May 25, 2013, 1 p.m.
May 25, 2013, 1 p.m.
Blaine entered his AP English class 20 minutes late. He gave his teacher, an old woman in her mid-forties, a note from the principal explaining his transferring. He actually expected a little introduction from the teacher or something as he was used to see in his old school, once a new student transferred. He didn't get that. The woman, Mrs. Jenkins, just motioned for him to find a seat at the back. Ok, that was nice.
It was so weird. Nobody actually bothered to ask him his name. They just turned to look at him and then back to the front; some girls' eyes lingered a little while longer and he was pretty sure one of them licked her lips. Awkward.
"This is going to be a very long year" Blaine said to himself "Maybe Kurt will talk to me later, it'd be so not cool to have lunch a-"
"Mr. Anderson, stop talking while I'm giving a class, please. "
Oh oops "I'm sorry Mrs. Jenkins" he said and then spent the entire hour in silence. She was talking about Christopher Columbus and his American journey and how that made it to American literature, oh come on! I saw this in like... 5th grade so he decided to zone out for a while. He was immediately taken to the blue waters of San Juan, the white-pink sand, his friends, oh man he missed them. The water was so relaxing and blue and... green? Were those eyelashes? Wait, that's not the ocean...
Kurt wasn't doing a lot better than Blaine. Once he thought about the accent, he might have caught from his and Blaine's short awkward conversation, he couldn't do anything BUT think of the Latin boy.
That accent is so... nice- NO...hot?
"What is hot, Kurt? Because I'm pretty sure it's starting to feel a little chilly" Tina whispered from his left.
Oh shit "I said that it's NOT hot" what? "Which I love cuz I get to use layers" he said showing a little smile to his friend. She didn't need to know where his mind had just wandered to.
"Oh okay, I feel the same. Besides, I know you love layers, just look at your outfit today! I'm loving it" Tina praised. She was such a good friend; she wasn't crazy or overly loud like Rachel, she was shy and friendly. That's what he wanted in a friend. Is Blaine my friend? He really hoped so, even though he was probably straight. There was a different air to the Latin, (well duh...) he'd just have to wait until lunch and see if Blaine was around.
"Hey did you hear about the new transfer? People say he is HOT! I mean, he must have an accent and to me... that's enough" Tina ended her little statement with a giggle and a light blush. Oh if she only knew
Kurt looked at the front with a bigger smile "Yeah... I've heard"
Lunch couldn't come fast enough. Once the bell rang at the end of his 4th period class, Kurt was so relieved. Now he had to stalk Blaine and see how the guy was doing, friends can do that without seem creepy, right?
He walked to the cafeteria and went to the line to pick up his salad and iced tea. Rachel, Tina and Quinn waved at him from one of the tables and he went to sit with them. And then is when it happened.
Blaine entered the cafeteria feeling very relieved. The rest of his classes had gone like his first one; no introductions, many stares, a LOT of ogling from the females, some winks and lip liking. He was happy when the bell for lunch rang. He went to the line to pick up some food. Estan bromeando verdad? They HAVE to be kidding. There was not a single healthy choice there besides the salad.
"Hi, good morning" Blaine greeted the lunch lady with a winning smile. She didn't seem moved by it though "Is this all you have?" he continued gesturing to the food
"Yes kid, sorry if it's not a buffet. Now pick something and move. Lots of kids are hungry too" the woman said with no emotion other than annoyance. Ooops?
"Oh, okay" he said a little disappointed that she had taken it wrong. He wasn't being picky. He just wanted to know his options. Blaine picked up a salad and some apple juice. This'll do until I get home
He was now scanning the room for an empty table when he saw the brunette boy from earlier. Kurt. He quickly made his way to the table and noticed there were other people with him. One of them being the multi-colored girl from this morning.
"Hey Kurt" Kurt turned his head to find Blaine walking his way to the table. Kurt smiled and waved. Apparently that was not enough for Blaine because, as soon as he was at the table, he placed his tray down and hugged Kurt. He's hugging me, what do I do? Omg WHAT DO I DO? Luckily, Blaine put him out of his misery once he pulled back and smiled. Wow, Latin people are VERY affectionate.
"He-hey" Kurt tried to say once he recovered from his shock. And the girls were just as shocked as him
"Can I sit with you guys?" Blaine asked the table in general and received nothing more than nods and hanging jaws. Okay, that's weird.
