Mad World
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Mad World: Chapter 12

T - Words: 2,187 - Last Updated: Jun 03, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Mar 13, 2012 - Updated: Jun 03, 2012
1,252 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: This is my favourite chapter so far. I really like how the ending scene turned out.
Since early childhood Christmas has been Kurt’s favourite holiday. In the morning he would wake up early and decorate the house with his mum. Then his dad would bring home the Christmas tree and they’d decorate it together. Later little Kurt would help his mum bake the gingerbreads and make dinner. In the evening they would sat around the fireplace, while his mum would play the piano and Kurt would sing Christmas songs.

Then came the year, when everything changed. Suddenly Christmas felt so empty and all the magic was lost. Burt had still tried to lift up the Christmas spirit in Kurt, but it seemed like a part of that had gone with his mother.
Over the next year things slowly got better and on the next Christmas Burt went out of his way to cheer up Kurt and make thing at least somewhat normal. He even tried to bake the gingerbreads, but after failing miserably Kurt had shooed him out of the kitchen and baked the cookies himself. Burt had still stayed in the safe nearness, because he couldn’t trust a 10 year old in the kitchen, but Kurt hadn’t burnt anything and his gingerbreads were perfect.

Now, seven years later, Christmas Eve will be special again. It will be the first time in many years when there won’t be only Burt and his son. They will be normal family again. Kurt had explained the importance of house decorations and he also forbade Carole to bake the gingerbreads. Not to be mean or anything like that. It simply had become his special thing. This year Kurt suddenly felt like a kid again.

It was 28th of December. You could literally feel the ending of the year in the air. It was also exactly a week after the Warbler movie night and almost a week since Kurt had seen Blaine last. They still chatted in Facebook and Blaine even called Kurt to wish merry Christmas on 25th of December, but that wasn’t the same.

From time to time Kurt thought about Blaine. He thought what’s Blaine doing, is he playing some Christmas songs on grand piano in his basement or is he sitting alone in his room and watching a movie. Maybe he’s out with Elise. Kurt also thought about Blaine’s family. Did they have any Christmas traditions together with their son? Did his mum ever baked gingerbreads or let Blaine do it?

On 28th of December, Kurt was lying in his bed, drinking hot cacao and reading a fashion magazine, when suddenly his phone beeped, indicating that new text message had arrived.

Hey, are you busy today? –Blaine

Kurt’s heart started to beat faster and a smile found its way to his lips.

No, I’m just enjoying a lazy day. You had something in mind? – Kurt

Less than a minute later a reply came.

Maybe you want to hang out? – B

Sure! – K

I’ll pick you up in 20 min :) –B

Kurt read the last message and immediately jumped to his feet. He had only 20 minutes to get ready. Kurt glanced in the mirror. Today he was wearing white jeans and a dark blue cardigan over a shirt that was a few tones lighter. Even staying at home Kurt made sure he looked presentable. He judged his outfit from head to toes and decided that this will do. He didn’t really have enough time to plan something new anyway. Then Kurt rushed into the bathroom and fixed his hair.

Coming downstairs he announced his plans to his dad. Burt eyed Kurt skeptically, but seeing how happy his son was, he allowed Kurt to go.

“Bye, dad!” Kurt shouted wrapping a red scarf around his neck and running out the doors.

In the exact moment when Kurt left the house, Blaine pulled over at his driveway. Kurt happy went to the car and got inside.

“Hey, Kurt!” Blaine greeted him first.

“Hi!” Kurt smiled. “So what was your amazing plan?”

“Actually there really wasn’t a plan, I just wanted to get out of the house,” Blaine explained with a guilty look in his eyes. “How about coffee?” he offered.

“Okay,” Kurt smiled. “And somebody said they don’t have an addiction,” he smirked at Blaine.

They stopped at small caf� in Lima. It wasn’t very fancy or elegant. Blaine chose it simply because he knew it was never really full of people, so he and Kurt could sit there untroubled.

