Mad World
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Mad World: Chapter 9

T - Words: 1,684 - Last Updated: Jun 03, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Mar 13, 2012 - Updated: Jun 03, 2012
1,162 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Nothing much happens in this chapter, but it's necessary for the plot line.
“So let me get this straight – a supposedly beautiful boy that you may have a crush on, sings a song to you saying that “he wants to hold your hand and be your man” and you don’t do anything about it?!” Wes looked at Blaine in disbelief raising his voice with every word.

They were sitting in the music room, waiting for the last few Warblers to arrive for the rehearsal which was due to start in about 15 minutes. Blaine had just told Wes about Saturday and it seemed that his friend had a very different opinion about how Blaine should have handled the situation.

“Could you, please speak more quietly?! I don’t need everyone knowing about this!” Blaine hissed.

“Knowing about what?” Jeff asked as he collapsed onto the couch next to Blaine.

Blaine turned to glare at Wes, who was shaking his head at Blaine’s apparent stupidity.

“Some guy totally serenaded Blaine with “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” but he is being completely oblivious and refuses to make a move even though he clearly has a massive crush on this mystery boy.” Wes explained, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

“Then what’s the problem? Dude, if you like the guy ask him out! Better than sitting here moping to Wesley of all people, I wouldn’t exactly rely on his romantic knowledge; he’s had what, four dates in his life? Look, this kid clearly likes you, and if Wes is to be believed and you have a crush on him too, well, why miss your chance?”

“But I don’t have a crush on him! At least, I don’t think I do, why can’t everyone just leave me to make my own decisions!?” Blaine yelled, frustrated. “What if I just don’t want to mess up our friendship by doing something stupid?! ”

“No need to raise your voice,” Wes looked affronted.

“Mess up what friendship? Does Blaine have a secret boyfriend?” asked Nick, as he struggled into the room with a stack of sheet music.

“Oh, for God’s sake! I told you, Wes!” Blaine cried. “Stop treating my personal life as a subject for public discussion!”

“Will somebody tell me what’s going on?” Nick looked between them confused.

“I’m sure Wes will be happy to fill you in, I’m leaving.” Blaine muttered darkly as he stood up and started to make his way out of the room.

“Blaine, wait!” Wes called after him, also getting to his feet. “We just wanted to help. We’re your friends. Plus, you know we can’t have a rehearsal without our lead singer.”

“Right, so you only need me here for my voice? Nice guys.” Blaine sounded disappointed.

“Come on, you know that it’s not true,” Jeff went over to Blaine and put a hand on his shoulder. “Warblers are a family, so we look out for each other.”

Blaine looked at Jeff and then to the other boys. He sighed and turned back, flopping back in his previous position on the couch. “I swear, you lot gossip like old women” he said glancing around at them.

“Yeah, but you’re acting like a little girl!” Nick remarked. For that he earned an angry glare from Blaine and punch in the arm from Wes. “Okay! Okay, I’m sorry,” he apologized, rubbing his arm.

“Blaine, we really want to help you. You deserve to be happy, you know. But you have to go out and pursue happiness, and you’re letting it go!” Wes spoke, leaning across to pat Blaine on the shoulder.

“Can somebody tell me what’s going on?” Nick whispered to Jeff.

“I met a boy,” Blaine started and everyone immediately turned to him. “He’s funny and kind, and interesting. Also he has an amazing voice. And now Wes is trying to tell me that Kurt wants something more than just friendship, but I…” Blaine inhaled and then let it out slowly, “I guess I don’t know what I want. Sure, I want to be his friend, but… I’m scared to fall for him,” he confessed quietly.

“I’m scared that he won’t like me in that way, or at least that he will change his mind after I’ve let myself fall for him, and I won’t survive that. Or the other way round, if he does have feelings for me like Wes says then what if it turns out I can’t return them, I couldn’t live with myself knowing I’d hurt him like that.” By the end Blaine’s voice was barley a whisper.

There was silence in the common room. None of the boys were saying anything. Usually Blaine was very introvert and never let his feelings show, always covering them up with his polite, dapper demeanor. So now everyone was stunned by his confession.

“Oh, man…” Nick was the first one to say something.

Blaine looked at him already regretting spilling everything out like that.

“I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry, I’ll just go. The Warblers can handle one practice without me,” he said getting up, but Wes pushed him down on the couch again.