"I'm Quinn! Nice to meet you" The blonde ex-cheerio said with a little flirty voice
"We already kind of met earlier today but I can never pass on an opportunity to do it again"
Or TALK every time you can Kurt said and thank god, he just said it in his head and not out loud.
"I'm Tina" the Chinese girl reached and to shake Blaine's hand and the tanned boy took it without hesitation, giving her a warm greeting. What could he say? He loved meeting new kind people like these ones.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all. At least I know there are kind people here" he finished with a laugh he is so adorable- GET IT TOGETHER HUMMEL
"I take it you are having trouble?" Kurt needed to seem normal, so he decided to go for it and talk to Blaine without stammering over his words
Blaine laughed "Uhm, it's not bad but it's very different than what I expected. Back in Puerto Rico, the teachers would introduce the new kid to the class and they would give us like, 5 minutes to talk to the new transfer and introduce ourselves. So, when that didn't happen I was taken by surprise"
"Yeah, people can be mean here. We know that first hand" Tina said and the other two girls plus Kurt, nodded in agreement. Blaine just wondered why?
"People here don't appreciate our talent and prefer to ignore us or worse..." Rachel trailed off, leaving Blaine even more interested and confused. He knew she referred to the scene he just witnessed this morning, as a "worse" but there was something she said that caught his attention too.
"What do you mean by 'our talent'?"
"We are in Glee club and people think that's like... social suicide, but we can't help it. We love to perform" Kurt finally said. He'd been transfixed by the look of pure surprise and interest Blaine wore the entire time his friends were talking. He is definitely something else
"Glee club? Is that like a choir or something?" Blaine had never heard of those words ever in his life. It had to be an American thing. In San Juan they called it "Coro" or choir, in English, and it was kind of cool there, maybe he could sign up as an extracurricular. Just what I need
"Yes! With the difference that we don't sing choir songs. We sing EVERYTHING, and we compete and all that shit" Quinn said. She had also being quiet admiring Blaine. The guy was definitely handsome.
Of course Blaine noticed, but he didn't say anything. If he was going to be friends with them, he needed to get to know them and, he wasn't going to get there if they though he was rude. They'll find out eventually He was not like those guys who hide their sexuality from others. He was proud, but he'd wait a little more.
"Cool! Do you guys think I can join?" Blaine looked really interested. He could be a great addition to the Club, if he could sing, that is. But Kurt knew he could, just look at him, he has the looks to be a performer
"Can you sing? What range? Have you ever been in a choir before? Are you a good dancer? You have to audition first, you know? And-" Rachel was going a mile per minute and Kurt could not have her freaking Blaine out. NO WAY.
"RACHEL, stop" Kurt cut in "You are going to freak him out" Kurt now looked at Blaine with an apology in his face "Sorry about her. She gets too excited, WAY TOO EXCITED, when someone wants to join. It doesn't happen often so..."
Blaine smiled "No worries! But I want to join so why don't you tell me what do I have to do?"
Now Tina spoke "Well, Rachel is right though, you have to audition in front of the entire Glee Club and then Mr. Schue decides if you get in"
"But I bet you can just show up and make it to the club" Quinn said with a wink. What's wrong with her? Is she flirting with Blaine?
"Eeeerrrr.... I think I prefer to audition, but thank you" Blaine responded with a light blush on his cheeks. This girl is incorrigible.
Just when he was going to ask what song should he sing, the bell rang. Great
"Glee club is at the end of last period. You can sing whatever you want! It's in the choir room. Bye" Kurt stood up and looked at Blaine. He left the cafeteria and left Blaine sitting there in the table watching how the blue-green eyed guy retreated. He's.... a good guy
And with that, Blaine stood up smiling and making his way to his next class.
The bell to last period rang and Kurt made his way to his Environmental Science class. He couldn't quite believe his day. It just took one new transfer student, LATIN transfer student, to make his day better. Lunch was nice but having to hear that guy talk with that accent... it was HEAVEN, and now, Blaine was going to audition for Glee club. This day couldn't get any better...-Scratch that-
Kurt had just sat on his chair, when a head full of dark tamed curls entered his classroom and approached the teacher's desk. NO. FREAKIN. WAY.
He barely heard his teacher say something to Blaine that had the boy looking around the classroom, until he found Kurt.
