Mad World
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Mad World: Chapter 4

T - Words: 2,807 - Last Updated: Jun 03, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Mar 13, 2012 - Updated: Jun 03, 2012
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Author's Notes: For this chapter listen to We Are Scientists - After Hours
Two weeks had passed since that Saturday night when Kurt went to Westerville and visited the infamous coffee shop. Maybe saying that two weeks had absolutely dragged would be more appropriate. At least for Kurt Hummel.

When he came home that night, he had decides to forget about the boy. Forget his beautiful voice, forget his eyes and forget that smile on his lips. What Kurt Hummel was doing? Completely opposite. First he didn’t notice that his forgetting process just kept him remembering the boy more and more. That his plan wasn’t working, Kurt finally understood when he found himself listening to the song he had heard boy singing.

By now Kurt knew every word in it. He was trying to understand and feel it. Kurt couldn’t forget the look in mysterious boy’s eyes while he sung. He had seemed so sad that even just a memory of it made Kurt’s heart ache.

After the first week, when Kurt finally understood that the image of his new – found infatuation just won’t magically disappear, he had fought with the idea to return to the Westerville. Kurt wasn’t the stalker type, but that’s exactly how he felt right now. He couldn’t stop thinking about some random guy he had seen in a coffee shop two hours away from his home. And the guy was straight. And anything, but random.

So after a two week long struggle Kurt decided – on the Saturday night he’s going to Westerville. Chances that the boy will be there again were really low, but the possibility to hear his voice just one more time inspired Kurt to go. It’s going to be the first and the last time I’m returning there, he told himself.

Two weeks had passed also for Blaine Anderson. He had spent them studying, going to Warbler practices and performing in Somewhere Only We Know. And occasionally thinking about that beautiful boy he had seen that one night.

Blaine couldn’t get him out of his head. He had secretly hoped to see him again during his little week – end performances, but he eventually gave up. Maybe that boy didn’t even live in Westerville, but was just driving through and decided to have a coffee break? This thought made Blaine sad. He wished he had gone over the boy and said hi or maybe even started a small chat, but he had been too scared.

Blaine was outgoing and extrovert on stage. It was his comfort zone. Music made him feel invincible and superior to the rest of the world. He felt the same in Dalton where everyone knew and accepted him. Real world was something completely different. He had learned his lesson in the previous school. Outside of Dalton’s safe walls was the world that didn’t want him, but that boy… And the look in his eyes. Blaine had seen something familiar in them and he couldn’t get that sight out of his head.

It was Saturday again. As usual Elise came to visit Blaine. Even if he had offered to go to cinema or shopping, or do whatever Elise wanted, she always refused assuring Blaine that he had to go and sing. She knew how much her brother loved performing and she loved to listen to him just as much.

When she was little, Blaine sung to her all the time. Whenever Elise was sad, Blaine was next to her singing something to cheer her up. When she had nightmares, he had sat with her at night and whispered quiet melody. Even if their age difference is only two years, he had always perfectly played his role as the big brother. And Elise couldn’t imagine anything better.

When they arrived at Somewhere Only We Know, Blaine looked all around the room hoping to find those familiar eyes, but nothing. He was searching for them every time he entered the coffee shop, but each of these times has been unsuccessful. Blaine sighed and went to sit next to the piano. Tonight he wanted to do something different, so he had taken his guitar with him.

Elise sat on the couch that slowly became her usual place and listened how her brother’s voice filled the room accompanied with a soft guitar strumming.

“I’ll be at Mercedes’ tonight,” said Kurt when leaving the house on the Saturday. He felt bad about lying to his dad, but he also didn’t want to leave him worrying, that Kurt was driving to Westerville all alone. Burt knew that Kurt wasn’t a baby anymore, but, nevertheless he was nervous about his son.

Kurt hadn’t said anything about his plans to Mercedes. He knew that the girl was busy tonight, so she couldn’t just show up at his door. She had found herself a date and Kurt was really happy about her. Mercedes deserved some nice guy next to her.

Kurt left house at 4:00 pm, because drive to Westerville took so much time.

When he arrived at the coffee shop, Kurt didn’t know what to expect. On one hand he was angry with himself for giving in the temptation and actually coming over here. Kurt felt like he just didn’t learn from his mistakes. On the other hand, he was full with excitement merely thinking about the possibility to see and hear that beautiful boy again.

Kurt entered the coffee shop and ordered himself a hot chocolate. Caffeine wasn’t exactly what his nerves needed right now. Kurt entered the room behind the heavy, read curtains… and there he was. Sitting on a chair next to the piano, guitar in his hands. He was playing some melody Kurt didn’t recognize, a look of absolute bliss on his face.

Kurt sat next to the fireplace enjoying the warmth that radiated from there. He slowly sipped his hot chocolate and enjoyed the music sometimes letting his eyes gaze over the boy. God, he was beautiful.