Both boys ordered their drinks and sat down at one of the tables.

“How did you spend your Christmas?” Blaine asked when they had made themselves comfortable.

“It was great,” Kurt answered cheerfully. “I had forgotten how it was to be with family. Not that I didn’t feel like a family with dad, it’s just this time there was also Finn and Carole and we – “

“I understand, Kurt,” Blaine smiled gently.

“And how was your Christmas?” the younger boy asked carefully.

“Not so bad, I guess?” Blaine half asked, half stated. “We had Christmas dinner, parents talked to me a bit; nothing major, just asked about Dalton and I told them about my performances in coffee shop. Everything to avoid the big, scary subject about my sexuality,” he laughed sadly at this, “like ignoring it would make it disappear.”

“I’m sorry, Blaine,” Kurt whispered.

“Oh, don’t be!” Blaine assured him. “This year was much better than the previous one. My grandparents came to spend Christmas with us and kept asking me questions about girls and dating. You see, my parents forbade me to tell them the truth. Nobody knows how they would react to these news.”

“I’m – “

“Don’t even try to say you’re sorry, Kurt. You better than anyone else know that this isn’t something that can be changed. I’m fine. I did my part of crying in the past.”

There was silence again.

“I got a letter from New York,” Blaine spoke up fighting a smile that threatened to break out in his face.

“What was it about?” Kurt asked truly intrigued.

“They want me to come to an audition on February. If they’ll like me, I’ll get a full scholarship.”

“Oh my God, Blaine! I’m so happy for you! Congratulations!” Kurt literally screamed his voice going super high.

“Thanks, Kurt!” Blaine laughed. “I’m just so happy that they even considered my candidature. Even if I don’t get the scholarship, it’s a dream come true for me – “

“Don’t be silly, Blaine! No one deserves that scholarship more than you.” Kurt interrupted him.

“I’m worried that they will take my parent’s financial situation into the consideration. I can afford paying for my studies, so maybe the University will see it as a waste of a scholarship…” the older boy shrugged unsure of his own words.

“Look at me, Blaine,” Kurt demanded. He waited for the boy to raise his head and look him in the eyes and placed his hand over Blaine’s before continuing, “You’re so talented. It’s a pity that you can’t see yourself when you’re performing. That look in your eyes… it’s like you’re born to be there on that stage. You’re born for music, Blaine. They don’t care how much money you may or may not have. They care only for you talent; and I’ll quote myself, no one deserves that scholarship more than you.”

Blaine looked at Kurt unable to form a sentence or take his eyes away from the boy. He couldn’t comprehend that someone could believe in him so much. Yes, his parents weren’t against his music career, they would even be willing to pay for the university. Can’t allow the shame of their son living in a poverty, Blaine sarcastically thought to himself. But this boy before him… this boy, for the first time in Blaine’s life, made him truly believe in himself.

“Thank you,” Blaine whispered unable to say anything more.

Kurt didn’t say anything; he simply smiled at the boy in front of him.

“Did you finish your coffee?” Blaine asked finding his voice again.
“Yes, we can go, if you want,” Kurt answered, picking up his coat from the chair.

On their way back, boys chatted about their New Year Eve’s plans and expectations for the net year. When they arrived at the Hummel – Hudson house, Blaine also got out of the car after Kurt.

“Wait, Kurt,” he said. “I wanted to give you something.”

Kurt turned to look at Blaine. He was absolutely confused. What could Blaine want to give him?

“It’s… it’s a Christmas gift,” Blaine smiled brightly holding a small, red package in his hands.

Kurt looked at it with horror in his eyes. “Blaine, you shouldn’t have. Really! I have nothing for you, I’m so – “

“Don’t try to tell you’re sorry!” Blaine warned him calmly. “I give Christmas presents to all my friends in Warblers, and you’re my friend, too. I just hope you’ll like it. Merry Christmas!” he said handing the parcel to Kurt.