Blaine smiled. This day was getting better and better. He was excited about his Environmental Science class. Blaine was such a nature guy, He loved nature. Maybe that was because he lived in a tropical place and he was surrounded by trees and water. He had made his way to the classroom and his teacher told him to look for a seat and that's when he found a pair of familiar blue eyes looking at him.
"Hey Kurt, nice seeing you again" Blaine said warmly and went to Kurt's desk where, luckily, there was an empty seat. "I thought I wouldn't see you until glee" He then hugged Kurt briefly.
Seriously, what's wrong with this guy? But he couldn't complain. Blaine was very... nice fitted. He could feel the muscles under his light coat, and he was so warm and nice.
"Oh I'm sorry. I'm used to hug people a lot. Especially my friends. Latinos are very affectionate" Blaine laughed a little at the end of that statement, and sat down.
"It's fine. I actually got that at lunch, I guess" Kurt smiled shyly
Blaine smiled in returned and then spent the rest of the class in silence listening to his teacher talk about oil spread. Suddenly a piece of paper made his way to his desk from across the room.
Hey there cutie ;)
Blaine looked in the direction the note came and found a dark haired girl looking his way and making a little wave. He decided enough was enough.
Hey, I'm sorry to disappoint but... I don't play for your team :)
You mean you don't play for the Titans? ;)
Don't know who they are! I'm gay cariño!
Blaine laughed quietly and looked up scrunching his nose and shaking his head in the direction of the girl
Kurt was watching the exchange in secret. And felt a little something in the pit of his stomach when he saw the girl winking at Blaine. You don't even know if he is gay Kurt. Come on! Fortunately he got a glimpse of what Blaine had written back and a smile spread on his face like a Cheshire cat. The girl made a disappointed noise once she got the paper back
"I'm nervous about Glee" Blaine said, almost whispered, and Kurt could have missed it, considering how happy he was about his new found information... but he didn't
"Don't be! Unless you don't have a song ready. If that's the case... you can audition another day" Kurt encouraged. He had more confidence now, he couldn't hide it.
"Oh, I have the perfect song! I'm just nervous cuz it's a... different song. I mean, it's not a song you would expect someone to audition for a choir with." Blaine looked confident but yeah, a little nervous
"Quinn already told you, we don't do classic choir songs. You'll be fine" Blaine smiled, an all-teeth smile, and resumed to listen to the class.
The bell rang and Blaine stood up motioning for Kurt to do the same. They both exited the room and headed down to the lockers. "I'm just gonna go and put these in my locker. Would you like to show me the choir room after? I'm still getting used to the school" Blaine thought it was risky to ask that but, he really didn't want to get lost on his first day. The entire day was good; his classes where not that hard to find but on the way, he never once saw a choir room.
"Oh, uuuhmm, sure. I have to put these in my locker too, though" Kurt said awkwardly looking at his books.
"Why don't you put them in my locker? That will save you time and I don't mind! Me and my friends did that all the time" Blaine said confidently. It was true; Mario and Jose were so lazy they would always end up putting their books in Blaine's locker.
"Are you sure?" Kurt asked a little shocked. This school is so weird and different, Blaine thought
"Of course. Here let me open my locker and you can put them inside" Blaine then, turned and looked for his locker. Once he found it he picked the piece of paper with his combination and opened it
His locker was very organized and... nice (was that the only word he could use to describe Blaine or Blaine's things?)
"Uhm yes... I like to keep things in a certain order so I don't lose anything" Blaine explained while stacking his books inside and then taking Kurt's from the brunette's arms and doing the same
"Sorry, I didn't mean to say that. Sometimes, my mouth takes over my head and I end up saying things, that are not supposed to be said" Kurt looked embarrassed so Blaine laughed. There was something on his locker door that caught Kurt's attention. "Are those your..." he trailed off. He wasn't sure who those people were
"Yeah, those are my friends from San Juan and these" he said pointing to another picture "are my bothers"
Kurt was surprised to find that all of the boys in the pictures were... handsome in some way. "This guy looks rude" Kurt said about one of Blaine's friends
Blaine couldn't contain his laughter this time "That is Mario. He made me take this picture when his parents gave him his car a few months ago. He just wanted to look like salido de una revista"
Kurt made a face and Blaine knew he didn't understand what he just said "sorry, I meant, like out of a magazine. He is obsessed with looking badass"
"I can see that" And now both of them laughed "We should go to Glee practice, you can tell me about your friends later. Come on" Kurt said where did THAT come from? Oh well...