Music always made Blaine feel better, so after a couple of songs he was smiling and happily played his beloved guitar. It was a gift from his parents on his 14th birthday. Time when the world still seemed innocent; and this guitar reminded him of those happy memories.

Blaine finished the song and looked at his audience. Everyone in the room seemed really enjoying themselves and Blaine was glad that some part of that was his credit. His eyes traveled over everyone in the room and suddenly stopped, making his heart skip a beat.

There, in the corner next to the fireplace, sat that boy. He was smiling and clapping, but his eyes were lit up by a bright spark. Blaine couldn’t hold his smile anymore as their eyes met across the room. He turned his attention back to the guitar in his hands and started strumming it.

This door is always open
This door is always open
No one has the guts to shut us out
But if we have to go now
I guess there’s always hope that
Some place will be serving after hours

This night is winding down but
Time means nothing
As always at this hour
Time means nothing
One final final round cos
Time means nothing,
Say that you’ll stay
Say that you’ll stay

Elise smiled widely while watching her brother. He looked so happy and relaxed. She also noticed that his eyes turned to the room more often, so she followed his gaze. What she saw was a lonely boy sitting across the room and not tearing his eyes away from her brother.

She remembered already seeing him once. And she also remembered that he had caught Blaine’s eyes before. Elise was simply smart enough not to question her brother after that night. She knew that he was upset about something because if his song choice and she didn’t want to push the subject even further by starting to ask about some unfamiliar boy. Dating and romance were the topics Blaine always avoided. Of course, he had his reasons, but Elise didn’t like his secluded nature.

We’re finally drunk enough that
We’re finally soaking up
The hours that everyone else throws away
And if we have to go now
I guess there’s always hope,
Tomorrow night will be more of the same
This night is winding down but
Time means nothing
As always at this hour
Time means nothing
One final final round cos
Time means nothing
Say that you’ll stay
Say that you’ll stay
Say that you’ll stay

Elise kept watching the boy silently. He seemed oblivious to anything and anyone in the world, his full attention turned to Blaine.

We’re all right where we’re supposed to be
We’re all right where we’re supposed to be
We’re all right where we’re supposed to be
Time means nothing
We’re all right where we’re supposed to be
Time means nothing

This door is always open
This door is always open
No one has the guts to shut us out
No one has the guts to shut us out
Time means nothing
Time means nothing
One final final round coz
Time means nothing
Say that you’ll stay
Say that you’ll stay
Say that you’ll stay

The song was over and Blaine looked at the cheering audience again. When he turned to his right, he saw Elise standing next to him with a questioning expression on her face.

�Is it too late already? You want to go home?” Blaine asked.

Elise shook her head, �No, no, I’m more interested who’s that lovely boy you’ve been looking at half of the night.”
Blaine was taken aback and simply stared at his sister with wide eyes. Was he that obvious? Did anyone else saw that? Is that boy freaking out right now and thinking that Blaine is creepy?

�I... I don’t understand what you mean,” Blaine stuttered, putting his guitar back in its case. Apparently tonight was over.

�Oh, come on, Blaine, I saw you looking at him tonight... and that other night...” she finished silently.
Blaine was now blushing. He kept silent not knowing what to say.

�Why don’t you go and talk to him? He seems nice and interested in you, too.”

�I... Why are you doing this, El? Don’t you remember what happened with Jeffrey?” Blaine whispered and squeezed his eyes shut when saying that name, �I can’t do this again.”

Elise squeezed his hand gently, �Jeffrey is a jerk and didn’t deserve a single sight from you. But that doesn’t mean that you have to lock yourself away from the rest of the world. Go and say hi to this guy. That won’t hurt you.”

Blaine sighed again, “And if I go, what could I possibly say to him?”

�You’re a smart guy, you’ll figure something out,” Elise smiled at her brother.

Blaine put on his best Warbler smile and made his way over to the boy who was already leaving. He had gathered all his stuff except a scarf that was lying on the couch and now he was making his way to the thick curtains that separated the room from the rest of the coffee shop.

Blaine quickly picked up the scarf and rushed after the boy. He caught him up at the door and gently tapped his shoulder. The boy turned to him.

What Blaine saw, left his mouth hanging open. The boy was definitely the most beautiful creature Blaine had ever seen. His skin was flawlessly pale and his eyes sparkled in so many shades. He looked completely taken aback staring right in Blaine’s eyes.

“Hmm… you… you forgot your scarf,” Blaine said handing it to the boy who was still looking at Blaine like he had been struck by lightning.

“Thank you,” the boy mumbled reaching out for the scarf, but Blaine was still holding it firmly in his hand, not noticing that the other kid was already holding it.

“Can you … can you just give it to me?” the boy whispered one more time.

“Oh, sorry, of course! It’s yours,” Blaine stuttered. He still couldn’t turn away from this magnificent human being in front of him. It’s now or never, Blaine thought to himself, before speaking up again, “My name’s Blaine.”