The younger boy stepped forward and reached for his present.

“Wrap it out! I want to see if you like it,” Blaine said shyly.

Kurt’s hands were trembling as he tried to open the paper carefully. When he finally managed to open it, Kurt saw a piece of clothe inside. He slowly took it out and saw it was a scarf. A beautiful, soft, turquoise scarf.

“Thank you, Blaine,” Kurt said in awe, looking at the older boy. “It’s perfect!”

Blaine, who had been holding his breathe for all the time while Kurt was opening the present, looked relieved now and smiled.

“I’ve noticed that you love wearing scarves, but I’ve never seen you have one is this colour. I thought that it will suit your eyes,” he whispered the last words, suddenly standing too close to Kurt. He looked in Kurt’s eyes and his breath got caught in the throat.

Kurt noticed the small distance between them and tensed up. His heart was beating faster than ever and all coherent thoughts had left his mind. “I love it,” he whispered, not taking his eyes away from Blaine’s.

And before Kurt could step back or even inhale, he felt soft lips pressing to his own. Blaine’s lips. At the exact moment his heart skipped a beat only to restart again in double speed. Blaine slowly moved his lips against Kurt’s and the younger boy wasn’t able to form any thought in his mind. In the moment when Blaine kissed him, whole world disappeared for Kurt, leaving only two of them standing on his snowy driveway. Absent - mindedly Kurt raised his right hand and put it on the back of Blaine’s neck, pulling the boy closer, wanting to enjoy every microsecond of this for the eternity.

Unfortunately Blaine pulled away as sudden as he had leaned in. His mouth was slightly open as he looked at Kurt in terror.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered shaking his head. “I’m so sorry.”

Kurt looked at Blaine completely baffled, he was unable to move. Just a second before world had seemed perfect and beautiful, but suddenly everything was falling apart.

“Blaine, what are you…”

“I’m so sorry, Kurt. I can’t believe I did this to you,” Blaine continued to apologize, tears forming in his eyes. “I’m so sorry.” He backed away until reached his car and got in. Once in his car, Blaine simply drove away, leaving Kurt petrified.

All this time Kurt stood like he was frozen. His brain had shut off at the moment when Blaine’s lips had touched his and they still weren’t working. Suddenly the harsh realization came crushing down on him as Kurt looked at the scarf he was still holding in his left hand. Blaine had just rejected him. His eyes immediately filled with tears blurring his gaze as Kurt felt his heart shuttering to pieces. His whole body started to tremble when tears began to fall openly over his cheeks.

“Kid, what are you doing there?” Kurt heard his dad’s voice from the behind.

Burt had noticed Kurt standing alone in the driveway and went out to look what was going on. When he approached his son, he saw the boy bursting into tears.

“Kurt, what’s going on?” He asked worriedly.

“Blaine…” was all the boy could get over his lips as he started to sob.

Burt clutched his fists in anger and looked at his crying son. “Did that boy hurt you?” he asked in a low voice. “If he did something to you, I’ll go after him in a second and – “

“No, dad, please no,” Kurt gasped out through his tears. “It’s my fault. It’s my entire fault,” he sobbed.

Burt wrapped his arms around his son and led him towards the door. “Let’s get you inside,” he quietly told Kurt.

Inside they were greeted by Carole who looked at both men in horror.

“Kurt, what happened?” she exclaimed, looking at Burt helplessly, but her husband just shook his head.

“Talk to us, Kurt,” Carole stroked boys head gently. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Don’t,” Kurt shook his head violently. “Please, just…please just leave me alone,” he managed to say through his tears. “I want to be alone,” he continued to whisper, breaking out of his fathers hands and heading up the stairs.


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Oh my god...I am can Blaine leave? OH NO...I hope there will be a new chapter soon, so we (I) can understand what's up with Blaine.

I'm sorry for making you cry, but at the same time I'm really happy that I was able to create such emotions in you with this chapter. Thank you for your review :)