They made their way to the choir room, which was surprisingly easy to get to, just around the hall.
Blaine stopped on the doorway "AY DIOS MIO" If he thought that the parking lot was a jungle, he was certainly mistaken now. The choir room wasn't that packed, there were at least 12 people there but they were everywhere. Kurt seemed to notice his hesitation
"They are harmless. Come on" and with that they entered.
"Alright everyone! We're about to start our first Glee meeting of the year!" Mr. Schue said and everyone cheered "It's come to my ears..." Rachel "...that someone is auditioning today!" more cheering "come to the front Blaine and introduce yourself"
Well, THAT'S what Blaine was expecting from all his other teachers. He gladly stood up from his seat between Kurt and another Chinese guy, who he immediately recognized as Tina's boyfriend
"Hi everyone, my name is Blaine Anderson and... I just moved back from Puerto Rico" Blaine said, very excited to, finally, have an opportunity to introduce himself
"So, you are the guy who confronted Karofsky this morning, aren't you?" A guy with a Mohawk said with a proud smile
"I don't think I would call that a confrontation. El Oso thought he could scare me away, but I know better than that" Blaine and the guy laughed at that.
"You are the Latino transfer! POR FIN!" Santana stood up from her chair and walked to the front "I'm Santana Lopez and I'm Latina too. Maybe we could go out sometime and have some Latino time... just the two of us, whatcha say?" Santana finished with a wink
"Uhm nice to meet you Santana, but I'm gay" Blaine responded with a proud smile on his lips
"I know that! My gaydar is sensacional" Blaine was confused now, she is kind of loca, right?
"OKAY Santana go back to your seat and let Blaine audition" Mr. Schue came to his rescue and motioned for Blaine to keep going
"Yes, so I chose this song cuz it's one of the songs me and my friends used to sing, all the time and I love it. It's not what you'd expect a guy to sing for an audition but I thought that, I could add some... Salsa to the mix and have fun" Blaine finished with a smirk and Kurt was now, very, very curious to what song Blaine had actually chosen
Blaine whispered something to the band and the music started. It was a very... nice- no, not nice... clubby?
Kurt was taken back to reality when Blaine's smooth voice started to fill the air. He was captured and didn't want to be freed. OH. MY.GOD
Girl my body don't lie
I'm outta my mind
Let it rain over me
I'm rising so high
Out of my mind
So let it rain over me
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
Everyone in the room was captivated by the way Blaine was moving around and singing to that song. Everyone, including Kurt. Who had his jaw on the floor. How in the world could Blaine move his hips like that? It was like watching those video clips of latin pop, with all the girls dancing around the singer; but in this case, Blaine was both.
Blaine was having a blast. When he sang this song with his friends, they always alternated verses; Jose would take Pitbull's part but right now, he sang it all by himself. He was proud and happy; it reminded him of those impromptu performances at the beach and at parties.
The last verse came up and Blaine, was practically purring the lyrics in a low voice
Mr worldwide, yes yes, tu sabe
I was playing with her, she was playing with me
Next thing you know, we were playing with three
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
He went up to the chair and swayed around them, moving his hand around the back of Quinn's and Santana's chairs almost in slow motion
I was playing with her, she was playing with me
Next thing you know, we were playing with three
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Rain over me
On the last chorus everyone was clapping and dancing on their seats, especially the girls. Kurt was still on his trance, but was dancing as well. This is NOT real
Girl my body don't lie
I'm outta my mind
Let it rain over me
I'm rising so high
Out of my mind
So let it rain over me
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
Ay ay ay
Ay ay ay
Let it rain over me
Blaine finished the song breathless from all the dancing, but he was pleased. Everyone stood up and cheered. He was worried about that song because it was a Latin pop song and he knew people in America are more into electronic, rap or R&B, he took a risky shot and apparently, it was worth it. They loved it.
"W-WOW! Blaine, that was... awesome" Mr. Schue said with a giant smile on his face and that made Blaine all the more confident
"Caliente" Santana was next... wink, okay he could live with that. He knew she was playing so he decided to go with it, and winked back with a winning smile.
"Who knew you had those moves in you... you have to help us with our sectionals dancing this year... for sure!" Rachel was on her feet talking so loud. She looked... excited for lack of a better word.