“Blaine, you must be blind or deaf to not understand what you just said. You clearly care about that Kurt much more than you let yourself admit. You can’t just wait for it to pass, because it won’t. Talk to him, Blaine,” Wes said, looking directly at Blaine who was desperately trying to avoid eye contact.

There was a moment of silence again.

“Invite him to our movie night!” Jeff suddenly suggested.

Warbler movie night had become a tradition for the boys. After all the term tests and exams we over they gathered in the common room and spent the night watching movies and mucking around. There were usually large amounts of junk food and music involved and it was their way of uniting everybody and celebrating the finished term. No one remembered who started this tradition, but no one wanted to stop it.

“What?” Blaine finally lifted his head. “What does the movie night have to do with any of this?”

“I thought it’s a nice idea,” Jeff shrugged. “Just ask him to hang out. Plus I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s curious about meeting this mysterious guy,” he laughed.

“But it’s a Warbler night. No one’s ever brought a friend with them,” Blaine said, confused.

“Yeah, because this friend has always been a girl and no one at school would allow that!” Nick protested. “Hey, guys, maybe I could say that Michele is my sister?”

“Been there, done that!” Jeff replied. “If no one ever believed me, you’ve no chance my friend!”

“But Elise comes to visit Blaine and no one has problems with that!” Nick protested.

“Yeah, because she actually IS Blaine’s sister and they look practically identical!” Wes interrupted the boys sounding a bit annoyed. “But we’re here to talk about Blaine. So what do you say about the movie night?” he turned his head in Blaine’s direction.

“That sounds nice; I’d love him to come. But you have to promise that none of you will say anything about this to others and will all mind your own business if Kurt actually comes,” Blaine warned them.

“We promise!” Wes answered, looking warningly at Jeff and Nick who just raised their hands in surrender.

Kurt Hummel spent the rest of the weekend brooding over the events of Saturday night. Did Blaine understand that the song was meant for him? Since he hadn’t said anything, probably not. Maybe Kurt had overstepped some boundaries? Blaine was very friendly, but maybe Kurt was so desperate that he had stupidly assumed that any boy who was nice to him, actually liked him.

Although these thoughts didn’t stop Kurt from talking to Blaine on Facebook (Blaine had added him first!) and exchanging phone numbers. Actually, after their conversation in Blaine’s car, both boys had started to open up to each other more and more. When Blaine had shared his story with Kurt, some walls had been broken down (if there ever were any at all) and they felt much more comfortable with each other. Kurt had told Blaine a bit about his experiences at school and the older boy was always willing to give him advice. Although Blaine never shared anything about his public school years, except for the fact that he was bullied, too.

It was late Monday evening, when Kurt was lying on his bed and struggling with a Spanish essay, that his phone suddenly started to ring. When boy looked at the screen, he couldn’t suppress the smile. Blaine

“Hello,” Kurt answered the phone.

“Hey, Kurt! Did I interrupt you? You weren’t sleeping, were you?” Blaine worried.

“No, no, I'm struggling with an essay. All this homework doesn’t let me sleep. Don’t worry,” Kurt replied.

“I know how you feel. Um...I was wondering…you can say no, of course, but still…I wanted to invite you to Warbler movie night. It’s a kind of a tradition we have, and I wondered if you would like to come.” Blaine said a bit too fast.

“Tradition? Isn’t it a Warblers only thing?” Kurt asked confused.

“We can invite friends,” Blaine explained. “Although it’s okay, if you don’t want to come,” he added quickly.

“No, Blaine! I would love to,” Kurt answered enthusiastically. Did Blaine just call me a friend and invite me to spend a whole night with him!? “But when is it? Since it’s almost the end of the term, there are loads of tests coming up.”

“You’re telling me! We have way more tests this term than we have had before, I’m so sick of studying!” Blaine laughed, causing Kurt’s heart to falter. “That’s why we have the movie night, it’s like an end of term party. It’s held after tests, a few days before Christmas, before everyone goes home for the holidays. Do you think you will be able to make it?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. I think it’s fine, I mean... yeah.” Kurt rambled.

“Okay, I’ll let the others know you are in, and I’ll text you with times and stuff. Night, Kurt. Good luck with your essay.”

“Thanks. Night, Blaine.,” Kurt answered before ending the call and falling back onto his bed, smiling from ear to ear. Did that seriously just happen?


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