurt coming near him on the field "what did you think?"
"Oh don't thank me, what are friends for?" FRIENDS "and well, I thought you did great, I've never seen someone run so fast or score so easily. LITERALLY I've NEVER watched soccer games" Kurt said and it made the two boys laugh
"Oh then I guess, you will be watching more of them now" Blaine said looking up at Kurt with a hint of something in those deep pools of honey he called eyes
"Yeah? How is that?" Kurt said with a grin on his face. Was he flirting with Blaine? Well, he'd do anything for this guy and he wasn't ashamed
"Well, I expect you to come to every game from now on, silly" Blaine replied and laughed a bit, missing the pink blush appearing on Kurt's cheeks "SO, are you still coming with me on Friday? To my house? To eat some delicious dish you've been deprived from?" He asked pulling at the hem of his V-neck, yes, he put it back on after the tryout finished, he wasn't about to face Kurt shirtless.... Yet- wait what?
"Yes, if you still want me to, I haven't asked my dad yet, but that won't be a problem" Kurt said looking at his shoes, he was not used to be all flirty
"Of course I do! I can't wait for you to try my ceviche. I'm so excited" Blaine said grinning. He really was looking forward to Friday; he had something else prepared for that day than just the ceviche
"Oh well, then yeah. Uhm... I wanted to ask you something though... what were your friends referring to earlier at lunch?" Kurt asked shyly, he really wanted to know the meaning behind it. He had a feeling of jealousy at that time when, the guy on the phone said that. He knew what 'papi' meant and he didn't want to find out that Blaine actually had a boyfriend he got to call that. Would I like Blaine calling me that?
"Oh! Eeerr... they just like to tease me. 'Papi' is a kind of name people use sometimes, referring to their boyfriends or something and Uhm... Yesterday I told them about you, but they immediately thought we were more than friends, which is crazy because we just met and-"
"Hey, stop talking" Kurt cut him off a little disappointed at the last part of Blaine's Ramble but happy nonetheless. Blaine told his friends about me "I know they are crazy Blaine, you told me that they were 'Locos'... that was it, right?" Blaine nodded smiling at Kurt's attempt "okay, so were you worried I'd get mad?"
Blaine thought for a second "Uhm not really, I was worried you'd get a bad impression of me or something like that" Blaine said a little shy
"Don't worry, you've given me a good impression, if the Karofsky thing was any clue about it, so I think you can stop worrying" Kurt finished with a smile and he was blown away at the interest Blaine seemed to have in Kurt's opinion of him
"Oh good! So, I have to go home and take a shower but I will see you tomorrow at Glee!" And with that Blaine stepped forward and.... Backed away again "Oh sorry, I was gonna hug you but... I'm all sweaty" He said laughing
I don't care
"What?" Blaine asked. Oh right, he had to say that out loud
"Oh nothing, I said that I would care, this shirt is not polyester" Kurt covered his slip and chuckled awkwardly
"Right! I like it by the way" Blaine said gesturing to Kurt's clothes "I'm starting to think you are very into fashion and I like it"
Kurt blushed how is this guy real? "You have no idea!" Kurt chuckled and Blaine followed with a laugh of his own "and, thank you. A lot of people don't appreciate my fashion sense"
"Oh believe me, I appreciate it! I love some fashion myself but I keep it simple though, you, on the other hand, know how to make things work" Blaine said and he looked up and down Kurt's body smiling
"Thanks, maybe I can tell you some tips some time, if you want" Blaine had just checked him out... how do I breath?
"Definitely. Okay I really have to go now, see you tomorrow. Chao" Blaine waved and made to turn around when a thought crossed his mind "Oh hey, Kurt?"
Kurt was walking away too but turned around when Blaine called him "Yes?"
"Can I have your number? I mean, if I ever need some last minute help on my outfit or something and You could probably let me know what your dad says about Friday too" Blaine said blushing and rubbing his neck again very smooth Blaine, very smooth
Kurt was caught off guard by this so he took a couple of seconds before handing his phone to Blaine "Yeah sure"
"Awesome" Blaine took the phone and typed in his number and name, then sending himself a text to save Kurt's number as well "all done, here. See you later"
"Bye" Kurt made his way to his car, which was unintentionally parked next to Blaine's awkwaaard "Nice car" he said chuckling
"Thanks, it was a gift from my dad. I like yours, it's nice" And with that they both entered their cars and drove to their houses feeling a nice warm feeling in their bellies and a huge smile on their faces
In one hand, Kurt couldn't wait for Friday (even though it wasn't a date) and spend some more time with Blaine and getting to know him better. And on the other hand, Blaine was just excited because this meant he was getting one step closer into getting to know Kurt better. This boy was so incredible he couldn't get enough.
This is going to be awesome Blaine thought. He only hoped his parents didn't embarrass him in front of Kurt. He has never felt like this for anyone and he hoped Kurt felt the same.