"Yeah man, that was AWESOME, dude" A tall guy praised. Maybe he was Rachel's boyfriend, she was kind of clinging to his arm... naaah
All the other guys started to talk among them and then flashed Blaine a friendly a smile
On the other end of the room Kurt had an unreadable expression but then he caught Blaine's eyes and smiled there is that smile again Blaine smiled in returned and waited for Mr. Schue to say something
"I guess I speak for everyone when I say... WELCOME TO GLEE CLUB" everybody cheered and Blaine made his way to his seat next to Kurt "Mucho gracias, Blaine" Blaine looked at the teacher with a confused expression was he trying to say what I think he was trying to say?
In that moment Kurt leaned closer to him and said "He's the Spanish teacher here. Even though I know nothing about Spanish, I can tell he said that one wrong, didn't he?"
At this Blaine laughed a little "Yeah, he said it wrong, I can't believe he is the Spanish teacher"
"Maybe you should apply for the job" Kurt giggled... Giggled Blaine was so caught up in his head that he almost forgot to answer
"Oh no, I wouldn't do that to him" and with that they went back to Glee practice and out of the invisible bubble they had, unconsciously, created around them. Blaine sent a quick text to his mom telling her about Glee and how he would be a little later than planned and smiled. This is good. I can't wait to tell the guys.
Two hours later Kurt was still in shock after the performance he had just witnessed, this guy is going to be the death of me. He picked up his satchel and started walking out to his car when he heard footsteps coming towards him
"Kurt, wait up!" Kurt turned around and found Blaine running towards him "Hey, I wanted to ask you something" He looked nervous, why was he nervous?
"yeah sure, what's up?" He is not going to ask me THAT, stop making stuff up in your head!
"Do you know when are the football- I mean SOCCER tryouts?" wait what? Blaine was asking him, Kurt Hummel, about sports?! That was crazy, Kurt laughed. He regretted it a few seconds later, because Blaine looked like he had just stepped on a cat's tail
"I'm sorry; I'm not used to people asking me about sports. I'm not into them, you know?" Kurt said after his fit of laughter
"Ah Perdon- I mean, sorry. I just want to tryout... to have some other extracurricular, besides, glee is only Tuesday and Thursday, I need more distraction" Blaine said laughing a little at his awkwardness
"Don't apologize" I like it when you speak Spanish Kurt wanted to say but, for obvious reasons he didn't.
"Yeah well, maybe tomorrow" Blaine sighted but then looked up again "by the way, how was the rest of your day, you know, after this morning I got worried that that was going to happen again" He raised his hand and rubbed the back of his neck why are you acting so flustered Chico, get it together
"Oh..." Kurt was speechless, was he really worried? "No it didn't happen again, but you don't have to worry" Kurt didn't know where to hide, he was pretty sure he was tomato blushing right now
"That's good, I really don't like that gorilla cabeza de pollo- Sorry again, I'm not used to NOT speaking Spanish, at least a few words" Blaine noticed Kurt's blush and it was ABSOLUTELY adorable "Okay so, I'm glad! Hey, you didn't tell me what you thought of my audition" Blaine teased
I didn't because the words I had to describe it, were not appropriate "Uhm it was great. I've never heard that song before but it seems like a song I would love to dance to" wait what? "You definitely made it work in your favor. What was up with the dancing though?" stupid, stupid
Now was Blaine's turn to blush "Eeeerrr I don't know, it felt right and every time we sang that, we would just... dance along. When you live in San Juan, the dancing just... creeps into your bones" he chuckled
"Oh well, that was very... Latin, to say the least. I enjoyed it" that's better
"I'm glad" They stared into each other's eyes (unconsciously) until Blaine snapped out of it "Oh I have to go now, I promised the guys I would call today after school so I better go, and I'm HUUUNNNGRY! This cafeteria food sucks, gonna make myself some REAL food" Blaine laughed and Hugged Kurt
I can get used to these hugs Wait- "You cook?" Kurt asked once Blaine pulled away. He nodded and smiled
"Yeah, I can cook a mean Ecuadorean Ceviche! It's the best thing in the world" Blaine replied excitedly
"I've never had that... is it any good?" very smooth
"DIOS MIO! How have you been living??" Blaine faked offense "It's...HEAVEN. It's official, I'm gonna make you some. You can't say no. what do you say.... Friday, after school?" Blaine seemed very serious about it so Kurt couldn't say no, besides, how could he reject a date with Blaine- no! It's not a date, obviously.