“I’m Kurt,” boy replied finally taking his scarf from Blaine’s hands.

“Nice to meet you, Kurt,” Blaine smiled at him, “I saw you watching my performance tonight. Did you enjoy it?”

“Yes, I loved it,” Kurt replied blushing at his forwardness. “It actually wasn’t my first time listening to your singing,” he confessed.

“I know, I remember seeing you that one night before.” Did that sounded creepy? Blaine immediately thought to himself.

“Hey, Blaine, who’s your friend?” asked Elise who was now standing next. None of the boys saw how she had come.

“Oh, I didn’t notice you there!” Blaine said surprised. “This is Kurt, but we’re –“

“Hi, Kurt, I’m Elise, Blaine’s sister!” she announced cheerfully, reaching her hand out to the new boy who was looking completely confused.

Kurt looked taken aback. She was his sister? “Nice to meet you, too, Elise,” Kurt smiled at her composing himself and shaking her hand. “So...hmm… thanks for the scarf. I’ll probably go now,” he mumbled turning to the exit.

“Kurt, wait! Would you mind to stay a bit, drink coffee or something,” Blaine blurted out, trailing off at the end absolutely unsure of what he was doing.

“Yeah, it sounds nice,” Kurt responded shyly.

With a hand gesture Blaine invited Kurt return back to the room. Elise continued to make her way towards the exit.

“Where are you going?” Blaine asked her.

“I’ll better go home. I still have tons of homework and stuff. Don’t want to leave everything for the last moment,” she said, winking at Blaine who looked terrified being left alone with Kurt.

And with that she walked out of the door.

Blaine found Kurt sitting by the fireplace. Blaine joined him and handed a cup of coffee. Kurt looked at it unsure whether to accept it or not.

“Don’t worry, this one’s on the house,” Blaine assured him.

“Your parents own this place?” younger boy asked surprised.

“No,” Blaine laughed, “my best friend’s parents does. That’s why I’m allowed to play here whenever I want and get a free coffee sometimes.”

“Oh,” was all Kurt said, not looking up from his coffee.

“I haven’t seen you around here. You live in Westerville?” Blaine asked trying to keep the conversation going.

“No, I’m from Lima. I came here to – “ Kurt started but stopped before he had said something inappropriate, “Yeah, I’m from Lima.”

Blaine smiled at the other boy’s struggle. “I’m from Lima, too, but I go to the Dalton Academy, so I could say I live here,” he explained.

“Really?” Kurt seemed interested and dared to finally look at his new acquaintance. “And why did you decide to study so far away from home?”

Now it was Blaine’s turn to break the eye contact. Somehow this conversation was starting to go the unwanted way.

“I had some personal reasons,” he finally answered hoping that Kurt won’t push the subject. “Besides Dalton’s study program is much better than the most public schools,” he added.

“I know what you mean. I go to McKinley High in Lima and the only good thing there is the Glee club,” Kurt said bitterly.

“So you’re a singer, too?” Blaine raised an eyebrow at him. This boy truly was unusual.

“Yes, our Glee club is called New Directions,” younger boy told him.

“Oh, if I’m not wrong, we’re going to compete against you at the Sectionals. I’m from the Warblers, Dalton’s Glee club.”

“So that’s why I thought your school’s name sounded familiar,” Kurt answered thoughtfully, “We got our competition regulation last week and the Warblers were mentioned at the participant list.”

“Then prepare for the war!” Blaine warned him dramatically causing Kurt to laugh. Oh God, even his laughter was beautiful. Concentrate, Blaine!

“Wow, look at the time!” Kurt suddenly exclaimed. “It’s really nice to talk to you, but I must leave now to be at home on time. I didn’t actually tell my dad where I’m going.”

Blaine tried to hide the sadness in his eyes. He had finally gotten an opportunity to talk to this fascinating boy and now he wanted to leave. Maybe it’s just an excuse to get away from me? Blaine thought to himself.

“Thanks for the coffee, Blaine,” Kurt told him, “It’s much better than the one we get in Lima.”

“You’re welcome,” the other boy answered smiling. “Hmm.. Kurt,” he started to speak while Kurt was putting the scarf around his neck, “Will we see each other at Sectionals? I mean not like rivals, but… you know, before or after the competition?” Blaine asked struggling with words. He had wanted to say friends, but wasn’t sure if they could be called friends after two night of staring at each other and a small chat over a coffee.

“Sure, that would be nice,” Kurt agreed, blushing slightly. “So, see you next week, Blaine.” And with that Kurt walked out, trying very hard not to look back at the other boy.

That night Kurt Hummel drove home smiling, because he couldn’t hold back his joy. The beautiful, talented boy, who didn’t have a girlfriend (or boyfriend, at least Kurt hoped so) had talked to him over a coffee and even wanted to see him again.


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