"uhm, yeah sure" Kurt said with a smile
"Okay" Blaine said while waving and he began walking towards the exit and into the parking lot. It was not a date, of course not! It's too soon He unlocked his car and climbed inside, then drove to his house. He had a big smile on his face the entire ride. He survived his first day of school and met the most amazing guy. I love this country
Kurt watched as Blaine got inside a black Camaro and drove away. Today started with the wrong foot, but it, somehow, ended in an amazing Blain- WAY, amazing way.
He didn't see Finn around so he went to his Navigator and drove home with a grin on his face. He couldn't wait to Skype with Mercedes and tell her everything- NO! I can't tell anyone because it's not something worth telling, it's not even a date. He just wants me to try a dish and get me out of my 'Latin American food blindfold' Kurt battled with himself the entire ride but could only hope for the best.
Blaine arrived home and went straight to his room to put on some comfortable clothes and then start on his meal. He knows his way around the kitchen and that salad he ate at school didn't satisfy his appetite, so he decided to make some Tostones with Rice and bacon, that is food
Once his dish was done he grabbed his laptop from the coffee table and logged in on Skype to see if any of the guys was online. Indeed, Rafael had just logged in as well, so he video called him
"Blaine Chico!! How are you?" The brunette said to his friend with a smile.
"RAFAA! Hey, I'm good but how about you?" Blaine was so happy to see his friend again. Yeah, it had only been 2 days but they had never gone a day without hanging out, even when Blaine was grounded they would visit him and swim in his pool-
"I'm actually with the guys right now, hang on" and after a few minutes the door to Rafael's room opened and 2 tanned guys came inside with Rafael behind. "HOLA CHICO!! How are the Americans treating you?" Jose yelled and they all laughed
"They are okay" Blaine said unable to stop his smile from widening
"oooooooohhhhh!" The Puerto Ricans teased "Did someone meet a nice American ass already?"
Blaine laughed "Uhm yeah... I mean I only get to see it when I turn my head but, yeah. I can't believe it took me this long to realized how nice my ass is" He winked and the guys gave him 'A look' and then broke into a fit of laughter
"No but seriously hombre! Who is it?" Mario asked very intrigued, they definitely knew him very well
"Nu-uh, I called to say I miss you and that I will be expecting you in the summer or before so we can hang out here! That's all! Bye" Blaine teased them and the guys just whined
"buuuuut Blainey!! Ugh fine! We are getting ready to go to the beach party so... SEE YA NIGGA" Mario said and with that he was off the screen
"Oh I miss those parties!! GUESS WHAT? Today I auditioned for the choir and sang...... drum roll please...... OUR SONG" Blaine said almost jumping from his barstool in the kitchen island.
"NO WAY!! Blainers!!! I bet they let you in the second you started singing" Rafael exclaimed very excited and happy for his friend
"They did enjoyed it, but I finished the song and THEN they let me in" Blaine replied and brought one of the Tostones to his mouth
"That's loco chico! Oh, we have to go, the girls are waiting! Have fun Blainey! And don't too many Tostones man, you'll get fat" Jose joked and the three guys laughed
"Okay guys! Have fun and send me pictures of the party, si? Chao!" Blaine said and the remaining two latinos on the screen nodded and waved goodbye
"Aw I miss them" Blaine said to the empty air of his house. He decided to log in on Facebook just to check what was up with his friends and the party. A sudden thought popped into his head and decided to go for the kill, what is the worst thing that could happen? So he did it...
Kurt had just log in on Facebook when he saw a friend request well, that doesn't happen very often. He clicked on the little weird icon and his breath got caught in his throat. He thought for a second, if maybe it was his mind playing him some tricks, but NO. IT WAS REAL. He accepted it and went back to his feed I'm not gonna stalk him... right now
Blaine Anderson (El Chico)
Great first day as a senior! Got to meet so many awesome people! Thank you for helping me out... you!
Holy mother of grilled cheesus was that for him? "Oh my..." he didn't comment on it... no, that'd be too stalkerish. Kurt logged off and lied on his bed for what it felt like hours. The last thing he saw before going to sleep were some warm, liquid-honey eyes and a bright smile. Oh Boy... he had it bad.